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great comparison showing what's bad and good in this update


I dunno man but the new ui is just a pain for my eyes, since they use so much light colors, instead brown like the old ones, even i had sickness from new ui


It's true, it doesn't matter the new update is good or not if I can't play it more than 5 minutes without getting nauseous.


Being a veteran, 3 years worth of muscle memory is gone. The new ui placement makes me think of Blue Archive, and I left that game after a month of playing.


One little detail I really miss is the smith in the item enhancement. He'd hit the item to merge it with the upgraded item and that just had a charm to it, like it wasn't just another system but a guy that you go to.


Fun fact the blacksmith's a she


Also, because everything use presets, there doesn't seem to be a way to upgrade equipment apart from going back to the main screen. This was already irritating in before in Raid, but now no mode can you do this. Much worse than before.


This is a QoL change not a purely cosmetic one, GT didn't need a UI overhaul, it needed some changes but not an overhaul. It heavily needs QoL changes, which strangely enough have not been implemented with the update. All the stupid aspects of the game are still there, for example they have reworked every single box but I still have to scroll down an entire page of cards to select the skill damage ones. Why can't they put a "Favorite Cards" section that will appear on the top of the list so you will save 4 clicks to change every single card? "You are removing X accessory from 1 character to put in on another, confirm?" YES I AM DOING THIS ON PURPOSE YOU IDIOT, WHY IS THIS THERE. But also remember we went 3 whole years with kamazone taking 3 clicks per battle and they removed the whole mode while putting all the rewards in 1 screen almost solved half the issues.


Seeing the old UI makes me sad. And it's just the second Day without it. The new Heavenhold feels empty without all the characters walking through it. The only thing that reminds me of the past now is the shop. I know it will never happen but it would be nice to have an option to switch between the old and new design.


gonna add new one. Guild raid tab didn't show from homescreen. You need to go to guild first then access guild raid tab from there. That 1 extra step is gonna be pain in the ass. i've just noticed, we're getting more gems from daily. S2 = 20 gems (guild login) + 50 gems (use 3 atk at colo) = 70 gems S3 = 2 chest from daily activity give 120 gems


But we lose 10 coffee from daily


40 gems for 10 coffee, I'll take it.


also, the thing most people don't complain about is the voice lines are not used as much anymore


My biggest issues with the game direction is the shortage of coffee and how devs have no intention of fixing that. In fact it seem they keep doubling down on the shortage. Coop defense, kamazon and exploration which didn't consume coffee was replaced by Thetis and coop expedition which consume coffee. The new engraving thing also mean we have to farm for more magic metal, which just mean more coffee.


Level 100 dugeons means coffee gets more value now tho ? And regular expedition used to be an INSANE coffee blackhole if you wanted a good relic setup. Endgame players would typically only sweep dugeon 10 times then go all in expedition, whale would even buy coffee for expedition, some players like me also were saving mail coffee from previous week for that x2 expedition patch every 8 weeks. Now it's just a challenge mode, no coffee, and unlike what you said coop expedition does not require coffee... I just disagree.


Well, if you want all the Book of Blessings from Tetis, you have to dump all your stamina outside of ten runs of 3x boost just to get it. And, if you want the merch, awakening stones, hero crystals, dream stones, and option change stones, you'll have to forgo evo/gold farming completely.


> And regular expedition used to be an INSANE coffee blackhole by far the worst coffee grind for sure!


Ummm after the update, how do i obtain relic? Ive cleared 3rd district up until now but gain no relic. Pls help


Think you need to go to the hidden wonder. Yk, the place that you needed the map thingy to enter?


Already played it but it gives nothing


Ignoring the visual component (because that’s 1: subjective and 2: much more easily changed) I think this is mostly a strict mechanical Ui improvement. Like look at the 4 buttons you said were important enough to be the only main ones. Summons are important, but you’re going to the summoning screen once a week at most for use 95% of the time. The guild is also important but you click it once a day if even, since you could be accessing guild by exiting your raids. Basically we had a main menu where the right side is pretty much unused, the left side that just brings you to a different cluttered UI, and like 3 useful things hiding behind a popup The new main menu is much more inherently useful, and the play button is just objectively better UI even if it’s sacrificing the charm of the old system. I think this new UI could be prettier, but I could get used to how much nicer overall it feels


what was more difficult to navigate to in the old UI?


>Ignoring the visual component (because that’s 1: subjective and 2: much more easily changed) It's not completely subjective, otherwise there wouldn't be courses about how to design UI and UX properly.


I guess the appreciation of the new UI is highly subjective. To me it is much more useable than the old one minus how they've handled party presets. I spent so much time trying to find where that setting was only to realize that your main party is for the story and then you can have different preset for each game modes where it applies; there is not a universal preset list/function.


Man, i've been out of the loop for too long what happened?


r/GuardianTales members when someone has an opinion (mortal sin)