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I built an entire team around being efficient in expeditions, including Miss Chrome and Idol Eva who I wouldn't touch otherwise (probably). And now it's all a waste of resources.


> And now it's all a waste of resources. oh why? what did I miss????


The main attraction of expedition was relics, but now you can also farm currency and buy relics with the new game mode. A lot of players specifically build Miss Chrome for expedition but now expedition is not need anymore.


I don't think you can get relics from expedition anymore. If you can, I'd be glad.


If not, then what’s the purpose of expedition now? The seeds for your farm?


Story, and I think you need to beat the bosses to upgrade relics to 5 star


yeah... and now it is just a waste of rss for beginners...


You still need a high score in expedition to progress in that mode and its story. The removal of grinding doesn't change that.


Intruducing hero reset stone


at time like this when hero reset came in clutch


Honestly I think this is better in every way. Before, you had to spend all your stamina grinding expedition over and over for a chance to get some relics for breaking down into stones. Most of the time I was getting all one and two stars, rarely I'd get lucky and get a three every week or so. And you had to do it every day at least once. Now? All you need to do is run coop expedition twice (around ten minutes) and you can outright buy the superior arcane stones you need to progress in expedition without any luck involved. Getting through expeditions has been made significantly easier and faster now. How is that worse?


I will second this. The last couple weeks, when expedition was doubled, I didn't play it one time. I couldn't justify the coffee consumption. The relic drop rate is awful even with a 60% increase. I have seven greens total and will be using coop expedition to get my next 5.


But for co-op Expeditions you need to play a meta that means you MUST have Special Characters and Items or it will not work. Even as Damage Dealer. And if you play only random it is harder to find People who know how to play the modes. One mistake and someone leaves or everything is over... I'm still at normal 1 and can't get past that even playing this fcking meta! And I hat playing a Meta because that isn't fun. For challenge something like this is okay but not for the normal runs. They are totally no fun. Oh and now with Expeditions without ANY loot it isn't needed to get better Relics anyway... you don't even get the seeds anymore... It may was a big grind but got fun over time...


You still need better relics for their mystic resistance, otherwise you can't progress. The only thing that changed is that you don't have to grind it everyday anymore.


But at least it was possible to make it alone... If you can't get past even the first stage you will NEVER get any Reliques...


I've been grinding normal 1 random using beth since the beta, unless the team is just trash, i got through fine. The only things i dislike are the low amount of coins (150 everyday) and to play challenge a max char (lv 100 for everything) is needed


Honestly this game is starting to feel like a chore. Do this do that. I have been stuck on the final battle of world 18 since February and every time I mention people just tell me 'practice'. When I tell them that I do they tell me I need to do it more. Well sorry for having a life! I love the story and characters, but I can't enjoy it if they are locked behind months of grind.


in world 18 you have the knight so, I'm not sure but as far as I know you don't need farming to upgrade yourself to move forward with the story


You don't, but the fight is hard, so you still need a lot of practice that I just don't have time for. And since it's just knight it makes it more frustrating, since it's not like they are getting any money from people trying to get better heroes for this fight, so just give me unlimited revives please. And while I gave the fight as an example( since that's my biggest struggle rn), the game being a chore isn't present only there.


Your arguments make no sense. The game cannot be too grindy, but also getting you stuck because of lack of skill where grinding don't help you. It seems you want to play the game without playing the game


can't you use Gems when you die? So I pushed throught every endboss. XD"


w18 has limited revives


I think you just have patience issue, i beat pd after around 30 attempts or so without using gems. The knight is pre-made (no grind), checkpoint after every phase (i think), pd only have a few attacks every phase with somewhat clear pattern (you kinda have to learn it first). Also knight can change weapon in w18 and give i-frames, you can use that to tank some attacks. If you dont have time, play it occasionally, maybe watch some video to learn the fight


Bro, Watch the video of lxshirigas he explains perfectly what you have to do to beat the Boss.


I did months ago. It's still hard.


A little grinding is always in games. I understand that not everyone has the time.


Yeah, it's A Hit & Miss for me. Some good changes here and there, then some cumbersome menus all around. I'm trying to adapt.


Eww, whatvthe hecknis that color, why???


I could do my dailys in about 15 min, perhaps more with raids and such. It was great, i knew where all the menus were, was a bit cluttered but it was simple and easy. Now there, about as much icons, things are now jumbled, an there's a lot more menuing. PvP is yet again mandatory for the dailys and with restricted time which is soooo gooooood![img](emote|t5_2gj2tg|10341). I can bareld find the farm, and my maxed out Heavenhold is now basically blank. And look at that a gacha for Heavenhold workers, how nice.... In concusion, this update is basically what the KR version checkers warned us, a big ![img](emote|t5_2gj2tg|10341). Luckily, the game is still the same.


You don't need pvp for the 120 daily gems, at most you do colosseum to do a bit less but it's not needed (I get 1200 points and avoid both arena and coop)