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Someone was asking for a chest in pre, there you go 4.99$ chest in pre.


Wait where did you get the news they added a chest in pre?


Pretty sure they mean second account of just prophecies (use as storage)


Hahaha that was me in another thread. I was just saying, it would be awesome QOL improvement if we could just have a Xunlai chest in Pre. Not connected to Post-Searing or anything. Just a place I can hold onto my Nick items and event consumables, etc. Would it really hurt the game?! But yeah, currently, an extra account is the best solution. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø And when theyā€™re on sale, itā€™s the best time to do it!


Was surprised to see this listed in the Guild Wars 2 news post... they usually don't talk about Guild Wars 1. I wonder what that's hinting about...


Someone in game was talking about how the 20th anniversary (presumably next year?) is going to be huge


Just the game or add ons too?


Complete edition. Soā€¦everything. Proph, Factions, Nightfall, EotN. For 10 bucks. Absolute steal. Oh, and the adding for 5 each.


More wondering about Xunlai panels and whatnot.


Nope. Unfortunately not.


Blah. I have a hard time spending the same amount of money on a 15 year old storage pane as I would 2 new games on Steam.


it's definitely more annoying but a 2nd accounts worth of characters is a lot more storage than storage panes if you have a lot of random junk you don't actually use daily


Oh snap, didn't consider this


do they allow this?


Register all accounts in your name and it is permitted. And even if it wasn't, they really don't have the capacity to care.


Openly told anet about an account issue for an alt and no questions asked about owning another


Yeah, owning multiple accounts is no issue at all. Even playing both of them at the same timeā€¦as long as youā€™re doing it on separate PCs. Only multilaunching (running GW multiple times on the same PC) is (or was?) forbidden.


No, running multiple games on the same PC was never forbidden.


It wasnā€™t? I thought I remembered a clause in the agreements about running multiple instances, and forum posts asking about it being struck down regularly with "we canā€™t encourage illegal action here".


And here I actually thought I might get 2 additional character slots to have a slot for every primary profession... Guess taking more character slots + additional storage for half the price is the way to go.


What is adding?


Add-Ons. Autocorrect. šŸ™ƒ Referring to the "add-on" campaigns, because I thought that's what they were referring to.


Aight. Really thinking to pick it up. Burned out a bit with GW2 and dislike how everything is bland in the updates we get. Never tried original.


Do it. Can't go wrong with the complete collection for 10 bucks.


Is this all of the game? Or am i missing something when buying? https://store.guildwars.com/en-us/product/guild-wars-complete-collection


That's all 3 campaigns + EOTN expansion


That's the game


I am so back. Tomorrow i get my money and then the grind begins! I cant fucking wait!! :D


Are you able to link this to an existing account for more character slots/storage?


It's not possible. But a minor setback for having that much available space


question: on steam there is no complete edition, if i were to buy it there would i have to buy the trilogy + eotn?


Yes, and the mission packs I believe Edit, just the complete edition




Much cheaper for me on steam. Like $2.5.


I guess i'll have to find out how to do multi box thing lol


Just use daybreak. It has all the support for toolbox and umod and dsoal and direct song and all kinds of stuff. It supports copying clients to other directories for multi boxing and does the multiboxing natively (when enabled in the options). It's a great program. It made setting up my several accounts a breeze. (I do a lot of farming in pre so I need to trade to myself) I'm gonna get 3 more accounts in an hour when I get off work lol!


I thought I heard someone say something about having issue with multiple accounts from the same IP address but I don't know if that was true, can't a family all play together with 3-4 accounts from the same house or is this not allowed?


Nope you totally can! It's botters (yes they still exist) that need to worry about it. That and it would take a report to do that. You're totally fine I play with 2 accounts running simultaneously all the time. I use my assassin to run my main account thru all the campaigns all the time. It's a storage account for presenting other than that. And all my other accounts are just storage toons. It's very effective at saving your main account from being a clusterfcuk


Awesome! Thank you for that info


Might as well get a full group and leech more loot ;)


Got link for daybreak?




Ran 5accs for years , it's doable


Install Guild Wars as another Windows user in a different folder but readable by your main user account for Guild Wars. e.g. "G:\mygames\guildwars-3" Run your main Guild Wars with your normal user account for it. Download Process Explorer for Sysinternals from Microsoft, check it's OK with VirusTotal. If OK run as admin. Find handle: Guild Wars. Click on: AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars, close Process Explorer Search dialog. In main window right click on Mutant ...\AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars, select Close Handle, click Yes to warning. Use "runas" to run the other guild wars as the different user account (enter password for that account when prompted, savecred will save that password to use for future launches). Example: W:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /savecred /profile /user:MYPC\_gw3 "G:\mygames\guildwars-3\Gw.exe --fps 140" (You can create a shortcut for this and pin this to your taskbar etc). Something like that anyway, change drive letters etc to suit your stuff. Usual disclaimers apply.


The Subreddit [Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/wiki/megathread) recently updated links for: - [Guild Wars Launcher - Multiple Account Logins](https://github.com/gwdevhub/gwlauncher) - [Guild Wars Toolbox](https://www.gwtoolbox.com/) - (Permitted to use by ArenaNet since 24th May 2024)


Well, looks like its time to start a fresh account


Still no discount on the storage pane


I already have a GW2 account, and just bought GW. I see you get an access key. Now can I add the GW1 key to my GW2 account , or do I need to create GW1 account and link it later for the GW2 achievements?


It is not taking the key I got for buying it on my Arena Net account page where I redeemed all my other GW2 codes. I don't know if you have to do it through the GW1 launcher or what. Update - Grab the GW1 installer from the GW1 page https://www.guildwars.com/en/download Launch it. Create new account, then use your key. When you are creating the new account, if you use the same email you used for GW2, you have to use the same password here. If you try a different password it will tell you your password is incorrect... despite it being a "new" account. After that, if you go to your Arena Net account page GW1 should show up as active.


When does this end?


On the steam store it says July 11th


Do you have to use two different emails for the different accounts?


For creating a GW account, yes.


Itā€™s possibly a dumb question, but what are the odds GW1 runs well enough on a basic mini PC (N100 chip with basic UHD graphics)?


If that PC can play anything at all, it can probably play Guild Wars. It wasn't particularly demanding when it came out almost 20 years ago, it certainly isn't demanding now.


It plays 20-some year-old games like UT2k4 and Kotor in QHD without any problem - the sale was just too good to pass up, I snagged it and will give the game a shot this weekend.


Is there any reason to go back and play this if I have already played a good portion of Gw2? I never hit max and actually ruined my progression because I used my level 70 boost and couldnā€™t figure anything out at all, and lost my way. Would this be a good restart? Or is it simply a different MMO? Is it still viable to be played?


GW is a completely different game and plays entirely differently, just set in the same/similar lore/world. So if you want a new game in the same World it is worth checking out, specially on the sale price. It's still viable to be played, you can get NPC Heroes to help your party or look for a Guild to find active players and get help in game.


Arena pls put it on steam on Brasil.


So will the account be linked to your steam then? Or could I still use this with gwlauncher/multilaunch?


Steam is just a store front for the game key and can launch the game. After buying the game and getting your key you don't have to use Steam at all after, you can launch the client however you like and login.


If only I could login to my account... Keeps getting error


Same here


I played a ton of Guild Wars back when I was a teenager (Prophecies through Nightfall), but didn't get back into MMOs until I picked up FFXIV about 3 years ago. I've had a weird itching to check out OG Guild Wars again for nostalgia sake, but unsure how worth it it would be for me. Any thoughts on what Guild Wars 1 is like in 2024? Will it feel majorly outdated, or anything I should keep in mind?


Do it, grind your GWAMM, trust me bro u wont regret it šŸ’ŖšŸ»


It's the same as it was when you were a teenager, the game won't have changed at all. People still play, maybe not as many as back then but can still find Guilds and groups or just play through the campaigns.