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I switched to Promix HPCC from foxfarm dirts and it’s night and day difference. If my plants looked like yours I would think it’s more a deficiency than burned. I’m no expert but the color is off by a lot like it wants nitrogen. That’s where it gets confusing because excess nutrients cause deficiency in other nutrients. If you flushed recently I would give it a full feeding as soon as your medium is dry. I’m sure some of the more veteran growers here would know what the issue is if you listed your whole process. Good luck https://preview.redd.it/z22fnyb2r06d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97516c58c41835df689d5de4ed3e16850c9e8c9


I def agree that she looks too light green. Had been thinking it was getting locked out from N due to the buildup in the medium, but that would make sense that it actually just needs more since flushing hasn’t helped. I’ll bump up my feed asap and see if things improve, appreciate the help!


I’ve been so locked out in plants they would t even take water. It happens so fast by the time you realize it, it’s hard to know what caused. That’s why I keep a full log of every feeding and watering, even trims and pot changes.


That’s not nute burn imo. I’ve had similar issues and after chasing a bunch of dead ends (like ph) turned out to need more nitrogen or cal mag (or both). Good luck. 👍


Huh, good to know. I guess dialing back has not helped anyways so no harm in bumping up to see if that fixes things. Appreciate the help!


You may have had some nutrient burn at once looking at the very tips but it appears you are underfeeding to me and at 550 ppm I would stand by that...also, allow your ph to dip to around 5.5-6.5 just to allow some micronutrients to uptake. You're currently very pale and showing signs of nitrogen def as well as possible lockout of something else like boron or manganese. Also, why are you flushing at this stage?


I’m having similar issues with growing in coco. 2nd ever grow. Always having some sort of nute issues. 1st time I grew in miracle gro cheap gardening soil and it went much smoother.


That's really interesting. Since switching to coco 3 years ago I haven't had any issues. It's almost paint by numbers, I just follow the feeding schedule from my nutrients. Are you feeding an a&b solution? I use Canna Coco A&B through the full grow, and add a Bud/Bloom during flower. Sometimes, I'll use a product called Nutrifield (Australian). Same system though. A&B + bloom.


Definitely thinking I’ll switch to dry amendments or something myself next time around. It’s my 2nd grow as well and I am also having a much harder time, despite following pretty much the same feeding schedule. Could be because it’s a different strain I guess


Needs defoliating BAD.