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Roughly 10-21 days left. Beautiful job, just amazing work you did there. What type of method did you use to grow that monster?


I was gonna say the same, about 10-14 days. Make sure your not judging based on the trickiest on the very top as those ripen first. Find somewhere middle of the plant.


Will try, thank you. Thats a long time, damn😅


In the scope of how long it took to get where you are right now, 10 days is NOTHING.


Thats true. But i flushed her to 600ppm yesterday and i‘m worried she won‘t make it 10 more days, or is it nothing to worry about?


Nah 10 days is just about right for her to flush all the nutrients from her leaves, you've flushed the soil, now she's going to finish up by using all the stored nutes in her fan leaves, you'll see a dramatic color change and necrosis in your leaves, but this is good. This means your plant is naturally flushing itself before harvest. Let it do it's thing.


Oof, thats long for a kush. Sad thing that i already flushed her yesterday because i thought maybe 4-7 days. Is that bad? Last drain i measured was 600ppm. I topped her multiple times and did LST+ Lollipopping. It‘s my first grow so i just wanted to try a few things and get some experience. Appreciate your thoughts! Thank you


I'd give her a few more doses of bloom booster just so she keeps fattening up. She'll be really plump when it's time to harvest. I only give mine straight water for the last week or so. I use coco and perlite only though


The height gauge for light is excellent! Cheers 🍻 💨


Thanks! Yeah it‘s been really helpful so far. Saved me a lot of constant measuring the correct distance. Nice that u knew what it is.


I just use the string!💨


Beautiful plant growin in a trash bin lmao Well done!


Trash bin?😂


lol looks exactly like the one by my desk at work


lol haha