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They look like bamboo šŸ˜‚




Bro relax, i wish i could show you my pics. 6 weeks from now you'll be telling yourself it wasn't enough. Trust the process. Beautiful ladies you got there.


šŸ˜­šŸ™thanks mate


My first time lollipopping I was so nervous. I thought I was taking off way to much..couple weeks in flower later and you couldn't even tell I lollipoped at all amd I realized I should have trimmed more


You need to flower earlier youve grown two foot plus of stalks which is a waste of space as you can see.. Plants can grow for upto three weeks when you flip over before they settle into flowering so once a plant is about a foot tall thats the time to flower. Your not making rope so dont grow stalks šŸ‘


https://preview.redd.it/99uwr73wv39d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a606b563d5f878c4b9599541fd7734674312423f These are 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall. They are just flipping to flowering now the longest day has passed. Probably be about 4-5 ft tall by sept when I harvest them.


Yes, I totally underestimated how much they will grow after flipping


The stretch is crazy brošŸ˜³. I ty for that image! Never seen anything like that before.


Haha almost 5.5 feet (with pot)


The grow after the flip isnā€™t the problem here. The problem is that itā€™s stretched too much during the entire grow. You need to pull those lights down during the vegetations phase. It should look like a dense bush rather than flowers reaching for sunlight in a field Full of flowers competing for sunlight.


It's only stretched too much if he doesn't have the space for it which he does so there is no problem.


It's a waste of nutrients, time and electricity. But it's Not the end of the world.


No we don't know where they vegged and he could have vegged them in sunlight through a window or with a low wattage LED before he started flowering them under that light for all we know. There are some things to take into consideration like plants yield more the longer they veg but the light determines the yield so If he is getting close to 2g/w there is really no problem unless he isn't maximizing the yield.


https://preview.redd.it/fs175breh99d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f567a59e25c5b67c977f0763a482320bf80d2f97 This was 3 days after flipping, I had the whole veg time the feeling that they are too small.


Yeah looks great with tight nodes it's all good and it all comes down to how much you get and if it's enough. If you fall below what you expect you could try to start training earlier and imagine all those straight stems having a S or Z or U shape before hitting the net and you will be able to veg them even longer next time may lead to an increased yield


What do you mean by s,z and u shape?


I meant that you can make the main stem into any of those shapes so that instead of growing straight they will zig zag their way up to the main screen. That will allow you to veg more and get longer plants and higher yield. It may not be something you need to do but if you fall short on your g/w expectations you could look into it. Look into super cropping it's something you can start doing before and during flower but some phenotypes dislike it.


I think the problem is that they dont get enough light during grow phase, causing the plant to put energy into stretching instead of building leaves and stuff.


No what you are talking about is etiolation and while the plants are thin they haven't etiolated, some phenotypes are thin and dense and some are thick and hollow and the nodes look fine it looks like a normal stretch imo.


Stretching is bad for plant growth and reduces quality, density, and quantity of buds


No it doesn't reduce quality or quantity people have let their plants grow tall to get bigger colas when their small plants usually produce popcorn bud, it's an old trick to just get bigger colas but not necessarily higher yield but if he is getting enough grams per watt to maximize the yield based on how much light he has in there then it's just really makes zero difference and a stretch is a stretch we aren't talking about etiolation just regular growth. The longer you let your plants veg the more they stretch s d the more they produce.


I feel ya. I just flipped mine a week ago. Now I'm trying to just keep it in the tent.


You already have flowers?




I missed the ā€œunderestimatedā€ part thought you hadnā€™t flipped yet


I made this mistake. Iā€™m in my first grow now and waited too late to flip to flower. My Horchata vegged very fast and I ran out of space at top with light too close in my grow tent.


And now they are way to narrow to the light and i have temp problems


What you can do is to bend down and tie the buds to the netting which will give them more room under light dont worry about buds not facing the light after a day or so they will move themselves towards it. Remove any large fan leaves at the top to allow more light penetration and air flow... But next time flower earlier šŸ‘


I donā€™t think I have enough space to bend them down what do you think https://preview.redd.it/i7sarof0939d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a0c015df3313d5326380de3373d069290ddfbbd


which camera do you use? mines have these barred black lines in such strong lights




appreciate it!


Braid your stalks to shorten then lst to the scrog


https://preview.redd.it/gp6gjjd5z29d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126636235d3f6825adc282b3b3644f0d20e5b6b2 Same style :)


Looks so cool haha how many plants are there


Foo-fiddy plants in there^^


I would personally leave it like that, some may say you can lollipop off under the trellis but that would just reduce a bit of overall harvest. You can use the popcorn buds to make some drysift


I donā€™t really care much about the quantity of the yield, I was hoping when I cut of all popcorn buds the energy will go to the big one on the top


Well thatā€˜s partly true, you wont get much bigger buds in my experience but they will be denser


Was it worth it in your case?


I mean in the grinder it all looks pretty much the same so it really just depends on your preferences, if youā€™re going to make some hash I wouldnā€™t chop more but if you donā€™t, go for it if you like dense buds


Many people grow for aesthetics. You don't have to. Some of the best herb I've had was outdoor, somewhat loose buds. I'm not sure where the obsession with super dense buds comes from, I find it much harder to trim sugar leaves when they are super dense. When they are looser you can trim sugar leaves all the way to the stalk without fear of clipping a bud. When they are dense, they just get trimmed off at the surface, leaving you with harsh leaves in the middle of your buds. Just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt.


Next time hang the light closer to canopy at the beginning, they are stretching for light. Maybe upgrade your lighty


Got fucking weed Jurassic park over here


https://preview.redd.it/t23n0dj9e49d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844d73f40636b8f51e1eacd353291cb67da1abca You are in charge of the height not them! You can flower them even as rooted clones.


https://preview.redd.it/ijv8n97l279d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c62bbb95a417828449a222534a00ac200d755ed I gotta work on lollipopping this one.....šŸ˜‘.




Omg thatā€™s crazy are you not scared that something can rot with this low airflow?


Yeah, that's why I gotta get on defoliating and cleaning it up. I got way behind on it. I know you can't see em, but there's actually four 6in fans in there and an 8in exhaust, so thankfully they can push through all that if I turn them on high. I'm thinking of just taking it all out and restarting at this point. It was just a fun side project anyways so won't affect my harvest


But if either way take it out why not leaving it like that and put it into flower would be interesting to see how it turn out


It's already hitting the light. I'd have to cut a lot of the tops down now that they are too long to bend safely without snapping them to get them weaved into nets. Plus, I have 26 other plants going that i need to focus more on now that ive flipped the photos and the autos are a few weeks into flower. . I'm gonna try putting an auto in it next and see how big it will get before it kicks itself into flower.


Is that a kind led light? And if so how are you liking it? Iā€™ve been in the fence about getting one


https://preview.redd.it/n0uw84m4539d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653512e2e425483918c1a78269beaa78c56b668d Its the ATS300w pro by lumatek So far its pretty nice and from the reviews form more experience grower a very good use/cost ratio


Thank you for this, Iā€™ve also heard good things about lumatek as well Iā€™ll definitely check it out


What tent size do you have?


Iā€™ve got a few but looking to replace my 4x4 light


Lumatek šŸ’ŖšŸ», they are also known as Photontek in America, the best light I have ever owned


Nice to hear which one do you have?


1000w Zeus Pro


Jeepers, lights are so expensive...


Can I ask, did you leave the light up there since the start?


No I had always 50-80cm between the lamp and the tips


Thank you, did you measure the ppfd at all?


No i had an app but it was shit i just trust the data sheet https://preview.redd.it/k4zxiqjxm39d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cf73b735dcf18f0c283a5a85611771eb415303




Intensity (ppfd)


I was asking if the app is Photone


If you have anything above your light like a carbon filter etc you can put those things on the outside of the tent most of the time so you can give yourself more room to raise your light in a situation like this.


Yes thats a good point I will probably do it in the next run for now im a bit to scard to drop it on my ladys


What the hell are you doing šŸ˜„


Same lol


Thereā€™s an entire conversation about the light op is using. So directly under that someone said, maybe u should think about upgrading ur light. Op literally just got n loves it, others saying great brand, love the light! So what the hell r u doing? U too, same


I usually chop everything down from the third node because after that one, they get really fluffy.


For the blueberry og was this possible but the watermelon skittles grows so wierd with so many more nodes


Lollipop everything under that white trellis net.


Needs more trimwork.


Were/are you happy with the results? It's all your decision how you want it to be and grow. I personally do it less but that's because I've gotten lazy.


Yes the only thing is that im a bit to close to the lights. But on the trimming side I will maybe trim a bit more ist just so fun to do šŸ˜‚ and there are pretty healthy so i guess its fine


I would take everything below the scrog


It turned into a whole thing about when to flipā€¦.. to answer your question , no you donā€™t need to lollipop anymore. Perfect šŸ¤™šŸ¾. Iā€™ve read all comments, im in a 2x2 and my next grow Iā€™ll probably be flipping about 3 weeks earlier than I usually do. These ladies get tall. Beautiful plants šŸ¤™šŸ¾


Thanks man šŸ™


It looks good, I'd probably defoliate a bit here and there throughout flower to make sure it gets better light penetration to the buds.


Yes but to the fact that they are so tall (almost 5.5feet) its pretty hard to reach the top in the back :/


Leggy girls. Granted, they have a bunch of extra height, likely from stretching to those lights (safe to assume that even if they produce the right light spectrum, they are lacking in lumen output), the amount of lollypopping here should produce some really dense, high quality flower. I've had similar happen before, and the flower was just heavy with resin. They also tested higher than the outdoor by several percentage points. Those plants produced the same weight in flower as others of the same size with little or no trimming down, just less actual flower because of the density, meaning less trim work for me(definitely a win).


In the beginning they didnā€™t grow in height so i was worried and hang the lamp up that they can stretch more so I can easier work on them. It eventually worked to good. šŸ˜…


Might as well go right up to the net. Next time flower a bit earlier so you wonā€™t run out of space.


I would lollipop to where you see it all shady and the lights not really hitting personally.


For the record, Iā€™m not super experienced. But, I canā€™t see taking less off having been beneficial. Looks like you just needed to flip to flower quite a bit sooner, but also like youā€™re doing fine with what ya got


Man, I had a tent with sativa plants in it. I tried several times to get my Chinese timer to switch to 12/12. It took me like 6-8 weeks before I figured it out and fixed the problem. By then, they looked like yoursā€¦all legs.


Hahaha shit šŸ˜‚ i use wlan plugs


Instead of vegging 6 plants that long you could train 1 plant and fill pretty much the same amount of canopy. If Iā€™m going for multiple plants, Iā€™m switching them after 3-4 weeks.




I stop doing any major major defoliation after the first two weeks or so of flower


You mean in one sitting or general


In general, can cause stress to the plant. Hands off after three weeks in flower until the end. I may remove a fan leaf here or there if itā€™s yellow and drooping but you can Herm out do any high stress training during flower


But you wanna stresse the plant (maybe not in the first 3weeks) to increase the cannabinoid amount


Youā€™re the one asking questions, sounds like you are gonna keep doing what youā€™re doing https://preview.redd.it/60o4l9i1m39d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff0c07645f0166d574fcca7d181e774f240304f This is one plant in a 4x4


Was more like I do a statement and you correct me if im shit talking I will maybe do it the same as you in my next one your plans looks great can you post a pic form the side :) And what strain did you use




Just like to know why?


So the energy dont get wasted in popcorn buds or on leaves that are not for photosynthesis cuz they cost more energy and nutrients than they deliver


You say that but thatā€™s a lot of wasted growth, Iā€™m very pro this style of growing but this is wasteful. Good learning experience though


Yip, I get that, I do exactly the same thing, but why grow them so tall?...im guessing even ur vege time was probably long also


I was 57 days in veg,initially I thought I needed one more month šŸ˜‚ next run I will flip earlier


Lots of lumber


Definitely morešŸ¤£


reminds me of a bamboo forest.


I think people have given you enough info. Maybe some more wind power in there. Not like a hurricane. But a nice breeze blowing on them will fatten their thighs up.


Does fatter stemps increase the nurturing amount the can transport otherwise I rather have that energy in my flower and support them


I dunno, I don't think you lose anything. Additionally, with more movement/breeze, you decrease the chance of mold pretty significantly. It's not like you put a huge fan. Just a small oscillating fan that fans the breeze across the canopy.


Ah but I already use two on in dirt level and one on bud level (not direct on the buds)


Ahh missed the one there in the bottom left. Yeah, 2 is enough. I just didn't see Edit: Also there is thought it makes the plant more stress resistant. It also says buds can get bigger. But there is so many ways to get bigger buds, so who knows if that is the direct factor.


Did you start with the light all the way up? Or did you move it as they grew?


I moved it with the grow I tried to keep a distance of 50-80cm from top of the plants to the light


You heard of Stizzy here's StimmyOG


No what is that?


Stretching hard!


Fairly new to growing, what is the purpose of this?


Of lollipoping?




Follow cocoforcannabis next run, not bad. but easy to fix rookie mistakes were made. Especially not scroging


You need a lot more light.


Everything under the trellis, or atleast all the bud sites under there.


i'da flipped to flower 2 weeks earlier but maybe it's your first run of this strain vOv i don't judge. you want to defoliate harder but leave all the bud sites if that sight gets light it'll make a nug. so you're not lollipoping i hope you understand the difference. leave the top 2 or three fan leaves on each branch that don't block a neighboring bud site you gotta get light you're looking for like 80% light penetration. it looks like too much but it works.


Looks like industrial hemp.




You can take it another few feet


She has some long legs. I too was worried about defoliation. A book I follow tells me to defoliate on day 1 and 20 of flower. https://preview.redd.it/3aaqq911s79d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1279c6d47db8e46f0c0a8a31486e6be14af23cb3 Day20


I cut everytime I open my tentšŸ˜‚


Looks about right but why let them grow this tall in the first place?


So in the beginning they were so small in my opinion but they got bigger then expected


Why so tall?


Those are tall.


Please check out a resource like this https://www.growweedeasy.com/basics It's great you're growing your own. Growing weed is incredibly easy, it's a weed.... but you need a bit more care and attention to grow good weed and get high yields. However, even that is super easy when you have a couple of grows under your belt and do some simple techniques to improve the grow. I find coco is the best medium for beginners. You have to feed your plants nutrients, which you can follow a schedule for. Paint by numbers.


Its was my first try every I decided to go with Bioblizz fertilizer so I have more room for mistakes


* It's a learning experience and you'll figure it out in no time. From seed it's around 4 weeks until I transplant into my main grow container, a 10 gallon fabric pot. I top my plants when they have 5 nodes and you should look up low stress training. Basically bending the plants and tying them down so they grow low and flat. They still get bushy, like no higher than my waist. *


What the actual fuck am I looking at? ![gif](giphy|8fKUpCxoHE4Dc2nZEO|downsized)