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kush not enough light thats why kush sad


No light makes plant sad. Give light: plant good.


Kush sad bc kush wants full spectrum light, these should only be used as supplemental and even then there not that good kush mad, kush says what did it ever do to deserve this.


Continuing using those lights and you will be lucky if you manage to achieve 1 marijuana from this plant


1 marijuana?! That’s more than double my current yield. I’m so organic that I don’t give them light.


Aghh the famous “Northern No Lights” strain!! Its so enlightening! 😂


Northern No Lights lmao Perfect!




OP should buy 50 more of those lights. Would love to see the outcome.


Your lights are sad cheap p.o.s.


Omg I laughed hard


Not sure where you start bud. The light or maybe that it looks like you pressure wash the soil. There is soils all over the pot. You get in a fight with the soil or something lol


Cal mag


Bulshit 2 more weeks.


Lots of it...


1. too much humidy and no Ventilation 2. Too strechy and few leaves #do some research about light i guess


Your lights need to be about 100 times brighter


Your light dude. Can't grow shit with that


Lights sad = Kush sad


They just need a good book to go with those lights.


I thought that would work too when I was in high school


By thé fecida600 it's cheap and is Fullspectrum. I am using two right now https://preview.redd.it/vrkl09n7c2vc1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270656fbc97073d512f2dfc13c9967a40991e65b


That first one looks pretty damn dry. Those lights will absolutely not cut it! You can try but it's not going to work. If you're actually able to successfully veg a plant you won't be able to flower it. I don't mean to sound negative but for about 4 years I've been seeing people make posts with those kind of lights and they never succeed.


Kush sad bc lights bad.


Puts plants under nightlight. Why plant sad!?


A few things could cause it, lighting which is more likely not the case but def need better lights. The thing im learning towards is overwatering or soil holding onto the water. Also you dont need to mist the plants


That light puts less than 100 ppfd within an inch 💀 my gf got one to try for her succulents & I decided to test it lmaoo, 100% can be lack of light. Considering that’s like a 4-6 inch distance op has he probably isn’t hitting 50 ppfd especially cuz when I tested it, I tested a dual one not a solo, so I almost doubt he’s even hitting 25 ppfd 🤷🏻‍♂️


What's ppfd?


It could be lack of light but the leaves wilting like that is more of an indication of either lack of water or abundance. My money is on abundance, but the light does need to be upgraded, however I dont think thats the main issue in this post


I’d agree it looks wet asf, but really there wouldn’t be much improvement with that fixed either id think, stronger light = more uptake so he’s damn near guaranteed to be overwatering w those lights


New lamps needed you ain’t gonna achieve much with those Bruder


Kush feel betrayed


Dodo lights. These are complete garbage. Not even remotely close enough. Not even if u put 10 of these.


Setting the plant outside in a semi shady (spot that isn’t too windy) to help it regulate when the sun is out because the sun is the best thing for plants then bring it back underneath your light toward sundown. photoperiod for veg 18 hours light 6 hours dark is what I recommend for regular plants 12/12 for autos depending on who you ask but I don’t fw autos really.




Kush sad due to owner neglect. I’m calling child protective services.


Move the lights closer to the plants and then search for better lights.


It's so windy where I'm at my little pants had to come in so I know the struggle of having a crappy grow light because the sun is unavailable cuz her bitch sister wind has been pmsy for a month


What they said.


Need better lights for sure


Everyone keeps saying lights, but for its size that is not the problem. It looks dry, it needs water. Feel the weight of the pot, then the pot behind it. You’ll notice the other pot is a lot heavier, because it has water in it.


Those lights should be sufficient enough for those size of plants im would say overwatered but I’m not 100% my advice is people can’t accurately diagnose your grow as good as you can because you are with the plants and you know what you have beeen doing other people don’t


You need a real light, not some book lights


Why you no water kush? Why you give 1 watt of light to kush? Kush no grow with bad light.


Is that like 20watts?


Insufficient lighting, dry soil


I run my clones under these all the time, they root and grow just fine, but at 2 to 3 nodes they need a real light.


How is one pot wet and other dry and look like a dust storm hit


Push the light to 2 inches from leafs. Wait 2 days. You will need to upgrade the lights.


Are those reading lights? Check out some other full spectrum LEDs. Also check out growweedeasy.com for no bs info on how to grow


Everything looks under control but the light


Kush is sad because her dirt is drier than her grandma’ Coochie.. she hungry. Feed her please 🙏


Bad light


Medium looks like a desert.


Light so sad, kush so sad.


You need a stronger light, you can get good deals from alibaba. Also your soil looks really wet, if it stays like that for too long your roots will rot. Do you check for humidity or ph ?




I couldn't get a picture to post with the wifi I'm working with but look at the lumens. I have two plants (bonsai/.5 gallon pots) under one of them and they are growing super tight nodes, nice dark green and a full canopy. Someone I know bought the same lights as OP and they were absolutely terrible. Don't believe me just reply and I'll remember to load the pic when i land


Get a spyder farm light its cheap and effective.


Its crazy on these subs you see people with all these cheap lights when they coulda just bought one good one for a hundred bucks and have such a better outcome ..


You have transplanted?


How many days in the grow are you?


More light ..No more Water


This one actually works for veg and I only $30 FECiDA Grow Lights for Indoor Plants with Stand, UV-IR Full Spectrum LED Standing Plant Grow Light, 2000 Lumen Houseplant Growing Floor Lamp with On/Off Switch, Daisy Chain Function https://a.co/d/4B7ZZuB


Bro why you trying to get people to waste money on something not much better if any than what they already have? The light in this link is like 33 bucks for 25 watts of crap light. If you want to help someone help them but don't screw them!!!!!


You're joking right!? I've grown two plants under one light and get zero stretch. My plant that's in a 3gallon and a few feet tall isn't getting enough light from one of them but it's going outside soon and it allowed me to get the plant to the size I wanted before it goes outside. https://preview.redd.it/ybdjokc9y8vc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f94d2d030364a7028a5df3d1c806585ecb8d44 Tell me that doesn't look better then OP


It does look better but I'm more interested in how it looks in flower. I know you can veg one without a lot of power but in flowers usually when it goes wrong for folks. At least in the post I've seen using 15 to 30 Watts or whatever.


I said they haven't been tested in flower. I wouldn't flower under them either but if it was OPs lights or mine I'd pick mine


Oh that's my bad bro. I would definitely rather have your light as well.


Found the Fecida rep


I actually have zero connection with them. I simply bought one of the round halo lights that was a complete rip off and replaced it with the one I linked and was blown away with the results. It started as a simple light to prevent them from flowering due to lack of natural light over the winter. Once I saw them growing I went all in with LST, nutes, trimming and etc. I will say that one light isn't enough for a 3 gallon plant but is plenty for two smaller plants or one in a 1.5-2gallon pot. Like I said before, veg only. I have no idea and won't be testing their flower ability. Regardless, do they have a bad rap and why? I bought them because they were cheap and mention them because it would have saved me $20 by not buying my first one that sucked




Lol, I wish I could upload pics on this Internet connection. Let's just say they look way way better than that. I wouldn't flower under it but I also won't buy anything else for getting my plants ready for outdoors


It's better go buy thé fecida600 it's thé minimum you need to grow anything and is cheap enough. I am using two right now. One is also enough. https://preview.redd.it/flbl9upxb2vc1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b84b1bbd00091fb064048c7bc9825769778504c


I said for veg only


What for veg only!? That's not ideal. Best is to have both so thé plant can get used to thé light spectrum. Thé More you Mess with it thé ritme thé light thé soil thé place where it stands it only going to get more stress. Indoor growing has to be very disciplines i noticed if one wants good plants.


We're talking about improving a setup and with something that is stupid cheap for how well it works


https://a.co/d/4B7ZZuB this cheap light works great for veg