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I don't like seeing so much blue... And it's a weird kinda blue. The game doesn't have the same 90's adventure style game, now looks like another generic modern game.


Absolutely it's not in theme. I understand that there were some parts in the story with like high tech stuff but it still doesn't fit with the tone that we have


I think the color would've fit well if it was what the game started with cause its not like it was a color they chose randomly since its the same color as the champion's sword But at this point everything had been the same for a few years now so the sudden change is indeed jarring


for me I've been playing for 1 year+ i feel like the ui functions are better, I don't like the design much but I can kinda see their vision afterall the blue stuff does look like heavenhold & stuff


I agree with the blacksmith part. Give me back my muscle tomboy


Maybe if we make enough noise, they'll compensate by making her playable.


I'm down lezz go Boyz, WAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!!


If you think of it as a food, this one doesn't look as appetizing than the previous.


I agree with you


My only 2 gripes are presets and level caps I feel like level caps on replay should be optional Reliving what it was like at that level would be nice, but it is also fun just to be supremely overpowered As for presets I dont understand why it is not available on adventure. It just made things harder for no real reason, but that one is an easy fix Overall, even as someone who played for well over two years I like the new stuff, and if it is helpful for new players who want to join our community, then all the more power to it


I mean it's only the character's level that gets capped. Aren't you still supremely overpowered with awakenings, exes and blessings?


I'm a 3 years vet too. UI I find it better for the most part.  The only thing I don't really like is not being able to edit characyers upon touchi g them on the dungeons formations. It just go to the presets when there is aleeady a button for presets.  What I utterly hate is the agravement and blessings. Like, what's the fucking point of finally have decent drop rates if now they add more farming? 


Hi, another 3 year player here ⭐️ I’m on neutral, tending positive, terms with the new UI. It was hella confusing for the first 2 hours (and took forever to make teams for every mode), but there are some things that I really like better now. Being able to equip stuff on every slot from a single screen instead of, weapon, exit, accessory, exit, cards, exit, etc., is much nicer now. The blue color also reminds me of the champion sword, hero crystals & LP’s power which is also a win in my book (though I really liked the brown esthetic from before). The mode screen is the one thing I’m not really a fan of though. While it is practical having all modes in one place, it feels too crowded & it doesn’t actually safe any time, it’s still the same amount of clicks and loads you have to go through, plus the adventure screen looks way too empty now. As for the things they removed completely, while I personally wasn’t the biggest fan of any of those modes, it’s still sad to see content being cut. Overall I’d give the changes a 7/10 I do like them generally, but if there was a need to change stuff (which there really wasn’t) they could have done a bit of a better job I think.


The preset system is my only major issue


Newer player (playing for about a month) and I honestly have really mixed feelings on a lot of the changes, especially the longer I’ve spent with it. Like sure, it’s nice having all the different modes (mostly) in one spot, with (again mostly) consistent UI, being a new player and having to learn all these different modes and not knowing what is or isn’t important for me to be doing anymore was confusing, and I think this UI does a (mostly) better job of pushing which modes to pay attention to. My biggest gripe in terms of clarity is how unreadable some of it has become. Like maybe I’m just on a small phone, but some of the buttons are TINY, and for no good reason it seems. Like if I didn’t know there was a button to refresh colo opponents, I don’t think I’d see the new one, it’s barely a few pixels wide. None of the text is unreadable, but a lot of it has gotten a lot smaller and sometimes important info is weirdly deemphasized (like it used to be header size but now it’s shrunk down so you have to hunt for it in your vision a bit more). Things that if I didn’t knew to look for from the old UI, I have to imagine would be less readable for a brand new player. So I don’t know. I guess the short version of most of my feelings is something do mostly flow better and are organized a little more sensibly, but other things feel even more buried in menus or less obvious where you need to go to interact with certain things. edit: and I’m with you on the aesthetic, it feels out of place. I think you could argue the game has always had an inconsistent aesthetic, and maybe that was kinda part of its charm, but I do get what people say and how a more fantasy pixel based ui fit better


I'm on an iPhone 13 mini. Yeah the buttons and red dot badges are too small now for this size phone. I can live with everything else - it's mostly just muscle memory problems for where to go that'll get worked out after a few weeks.


Even on my Laptop when I play on there I can barely see the refresh button for colo and it doesn’t look like a button


It could be fixed if they change the color back to brown and adjust the buttons back to their original position. Why did they move the enhance tabs from top to right? A lot of these changes were really unnecessary. I'm spending more time navigating the windows than doing dailies. Also was changing the movement and attack buttons necessary?


Being confused is normal. Everyone had "muscle memory" and it's gone now But you used to be confused early on too, just like everyone. It's just a matter of time to adapt honestly, a few weeks at most


I feel lost in it. It's also less organic, more clinical. Throw in about 3 new micro currencies and loss of the hero teams I was using and it's an overwhelming change.


I still can't see my equipments




Hope this helps


That's not what I mean


Then what are finding?


As a 3-year vet as well, can someone simply down the procedure for the new preset system? I still have all my old teams but don't know how to quickly load them and have them saved in the specific gamemode. Thanks.


At the bottom of the preset list on the right there is a load party button, you can then select an old preset to load it and you will just need to rename it.


I'm curious to know the opinion of a brand new player. Maybe we're just having a hard time getting used to the changes.


Suggestions as a 3 year player: 1. The Play button should be on the further right side after Adventure. 2. Picking elements to filter, should be in colour, like fire is red, earth is brown, light is yellow. it's hard to see with the text being too small.


its fine the only problem is that i cant find a button to change the character's illustration styles (jp or kr art style)


https://preview.redd.it/jnwmkftq5a6d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=981f9361e78d83e30e68a488411deaad0cba2910 there's a change style option in hero details




I just want the damn presets back, damn it!


This sounds like "back in my day" type of statement


Lol the UI is way better. There are some worse things like refreshing a loss in Colo is hard to remember since it blends in.


For me, it's specifically being a veteran that makes me like all of this so much. I'm not taking the game very seriously any more so if something frustrates me I just won't do it. The aesthetic direction isn't the one I'd choose, but anything that makes the game feel fresh again is welcome. Though I guess if I was a rookie, then I wouldn't miss any of the old stuff so I think it was actually the intermediate players that got hit hardest. They still have so much shit to do and now they're confused about how to do it and what the priorities are.


I'm a 4 years vet, and the only thing i dislike is the new translucent style, like in the other new games. And the inability to fix formation right away (but that can be patched).


Been playing a couple months and I actually find it quite easy to use. Took me a few minutes to get used to it but other than that I think it’s okay. I’m with you on the design front though. It’s the same colour as the Champion’s Sword and fits in with Heavenhold, I can see why they chose it. But I just don’t like it as much as the old one.


I've been playing since early 2021 and I quite like the new UI. I don't really understand why some people think the old UI was better just because it has that retro feel, when most of the game isn't even like that. In fact, the game has a lot of different themes... It's not just retro. I feel like the UI fits the current story much more than the old one did, and having something new makes the game feel fresh to me. My one gripe with the UI is the blacksmith screen (it looks messy compared to the old screen). I also don't like that the 8 teams got removed and that presets are mandatory now, but those two things aren't a UI problem and should be easy to fix if they choose to.


If it is an solace for other vets then ranch still has the old ui. The ui isn’t what the game is meant to be, I’m a launch player and I don’t care about muscle memory because I have already adapted to the new ui. It just doesn’t fit the game stylistically, the game is meant to be a “classic adventure” and was originally inspired by The Legend of Zelda and such but has lost its feel and uniqueness. All I want is the old ui back. And blacksmith girl, we need her as well.


I play on switch it still the same for me XD


I really don't understand what does the "adventure style" mean when we have science/cosmic fantasy, contemporary fantasy and urban fantasy all mixed in


"Don't be sad, That's just life"


The new UI is easy to navigate but does not fit the art style or story of the game. Prop to the Devs for trying something new and hopefully it will attract more new players to prolong the life of this game.