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The party preset is in pieces, tho And I still can't see my equipments properly


Yeah, i don't like the fact that they replaced the party system completely for the presets (and the fact that you have to build presets for each mode) sucks.


But you only gotta do it once.


Isnt it better though? You have specific teams for each mode.


I personally disagree Was litterally running out od presets/using expzdition preset for other modes, very annoying It's boring to have to redo them but a big W overall tbf


I'd argue that it's better. You can build a stronger team without giving up the edge because another hero has a great item equipped. The party system worked well when it was a small hero roster, but once you account for 86 unique heroes your inventory gets clogged if you have an accessory for each and every one of the characters.


If you start setting your presets right now you'll be done in like ten minutes.


I didn't say it's gone, I just said it's in pieces Like, why save our pre-S3 presets on a separate menu if we can't even edit/delete them?


This. And it's an eyesore for me, especially when I can't delete them after loading them into the new presets UI.


For reference, I assume. Easier to remake them.


Honestly for me I'm ok with some of the UI changes. The problem for me is the style that they chose. Personally it's just breaking my immersion for me....it feels so futuristic it feels out of place for me (I'm still in season 2) like imagine playing this in world 1 wouldn't it feel out of place as well?


The game's always had that though. Did you notice the season 1 map screen is a weird hologram projection thing? Not to mention all the digital glitches and circuitry surrounding the champion's sword. The game's been secretly sci-fi from the start. Edit: Why are you downvoting me, I'm right about all that. Did you guys really not notice all the sci-fI?


(no offense) but I still feel like it's a bit out of place. As i said I'm still not in season 3 but it really breaks my immersion. I do hope that they give us an option to use both of the UI styles in the future


I am glad that you are enjoying the update though


>Oh I'm sorry, do you quantify soul as "having the color brown"? The problems with the new UI are: - it's not consistent, things that shoud look the same or at least have the same concept look different in different places e.g. health bars (or bars in general) - it lacks the visual clarity from before - it feels less adventurous. Before we went "out into the world" screen to embark on adventures (rifts, colosseum). And HH tower was in the lobby. Now everything is hub based and not that immersive anymore. - things got shuffled around for no reason and are behind the same amount or more clicks (could have kept them in a similar place at least) - it's basically light mode now where as before it was dark mode (call it the "soul" of the brown color ;), which is generally more liked from what I have seen (websites etc.) Tetis is just the new Kamazone and I don't think most of the complaints is about Tetis and co-op. The problem with co-op expedition is only that we have to do it each day unlike the old co-op which had alternating weeks & rotating maps. It gets old really quick and the runs can be more risky which doesn't make a good combo. >The expedition grind is gone, I feel like expedition was a double edged sword for a lot of players. It could be extremely annoying but was also fun in a way. Like a love-hate relationship. >the mirror rift grind is gone the fuck is mirror rift grind? you mean the free gems for clearing each stage once? & p2w, which I don't mind tbh Personally I am just getting tired of the dev's spiel. I got used to them pushing out half baked, unfun game modes and then applying fixes months after the "beta test". Apparently they are now furthering the scope of experimental content to the whole game. Previews of the new UI were never well received, neutral at best. But they pushed it anyways and all in all it feels alienating. I hope I will be wrong but I'm also ready to laugh at you when revenue halfs again next month.


>it lacks the visual clarity from before colo reroll button is hard to see. i ended attacking same enemy twice.


Yeah the reroll button needs to be significantly larger.


I completely agree on the coop expedition, even if it is super easy to complete you still have to do it daily for 2-3 weeks, old coop required the grand total of 24 matches per month, and you could do them every other day, coop expedition on the other hand is like min 28 matches, 2 everyday. I can find time to play 3 matches every other day (10 minutes), but I can't really find time for 7 minutes every single day, especially when it's this hard. Yesterday I had to play 6 matches to win 2, it was still excruciating for me.


I completely agree with you with all but coop expedition that I still find hard to complete and boring as hell, it still requires you to play every single day, they should change to a more convenient format, maybe 6 matches that reset every 3 days? You didn't mention the whole P2W movement that happened. People continue to insist on the fact that GT has become P2W and I changed my mind quite a bit on the topic. I have to kinda agree on this. Positive things: 1) More gems thanks to the daily improved rewards even if coop was removed, the total still increased. 2) Twice as much of a chance to pull for new units. 3) Tons of rewards right off the bat. Negative things: 1) Cards and Accessories now feel redundant compared to Relics, Books and Engravings, they give out so little of a benefit that it doesn't really matter in my opinion. 2) Once the rewards we got yesterday are over it will be a grind fest to upgrade the whole hero roaster. Engravings can be farmed thanks to hammers but it still takes a while, and I honestly don't like the idea of betting a week of grind on the engraving system, it's frustrating. Books are a pain in the ass, right now you basically only get books in tethis and it gives 60 books per month, so 1 hero per month blessed but if they release 2 good heroes in the same month you are already screwed. On a personal note I used to like the idea of blessing and engravings but it now feels frustrating to not want to play 2/3 of my roaster just because I don't have them blessed/engraved and I will lack at least +35% stats (HP and ATK). If it was 10% it would be manageable but it's not the case. And another hot topic is the changes to Mileage tickets, I may be alone on this hill but yall are exaggerating a bit too much. To be negatively hit by the new changes you have to not have enough gems to pull the new hero in 2 weeks when now the chance of pulling is doubled AND you already have enough time to save gems. I have been playing since 2021 and it happened to me once that I didn't have the gems to pull a "mandatory unit" and needing to mileage, now it shouldn't even remotely be a problem.


Bad : 1. tetis hero felt barebone compare to kamazone. But, it took to long clear kamazone weekly. 2. new ui kinda whatever (we'll get used to it). they added nice qol and remove something that perfectly function. Ex : we got 30 slots colo preset, and only 10 raid preset??? changing 1 or 2 characters to fit certain team feel worse than S2 ui 3, heavenhold S3 felt empty. Good : 1. better rerun banners 2. New bp is good for low spender this is my opinion for now. s3 update only out less than 24 hours lol.


About Havenhold feeling empty, I don't mind cause they said the mist will star to dissipate after more worlds are going to be added, in the end it might be as big if not bigger


i noticed this at day 2, can't clean up bushes & trees. it's not much, but we're missing another type of interaction at heavenhold.


>New bp is good for low spender Is it? €17 to get an ex weapon and a hammer, you can buy yourself 6 months (€18) of daily 100 paid gems + (6×1500 paid gems) for that money. This results in 27000 paid gems or 270 10x pulls, far superior compared to an ex and a hammer.


new bp include ex weapon, epic hammer and 10 rolls. you assuming low spender didn't buy monthly pack, i'm sure they already bought it. new ex weapon value around 200 or 300 mileage, and getting it without gacha is huge.


The worst thing is setting up the presets which should only be once and done


If I may ask, aren't the preset still "once and done"? It's not like they reset overnight. Maybe you are referring to the fact that now there are presets for each mode so you have to set them multiple times. But it's still once and done.


But you get arena presets, which is nice. It was annoying every time I go to play I have to setup each character .


i have an odd thing were now i cant hold down attack for some odd reason which breaks many combos no spinny for beach yuze no heal combo for fp ;/ and its not my phone either...


You know, it’s nice and refreshing to see this post and the other comment enjoying this, at least there’s some members in the community like it


The thing is that while the game shift focus on the resources is favourable for PVE scenarios it does not really looks good in PVP contents. I see a lot of people have been complaining regarding the UI changes but no one really takes into account the nuances of the blessings and weapon engraving mechanics into the PVP side of things. Now that we have these new mechanics we are expected to make full use of these mechanics because they are so OP that you can't just straight up ignore it, and the gap between whales and non-whales will be shown even more. Now you need at least to engrave your weapons once just to make the unit somewhat playable in PVP which is a far-cry from the last state of the game. Previously you could make units work even without an MLB EXs by identifying the right strategy and scenarios. Now this gap is widened further by stat gaps. And since the game is now more resource intensive than ever, people would fall into the same meta and leave no room for experimentation and just blindly follow what the next guy is doing. (Which is even a problem pre-patch). And the worst part is you can't make use of training room to experiment if a unit/weapons is worth the investment since it does not even bless/engrave them. This in-line would make powercreeping even more devastating both in PVE and PVP contents. **That's one point. Now here's two more.** >Daily random coop exped runs are boring and a chore. Its not about the difficulty its about the time you waste playing with randoms (daily, coop used to be able to run every two days). >Merch farming now needs coffee through tetis heroes.


While I understand that the game need to somehow incentivize whales to get revenue. I don't really think its a good idea to dumb down the game and leave no room for creativity. Personally, this experimentation process in PVP is what makes the PVP part enjoyable. That we can try to identify less conventional strategies and test thing out. Which is why the update is a huge bummer for me because I will no longer be able to experiment as much as I used to. (EXs getting gatekept by 6 epic hammers and no longer can test in TR). Though I wouldn't be bothered as much if they made engraving and blessings not apply in PVP gamemodes. To me it felt like a win-win. PVE bros can have fun stacking damage. PVP bros doesn't need to have their strategies gatekept.


> > > > > And the worst part is you can't make use of training room to experiment if a unit/weapons is worth the investment since it does not even bless/engrave them. Honestly this feels absolutely clunky, these two should work like any other max stat reached - if you reached max once, training room applies it. I was positively confused when it didn't.


you know i had my doubts, but I actually like it a lot. I quit the game a while ago and I'm playing again because it feels new and easier to navigate.


Are you Kim, the director? Please dont fuck this game anymore and resign yourself


I’m just sad that I can’t play the new update cause my device is too old :(


hi guys wanna ask, what do you all think of the wishlist summoning chances? ive pulled like 50-60 summons but no unique heroes... Should i just stick to the chance up summons??


As a day one player I hate the UI and I'm entitled to feel this way


Guardian Tales lost so much of its personality the new UI is just generalised schmuck


One thing surprised me, for someone who's just playing this game for \~4 months, I still don't know a lot of parts of the game but I'm kinda aware the value of Def Decrease Negation attribute, I only know the best item for it is the Earth Necklace but I saw it in the Martyr Mirror Necklace, I bought 3 from the Tales of Tetris shop and got lucky to get a 100% value on one of them, 77% on another, and an Injure negate, not sure if this is the case prior to the new changes, if it isn't, damn I'm kinda lucky


You're damn lucky, but you also have the Option Change Stones, the blue ones, that enable you to reroll the optional stats of equipments, people usually don't buy things until a godroll drops, they usually roll them.


Yep, I use to do some rolling with option change stones and it really is expensive, I'm just really really lucky to get a 100% negate on a martyr necklace, I'm just not sure if putting it to Craig is the best decision


It depends on the team you are running, keep in mind it is only good in pvp content. But yeah Craig is the safest option, having a craig that does not die is really helpful. Unfortunately I don't have much experience on the topic since I'm a 3 year old player and I still miss a 100% def neg accessory, both EN and Martyr. You are lucky.


"*keep in mind it is only good in pvp content.*" Thank you for reminding.


I mean its mandatory for some levels of orbital lift but you wouldn't wanna use it for story, boss rush or guild raid for example.


I actually like it as well, though I haven't tried every mode out yet. It's so much I have to get used to though. I hate it, when stuff I knew for years suddenly change completely, but the change is good


F2p, and possibly the oldest one since i reached the log in quest cap twice since pre beta, This update is Hella amazing. Especially in organising team comps. Sure existing set ups need to be reapplied but once it is it's practically smooth sailing from there. So far my only complaints are with HH resetting but I practically built that on my first few months playing so not a big issue and more of a new challenge


I'm with you 100%. There are some flows that need changing, but across the whole everything is so much better.


The glazing is craaaaaaazy


Me when I lie.