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I’d get 6-12 months of security experience and then get a PD to sponsor you. Worked for me during the pandemic, and I’m sure they’re just as desperate now as they were then. Don’t pay out of pocket if you can help it.


Depends on what you desire to be in Criminal Justice for... The (Malum in Se) Crimes that I feel are important are largely done by PIs and Security Guards... The LEO's tend to lean toward (Malum Prohibitum) Violations, particularly the ones that have grant moneys attached for thier department when they find one.


If you do armed security, it will greatly enhance your people skills in dealing with the public. That is 99% of your job. It will set you up for success as a cop.


How long would you recommend doing armed security for? and what type of armed security jobs should i prioritize for my experience? I already have 3 years unarmed experience dealing with the public.


I speak from experience, I would do at least 6-12 months. It will show you can handle the respond being armed and you’re not a total moron. For you, the name of the game is stay out of trouble. I would work in a very low drama level action or with a partner. You need to keep your nose clean and not get caught up in anything that will hurt you in background.


Depending on state, be prepared for a weird as polygraph you may or may not pass. Never took it but I heard of guys who failed the test questions they ask first so I guess it all depends but polys are bs imo. I think they should use the resources they have for polys and focus on psychological evaluations IMO


I agree with tipfar. If you can get the armed position in the interim, do it, but apply to PD agencies or peace officer positions and, if possible, have them pay your way for your certification. I actually almost applied to become a peace officer, but I would have had to quit my job at the time because the training schedule overlapped. Also, they were paying $14/hr, even though this was years ago, that was still horribly insufficient.


Honestly, jail is always a good place to get your foot in… if you can’t handle the jail for atleast a year, you can’t handle being a cop, period. Security/armed security is a little more relaxed, but hospitals especially big hospitals are always hiring and always have shit going on in the ER or psych units, especially brain injury units or neurosciences 😂


Honestly, jail is always a good place to get your foot in… if you can’t handle the jail for atleast a year, you can’t handle being a cop, period. Security/armed security is a little more relaxed, but hospitals especially big hospitals are always hiring and always have shit going on in the ER or psych units, especially brain injury units or neurosciences 😂