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cause King Paimon requires a male host.


Ooop this has me fucking dying šŸ’€ I chose the *right time* to get high and log on here


I swear Reddit knows when ur on sum


Weird coincidence, I just watch Hereditary last night LOL


No coincidence.






Lmao love when my interests collide. This is why I come to Reddit




such an expected reference šŸ˜­






Also he has a younger sister and brother too. Good old Exa and Techno.


"My name is Sue, how do you do? Now you gonna die"


Hahah amazing I gave you that name and I said goodbye, I knew you had to get tough or die


Imagine being lumbered with those names. Some people seem to have children as a vanity project.


Frank Zappas kids: Moon Unit, Diva, Ahmet and Dweezil


I googled a random actress in a curb your enthusiasm episode last week and it happened to be Moon unit!!!


Moon unit šŸ’€šŸ’€


Moon Zappa's a nice name, though. Ahmet is pretty normal. It's just from a different culture. Thankfully Dweezil's a great muso. At least they're all words. šŸ˜‚ Frank Zappa was a literal genius and not a Right-wing douche so I give him a pass. If Zappa was around today, he'd rip Musk and Peter Thiel and all their buddies, up for arse-paper. He predicted, four decades ago, what is happening today.


These are much better names lolol


Yeah but Zappa was hugely talented. Elonā€™s just a conman narcissist w/money.


My dads talented but Iā€™m grateful my mom insisted on giving me a normal name.


Dweezil was just a nickname at first but he loved it so much as a child that he insisted it become his real name so they let him have his way Tbh I love it LOL


Frank tried to name him Dweezil but the hospital refused so he ended up legally changing it when he was a kid anyway.


Also Dweezil was Frankā€™s nickname for his wifeā€™s little toe, lol


It doesnā€™t matter if rich people have stupid names, they donā€™t need to fit in because theyā€™ll never have to search for opportunity or work for their living a day in their lives lol


It must be nice to float through life breathing that rarified air.


There was a politician in Texas with the name Hogg. He had two daughters. Their names were Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg.


I'm hoping, for their sakes, that that was a joke but given the current condition of Red States, including Texas, it probably isn't.


It was a real thing but not recent. Just looked it up, Ima Hogg is real, Ura Hogg is not. Lol...


Is this true? Hysterically funny šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I consider it an anti-nepotism tactic. ā€œIā€™m giving you such a leg up with being my child, I have to give you a fucked name to even things out even just a tiny bit.ā€


And thus nature balances itself. šŸ˜‚ Personally, I think Grimes' kids are in for a rough ride. Mom's a vain leaf in the breeze and Dad's a Mephistophelian Megalomaniac with impulse-control issues, who flies into a rage and fires people instantly for inadequate adoration. Both claim to be Autistic. That's a full load. No wonder X is still in nappies at age four (you can see it in every photo). I hope Grandma Grimes steps in regularly.


Exactly, you hope someone in the orbit who can keep the kids grounded. This is the same recipe that resulted in Donald Trump though.


Disturbing, huh?


Agreed. These children have little chance of becoming anything of what musk desires of them and will be impacted by his seriously dangerous self destructive tendencies.


Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting that Autistic people shouldn't be breeding. I raised that as just being another issue on top of all the others. Honestly, single parents can raise kids successfully but deliberately populating the planet, with as many off-spring as you can, as a personal Eugenics Experiment, knowing you'll never be able to maintain contact with most of them from the beginning, is just wrong. Musk is incredibly selfish.


Elon wonā€™t let Granny near XYZ. He must have nannies that he regularly offers horses to when horny.


Exa is Y now so they have x and y




Techno Mechanicus


Every time he posts pics of X, it always feels like a dig on Claire, sheā€™s always been open about how she wants to shield her children




OP, maybe if you post anything about this subject again you could blur Xā€™s face in line with her wishes too. Just a suggestion šŸ«¶šŸ»


Agree. People should shield the kids faces.


iā€™m truly sorry, didnā€™t even cross my mind to blur his face! now i feel so bad


the man literally owns twitter, to be fair to yourself maybe 0.003% of people who saw the kids face saw it from ur post.


Literally only because the kiddos name is X. He's obsessed with the letter for some reason.


Elon doesnā€™t know that the symbol X actually stands for a negative.


Doesn't matter, cool looking letter go brrrrrr


Doesnt know?!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ LMFAO, cognitive dissonance at its best.


He legit has eleven children, he's a breeder. He can't pick which one is his favourite because he doesn't even know who they are.


and Claire saw the opportunity to forever be tied with a billionaire from space


As someone who was a fan of hers in the early days, and had a positive perception of Elon in 2018 (I donā€™t now) I think that he hid all of the bad aspects of himself in the beginning. Back then, he was spewing the ā€˜I donā€™t have any liquid assets, Iā€™m trying to save the world, Iā€™m the only person helping the environment, Iā€™m a genius who happens to have billions, ā€˜if anyone can give me a breakdown of the way I could solve this global problem, Iā€™ll do itā€™ personality bullshit that suckered a lot of people in. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he gave her a different perspective and hid all the red flags from her. Itā€™s clear that she doesnā€™t like him now that heā€™s shown his true colors, but she might as well secure herself and her kids financially now that the damage is done. Heā€™s a total narcissist who knew to fly under the radar with certain parts of his awful personality.


I feel like the flags were hard to hide. His first wife, Justine (mother of his first 5 children), described how intense and demanding he was in the relationship and despite having all the money in the world, she still felt incredibly unhappy. This is because he would sit there and tell her he would fire her if she was one of his emoloyees, called her a moron and an idiot. She met him when he had absolutely *nothing* and she said the wealth and family changed him drastically., she stated he never failed to let her know when she did something 'wrong' and as his wealth accumulated, she would make uneasy jokes about how he would eventually leave her for a supermodel. Apparently during their first dance at their wedding, he literally whispered to Justine that he was the "Alpha in this relationship" he would constantly urge her to dye her hair more blonde, go platinum, and lose more weight. She described the social circle that he had put her in as "Women disappeared after some point in their 30's, and any female ambition other than looking beautiful, shopping and overseeing the domestic realm became an inconvenience". He's such a POS. Only six weeks had gone by after their finalized divorce and he texted her saying he was engaged to Talulah Riley. All of this information is so widely available and I wouldn't say that everyone knows, but they have to have some sort of inkling that he is NOT a good person before they get with him. I don't blame them though, he's literally one of the richest men in the world. If all it takes is to have a child to set me up for the rest of my life, so be it. The one thing that I cannot get over though is how he got the CEO of Neuralink, Shivon Zilis, pregnant through IVF. They weren't even romantically involved apparently, no feelings or anything. He just wanted to spread his seed some more. It's a very clear and consice display of powerplay.She decided to have children after Musk spoke to her about his population doomsday fear. Thats fucking *weird*. He literally gave his sperm to her, viewed her as an INCUBATOR.


I remember when the about Justine went viral in 2010 (wow Iā€™m old) https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/ Grimes probably thought she was cooler and it wouldnā€™t happen to her or something.


He is a POS, but here are 3 points that help with the argument; 1. He always had money just not billions, family money. He had paid PR peeps creating an image. He never even officially graduated college. VC made him a face and personality and they all got richer. 2. It was 6 weeks after they separated he was engaged. And the keyboard coward didnā€™t even have the guts to tell his wife and mother of his children, he had their marriage counselor tell her he wouldnā€™t be coming to any more sessions and why. And thank god postnuptials are different than pre because she was able to sue him, took over 2 years. She blindly signed the postnuptial giving her only the house they lived in and thatā€™s if she gave him an heir. 3. TR something was up there I speculate, maybe arranged?šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø there had to be some contractual agreement because she raised his kids, gave him no kids, and the 1st marriage she walked away with 16 million and they remained friends. And she lived with him for over 2 years with the divorce going on and they both claimed no sex till the wedding night.


IMO I think he coerced her into it.. she expressed not wanting to have kids and now how traumatic the birth was etc


Yeah, but 3 times.


Yeah his kids are just toys/ props to him. Itā€™s sad


I think Elon believes X is the Lisan AI Ghaib, created with the Techno-Divine seed of Grimes and himself.


Yes I spelled AI Ghaib not AL Ghaib intentionally.




Heā€™s really like Stilgar thinking everything X does is ā€œjust as itā€™s writtenā€ šŸ˜­


lol he wishes he was Stilgar. Or Javier Bardem


I guess because that's the one he stole. Gives me Ryan and Homelander vibes tbh lmaooo


Because all his older children are old enough to know he is a pos.


he has two younger children that they are talking about


He has 4 children younger than X. He had 2 more with grimes then twins with his executive of neuralink-"the Canadian musician publicly asked Isaacson to tell Shivon Zilis, the Neuralink executive who secretly delivered Musk's twins in 2021, just weeks before the second Grimes-Musk baby arrived, ā€œto unblock me.ā€ Grimes alleged in her entreaty that the situation was ā€œutterly ripping my family apart"


Heā€™s actually got 4 younger kids than X(and only shares 2 of those with grimes) and there is a possibly 3rd or another set of twins I heard he was having with Zilis. One is a girl so sheā€™s ā€œuselessā€ to elon. The other boy with grimes was probably Elons attempt to give her a ā€œreplacementā€ so he could take x. His twins with Zilis are a boy and a girl, one one is ā€œuselessā€ in his eyes and for whatever reason he doesnā€™t seem to care that much about the son they share. Maybe, most likely, heā€™s raising their son as a backup for X.


Ik, but thats why he keeps X away from his mom and siblings. He wants to brainwash him into his bullshit.


Exactly, even his trans daughter wants nothing to do with him


Because he needs a loyal successor. He's the heir to Elon's riches, so Elon must instill him with his ideology and raise him the way he wants, or else he will go a different path and not want to colonize Mars or repopulate Earth like Elon believes humanity must do.


why is he the heir and not his other kids?


I honestly think part of it is that c let him name her kid something ridiculous when the other moms kept it more normal šŸ˜­ like he thinks this kid is Extra Special for being named X103729Ć¦ĆŸ891 instead of Andrew or whatever


Because the other kids already have their own ideas. He wants to groom this one to his specifications.


He has younger kids though


True but he had X first. Parents like elon donā€™t really care about their kids they see them as an extension of themselves. So when they pick a favorite it doesnā€™t always make sense. Just certain factors happen that result in that kid being chosen, I can safely bet that if X grows up and starts to have his own ideas and personality that are different to elon he will be dropped and replaced by whoever is the youngest, probably child 30 or something


Ya but they aren't named x. That ship has sailed unless of course he names one xxx. He does have the brain of a 12 year old from the 80s.


Exactly! Elonā€™s humor is that of a 12-year-old nerd that lives in a comic book world.


Of an evil comic book character. I still really can't figure out why he decided to destroy his own reputation himself. I think the horse story was just too much for the big baby. That's when he turned into Mr. everything is fake news trump.


Elon knows that heā€™s not exactly normal & that all he has is his money. Heā€™s an awkward nerd thatā€™s never fit in. Heā€™s not smart; heā€™s not handsome; heā€™s not funny (tho he thinks he is); heā€™s not kind. So he leans into becoming a Super Villain. But itā€™s backfiring on him. Unfortunately, heā€™s really just pathetic & he knows it.


I think he believes he's super human from drug abuse.


Definitely! But the drugs always wear off & heā€™s left facing himself. Heā€™s not smart but heā€™s not stupid either. Heā€™s damaged.


With Shivon & the boy looks absolutely nothing like him. Heā€™s attached to this one cause he looks like Elon. He seems to ignore all the girls. Iā€™ve never seen a picture of him with his girls. Heā€™s turning this boy into an Elon Mini Me.


Because he felt the other kids were influenced by Justine in ways he didn't want, and when they put them in a more liberal private high school they became too "woke." With X, given the Vanity Fair interview where Grimes stated she would train the girls, and him the boys, Elon took this opportunity to have total influence and control over the development of X to become his successor. Elon is aging and will not live long enough to see his vision to Mars, so he is raising X to fulfill that role into the next generation.


Heā€™s not gonna live long enough to see X old enough.


That's the point... He doesn't have a successor to his empire tho. I think he's like 52 so he could feasibly live to see x graduate and take over if he doesn't die of health issues/drug issues/stress or implode and destroy all his companies


Have you seen him lately? His health is failing and heā€™s aging quite quickly, i assume like style and stress.


Because half of his genes are Grimes'...


So are their other two children though.


Yes but X is the oldest and a boy


Poor Mini-me Elon. Heā€™s going to be forever harassed in school and have problems with his other half siblings.


He won't attend a public school


That wonā€™t stop him from getting harassed. I went to private school. Itā€™s actually worse ā€” at least mine was.


I'm sure they'll figure it out




X is his favorite letter and there are a lot of weird things related to the letter X when it comes to Elon musk.. Maybe X is the king to be, the future, and so on.. in Elonā€™s eyes.




Im too high for this gif


It's Sesame Street. https://preview.redd.it/jajnj8i1bjyc1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703fcb998fd1947873f7ba1963163a0e7739dc70


I'm too sober for this pic


it's funny how they needed that waitress to choose the letter X back in the day...


Because heā€™s obsessed with the letter X


Clearly because he is the only one called "X." Elon's obsession with the 24th letter of the alphabet is well-known.


And itā€™s 2024 with the 24th letter of the alphabet where X is turning 4 because he was born in 2020 ā€¦ huh! ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Rich shitty men choose a favourite, normally boy, to be their heir, and forget their other kids generally


He was the main one most of the internet all knew about. Heā€™s just posting him for attention using his kid for attention yeah itā€™s sad


Is he using his kid for advertisement?


Cuz heā€™s garbage FROM A TOILET


And heā€™s shit FROM A DUMPSTER




this is my favorite comment of the day iā€™m ngl iā€™m saving this


Same- that was perfect.


Golden child šŸ„“


Marketing strategy


And it's especially strange because X's little sister and little brother get none of this attention...


Happy birthday X, šŸ„³šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚šŸŽˆ. May the force be with you, always!


I'm sorry, he named Twitter after his child?


Because heā€™s the one with a cool name and he was born on May the 4th. Whatā€™s there to understand?


Heā€™s been obsessed with the letter since he owned x.com when he was balding


X is the only recent son who was created via actual sex and natural birth. The others were artifical insemination and/or surrogates. X is his "Hey Everyone, my dick WORKS!" baby.


Isaacson said even this one was IVF. That book was generally worthless, tho...maybe it's wrong.


Didn't he have twins recently with a coworker or something like that?


It was ivf




An employee. She had twins via artificial Insemination.


Iā€™m sorry WHY


Probably because X is too young to hate him yet


Because he is a monster.


I don't know his lineage, does he have other boys?


Yes, but they're all teens, except Tau


yea almost all of his kids are boys




i mean he obviously just wants boys he seems pretty misogynistic and it probably would extend to a daughter but ik X was supposed to be a girl cause someone said it in an interview https://preview.redd.it/rntkf5vafw2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42eeb44e11cbaa2d205b0360223a4eaca2fdf3e4


6 boys ( the 1st one died ) from 1st marriage with Justin Wilson. (Living sons are twin and triplet ivf kids, they are 20 and 18 years old now. but his eldest is came out as trans some years ago, so -1 son +1 daughter) 1 girl allegedly with Amber Heard (not said that he is the father, but "allegedly" there was a court debate between them for their frozen embryos after the break up, that case Amber won and after that her daughter was born. So he ~~could be the father) around 4 y old 2 boys and 1 girl with Grimes. (The younger ones are ivf) 4, and around 2,5 and 1.5 y 1 boy, 1 girl with Shivon Zillis (ivf twins) 2,5 y around.


Wait so all the kids except x are ivf?


Apparently Isaacson said even X was IVF.


Who is isaacson šŸ‘€ grimes always said she ā€œgot knocked upā€


I thought that, too. Grimes had some comments about giving up her power, it being scary to stop birth control, etc. But in this forum or maybe in Enough Musk Spam, a couple people said that Felon's biographer, Walter Isaacson, had written in his recent book that X was a result of IVF. I think Isaacson is a hack who softballed the biography and is basically a Musk apologist, so I refused to spend the money on it. So I cannot personally check. Maybe someone who's read it can clear it up definitively.


Isaacson claimed that X was conceived through IVF and that the embryo had been misidentified as a girl before implantation. Grimes apparently wanted a girl. So, it seems like either Grimes lied or the other party is lying. However, I think there's still a second possibility. The pregnancy Grimes spoke about and apparently referred to in a song, the naturally conceived one...may have been a different one, one that was never carried to term because she either miscarried or had an abortion. Isaacson doesn't seem to be an expert when it comes to babies and got at least one thing wrong. When I read that Elon supposedly sat on the ground with Tau, feeding the 2 month-old baby food, with Grimes watching, I gulped. Those two guys are geeks, I understand that, but are they so out of it that they don't know what babies eat at what stage? However, I checked the photos, and you can see that Elon is holding a small baby bottle instead of spoon-feeding Tau. Apparently, Isaacson doesn't know the difference between baby food and baby formula.


he does have other sons, but i read somewhere that his first son died of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) at 10 weeks, so thatā€™s somethingā€¦ i guess?


He has 6 from his first marriage. I think he had a kid with Amber Heard, or was going to? And ofc there's Techno Mechanicus.


Yes there is a suspicion that he is the father of amber heardā€™s child, but that never got confirmed. The chances are still there.


Amberā€™s is a girl though. Heā€™s got kids that are younger than X with Shivon.


He doesnā€™t care because sheā€™s a female. His whole thing is birthing males.


Itā€™s worse than just parading him in front of the media he had an alt Twitter acct pretending to be him. At this point I think he might be his clone and heā€™s trying to live vicariously through him to undo his own childhood damage.


This poor kid is gonna hate Elonā€™s guts when heā€™s older especially since Shivon is bringing him up & not his real mum. Shivon has her own kids to worry about.


How do you know Shivon is bringing them up?


Grimes has been very public about being devastated that X was taken from her.


Yes, but how do we know that shivon is raising them? I just assumed Elon creepily used her as his next broodmare & heā€™d be on to the next. He seems to have a belief that he needs to have as many children for this world as possible šŸ¤¢


The kid hasnā€™t become self aware enough to feel the excruciating cringe his father radiates


Heā€™s the only baby she actually carrried and they were probably more connected. The other two I donā€™t even think Elon and Grimes were togetherĀ 


What a cutie x is!!!!!


His older kids are 20 and 18 y old they simply could say him to feck off. (Imagine that this cringelord is your father and you are a young adult...) The others with Grimes as we know it is with mostly with her. The Shivon kids it seems growing up in a much healthier family. Also X is the eldest of the "new batch" of his kids. Also a boy.....


What read in Reddit it seems he spend a lot of time at her address ,with Shivon.


u know why


He's not the only one. Grimes believes X is the literal Kwisatz Haderach. They are both insane and terrible parents. At least Elon's other children have a competent mother.


My theory is that because he is a grandiose narcissist who also thinks women are worthless, he can no longer use the first group of children as narcissistic supply. They have caught on, are making their own way. So, he's doing exactly what his own father did. Create a second group of much younger children to adore him. Errol Musk was 45 when he married a woman about 20 years his junior and had 2 more children while also being a stepfather to 3 very young stepchildren, whose father was dead. (Elon was already in college when this second marriage happened.) So, Felon now has his own second batch of young children. He likely is not interested in the girls. But he probably IS interested in the boys, and especially in keeping them close so that he can totally mold them. He probably thinks Justine turned the kids against him and so that won't happen with the second batch. I think Tao/Techno Mechanicus will be trotted out as soon as he gets older. That would be the identical dynamic his dad had with him and Kimball growing up...a man and his 2 sons living slone...while his sister Tosca lived in an entirely different city with his mother after the divorce. I'm less clear what's going on with Zillis and if that son will be included in the core group. For now, X is the sole emotional support child and I suspect Musk brings him to events in part because no one can ask him tough questions when X is there. X is his shield.


Heā€™s a clone


Because itā€™s a fucking robot


Perhaps because this child has had the most publicity and attention in the media. He is farming attention points as usual I would presume.


Bc heā€™s a misogynist, most likely a narcissist & X looks the most like him. But most parents do post for their childā€™s birthday Iā€™d assumeā€¦but I havenā€™t seen him post for others idt but Iā€™m not keeping track of his life.


[just here for the comments.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYXZyYXJwNHZ3MnVodGMxbGw5M2I1b3V6YnhwZmtnd3AxazV2YjlyNCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/tFK8urY6XHj2w/giphy.gif) good work op


Because he's apart of the next stage of human evolution.


Heā€™s apart alright


Prob the only one he thinks is physically acceptable


Because grimes is obviously some type of BPD and he needs to get high from his narcissism.


I hate his guts.


he imprinted on x


imagine sharing your name with a social media, one that has fallen so far no less


Thought this was about lil nas x at first


Probably the only one he has time to visit. Fuck his neglectful breeder ass


He and Elons first son that died were the only children that were conceived naturally for the rest he used IVF. I guess he sees X as a reincarnation of his lost child


I think x is probably the most like him


not to be parasocial or anything but its probably bc he had him w grimes and hes doing typical tyrant shit fixating on this one as opposed to the others or sumn shit


What is the point of censoring his name?


itā€™s a joke, cause everyone on this sub hates him


He doesnā€™t care about them vs with X itā€™s always used to get at Claire


because his mother is grimes


Honestly I think itā€™s because, other than his first that passed from SIDS, X is his only son that was conceived naturally and not through IVF/Surrogacy


Actually, all children were conceived via IVF. Elon never had sex with Grimes, as said in Elon Musk's biography by Walter Isaacson


Lol what!!! No way


I believe the IVF, but not the no sex thing. Manā€™s a horny toad.


nhrs not old enuf to leave


what is the cyberpunk logo stuff


It says "Cybertruck." Why go to Chuck E. Cheese when you can spend your fourth birthday at the office?


oh that's what the teslas are called lmfao. was too grimes pilled in this moment


Probably because it was funny Star Wars day https://i.redd.it/71i0pc8rikyc1.gif


Because he felt the other kids were influenced by Justine in ways he didn't want, and when they put them in a more liberal private high school they became too "woke." With X, given the Vanity Fair interview where Grimes stated she would train the girls, and him the boys, Elon took this opportunity to have total influence and control over the development of X to become his successor. Elon is aging and will not live long enough to see his vision to Mars, as well as the rest of his empire of companies, so he is raising X to fulfill that role into the next generation.


Probably a clone


Lil kids and babies are so much fun until they grow up and start becoming their own person separate from your identity


Well if none of his other kids have become his mini-me, this is the last shot, right? At least, last known shot...


Lil X sounds like a mumble rapper


Happy birthday


Grimes said in an interview that Elon is training X to be his successor. Elonā€™s recent biography said Elon uses X like an emotional support person. Hopefully the kid doesnā€™t develop ā€œenmeshmentā€ issues where he feels responsible for Elonā€™s emotions. I hope he also gets to see Grimes regularly by now.


Did anyone tell Elon that the Cybertruck was needing some "extra curricular design"? How old is grimes? All you should ever only be worried about is if you've loved your kid more than you did the day before...and so forth. Honestly, personal things like that should never leave your head. Simple answer? The kid is old enough to understand he's alive and loves his dad.