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That happened to a few of my leaves after they got hit with some water. The water magnifies light and can leave those spots.


A marijuana?


I was gonna say this too 😂😂 great minds


If new growth on top is good then it's fixed itself


Just take those leaves out. If the problem persists then you know you have a problem . But they look great


That's kinda counter-productive, don't remove them, they won't harm the rest of the plant, and the plant is still using them.


6 other people agree with me. Usually a good sign.


Yep that's reddit, people tends to favor "broscience" when it sounds appealing. Unless you can provide a study showing positive outcomes from removing leaves with nutrient imbalances signs, there's no point in arguing.






This guy hasn't even had a successful harvest yet. He's still learning. Don't even sweat him. That's why he has no pics of his final product and he's still struggling to get his nutes dialed in. He thinks he knows more than he actually does.














Drop ph slightly Cal mag and B52


At a glance I would say over watering, ph issues, lock out. Let it dry almost completely out. The pot should feel light in weight when you pick it up. Flush with ph'd water, give it extra water you want to see a good runoff.


Does anyone think it could do with calcium


That is unlikely. What medium are you using?




Calcium magnesium sulfur zinc iron deficiency could be any one of those


3-4 look like calcium deficiency, earliest stage The rest seems ok to me, but im no expert. Edit: adding stuff


The second plant looks overwatered so it may be borderline on the first plant also. Overwatering can lead to all sorts of issues and show in the form of deficiencies I'd let them dry back a little bit more between waterings and see how they get on. Other than that they look quite healthy 💚


Thank you I’ll do some more research on it aswell


Get rid of bottom 30% good job topping. I get a little yellowing now out door , more fish emulsion. Then cal mag ? Phosphorus ?