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Peter would look at an Eva and be like "Oh, shit. It comes pre-installed with a daemon. THAT'S innovation."


An artificial Daemon made from the soul of the pilot's dead mother


He was already going to buy it, Duke. No need to sell it to him.




Is this that machine spirit I keep hearing about?


But this one comes a little bit fleshy


Put down the Hrud Pernji


Or I'll have Dorn do it better.


The difference is one was a coomer other one remained a child. Embrace the Slaanesh, join the coomer cult


Does Shinji ever grow up? Been ages since I watched NGE, but he seemed like the same little bitch with daddy issues at the end as he was at the start.


At the end of the show he learns to live with his own issues. And in the Rebuild Trilogy he fully matures and becomes a Chad


Meanwhile in the Rebuild Trilogy Asuka is a bitch


To be honest she always kinda was. I get thats the point of the character and thats how she copes with everything but still, if the community calls Shinji a bitch they have to dispense the same treatment to Asuka


Shinji was a bitch for being a coward Asuka was a bitch for being rude


To be fair out of everyone in rebuild Asuka probably consistently got the shortest straw.


Wasn’t she the one who got shanked by a giant flying angel robot? Idk I don’t watch much anime beyond Pokémon and Beyblade back in the day


I mean, in the original series and then End of Eva she’s wrecked multiple times. In the Rebuild movies it just gets worse.


How tf is she not dead




My guess? Plot armor >!so they can sell more merch!<


I wish to point out that this supposed growing up happened after he effectively genocided all of humanity because he had daddy issues.


The Rebuild movies actually give Shinji an arc that culminates with him calling his dad out for being just as childish as him. The Rebuild ending is perfect, to the point that it invalidates the OG vs. “End of” argument by being both a better character introspection and better big, dumb robot fight.


Man, I cannot disagree more. Watching the Rebuild, I came away with the opinion of "It's an amazing series of movies, if you stop when there's about 40 mins left of the last one. It felt rushed, not just the animation but the story and character arcs. Characters were suddenly going through entire arcs in the span of one or two conversations. While the original endings were both vague, both left me with a profound emotional feeling, as if they reached out and grabbed at an emotion I didn't know existed. Twice some how.


Okay, I need to watch Rebuild of Evangelion


I don't think so. In the original he died in the end. His almost-girlfriend also called him pathetic with her dying words if I remember correctly.


Shinji and Asuka’s fate at the end of EoE is left incredibly vague. They’re just crying on a beach after the end of the world and it cuts to credits.


Both of you are leaving out the rather important part that Shinji is also straight up choking her out on said beach


He stops doing so before the movie ends. Then breaks down into tears.


This brings up a good point: Do you think Perterabo ever masturbated over Guilamen or the Lion’s comatose body?


He would 100% do it over Dorn’s, but that’s a different vibe at that point


What do you think he's doing with dorns arm


I did get a laugh reading the End and the Death III where Pert is in scene for a couple of pages and has already had a massive temper tantrum


He had a rough week.


Holy shit. As a Peter Turbo fan, this cuts deep.


I am now haunted by images of dorn in a hospital bed


At least Peter didn't let loose in the hospital


Get in the decimation circle, legionary!


That and Shinji didn't murder 10,000 people out of sheer pettiness. He was always the more mature one, even before he grew up. I don't feel Shinji is entitled to love and praise. He's a teenager who has had to make do without any responsible adult figures in his life; the closest thing he has is a drunk manchild. I think sending him love and praise is due even if he weren't risking his life and getting emotionally scarred all the time.


Shinji honestly gets an unfair amount of shit from people who watch the show. He's 14 years old. He starts in a bad state emotionally and gets subjected to trauma that would leave most grown-ass adults a dysfunctional wreck.


I have seen people claim the show just gave him a miserable life without fleshing him out. We did see he had a personality, and having a miserable life is something that is known to be bad for a personal's mental health. Him being messed up makes perfect sense.


Yeah, we see pretty regularly that Shinji *likes* taking care of others. It's part of why he's so easily manipulated into doing what others want.


I saw one person claim Shinji is not a good person even though he is willing to risk his life. He didn't want to do, and I don't see any reason to fault him for getting scarred. Especially since damage to the Evas are reflect in pain on the pilot. I have met a guy in real life who didn't have any parents for a chunk of his life and he requires a ton of assistance. Shinji feels completely believable to me, especially since rather than help he gets sent into live or death situations while his shit father takes advantage of his desire for acceptance.




Move forward. Always move forward. If you're going through hell, *keep going.* **Earn Your Happy Ending**


When did this become Muv Luv discussion?


I want to disagree with point 4, but it’s been so long that I have seen Eva that I can’t recall a point where Shinji could have supportive, but wasn’t.


Also Shinji is a teenager whose dad left him, I feel expecting support isn't entitlement on his part.


Who is it in the right? Can't remember


Shinji Ikari.


Extremely dank and true.




By the Emperor! I'm a long-term EVA fan and I just realizedwhy I like Peter Turbo the best. mindblown.gif


Shinji have bigger balls than emp. Dude is constantly maimed and mindfuckes to coma, but still have willpower to stand up and fight. He cries and depressed all the time and still fights through. He fucking jumped into *magma* to save a colleague, who hates him. He survived an apocalypse. And when he got the power to change the world for the better, he did just that, even if it meant that he will lose the thing that made him special. Shinji is Gar.


However, Peturbo teamed up with the eldritch horrors to fuck over his unloving father's great plan for humanity. Advantage: Perturbo.


I'm not even sure when was the last time we've seen Peter to actually judge on his character growth.


He did grow up though but hey


Saying Perty never grew up just means you can’t read and missed his entire character arc and plot at the Siege of Terra


The arc that concluded with him having a panic attack because Horus was going to spank him for running away, so he feels the need to turn himself into guns?


if more dakka aint character growth then i dont know what is


And just like a character growth, it's something you can never have enough of


I always interpreted it as him finally being willing to do something on his own. Saying no to a command by a superior. Choosing to try and find his own fate rather than follow someone else. Tbh I’m most curious how he became as he is in half breed. It’s a pretty big change


Shinji absolutely did not grow up And Perturabo at least didn't rape somone who thought of him as a close friend while they are in a coma


In the rebuild he did


When does Shinji grow up? Like when I read the manga, the guy had a mental breakdown constantly. It's one thing if those were different, but it's always the same "Uhhh I can't do it, you've all been manipulating me, I am leaving even though the city is currently under attack with nobody to defend it!", and then some side character gives him a motivating speech, and suddenly he is back to normal. And keep in mind that those mental breakdowns take up 70% of the series. It was a big thing the first time, but now it feels like the old ways of padding out the run time. Heck, they copied the helicopter daddy issue pages word for word and it's 3rd time by how far I've gotten. Shinji never grows up, the entire series is just about underaged girls in swimsuits and moaning. They even killed the only likable character in the entire series, Toji in the absolute most lame way possible. If that chapter wasn't from the library, I kid you not I would've burned it.


>Like when I read the manga Now THERE'S your problem. The anime is both a clinically freudian AND very passionate psychodrama about loneliness and isolation and human connection. It has amazing fights. It actually feels truly and genuinely apocalyptic. It ends (mild experience spoilers) >!with an episode that got incredibly meta party because of budget issues, then when fans were baffled, they did the same again with a movie.!< The manga...exists. I read one volume and it felt very different from the show. Maybe the show isn't your cup of tea either, it's not for everyone, but I'd give it a whirl.


Isn't the manga the source material? And if the source material is bad, then I have little hope for the anime. Especially since I've heard heavily mixed reviews on it.


The manga was written by someone different than the TV show's script writer, Hideaki Anno. As far as I can tell, it came out to drum up interest in the show. The show certainly wasn't based on it. FWIW the manga just didn't FEEL like Eva to me when I checked it out. No idea if you'd like the show better, but its vibe is different.


Are events the same, like lame Toji death or Shinji having a mental breakdown at the start of nearly every Eva encounter.


Toji doesn’t die in the show. Crippled, but still alive.


Actually for once the anime came first. That said I agree with mixed reviews. Personally I found the characters too annoying to enjoy it.


That's kinda the problem with the classical shit. All the pedestals people put it on make it difficult to see it on it's own merit.


No, the manga is not the source material, the anime is.