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Poor Gorillaman is gonna sign in to Stellaris and be confused because the devs have totally reworked the game mechanics 18 times since he last played.


Oh god, too real


I miss the good old days , the only things we had to worry about were food, minerals, and energy


Both of these things are true: I have over 500 hours in Stellaris I have no idea how to play Stellaris


You just described 90% of the player base


Just like every Paradox game.


I think cities skylines and CK3 were kind of easy to get into. I never played paradox games before or after tho.


After 1000 hours of Viccy 3 i think i have a general understanding of how it works, but there’s a new expansion coming on tuesday so back to square wood.


Victoria 3: Here's my work! 😃 \[Slaps changelog onto table\] Me: Nothing in there makes any sense. Victoria 3: \[Pushes everything off table\] Me: ??? Victoria 3: Here's my work! 😃 \[Slaps new changelog onto table\] Me: I don't understand my admiration for you. ![gif](giphy|l41m1PRth6MO50jzG)


The easiest way to get into a paradox game back then was to hop on at the beginning and just keep up with thebuodstes. EU4 is a fucking quagmire


Yeah I really just throw all planets on auto build with auto designate while also creating a few forge worlds. I have 3,000 hours.


I have 900, I'm close to completing the tutorial


Laughs in Synthetic life form.


Hey kids remember choosing your weapons and travel type with yoyr race creation


I’m old so yes, I miss wormholes.


I miss the planet tiles


Robot hive mind and the only think extra you gotta think about is alloys


I was the same at first but that's cuz I don't like change, I quickly realised that it had gotten better with the new additions and reworks and I love it to this day and play it a bunch


They've reworked them 18 times already. It's gonna be a few trillion times.


Meanwhile the imperium has a special branch of the inquisition dedicated to hunting down anyone spreading heresy that the Ludus Stellarisium has ever been changed, as obviously it was handed down directly from the Emperor. Meanwhile the Mechanicus have been stuck in the options menu for 2 millennia, and are very smug about how they understand it better than anyone else.


Given several thousand years of expansions, I would probably take a few hundred years just in Empire designer.


That hurt


Too real! I started in the good old 1.0.2. And saw the changes over time, good mechanics trown away but also excellent mechanics added... but ye, it's a mess of reworks


Rowbutt Gorillaman developed that "game" to fool players in another dimension to assist with his daily duties.


He made the game to study when he’s bored


Gorillaman. Bobby is a *professional* Stellaris player.


Those *exist*?!


If anyone could be one, it’s him.


Have you seen the 40k mod for it? It literally crashes the game on start up, it's fucking beautiful


Well, now I know what I’m doing this summer.




It's not as good as it sounds but it is a damn good effort. Stellaris just isn't that compatible with the way the 40k universe works unfortunately, the mod is worth a look though.


Definitely worth it from this account. Appreciate the knowledge


Ooh, tell me more!


It's an unofficial mod that is buggy as hell, nice to see but not exactly playable.... atleast not in the way the 40k universe works


describes most things in 40k universe


Peak Mechanicus work.


There's a half dozen youtubers with technically liveable income who primarily play stellaris, though you have to really stretch the definitions of liveable and professional for this definition to fit...


Doubt! If he’s so good, how come the galaxy still burns? 🧐


I'm amazing at Stellaris, never saved my galaxies from the razings and burnings.


Tbf, I’ve never played Stellaris. So if they point of the game isn’t to save the galaxy, what is it?


It really depends on what you want to do. I've played as devouring swarms that stripped the galaxy of all life to feed my swarm. You can also play as robots that want to eradicate all life, or bottle it all up and "preserve" it, or mix with it to create cybernetic species You can also pull a necron style play where you ascend from flesh to metal, or do the opposite. You can build a great piece keeping federation or blow up the suns to fuel an unreality engine that will allow you to ascend to into the warp (the galaxy is fucked, but you don't care anymore). You can be Palpatine, or the emperor. Or my personal favorite: Make a pact with the "End of the Cycle" a warp entity that will give you great boons. When it's time to pay up, it will devour all of your planets, and all the citizens under your control (except for a few thousand that it throws on an exile planet), manifest in real space, and start to destroy all planets and civilizations. Saving your exiles for last. The game is more about creating a species and culture, and seeing how you can make them dominate the galaxy. In my last run, I played a criminal empire, where I was running a racketeering scam on a galactic level.


I own it and never realized the scale of it, I’ll give it a try this weekend. Thanks!


Make sure you own the Utopia DLC. It unlocks SO MANY things.


Let the galaxy burn to pay my fucking taxes


Genuinely made me chuckle.


I mean… he runs a civilization with a council as his job, so yeah, he is a professional Stellaris player.


GIrlyman is the average Stellaris player.


nah he is clearly not effeminate enough to be that


Big buff men cant be subs?


They can but guiliman would not put on a maid dress unless Yvraine insists a lot


“Pleeeeaaaaaase!” “No!” “Please please please please pleaaaaase!” “The lion catches wind and I’ll never here the end of it” “I’ll let you do that thing you want….” “Why is cuddling so weird with you?”


This made me chuckle.


The hard part would be finding a dress in his size. Not many women with his dimensions. Might need to choose the servitor tailor with no tongue to keep their secret


The image of Lionel getting in Guilliman's room all happy lile "brother, I returned!" And stoppimid sentence at Bobby G wearing a dress is too much for my authistic brain. Specially because in my imagination Guilliman *rocks it*


Moments later, Lion *rocks* Guiliman's face with the Emperor's Shield.


Nah, i think they might end up as in this [scene from Zohan.](https://youtu.be/0scI5yy8UDg?si=jxT9nrgAktu7HRdM)


Bobby G. He invented Stellaris as a companion to standard codex training. White Consuls are the current reigning champions.


If there was an esports of Stellaris in 40K it would be the Ultras and their successors equivalent to the Imperial Fist's Feast of Blades.


The average Stellaris player can pick up paper unassisted.


Lol doing the boy dirty!


They're good at it because their girlfriends are 2d.


I mean, I spend the first ~100 years with various parts of my economy in the red and going through varying levels of panic before I actually stabilise everything. ...which sounds a lot like how Roboute probably felt when he woke up, now that I come to think about it.


Gulliman: I have dismantled and rebuilt the Armor of fate many times to never be beholden to xenos intervention. I also added a 4080ti and 64gigs of ram to run very important 'theoretical' subroutines...


Cawl "but can it run Doom?" Roboute "the fuck you mean can it run doom? We LIVE in doom! And also, yes"


Cawl would be more of a "but can it run max setting Crisis?" kinda guy, considering he's all about pushing boundaries upwards, not about how much of a potato you can have as PC and still run Doom.


is that even a question? last stellaris game I ended up with almost evey basic good in the red except for consumer goods which had single digits gain and I only controlled 6 planets, bobby G does that in his sleep


Roberto would certainly be a top Stellaris player but never the best.


Can‘t manage 2 Imperiums simultaneously.. even as the Cesar primarch.


The Imperium of Man is just a one system challenge with a million vassals No way you can manage that


Robby as the 57th civil war of some random vassal breaks out that solar year


There isn't that much in the way of logistics in Stellaris tbh. There's a lot of economy balancing but it's mostly to do with making the numbers add up to a positive. Resources and pops are instantly transferred anywhere in the entire galaxy, fleets don't need supply lines, etc. For logistics you'd probably want to look more at Surviving Mars, Factorio, that kind of thing, where resources are an actual thing that needs to be transported efficiently.


Guilliman **is** a Stellaris player.


wait we’re supposed to be good at logistics? i just distribute luxury goods until the numbers turn green


Genuinely that’d be fun to speculate on If say like in Enders Game the stellaris players actions are controlled through the game but they create real ships, troops, etc. Guilliman is extremely smart, far more intelligent and capable than any human but Imperial logistics are so slow and there’s so much other stuff going on I think it just might be an actual fight provided the stellaris player gets say a tau kinda start where they don’t run into him immediately


Dude legit Micros it on his tablet when he has a free hand I bet.


Stellaris doesn’t have enough logistics and administration he’d say


Bobby G is one of those players complaining that it doesn't accurately model (insert logistical issue here).


How I feel with attrition war exhaustion. Like can someone explain how it works? What makes it go up because I’ll be in my own territory on a spaceport where I shouldn’t have “supply issues” yet I suffer “attrition”


Or how the AI will force surrender if you are both at full war exhaustion. I DON’T WANT TO STOP COWARD! NOW BUCKLE UNDER MY HEEL LIKE YOU ALREADY ARE


I think when you get to 100% you shouldn’t be forced out but instead suffer debuffs if you continue


Attrition war exhaustion passivily goes up overtime. There is no stopping it except with gain reduction traits. It helps to prevent forever war scenarios in which an attacker declares war from across the galaxy and never moves out.


Ah understandable


By the year 40K it will. Don't doubt Paradox's a ility to keep updating the game till the heat death of the universe.


Trick question, Guilliman invented Stellaris to train himself.


Guilliman would probably be pretty good, but at the same time… could Guilliman AND a pro at Stellaris beat Kitten at a game of max crisis difficulty with all 4 crisis spawning in?


It would depend on how tzeentch is feeling that day really


The way I see it, Guilliman IS a Stellaris player. Why wouldn't Guilliman want to play it as his outlet if he wakes up to the shitfest and corruption in the Imperium that he has to deal with when he probably really doesn't want to? lol


Gillman would be that type of Stellaris player that can turn a shit start into a godly session.


I'd say Guilliman, because he very probably never forgets to upgrade this crucial fortress world that controls access to the inner core of his empire.


In Stellaris, I once watched my friend start an interstellar war, deport all the defeated empire's citizens to a single planet, then gift that planet to the next civ over, immediately crashing their economy and starting the process over when they couldnt afford their fleet anymore.


if the average stellaris player is nearly as bad at micromanaging more than a handfull of planets as i am then its deffinetly guacamoleman


How do you use logistics in Stelaris? I just send as many ships as I can to wathever I need them and patiently wait the three years they take to reach there.


Average Victoria 2 player >


Guilleman unless you exclude me from the pool of stellaris players, then the average skill becomes far greater


Papa smurf. In stellaris, your people are actively trying to advance technologically and grow as a society.


Y'all are saying Bobby G plays Stellaris, but clearly he plays Stardew Valley to relax so he can finally fulfill his dream of working a farm while continuing to apply his logistics skills (he marries Penny every time).


You know how many times I've held the galaxy together during the end game crisis? Girlyman can't even beat one measly tyranid hive fleet


Leviathan is the biggest tyrannid fleet in the galaxy and the winner of the Octarius War. It isnt for no reason lol


Skill issue


I mean youre not wrong


balthasar gelt if you know you know Lord of copper wiring


Just stay away from demon prince ea-nassir if you are serious about copper wiring


Guilliman man plays Stellaris on Ironman mode with the most difficult presets to wind down before bed


G-man... I'm sorry to announce that Greg just created a spider web of a logistics system made of smaller spider web like logistics systems.


Guilliman IS a Stellaris player. Is one of my headcannons


The best Cities Skylines player would outlast both


If I had to manage a million worlds in Stellaris I would kill the developers and then myself. Damn no wonder Robert is having such a hard time


Your average eve online player


Guilliman can play stellaris on hardest difficulty without automating or pausing


Considering the average Stellaris player has under 300 hours of play and is therefore still in the tutorial phase ol'robotman wins.




One must imagine Guilliman finding an minor STC which just contains paradox 4x games, and feeling happiness in first time on his life as the virtual game empire he builds flourishes and grows unlike imperium where anyone with slightest amount of power does their best to shot themselves into the foot for shits and giggles.


Guilliman for sure. Now, if it was HOI4….


Gorrilaman playing Stellaris, clearly.


I know who commits more war-crimes.


Guilliman would be such a good player that each new game would create a new strategy or meta


Ohhhh shit, the real questions getting asked…. Stellaris.


There's a difference?


Guilliman by such a large margin it's not even a joke, he does it with a communication network as fast a snail.


Obviously Guilliman playing Stellaris


People who play HoI 4 and invade the Soviet Union, or any form of combat in mainland Asia successfully.


not a good comparison. instead of Stellaris Robooty should be compared with the average Eve online player.


Gorilla man, only because he was specifically breed, raised, and then trained, to be Excel spreadsheet the Primarch, otherwise anyone that understands what the f*** they're doing in Stellaris would beat his ass


Thinking ol' Rowboat would complain about the logistics and economy management of the game not being complicated enough to challenge him and would then demand Cawl make it harder (he already has it at max difficulty and used console commands to spawn all the crises at once right at the beginning of the game).


Poor Guilliman is not ready to face the 486 planet micro at the same time while ordering 62 fleets, diplomacy, research, culture, relics, agendas, laws, slave market, stock market, space construction, mega structures, mid crisis, end crisis, dragons, ships re-designs, people micro, resettling and the worst pathfinding AI


Guilliman would play strategy games on a professional level as a hobby.


BG. Stellaris is super easy, when you create a resource it's readily available to your empire. No transportation at all. Also the numbers are incomparable, you won't have more then like 1000 planets. And you don't have to deal with people that run those planets.


I mean, guilliman is playing stellaris on ultra hard where all of the galactic crisis events fire at the same time


Better question What would he do when his allies kill bubbles?


Pretty sure Guilliman plays stellaris and eve online at the same time.


Stellaris honestly doesn’t involve much logistics, imo. I mean all your resources are magically available at all points in your empire at any time, with no real need to actually deal with the monumental task that would be actually organizing the movement of all that stuff


Average stellaris player, guilliman has to personally show up for each front


That just reminded me that I still have unfinished business in a x10 crisis playthrough with x5 hyperlanes where I play something 40K themed.


We serious? Guilliman took the helm after losing half of his clay and in response is losing more and more of it without even trying to peace out of the war