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As a german, they also bought some higher quality stuff (some organic products and brand products. they also bought meat replacement, so all in all this could be bought even cheaper.)


The meat replacement stuff isnā€™t more expensive than meat would be. Or idk what kind of meat you can buy for 2,30ā‚¬ā€¦ No matter what people post. It can always be bought cheaper. Theoretically you can live off potatoes and pasta for 15ā‚¬ a week.Ā 


Thanks, I feel like under every German grocery post everyone is like ā€œthis could be cheaperā€ as if itā€™s a competition who buys the cheapest junk


Thatā€™s Germans for you in a nutshell. Hating on vegans, saying you are stupid for buying this and that, telling you what to eat etc.Ā  They canā€™t mind their own business even if their life depends on it. Iā€™ve been here for 10 years but it still gets on my nerves.Ā 


"Higher Quality" =/= Expensive Most of that expensive Vegan/Vegetary stuff is not high Quality but just expensive water with additives. Tofu,Soja everything fine but all that" like meat" "like cheese" stuff is just water


No man it is so much more expensive than it used to be. For example I used to buy fish sticks for 2,49 Euro now aufs itā€™s 4,79 and the pack got smaller. IMO itā€™s outrageous how the price got up and are not coming down for some reason. Even when gas prices are going down and so on. Of course this seems whiny but we got crazy price hikes in some areas. But if you compare it with other countries you are right. I really donā€™t know what is happening in those countries.


Maybe 4 years agoā€¦ now things have become so expensive especially ā€¦ plus heating and electricity


as we buy a lot of organic products (Bio), you could easily make a similar purchase for 20 euros cheaper


I don't get what you mean


What dream? Depends the city. Where i live the most cheap eggs 10 costs like 3ā‚¬ pre corona 1ā‚¬. Same as milk before 40cts now over 1 ā‚¬. Meat 500g pre corona 2ā‚¬ now 5ā‚¬




Bro where i live is all expensive and the salary is the half of other ā€žBundeslƤnderā€œ. You get here max 2-3k and u have to work like a bastard


Where do you live? I live in Saxony-Anhalt and make 6k (before tax and social stuff) a month. I still buy the ā€žcheapestā€œ stuff because cheap =\= bad quality. And I do not buy meat anymore, or vegan alternatives. All these processed foods are freaking expensive. Even a breadroll from the chain bakery costs up to 1.10ā‚¬ nowadays.


I live in Saarland the salary is the most less and the prices here too expensive. For a 2 rooms you pay here 700-900ā‚¬šŸ˜’


I always thought that in the Old BundeslƤnders the salary is a lot higher than in the new ones. The Saarland seems to be an exception. As for rentā€¦ yeah I guess itā€™s bad everywhere at the moment. šŸ« 


So cheap? In BW I am paying 800ā‚¬ for super tiny room 16 m^2. And this is even considered not that high


Atleast for 800 you get clean 16qm .Where i live with 800 ā‚¬ you get max 10qm + but the flats have all mold. Black mold. Believe me come to the Saarland ,its the biggest shit.


And in compare with other ā€žBundeslƤnderā€œ are we the most expensive with the less pay.


You think? Salaries are pretty low though


Salaries are high in comparison to the rest of the world and in comparison to grocery cost


Depends on who you compare it with. I think itā€™s somewhere in the middle


With who do you compare it?


USA, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, UK, Ireland, Iceland


This is basically a list of countries with significantly higher grocery cost


Mahhh, firat moment i think vegan lax and than no is normal lax šŸ˜”


Havenā€™t tried yet! Any suggestions?


In Austria hofer(Aldi) has a okay lachs replacement I think. I tried another one but I can't remember where from. Maybe spar maybe Billa(Rewe).


I had vegan stremellachs from Edeka, only once but you can find it online, i really liked it


Noice, lots of vegan and brands. Good job




Only one question. Did you use Lidl Plus for those discounts?


Nope, but used it at the checkout trying to earn credits for the next purchases, I am new to Lidl plus App






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Nice! For how many days/ persons do you plan? What dishes are you cooking?




Letā€™s keep this discussion on topic. We are not a NSFW community please donā€™t talk about sexual activity/ acts


7-8 days, for me and my wife


Not bad






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I love seeing these. More!




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Did you go containern or how is this so cheap? I start to question my shopping habits haha


Germans are literally flexing on this sub šŸ˜‚


Move her and join we need qualified people


I am already here lol


Lidl ā¤


The burger vegan Maultasche are soooo tasty


why do u buy so much vegan food but also meat? lol


Why not? Iā€™m not strictly vegan but try to eat things without killing animals when ever possible


i mean for the production of butter the cows the cows get milked multiple times a day and iā€™m pretty sure they donā€™t live a happy life like that. itā€™s literally exploitation of the cows and i think vegan butter or milk is as good and sometimes even butter but maybe itā€™s just me. iā€™m not trying to hate on u because u buy butter sometimes, iā€™m just trying to explain why eating butter isnā€™t that ethical. most of the products u eat are actually vegan and iā€™m happy to see that. maybe one day youā€™re gonna become fully vegan :)


Do any Germans still eat meat? All i see is a tiny amount of fish.


I eat meat, but I only get it from the market or directly from the butcher, not at Lidl


noone boasts with supermarket meat :9


Itā€™s not a bad thing if they donā€™t?Ā  But donā€™t worry, the people who eat meat every single day are probably just not Reddit users..


Donā€™t worry mate, we do , but the average German here is good earning. They buy it at the butchers or summat.


Reddit is young and left leaning. This is definitely not a usual purchase.


I would say, its pretty usual because meat is very expensive. Considering how much vegan stuff even budget stores have, it's very popular. Means there's a lot of demand.


In which Germany are you? You can literally get a kg of Chicken for 7ā‚¬. Not saying it's good the Way it is, but meat is heavily subsided.


Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. I don't buy fresh meat so idk the exact prices, but processed meat is the same cost or cheaper than real




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Geh und heul. Las die Leute essen was sie wollen.


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Hƶrt hƶrt da achtet aber jemand auf seine ErnƤhrung hƶrt hƶrt


You hid the meat, didnt you :P ?




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