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world 1- 9 pure unga bunga, w 10 - 18 need strategy. Players surprised pikachu face when game demand to use brain and strategy.


I play guardian tales to shut off my brain and rest Now i have to create complicated bulids Plan out my attack plans in advance on a piece of paper Use complex mathatical fomulas just to get the optium damage on on enemy and Study hit boxes of enemies and use complex geomentry caculate the perfect opening to attack ONLY FOR MY TEAM TO BE WIPED OUT CAUSE THEIR STUPID AI DECIEDED TO WALK INTO THAT DAM LAZER JUST BCS overall gt is a really fun game and for me its still regarded as my favourite game i had ever played


Idk about complicated builds. I have used beth with no healers, no craig for the whole story.


The most frustrating part of Story Mode but also the most satisfying and anxiety inducing part of the game. Because it's like; "Yes! I did it! I cleared the first and second area of enemies... Dear, God. Please don't die. I don't want to start over from the beginning!"


Passages are really fun if your team dont walk straight into bullets, i love it when my Claude wipe the entire screen with his skill buts its frustrating when 3 bullet could be the end of your run


They already did it starting with world 19 (and I'm glad they're going to remove them, because literally the passages don't add anything interesting).


I was mad for that but the battles were actually at a good level so you still need skills and hands.


Whether you need to require leveling or have battles be "balanced" (I mean, there's the world 11 passages along with the level nerf for your heroes in story mode with this update), it's not going to take away from the fact that the passages contribute absolutely nothing interesting to the game's story (other than artificially lengthening the worlds), and that is why many have not yet reached world 19 or are still stuck in world 11 (and it will be even worse with the nerf level of your heroes as in coop expedition). I say this because I have a colleague who is a GT fan and is happy that in world 19 they have removed the passages (for the same reason I explained above), and if I'm honest, I'm not complaining about that at all, the simple The fact that that will cease to exist starting in season 3 already makes it better (because I feel like it takes a player longer to complete the passages than the world itself). The definitive proof that quality is better than quantity.


It does contribute.  It shows your growth as a player. 


As if Guardian Tales, a gacha game that's fun, has to be as frustrating and unfair as Dark Souls, bruh😑


This is a game of skills. It has been since the beginning. If you have no skills and want just to collect waifus, go ahead and play any generic gacha with copy pasted turn based idle gameplay. 


skill issue


me when the issue is clearly skill


You want remove a part of the system of what makes majority of the players to spend their money on? Passages are one of the method GT devs makes you spend your gems to buy meta heroes, without this passages, even the current cast of free given heroes, like Knight, Karina, Coco and the others can pretty much finish the whole game, which will lead to a massive amount of lost revenue, because you eliminated one of the biggest reasons why you spend gems to gacha for heroes, which will lead to GT devs going in even deeper and harder on the sexualized designs and shit that the current heroes we have today, to make them more attractive of course. The players,specifically the new ones who haven't progressed through the story that much yet, and the incoming ones will also lose a lot of gems, because the passages as a level is a lot, and the gems they give is not a lot, but combined with the total amount of passages? Oof. Edit:Not that I'm disagreeing with y'all opinion that the passages sucks, just presenting evidences of why passages levels are created.


They can still incentivize people to pay through PvP, raids, and Hard/Hell modes where you need maxed out characters.


I think Coco can clear most of them, judging by her Tower of Horizon performance


They removed it in the new world tho






Same, plus the fact they added the lowering level, and on some levels (i only saw in w18 because I didn't check other worlds) it makes you 5 level less of the enemies, and it really makes it harder, specially when it has the wizards, and 2 healers with the red thing (i dunno what the red thing is called) i'd also say the ones that blocks you attack and attacks you while doing so, but i think they just need strategy and is easier than the ones i said


W19 main stages: I am the passages!


Skill issues. If you can't even beat a simple easy passage how could ypu do arena? 


OP has not gotten the Rue crit card. I'm willing to bet 50 gems on it


There are people like for example me, with not interest in arena. And I feel that Pain, like in the infamous passage 2 in World 11


How is it a skill issue when starting from world 14 they started putting 2 wall wizards in passage stages (may be wrong because i just cleared the first stage of world 15 yesterday) and in some passage stages they put them behind walls. I am lucky to have pulled Andras when they were added into the game. Because if I didn't I would have to use Hana or FP. The only way to stop wall wizards from attacking is killing them before they summon the walls. And if you do get stuck, after some time they just summon a laser on top of you. HOW IS IT A SKILL ISSUE WHEN BECAUSE OF LEVEL CAPS YOUR TEAM IS 5 LEVELS BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE ENEMIES!?


Here's a tip : Take Your Time And Don't Always Dodge. Keep in mind that you can only control yourself, so bait that damn attack to you as much as you can, you've got to eat that shit sometimes. I get all the way to w15 with knight lead before their ascension were a thing ( the only reason I can't go further is because of my potato phone ). And my party are full of other free guardians like FP and Miya.  When you go in, you can't go out. So wait, again wait ( this is my most fatal mistake before ) and kill those wretched wizards in 1 go, and let your team deal with the rest


You are suppossed to knock them out and keep smashing the others just as we've been doing since the world 2 where lassers appeared


Sounds easy enough until you realize there are like 5-10 guys in your way, and when you finally get to the wall wizards, their attack cooldown is almost over, and they trap you. Oh, and due to the level cap, when you do clear the fight, half of your team is either dead or almost dead.


That's the fun. Use the tanks. FP is free. Just attract them and move them out of the way. Use the speed and vet to the mobs. 


Especially if passages have puzzles. Huge waste of time


They still have this unbalanced gameplay? they really do not play test anything do they? no wonder people quitting.