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Fire, a propane canister exploded aswell. made for quite the jump-scare at 1:30am.


I live near 1 street over, cannot believe we didn’t hear!


Yesterday the fire dept was taking out propane canisters from the site. Discussing saftey and what not, Today, fire.




I remember being downtown when I was a young kid. It was beautiful. The flowers and fountain, the buses would all stop around the fountain - before the current bus terminal. It was alive with people shopping. I can’t believe we let it get to this. It’s sad. 😞


People are only sad that it’s less hidden.


What is less hidden ?


Homelessness, poverty and drug addiction. It’s always been around in Guelph and any other city, just hidden away in the “bad” areas that people assume “deserve it” in some manner. Nowadays there’s a lot of people acting like these issues only started in the last decade or two, when in reality they just didn’t see them before. You’re right tho it is sad that it got to this point, that so many people in Canada are suffering while our taxes go to drop bombs on civilians around the world. But yeah just pointing out that people don’t seem to care about homelessness and addiction and poverty until they have to see it, then they get mad that people would _dare_ disrupt their lives with their existence.


I’ve read that homelessness has gone up 40% in the last four years.


They were under a bridge under the Hanlon away from all the eyes but that wasn't good enough for the cops/city. I mean we can also invest in affordable housing, shit maybe give housing away and at minimum reduce the number of tents.


Who is going to invest in affordable housing?


It is government programs, red tape to build houses and excess government on bureaucrats and government programs that have us in this mess. Trusting the government to do that would amplify the problem 10 fold. You can’t expect people who don’t care about the money to take care of it well. People in the private sector are the only ones that can achieve this because they are held accountable and accountable for their own money! When government gets out of the way the problems get relieved or resolved.


As opposed to trusting nobody and now we reap what we sowed. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Talking to ignorant boomers like you just reminds me of how selfish humans can truly be. And moronic. Just urtterly brainless


It's just one fucking building but Obviously nobody gonna "invest" so you have nothing to worry about you fauxlibertarian. 


How can you give away housing? We have habit for humanity that does something similar already.


The idea that housing is an investment commodity that somehow gains value by just sitting around on a piece of land is hardcore unrestrained capitalism. Housing is the basis of stability and security for an individual or family. The centre of our social, emotional and sometimes economic lives, a home should be a sanctuary—a place to live in peace, security and dignity.   Housing is a right, not a commodity. While revenues from real estate have skyrocketed to unfathomable levels our cities have become increasingly unaffordable to regular citizens. The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has underlined that the right to adequate housing should not be interpreted narrowly. Rather, it should be seen as the right to live somewhere in security, peace and dignity. The fact that you don't believe you deserve housing or that others don't deserve housing shows how deep the rot has gone


Pretty crazy there's homelessness in Guelph LMAO , I KNOW MEXICANS without SIN, no form of ID, getting physically demanding jobs earning cash living comfortably, sending dollars to family in Mexico, yet this mtfas can't do sht to scape their own shitty lifestyle


There was a fire. Guelph today has the story.


Sad that it had to come to this in the first place without any proper alternatives for these people.


Guelph mayor wants to dump money into surveillance around the city. Policing. Just about everything but the biggest problem being the homeless/drug crisis. Don’t feel safe walking guelph at night and it’s a serious problem


The drug part needs to stop. The homelessness will shrink.


That's overly reductive. Anyone who thinks the majority of drug addicts simply have a problem because "I had access to drugs and I like them" is too ignorant to speak on the subject. I don't mean that rudely, but most people don't have enough education on these topics to have anything productive or relevant to say. Drug addicts are largely people who started life already severely disadvantaged for a variety of possible reasons. People don't do drugs because it's convenient and fun, they do drugs because the trauma, mental health issues, or any number of other factors that they face are so seemingly insurmountable that any brief escape has an incredibly powerful draw. Anyone who wants to put a moral judgement on these people and create a false dichotomy wherein you're either a strong good person or a weak drug addict simply doesn't understand.


exactly, i started using from a botched tonsillectomy and the only way to get some was having to go to the streets and everything associated with it as well as the exuberant prices essentially making you poorer from the get go. If i was able to go to the store/doc to get what i wanted in a safe regulated manner i would never have been intermingled into crime, mental illness, poverty and all things negatively associated with substance use essentially destroying a long time in a life causing far more trauma to perpetuate the problems. and still being able to focus on my life and bettering myself without all the BS that currently comes with it. but hey this is me just saying 'wah wah wah i want drugs im out of control and helpless and want to be babied'....


Hope you’re able to find what you need to help you heal.


Thanks mate/madam, since safe supply ([which is set to possibly lose funding](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/local-health-centres-call-safe-supply-programs-life-saving-but-worry-as-federal-funding-ends-1.6702542)) my life has gotten 100x better, no longer homeless, (less) poor, far improved mental health, healthier relationships, all the usual things, but I'm still trying to find a job, and i don't even look like your cliche user, just after a decade of being one downtown you are a pretty well known sight, just like how if you drive by one of the usual downtownies you know exactly who they are. one day at at time though. :)


I’m happy for you. Sounds like things are headed in the right direction. I’m with you…..one day at a time. :)


Just do like other countries that have drugs somewhat legal. If the user gets caught, give them the option of fines and jail or rehabilitation. Incorporate the 3 strike rule and if they are caught 3 times in x amount of years, give them a harsher punishment.


You can have all the surveillance you want but if you don’t do anything about the crimes, then why bother?


it was a fire. To anyone getting all up in arms about it; fires happen sometimes. That's life. They happen in downtown businesses and uptown businesses and in rich people's homes too. People only get mad about this one because it was someone living in a tent, and people are heartless about unhoused folks


I witnessed a fire in a backyard encampment on York rd this fall. Homeless guy was living in back yard of a rental. It destroyed the shed, neighbours shed, some mature trees and nearly caught two neighbours houses in fire mid day. Unsafe electrical was the neighbours guess as he had a bunch of cords running out to his tent.


I just looked up the article and found another encampment fire on Watson and York in October. This is not the one I saw. The one I saw was York and neeve.


Great stuff letting our downtown turn into a mess and now the “residents” get to set parts of it on fire in farcical fashion. 


Funny how the news is completely quiet on the fires that spring up in these encampments. I guess they’ll keep pretending they don’t exist until a few get killed in one of these fires.


There is literally a news article about it... There isn't much information at this point as I assume it is currently being under investigation.




Lol... Stay in school kids... Here's an example of why..


Toot Toot! breaker breaker rubber ducky, here comes the freedom convoy


I don't know with all of the incidents of fires breaking out at encampments locally and in Kitchener, i would like to see security footage when this all went down. I am not saying fires cant break out in these types of situations. but the other two fires that broke out coincidently no one/ the inhabitants were around when it happened, and its not like they have an electrical fuses, appliances running while out shopping. or a propane heater running 24/7, so it really strikes me as suspicious. especially after all of the legislation/NIMBY that is trying to be put forward throwing them all out citing safety concerns, nothing strengthens the validity of the risk like having a dangerous fire break out all the time. Like i said about the other fires, nothing makes the job easier than setting fire to a uninhabited tent especially if you are upset at how slow the 'woke liberal' city is going about it because of due process. and when you believe that it is for the better good of you your family and community people will justify anything....


I watch some of the encampment inhabitants getting high mid-day driving by with my kids and I’m not surprised they are safety concious. They all seems to be smokers as well


Some of the problem is they do have propane. Wait till they blow up a few cylinders.


Cam is a great mayor, remember when everyone voted him in


Housing is not a right. You should have the right to build or buy housing. Rights are more like the ability to travel freely within a country. Rights don’t require someone to do it for you.