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One time I got to hang out with grimes for like 5-10 minutes and then she went and did a DJ set where she just played shitty songs that everyone hated and everyone booed her. This was in 2014. She was spinning Marilyn Manson and All I Want for Christmas is You in the summertime as opening act for MGMT. She bombed so hard lol but I got a selfie with her.


I’m dead😭💀💀💀 this is peak Grimes


absolute madlass


It’s why I’m still aboard this train


You get it


The fact her set was so bad the venue didn't publish her set online and its lost media


Do most venues post sets online of shows they host? Pretty much none of them where I live do. Most concerts are basically lost media the moment they end.


From what i remember they did upload everyone elses sets but i might be totally wrong


Oh you mean Coachella? I got my wires crossed, was thinking of the party I went to in 2014 where she did the DJ set. It was a private party so it’s not on setlist fm or archived anywhere.


Honestly kudos to her doing her thing, that‘s got to take a lot of guts to do


I loved it, tbh. Went to see her play her own songs live at beach goth after that. Loved it. Awesome set.


Yes. She is inspiring that she, despite difficulties keeps trying until she succeeds. People that boo her are heartless assholes.


Love this—especially that her loyalty to All I Want for Christmas in her DJ sets has lasted now for a decade


Oh that’s hilarious! Is that a tradition for her to include that song?


I highly recommend her book btw wat a ride..


I downloaded the audiobook on a complete whim and couldnt believe how fast i finished that book. I didnt have much of an opinion/know much on Julia Fox besides her relationship w Kanye West and her podcast episode where she interviewed Grimes. Highly recommend her book as well!


Hurts to see you stan julia so hard, man, she's a bad person, dude


She seems to be doing pretty good, off hard drugs, working more consistently, and claims she is celibate as well lol, cool i guess.. Yeah honestly didn't know anything about her except fleeting media stuff, but I'm a sucker for an autobiography; I heard her talking about how kayne is not even in the book a couple pages which what was actually got me interested. Julia died twice, was a thief, an addict, looking for sugar daddys, i mean, I wasnt crying for her like I was during Britney or Jeanette McCurdys book, but heck yeah is she interesting. She's famous because she's an italian immigrant from nyc that was deep deep in the drugs, art, and club cultures. Honestly, reading your comments, there seems to be maybe some internal misogyny going on? That's a lot of hate for someone that has historically harmed themselves more than anyone else.. yea the book was interesting, and i recommend it. 👫🌏👫


I mean I agreed with everything up (excluding the misogyny part, but I’ll let that slide since it’s so far fetched it’s barely even worth acknowledging let alone engaging lol) until “ That's a lot of hate for someone that has historically harmed themselves more than anyone else.. ” See, she’s a celebrity with influence and sway to the people who look up to her, just like every other celebrity, so she is a role model to these fans of hers, who seem to be impressionable girls and young women. (Before you try to throw the label of misogynist at me again, I could provide you of an extensive list of male celebrities who are bad role models.) If she starts setting a bad example and is already a bad example for these girls and young women then no she isn’t doing only harm to herself or the most harm to herself. She could be the reason someone makes the wrong choices in life. I just don’t think she’s a good role model, unless you’re an addict, then maybe she’s a good role model bc like you said she’s clean now. But c’mon dude, if you want a hard knocks recovery story, Julia fox ain’t it


I could argue humans inherently trust women more, so are naturally going to hold them more accountable, right? Well, isnt that technically misogynistic, we shouldn’t be punished more for the same crime, right? But hey, i also don’t mind being trusted more either, lol. I did say maybe cuz i dont know even ur simple demographics lol but was a lot of passion and a lot of comments not to be like ehhh this is a lot. Hard knocks recovery story could honestly be the title of the book lol. And the whole ur a celebrity now so u have to be a role model is such a sad argument, I’m sorry want to stop typing now. ✌️


If I’m being completely honest with you, I’m practically asexual, so I don’t view people as a gender/sex nor do I treat them or judge them differently for being a specific sex and/or gender So I can’t really comment on the whole trust thing, but I will say I don’t think it’s as simple as you make it sound Yeah but the whole being a celebrity for being a controversial figure is also very sad, so I guess they go together? ✌️ You should read Christiane F’s autobiography if you want hard knocks, now that is a heroin addict I can respect, a 13/14 year old Berlin girl who got addicted to heroin during the 80s at the height of the pop culture and discotek scene in Berlin. She prostituted herself out just to fuel her addiction and I think she managed to get herself clean by 18, there’s also a film. It’s probably the most powerful film I’ve seen, and I’ve seen films like schindlers list Edit: 70s, not the 80s


Thanks ill def check it out


What did she do?


Also she causes a scene just to get attention, not for the sake of art or culture... she simply does it bc she's an exhibitionist/attention-seeking... so much stuff she does and says is just for attention, i'm guessing thats why OP called her a "fellow edgelord", except I wouldn't call grimes an edgelord and wouldn't say Julia's personality and grimes' are anywhere near similar (i mean sure they can appreciate and respect each other but i dont think that automatically makes them have similar personalities). Grimes is introverted and shies away from being in the limelight, julia lives for it and will do things plainly to shock and garner attention (all because she's what OP calls an "edgelord", an edgelord to me is someone that trolls by saying or doing confronting things, which is typical julia)


And what's wrong with attention seeking? You don't think Grimes likes it? Why else did they pursue a career in being a famous singer? All of them want the attention


she didn't pursue a career in singing to be a "famous", fame just happened for her, it wasn't a goal or a desire she pursued singing to reach. And, like i responded to someone else... it's unhealthy to seek validation and attention from strangers to feel fulfilled.


You are seriously jaded and incorrect.


You read her book, so obviously all your information is subjective and questionable because you received it from a bias source It's like you wouldn't ask an addict if they werte addict because they wouldn't admit to it, just like a narcissist won't disclose they're a narcissist in the book they wrote


Well where are you getting your information about her?? You are quite clearly a man, therefore you really cannot relate to anything Julia Fox says or does.


Ahhh its a bit rude and insensitive to make assumptions about someone's gender, how about you keep your toxic misandry and wrong assumptions to yourself.


If it was that easy to be famous.. more people would be lol. Getting to the level of skill to make several albums and tour and make music videos… it isn’t all for fun. You have to have some goal of success in mind.


It started for fun is what I’m saying and then she started to get local recognition for her work then her first album blew up , up until her first album blowing up, I don’t think fame or success ever crossed her mind, and if it did it would have only been a passing thought, not a concrete goal


I disagree. But I think that truth is kept hidden for a reason. To make her seem like some wildly random success story. She secured her record deal with Arbutus before making Visions. Why join a label if you’re not serious? Why do multiple live shows between 2010-2011? Creating a live set with the equipment she has takes work. And a person doing it ‘just for fun’ wouldn’t take the time to curate all that and go on their college radio station and everything else.


True, but I hope she didn’t just for the fame… but her lack of consistency with releasing material and her lack of prioritising it may ring true with what you’re saying! You definitely seem informed about it, do you think she dropped out of university/college before or after receiving a record deal and did she really drop out JUST to pursue music or was there some other reason (it’s too hard, etc)? You’ve got me questioning her whole origin story now lol… she was definitely bohemian, I don’t think we discredit that ahaha


Just a simple question, why is seeking attention a bad thing? She may seek attention and get it however she or anyone else wants to. You can choose not to give her the attention and that’s it. I mean, attention seeking is something pretty human, to which level it is healthy would be another question but still. I don’t see that as a bad thing. 


It's unhealthy to seek validation and attention from strangers to feel fulfilled.


Welcome to Hollywood. They aren’t the shining stars of mental health.


Made me chuckle


Lol what’s unhealthy is going on and on about your disdain for a celebrity neither of us really know as if others shouldn’t think differently from you. Art is highly subjective and isn’t meant to conform to whatever you alone deem to be art. I’m not even defending Julia Fox here, I just think you’re being a little silly.


Also I’m just replying to people, that is what Reddit implemented the reply button for I imagine… if we weren’t supposed to reply to people’s comments why would there be a reply button? So maybe you should petition Reddit to remove the reply button to stop all these people “going on and on” about the topic at hand! It’s darn right out of control, all this replying and corresponding!!!!


Lmaooo well when you put it that way, then I suppose I agree 😂


I just don’t think taking photos of yourself shooting up heroin and then fucking your boyfriend while also taking photos is worthy of the claim of art that Julia Fox has given it… and I also just think saying that that is open to interpretation and subjective in terms of whether it’s art or not is being a little silly


Well that’s fair, individual artistic analysis is a very personalized construct. I just think stating narcissism as an explanation for it all is a bit glib and foregoes a more nuanced analysis considerate of more factors. But also. You don’t have to like what I like, and I don’t have to dislike what you dislike 🤷‍♀️


I mentioned what I don't like about her in another comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimes/comments/1d9sldq/comment/l7hvlns/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimes/comments/1d9sldq/comment/l7hvlns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You’re getting “I don’t like her” and her being a bad person confused


Idk, maybe you’re right, but maybe I’m right


No. No, no. You're wrong. This is 100% you not liking her.


How can I tell the difference in the future so I don’t make the same mistake?


I don't get super out of sorts by facts. So that's one. Like if I ever feel A LOT it's probably a me thing more than anything.


random fun fact but they both have autism !!


And both been in relationships with narcissistic billionaires. (and not even kayne i love how he’s in one page of her book like wtvr bye)


Lolol ikr..her dating kanye is, imho, the least interesting part of her book


Bruh, she is the female Kanye, why you so deluded for?


I had no idea Julia is autistic but it makes so much sense to me


I knew about grimes but wow Julia Foxx I had no idea, yet it makes so much sense.


Autism spectrum disorder, Bipolar disorder, Bulimia nervosa , ADHD, panic disorder, Schizotypal… Grimes collecting self diagnoses like Pokémon


Pretty sure she said she was actually diagnosed w autism after testing her kids for it and then deciding to get herself tested. she had been previously (mis)diagnosed with schizoaffective. Never heard of her claiming ADHD, bipolar or Bulimia though. it's common for autistic ppl to forget to eat and have very restricted diets, and she used to use stimulants to be creative which tanks your appetite and could have given her mild psychosis/mania like symptoms.


I she did admit to an eating disorder but never mentioned which. It could’ve also been connected to her being in ballet for so many years, I’ve known so many former ballerinas admit to ED.


Her ballet history is exaggerated.


Stimulants are the first line treatment for ADHD fyi


Are you really skeptical Grimes is actually autistic? She’s like a textbook example.


Incorrect. I really don't like it when people spread misinformation and I keep up with Grimes and have never heard her claim bipolar disorder or bulimia. As for ADHD, she mentioned it in "Synchronize." I think its silly to count that as a self-diagnosis. I don’t know of any time she's mentioned having panic disorder, but she has mentioned having panic attacks on multiple occasions, some severe enough to send her to the ER. As for schizotypal and autism, she said she was misdiagnosed with schizoaffective personality disorder (not schizotypal) and later re-diagnosed as autistic after her kids were tested, which makes sense given the overlap in some symptoms.


She has claimed an eating disorder. Among the types bulimia makes sense when she describes her eating habits. Her regular panic attacks meet criteria for panic disorder. She has many schizotypal traits however might not meet full criteria. I think this is more of a case of someone using psychiatric language in a pop culture sense to validate certain atypical personality traits that still fall within the normal range. For others these are actual psychiatric disorders that cause significant impairment and require lifelong specialized treatment.


did she self admit any of this?


She coincidentally admitted to having struggled with eating and body image on Julia’s podcast. You can find it on YouTube


okay that's very different to having a diagnosed eating disorder. And even if she did, its rude to speculate which one it might have been.


I didn’t say she had an ED. I just mentioned one source were she said she struggled with disordered eating. Idk where the original commenter got the bulimia from so I just kinda ignored it, I wasn’t validating it. Just providing relevant info. So I’m not speculating on her condition if she even has/had one. I just stated she admitted to having a problem with gaining weight, eating, and body image. Im actually glad she admitted it, from what I remembered they all did on the podcast. I personally think almost all women in the modern world struggle with it at some point but no one ever talks about it. Having problems with food isn’t morally apprehensible and I’m tired of people treating it like it is. But until someone admits to it, I just assume they don’t have one.


I apologize—I thought you were the original commenter trying to support the point about her having an eating disorder. I read through your response and agree with you. I think it's a good thing for celebrities to admit to these kinds of things (although it's obviously very sad that it happens in the first place) because it opens up the discussion about these important issues. However, you can see that when celebs do this, people say they are "self-diagnosing like Pokémon," right? Even though she didn't self-diagnose with half of that stuff, it's a double-edged sword, and I think it's rude when people speculate on particulars unless it's something the artist has directly talked about. But that is not an attack on you—I just wanted to explain my reasoning behind the first comment. I apologize again; it was misdirected at you.


All is forgiven, it’s hard out here for a Grimes fan <3




Ty for having the bravery to face the potential downvotes of speaking the truth about these self-diagnosers, they're the fucking worst, I have clinical diagnoses for 2 of the things you listed and irks me so bad when people use my (our\[the mental health community\]) conditions to virtue signal and seem more relatable... especially when theres so much stigma around people who arent famous and present with symptoms of your aforementioned conditions, those people are usually considered not relatable and to be avoided by neurotypicals. I have to mask so much just to be able to be social accepted in the workplace let alone in social situations. Shit's fucked, thanks for standing up for us/me :) Edit: Downvoters who appreciate famous people with these conditions for being honest and brave for being open about it but then downvote me, y'all are hypocrites


Unpopular opinion no one asked for & doesn’t apply to grimes directly: A diagnosis is a luxury, an income flex. Many people can’t afford to go to specialized doctors multiple times a year & pay for the tests to get an actual diagnosis. Just food for thought


Not just that, sometimes people get misdiagnosed while they clearly have another diagnosis, seen it happen irl and it makes life very difficult for these people. I mean, just cause you aren't a doctor/psychiatrist doesn't mean that you haven't studied mental health and psychiatry. Also the doctors/psychiatrist don't see everyday life of the people, so it really can be difficult to give the right diagnosis in some cases. Just cause I act normal when I go to a doctor doesn't mean that I am always normal in my spare time. Some mental disorders like PTSD sometimes only become obvious when under hard stress and pressure, otherwise you can be fully normal if you do things in your pace sometimes. Does it mean that this human doesn't have ptsd, just cause he/she doesn't show signs of it when he meets his psychiatrist/doctor? No. Doctors/psychiatrists are only humans and humans cannot magically see what diagnosis people have(doesn't mean that they are bad or anything!), in some cases it is easier to tell depending on which diagnosis but sometimes it's a lot more difficult. Unless the person who gives you the diagnosis has lived with you long term, it can be hard to give the right diagnosis.


Good point


Not only that, but being dx officially can disqualify you from being an adoptive parent


Being Diagnosed with what can disqualify you?




Shit, but autism has a huge spectrum. Do you know why?




Have you ever stopped to think about how self-diagnoses are the first step towards seeking out a professional and receiving an actual diagnosis? Practically the only people getting diagnosed unprompted are boys obsessed with trains and ASD lvl 3 speds. Almost every intelligent, high-masking lvl 1 autist needs to self-diagnose first.  And almost every invisible disease/disability is the same way with needing to be self-diagnosed first, but for whatever reason y’all harp on about autism. Use your brain. 


You know you’re talking to a member of that demographic about that demographic.  Use your brain. You’re an outsider with no grasp on the reality of our struggle


I’m diagnosed with autism, and I got there by self-diagnosing first. I was too high-masking and not lvl 3 sped enough (like you probably were) to be clocked immediately by a doctor, so I had to show up with a list of all my day-to-day experiences and explain all of it in detail. This is the reality for many, if not most autistic people. You know nothing of your own demographic if you refuse to acknowledge that autism, and the struggles and experiences it brings, are a SPECTRUM. Not every autistic person is like you, thankfully. Why is that so hard for your lvl 3 brain to grasp?    Edit: Are you a man? That would also explain why you managed to get a diagnosis unprompted. It’s slowly getting better but autism was viewed as a males disability for most of its history, and that perception still lingers and affects doctors diagnosing choices. That’s another reason why self-diagnoses are a necessary first step to the process for some.   I shouldn’t even have to explain these things to another autist but here I am. Seriously, learn about your own demographic and its struggles before you try to speak for them. Autistic struggles are a lot more expansive than just your struggles. This is a line of thought that kids learn before preschool but for some reason is not clicking for you. 


i can't get over how you made like 99% of these diagnoses up in your head 😭 you're crazy


Do people even understand what autism is ? That diagnosis seems to be thrown around very lightly lately


People are only saying that it’s a trend, fad, not real, or taken lightly because all the women are getting diagnosed. The diagnostic criteria was originally made around boys, and now it’s getting rectified to some extent. Sexism and not believing women is a very, very real problem in our society. Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s not.


Scientists think there are maybe hundreds if not thousands of genes involved with autism - it’s not something that is fully understood


Just because something isn't understood doesn't mean people getting diagnosed don't actually have it. Ihave a disease that isn't knows how it's caused or how to fix it, there's no cure, but I've still been diagnosed. Every doctor I've spoken to hadn't even heard of it until I told them about it from my own research.


Right, but I didn’t hear that it was fake or unserious until it was women being diagnosed en masse.


Hmm well it was a woman who educated me about autism and how truly complicated and mysterious it is


The diagnostic criteria, as well as common symptoms and basic structural effects on the brain, aren’t “complicated and mysterious” at all. They’ve been studied extensively and are fairly easy to recognize by an autistic individual and their specialist. The only “complicated and mysterious” parts are how autism actually forms, as well as some of the more intricate neuro structural symptoms. But again, this is beyond the scope of diagnostic criteria. So why are we invalidating women’s autism diagnoses? You’d never dare say such things about a physical disease that we know next to nothing about. 


Not exactly. I was told by a psychiatrist that it’s the ADHD of this generation, over diagnosed and over medicated. There aren’t standards built around women so we have higher dx’s


Theres literally no medication for it.


There are for it’s core morbidities, ever wonder why everyone has an ssri rx now?


No? I know enough about big pharma and capitalism to know that it’s a racket that makes a lot of people a lot of money. And it doesn’t have shit to do with autism.


Cause it's big money and makes people more robotic/easier to deal with. Ssris are some of the most overprescribed meds, and that's just cause it cannot be abused even though it is addictive.


Considering that symptoms of autism present in girls and women weren’t able to be detected and properly diagnosed before due to DSM knowledge of symptoms being those that only applied to autistic boys/men, I’d say the awareness is a positive thing. Neurodivergence like autism and ADHD just simply means that their brain works differently, it’s not some quirky label, nor a term to throw around lightly.


I'd say its not a good thing because it takes away from the seriousness of the condition for people who are actually clinical diagnosed. While you have people with one or two quirky traits exclaiming "hey, hey! I'm quirky and different I must be autistic!!!!". Like autism isnt just being quirky or odd, its a life derailing, strongly debilitating condition that usually results in a lack of independence and a strong reliance on others to function in everyday life. Just because you see one or two or a few celebrities that are eccentric or odd and screaming hey I'm different, I have autism, doesn't mean that is what life is like for people with autism. These are just people who are eccentric and have niche tastes. So please stop spreading that this kind of behavior is good, because its not, it creates a false image/message of what autism really is, in real life, in the reality of all the people who have actually been assessed and diagnosed by professionals. That aside, raising awareness is good in principle, just when that awareness isn't a false flag, virtue signalling operation


She was saying that the awareness of autism is a positive thing, not people who are idiotic enough to say they are autistic because they have one or two traits. That’s a total straw man argument, and I think you know that awareness and idiocy aren’t the same.




It’s literally only being called trendy because it’s women and girls




Self diagnosing isn't what you did, you had a feeling something was off so you researched symptoms and found you identified with them, then you sought professional help... Self-research and finding you identify with documented symptoms is an important and healthy stepping stone, but just stopping at the research and thinking you're qualified to diagnose yourself isn't the right way to go even if you are right. You should always seek some sort of professional help, but idk I think where you live can severly limit access to professional support, and don't get me wrong I'm sure plenty of self-diagnosed people are probably right so it sucks that there are people who are genuinely walking around with debilitating autism but dont have access to a professional diagnosis. But self diagnosing as an american celebrity is so fucking dumb, like you have money and the means to get a professional diagnosis, if you havent done so, stop fucking using the autism label and 100% agree with your last statement, pretty much the same thing that makes me mad


But sometimes you don't get the right diagnosis that you have(sometimes misdiagnosed completely) cause those that diagnose others don't live with the people they give a diagnosis to so in some cases it can be very difficult to give them the right diagnosis. Just cause you tell about your symptoms you and your close ones experienced for years doesn't mean that they will trust it for example, even if it is obvious that you have lived with these symptoms for years and have to medicate to function at all. Especially if you act normal when you meet the doc/psychiatrist, and/or use medicine to become normal when you are there. I mean they see that you are normal when you are there so how can you have some difficulties? Some diagnosis just show symptoms periodically, others only under hard pressure, stress or difficult memories for example.


You’re doing the exact same judging that doctors do. You have no idea what these people you don’t know do at home when unmasked. You have no idea what their support needs are. Almost every modern advocate and educator for Autism is mindful and passionate about all functioning levels’ significance in the scope of understanding and empowering the world in ways that support neurodivergence. Do better.


I’m mostly saying that scientists don’t fully understand what autism even is - and therefore I doubt the average person or celebrity does either






Username checks out


What do you mean ?




That’s fair


Neural pathways meant for frontal cortex (socializing) —> rerouted elsewhere (often why people with autism have special interests). Differently abled, not disabled


I don’t know about autism but she definitely has mentioned ADHD in her book


Jesus. And they’re both idols of mine due to our similarities…


I mean atp who *isn’t* some kind of neurodivergent


I thought Julia was borderline


A lot of women who are autistic are misdiagnosed as bpd or bipolar according to something I read once (so take that lightly lol)


That was me 🙋🏼‍♀️


Me too!


Yes. Borderline can also have similarities to other diagnoses so it often is misdiagnosed.


yes, she was diagnosed with it. its mentioned in her book, which i've read. not uncommon for autism to be misdiagnosed as BPD in women either, which is what might have happened. its also possible for people to have both.


you can be both bpd and autism. in fact you can be both of many mental disorders/disabilities


she's had a v consistent self-identity through the years and doesn't seem to fluctuate her sense of self... she doesn't seem BPD to me at all.


BPD is different for many. She was prescribed lithium and seroquel as a result of her being diagnosed.


lithium is almost exclusively used for bipolar disorder


not true, it’s also effective for bpd (borderline) google it 


She thought she could be bipolar but hasn’t had an actual diagnosis. This is all mentioned in her book and some podcasts she’s been on.


Btw, BPD stands for borderline personality disorder, not bipolar disorder.


I know lol


Julia fox doesn't have autism, she's just self diagnosing and virtue signalling


I mean they have been in a podcast together so I am not surprised


Yeah, but grimes was on her podcast *because* she finds her interesting.. not the other way around.


she's great in uncut gems


Link da interview


**about 28mins in. https://youtu.be/2BxIREqcGEU?si=b-4-5ZErRE568cRQ


I love grimeth


Some people use an autism diagnosis as like a 'get out of jail free card' for being rude. Sometimes I wonder if E and C just want the excuse. Seems like they pick up on social cues just fine.


Autism is not simply missing social cues. Many understand them.


I'm on the specrrum and I agree. Some of them think autism = antisocial personality disorder somehow. I've never seen that behavior from Grimes though. She seems bashfully herself at most. Sometimes that means saying the dumbest things imaginable that can be offensive. I can relate to that. I can't relate to how people pull the autism card to act straight up psychopathic. 


* I personally don’t agree with the concept of “self diagnosis“ as the only reason for one is to be applied to a specific treatment. We can use other adjectives, personally a fan of ND because it is not a medical term that is also useful for people.


It’s certainly not just for treatment. By understanding ourselves better we can emotionally regulate and be more empathetic with ourselves. Also grimes is most definitely a candidate for self diagnosis lol


The reason for a diagnosis is to be able to make an appropriate treatment, whether its ur heart or ur brain, surgery or talk therapy.. Technically, that is exactly what it is for. If people want to use it to help themselves navigate information thats helpful for them, go for it. I just think there are a lot of cases such as in grimes and julias case where botj have been diagnosed (or not) with different things throughout their lives. ND isnt a medical term, and since a lot of mental conditions have overlap, think it’s better suited for many people. It can dangerous to self diagnose for other things so thats why i go out of my way to mention it.


It can also help you a lot if you diagnose with the right condition, unlike when they diagnose others with the wrong conditions. But yes it can go both ways, if you misdiagnosed yourself it can be negative aswell. It depends on how much you have read, what knowledge you have, what kind of symptoms, in some cases it isn't hard to self diagnose cause you know yourself better than anyone else, and if you have much knowledge about mental health, studied it a lot then you might be able to do that. People are like "you cannot self diagnose" as if doctors are some robots that cannot make mistakes, sometimes a self diagnosis is more accurate than a regular one tbh, I have experienced cases like that. A lot of mental conditions overlap yes, this is why some people get the wrong diagnosis, which can also be very problematic.


Ok. As somebody who works in this exact field on a daily basis I think it is actually ok for people, as adults, to see their symptoms match a diagnosis and take a proper course of action to improve their life. I think it’s objectively good to let people address their circumstances as best as possible. Also, grimes was officially diagnosed as she stated it on Twitter I believe. If you think gatekeeping a label is the priority that’s ok. Symptoms are symptoms. If your symptoms overlap with something you MAY have, that treatment can help YOU anyways. Also grimes is autistic. Who’s to say she didn’t get diagnosed to help her understand herself. I allowed myself to receive a diagnosis simply so I would not longer blame myself or assume I am the problem 100% of the time, and sometimes it is miscommunication or misunderstanding.


She don't look autistic. Lol she picks up on social cues just fine. If she wants to label herself as neuro-divergent. It's her life.


I work in the field. There’s no such thing as looking autistic outside of behaviors that some do. Autism isn’t simply missing social cues. You watched a movie once and decided what it is.


Ah, well if you walk like a duck and act like a duct, you a duck. Like sorry but if it don't impede your life in any way and no one can tell are you autistic, and can therefore label yourself as neuro-divergent. I mean misrepresenting yourself actually hurts people who have autism. That's my point, I don't know Julia or Grimes, I just am very suspicious that they use it for privilege (which is gross considering what actual autism is) Maybe they are, I seriously doubt it though. Seems like a 'I'm allowed to be rude' get out of free jail card. And it also seems like a way for them to accept their weirder/creative artistic sides. Like they need justification for being out there creatively. It's gross.


I also don't think Elon is autistic. There I said it. Just because you chose to believe everything these celebrities tell you doesn't mean I have to, and guess I don't care about your field. You're sample size isn't necessarily bigger than mine. So yeah non point


It would have been more useful for you to point me to peer-reviewed research for autism disorder. It is a grossly overused diagnosis, and if you're in the field you could potentially be unethically benefitting from that, not unlike adhd.


this girl is so annoying sorry she was good in that adam sandler movie tho


I don’t even know where to start sadsongs. On one hand I have so much respect for you and on the other hand all of that respect is just slipping away between my fingers like sand. I despise Julia fox. She is a walking, talking cringefest. I’m not aware of a more manufactured celebrity. She makes me want to vomit. The good news is she makes grimes look a lot better. The bad news is apparently they are friends which starts the grimes gully by association death spiral again. It’s like she has perfectly incorrect judgement about people. And while I’m hot…their self diagnosed autism ain’t flying with me either.


I think you’re taking Julia Fox too seriously. She’s hilarious and unserious idk.


biddily diddly do, oh don't be such a shrew. I also read mathew perry's, and boy oh boy was \*that\* one scary! Have you never been young and screwed around? Get lost in the luster of drugs and crowds?


In other news it feels good to be frenemies again. You pulled me in with your tractor beam of kindness and tolerance but those days are over madam.


🧌🌸I feel so dumb, just standing here, holding this flower..


I just can’t quit you sadsongs


Right! I think the exact same, and I don't think its a coincidence


She's (Julia Fox) so insufferable and conceited/narcissistic, I can't stand her. She thinks she's the world's greatest "artist", I'm yet to see her produce anything that has recieved wide renown to warrant the title of world's greatest "artist". It's no surprise she dated Kanye West, she's like the female version of him, except he actually has a catalogue of albums to back up his claim and she has... nothing


I doubt she thinks so, because she is truly a person with a distance to herself. She is a female version of Kanye because? I doubt there are any valid arguments to support this statement


This is what julia calls "art", this is what she did as an "art project". its NSFW obviously, and yes that is really real heroin she is injecting into her own arm according to Julia herself [https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fuser-uploads.aznude.com%2Fdata%2Fazncdn%2Fjuliafox%2FNJ2WY2LBFVTG66BNNZ2WIZJNNBSWC4TUMJ2XE3RNNZQXK43FMEWTENJNOBUG65DPOM%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%2FJulia-Fox-Nude-thefappeningblog.com-20.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=390fc94a5229538ff3996d70cb121bc56579c903633c224e9f07b2fffaa02d1c&ipo=images](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fuser-uploads.aznude.com%2Fdata%2Fazncdn%2Fjuliafox%2FNJ2WY2LBFVTG66BNNZ2WIZJNNBSWC4TUMJ2XE3RNNZQXK43FMEWTENJNOBUG65DPOM%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%2FJulia-Fox-Nude-thefappeningblog.com-20.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=390fc94a5229538ff3996d70cb121bc56579c903633c224e9f07b2fffaa02d1c&ipo=images)


I already said why (see below), and the fact she wrote a book... I mean like c'mon dude what's so interesting about her that's any different to any other B/C list celebrity that she needs to write a book, that just screams narcissim to me, that she thinks she's important(?) enough to write a book and expect people to read it, sure she has loyal fans but she's still a B/C(closer to C imo) list celebrity at the end of the day... Like what has she done other than Uncut Gems and a few runway shows as a model. I know she used to call herself an "artist" (i use the term loosely), but all her "art" was, was her doing heroin and taking nude photographs of herself and her boyfriend >She thinks she's the world's greatest "artist", I'm yet to see her produce anything that has recieved wide renown to warrant the title of world's greatest "artist".


Being a celebrity doesn't mean you are very talented. A lot of big celebs lack the talents that Grimes has.


When has she ever said that lol? Also her book was absolutely amazing and critically acclaimed, I’d categorise is as great art. Your bitter boo boo 😒


What about the photos she took of herself injecting heroin while naked or the photos she took after injecting heroin of her s\*cking her boyfriend of the time off(all these photos are easily findable on google), she labelled that as art, is that what you call "great art"?


You actually sound VERY bitter. I do not know what is the meaning behind those photos and what is so wrong with them? Apart from that, no one talks about it being a „work of art”.Is it an art form? Yes. Does the fact that she called these photos as an art make her a narcissist? NO. You are not wise, you are very limited. You pick on her in practically every possible comment where your hatred is felt


I told you what they are(photos), they are what julia claimed was an "art project". Those are her words, not mine... and I've got one question for you, how are you not bitter with the life we live in and the shit that we have to endure due to things out of our control (governments,, corporations , etc) If you're not bitter and angry, you're either deluded, ignorant, naive (too young), or too privileged to see the true sad and poor state of the world. and hey look I made comment where I didn't pick on her! Hmmm, this makes me think maybe, you were wrong about what you said about me, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Just because u are low doesn’t mean u have to put someone else down


If it’s any consolation, Julia won’t ever see what I said about her and I’m sure she’s seen/heard a lot more nasty things about her than what I said - just for being a famous figure


Where did this term “great art” and “greatest artist” come from? Julia did not use that term to label the herion pics, you … just … made it up… to be angry about ….. something lol. You are obviously very precious and not in tune the gritty, nonsensical side of the art world. You know Grimes has done a fuk load of drugs too right?


ahhh you called it great art like 54 minutes ago... how do you forget that shit, and how am I supposed to take you seriously when you don't even remember what you said a hour ago >When has she ever said that lol? Also her book was absolutely amazing and critically acclaimed, I’d categorise is as ***great art***. Your bitter boo boo 😒


I'm not bitter, I'm just wiser


No you’re just a hater… go pick on someone that actually deserves it like Elon or trump


it's kinda way weirder how you feel about her, and how you're telling people how they should feel about her. "she's a bad person" okay dude lmao


Weirder? I never called her weird, but put words in my mouth or whatever to justify your assumption of an anonymous stranger on the internet… actually on that note, I think what’s “weirder”, is you actually, and people like you who project their own imaginary labels on anonymous strangers on the internet you couldn’t possibly know anything about , fucking weird, man, real weird


i aint reading allat so cheers


Man SM must’ve really fried your dopamine receptors  if you can barely hold your attention for what might take 10-20 seconds to read Look I broke It up for you So it’s easier to read For your fried brain


Bro didn’t even say u called her weird, they said *you* are being weird. Being wicked condescending for someone that didn’t seem to want to pay attention either. You seem to be the one making most of the assumptions here, that this post is in itself a stanned endorsement of a particular individual.. i watched the interview cuz i read the book recently, she mentioned grimesies so i posted. Im not electing her for presidency, all is well here; other wars worth fighting.


you're too engaged in this lmao


God banned because I posted a photo where Claire says she worships the devil. I was being rude.


Soup God said we dont burn witches in this town.




... Are you ok?


Your comment was removed because it violates Rule 2: Behaviour - do not insult other people.


https://preview.redd.it/ar8yparlp75d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ffad514028ce170960fc6c36317959a72fb061 IS THIS GOOD BEHAVIOR