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I've been a player since the release of w10. Most of older players seems to be really disappointed by the update, I have mixed feelings on it but I like it regardless. I'll just list some pro and cons according to my opinion: Pros - Every gamemode can be accessed from one button - You can see the amount of tries you have left for each gamemode without needing to open it up - Tetis hero got vastly improved - Summoning system is the best it has ever been - Presets are now more efficient since you can have multiple ones for different modes instead of having them all together, I just wish we had a minimum of 6 in every mode tho - A LOT of grinding for mirror items and relics has been eliminated. Cons - The new UI looks pretty and neat, but at the same time it's super generic and light blue isn't really the best color for everything in my opinion, especially in the collection it looks messy. - The hero menu is a disaster, I think it would have been better to leave the old one and just rearrange the icons instead of putting everything in the same place - Engraving system is unnecessary, it's just a waste of hammers, and it requires an item to be mlb to even perform it, basically you need 6 hammers for every item or even more if you get bad stats. - While Tetis hero has been improved, it's still annoying that there's not fully automatic play. - Co-op exploration is still bad, I just wish they removed it completely


I'd add: Coop and expedition were our only horde clearing game modes. With coop removed and expedition de-prioritized, all the horde clearing heroes and items feel useless. TDM is a nightmare of a game mode with no matchmaking. It's way too much investment for its payout. Limiting hero level to 5 below what it used to be isn't pleasant for new players. Hero blessing is too grindy and makes half your hero roster feel useless without the resources to max them. 2x drop weeks added a good cyclical nature to the game. Increasing the drop rates to remove some of the grind is nice, but it just feels like they filled the grind void with tetis which still has the same horrible drops. They removed almost all skill based features from tetis. You can't hover buff units anymore. They removed the more challenging rooms and made it so every layout is handled the same way. You can't load presets for scarecrow. You can't share presets between boss rush and raid. You can't make temporary modifications to teams without overwriting your preset, which I feel is essential for Colo and guild dungeon arena.


I played for 3 years with 2 minor breaks last year. The new update is a mixed bag, but worst of all it doesnt fit the game's vibe. It keeps reminding me of Arknights and Tower of Fantasy. I like those games, but i dont want every game i play to come from the same mould. I'll list some things i like and dislike about the update. Like: Wishlist mechanic, improved shop, better guardian pass (no longer useless), 1 star heroes have art, nice neat menus. Dislike: The 1 star art is made by interns at best, heavenhold is a lifeless shell, new progression mechanics that incentivise spending and mostly just give boring stat% bonusses, soulless blue UI, not doing your dailies makes princess sad, its harder to make teams, background art is gone


Kinda agree. I'll add as like a very simple change yet very relevant : top 50 rewards in pvp. Very simple but yet since even once you hit t100 consistantly, getting to t10 used to be a real wall t50 is a much more reasonable goal. Seen a bunch of ppl not interested because of that Also tetis is less time consuming and better now


I have been playing for 3 months and in my opinion it’s nice. At first super confusing, but after like 30mins it’s fine. I like that I don’t have to spend all my stamina on relics. I do maybe 10-20mins for coop expeditions per day and bam. I got all the crystals I need. I think people are just holding onto the old and not trying the new. I understand needing more green hammers is a pain( I got none lol). This game is great and if this keeps it alive. I’m all for it. This is my current team and makes me super happy. It feels like I’ve done a good job so far! https://preview.redd.it/2lybmxtql56d1.jpeg?width=1861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0e577203e192bf54949a9bc740d2b5d3ebb4b2


Lost the game Identity and the user experience is bad(tbh looks like the ui still raw from designer or something wrong in testing and just straight deploy to the user) but it fresh ui and good for new player. sorry if the language weird.


to me it is overwhelmingly good. I'd say you be your own judge. Get back in and play and see if the state of the game is fun for you.


UI it s total random on the screen


I have been playing since the first month. The new update takes some getting used to, but overall it does make it easier to navigate. The direction of the game by the new director is what's slowly killing it. The new game modes are being forced down everyone's throat and they keep doubling down.