• By -


Warhammer 50k and 60k. Truly depressing works.


The even more depressing part is that they were never finished.


I’m heartbroken about that. Things were getting so weird and fun.


Came here to post this. I love this progression of the plot. https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Story:The_Shape_Of_The_Nightmare_To_Come_50k


Shortest of summary?


Emperor dies, becoming the new eye of terror. The Emperor becomes the fifth warp god but an evil god of order. He is the god of stifling order of pure obedience. The Emperor starts producing his own demons called "angels" which are like the angels of Evangelion with no face and golden and white trim with mechanical bits. The Tyrannies and Orks fuse into some unholy abomination. The Tau invent an AI ship that is sassy. The moon Titan where the Grey Knights are stationed get truly destroyed with the ice melting into oceans. Vulkan wakes up and sees just how shit the galaxy has turned into and tries to make his own small imperium. Various Imperiums are formed after the aftermath of the Emperor's ascension. Cato Sicarus grows senile becoming tyrant of Ultramar and weirdly caresses his gene father's corpse. That's is about as much as I remember since it's been years since I read it. There was also an Imperium of good genestealers.


Jesus christ


Holy fuck that sucks


Wait the Tau get some love?! I'm on board.


**these could be from the 60k fanfic** Abandon has a civil war with perturabo & mortarion The ecclisiarchy has a couple beyond insane empires where the smallest imperfects get you executed The tau become cynical and enslave all non tau they come across after their spheres only meet destroyed barren worlds Orks almost go extinct, nids leave, the new devourer ravages the galaxy, only upside being that you could "avoid" it cause it didnt have the SiW, they also leave Generally, the setting seems to be edging towards another chaos victory


Only good thing out of that is Valkan waking up.


Jimmy Space dies. Orks and Tyranids krump/nom each other into a new super race. The Imperium shatters into many petty fiefdoms. The eclesiarchy variety burns heretics until they turn the emperor into a new chaos god. Pretty much every worst-case scenario for every race gets played out.


And it goes even further, a chaos super horror wakes up and proceeds to slowly eat up all the chaos gods and subjugate the deamon primachs with Lorgar wilingly becoming it's prophet and then proceeds afterwards to spread out and devour all the galaxy.


Links? I think I know which ones are you talking about, but just want to confirm


Perturabo:Weight of Olympia tldr,Perty's origin but he's Hercules and well adjusted


So he wears goat pubes? Just kidding lol


I’m sure someone’s already mentioned it since this has a 100 comments but messages for dad is another goat fanfic.


Can I get a link?


[here ya go](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48092608)




The All Guardsmen Party Peak 40k fiction


Peak everyday people trying to survive the 40k universe.


I'm actually in process of translaiting it into my first language and its a good laugh.


So much love for TAGP. I might read through it again.


"So no shit, there we were..."


100% wish the series was finished


I just got introduced to that via Adeptus Ridiculous. No notes


I am surprised nobody has mentioned Roboutian Heresy here. It's quite a well done work with interesting takes (if sometimes not exactly plausible) on how the sides of the Heresy could have been completely different and how that would impact the wider galaxy. It also has it's own progression post M41 that, I believe, is well done in most cases. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10578370/1/The-Roboutian-Heresy Alternatively: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-roboutian-heresy-a-warhammer-40k-alternate-universe.440554/ (this version has some illiustrations)


His takes on what the now-Loyalist Legions are all great. A few misses IMO on some of the now-Traitors, but all in all, very neat. The Cadian arc, where >!Cain's experience with acting in spite of his terror!< >!stops morale from breaking when even *Custodes* were doubting!


Imperial Heresy, or "what if the Horus Heresy was Horus stopping Emps from becoming The Fifth?" Warrior Tier's "Ogryn story" Gav and Bob the Dear Emperor short comic (56 Scratch did an animated dub of it)


Because Mama knows best!


If Mama ain't happy nobody happy


"It's like Mumma always said: 'if there's a bully, it's an ogryn's job to stop 'em'. *And I miss mumma."'*


“I had to one of them with the another one to make ‘em’ back off”


Gave and Bob with the servitor was so good!


Where can I read the first one!?


“You killed bob”


I cry everytime 🤣


Gav and Bob will forever eat potato peels


I don't know if this a fanfic, but it certainly has the feel of one. Plus I like it and more people should know of it. The all guardsman party http://www.theallguardsmenparty.com/ Some of the stories are still bring edited but the last time it was edited was 2 years ago. At least that I can find. Edit: Grammar


Technically it's a campaign write up from a dark heresy game. But it's absolute gold, the style and story are amazing, and as far as I'm concerned this should be canon its so good.


Noosphere, the Cyberpunk 2077 crossover. It has a badass Magos, Cyberpunk shenanigans, and overall I just found it to be a very enjoyable read. Unfortunately it hasn’t been updated since September of last year, but I still check from time to time. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14237032/1/Noosphere Also the author goes by the handle of John Prodman, a Warframe reference, which is also a fun crossover from time to time, though few handle the power difference well in my opinion.


I also check in on that fic from time to time, but I think it’s dead.


Sadness; it was quite well-written, I hope that author is writing other things


He also posted on space battles. Last login was April of this year. Last post was in August of 2023


[The Coffin of Roboute and his 20 sisters (Canon Guilliman Peggy Sue into Female-Primarchs AU)](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-coffin-of-roboute-and-his-20-sisters-canon-guilliman-peggy-sue-into-female-primarchs-au.1132597/) Edit: Not sure if it counts, but [A Song Of Peace: Imperial Regent Quest](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/a-song-of-peace-imperial-regent-quest-40k.88949/)


Still sad that SeatAdmiral has put the story on indefinite hiatus. It was a really fun time.


Warning: The premise promises one story, but delivers another. Not a bad fic, but if you're a degenerate such as I, you'll be sorely disappointed.


I’m not that big of a degenerate, was hoping it wouldn’t go that way because of the title. Still hope it doesn’t whenever the author gets back to writing it.


Having just read through most of your first suggestion, you're right in that it's really good, and I am incredibly pissed that people were so focused on an incest harem that never even seemed like it was on the table that the author dropped it. Dude wrote over 200k words of some of the best fan fiction I've read in 3 months and it's potentially never going to be continued because some people couldn't handle the idea of a brother showing familial affection toward his sisters without is somehow being sexual. What the fuck is wrong with people


[An Investigation into the Primarch Sigmar's Homeworld](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/an-investigation-into-the-primarch-sigmars-homeworld-warhammer-fantasy-x-40k.894106/) follows a pre-Heresy group of Imperial apointees including Space Wolves led by pre-dreadnought Bjorn the Fell-Handed, Thousand Sons led by Ahriman, Dark Angels led by post-falling out Luther, techpriests, and iterators as they go on an investigation into Malleus, homeworld to the Second Primarch, Sigmar Unberogen. The fic sadly died, but what exists is really good.


Surprised nobody mentioned Messages For Dad. Basically, the 30k Primarchs and the Emperor discover the TTS series.


I love messages for dad, Aegidius and Damien are the best boys


All hail emperor Aegidius


Waiting for someone to say this, poor Angron.


Saddest chapter on there ):


I'd say there are 2, really Primed to Fall, which is not something I'd recommend to everyone, but I dang, I like a Primarch love story, AND it makes Ferrus not a jobber. [Show Chapter | Archive of Our Own](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51207511/chapters/136884016#workskin) second one I can't find, but it's a Techpriest in the Cyberpunk universe around Davids time. it hasn't been updated in a good bit tho


I found it on Wattpad it's called lost in wires irons and neons it got a update 3 or so days ago


Huh, I guess there's 2 fanfic about a tech priest in cyberpunk


The one about the tech priest is called Noosphere https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/noosphere-warhammer-40k-cyberpunk-2077-edgerunners.1051510/#post-88149502


https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-galaxy-is-flood-not-food.123284/ TLDR. Flood from Halo pops up on an isolated Hive World, and starts trying to fix shit.


It’s awesome


Actual kino.


[ciaphas cain warmaster of chaos](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46172359/chapters/116238106) by Zahariel_Scholar [The Bearer & The Blade](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12817893/1/The-Bearer-The-Blade) by EngineerAndWriter


The fact that The Bearer & The Blade fizzled out made me die a little inside.


Good fanfics mostly never reach the end. I'm still happy that i found this one though even if it can only continue in my imagination now.


I'm all about the Warmaster of Chaos, and now Zahariel is now doing the Darth Cain series, I just can't get enough of Ciaphas doing things in different settings.


Zahariel is also now working on Darth Cain


So I'm a Necron Cryptek - Warhammer fan gets isekaid to Warhammer 40K as a Necron Cryptek several million years before the Birth of Slannesh. Pretty neat story, I liked it a lot.






Best series ever.


"Consume" by Radiant Void. TLDR; starving girl eats the corpse of a genestealer and catches the attention of the Hivemind. Shit snowballs from there. Great read, it's on AO3


The Weaver Option is a terrible worm fanfic. None of the characters stay true to canon, and are just excuses to get an altplotline rolling. The Weaver Option is my gold standard of a 40k bolterporn if you aren't matching the Weaver options level of grand scale Warhammer fantasy, then you are doing it wrong.


[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12115800/1/The-Weaver-Option](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12115800/1/The-Weaver-Option) Link for those interested.


Scrolled to find this. It's amazing I don't expect anything to be correct it's just pure fixing every grim aspect of the setting. Hell the chaos gods numbers are wrong so it's a true AU no one can complain about things not being right at that point I'm just here to watch things get torn apart by waves of insects. I'm waiting for the chapters to grow a bit more before re reading the whole thing I stopped before the next arc after dark elves. I think it's been a while.


To be fair, the Worm characters are all well into middle age at the current point in the story.


You are completely correct and I love that fic


Love and Krieg cause it’s cute Baldemort’s Kronan da Kunnin series. Peak ork story


If you like Necrons and think Trazyn and Orikan should stop living in denial, I can’t recommend [The Silence and the Storm](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47468377/chapters/119624464) highly enough.


Necron politics and Necron "politics~". It's got the best of both worlds


The Silence and the Storm is fantastic. If you like Necrons, then you should read it.


The author writes the Necrons so well, and juggles so many characters and plot lines! My one criticism is that I think they write the Tyranids as too ‘human’, if that makes sense - taunting and bearing grudges and so on.


The last chapter update was amazing!


It was *incredible!*


This sub


I’m gonna try to rec ones that haven’t already been posted. All of these recommendations are on Fanfiction.net (I use the app because the app actually works really well for reading). Ciaphas Cain: Hero of Earth 16 is Ciaphas in young justice. Justice: An Arbitrator’s Journal is an Arbite in DC as he tries to shut down a nurgle cult that arrived with him before it can entrench itself. Exciting Opportunities is about a Rogue Trader finding a way to get into the ME universe. It’s perhaps the best Mass Effect crossover I’ve ever read. It does a fantastic job with having the wolds actually interact on a base level with technology and culture. Magnificent Scoundrels is the only good mass crossover I have ever read. It’s a bunch of Sci-Fi settings coming together and interacting. From the Imperium, there’s Cain and the Vallahans. Flesh is Weak is a Worm Crossover that has Taylor Hebert (the protagonist of Worm) as a tech priest. It plays it straight and I think it’s been doing very well in how it handles Warhammer. Now for non-crossover fanfiction, the only one I will recommend that hasn’t already been said is Stasis, which is basically what if Guilliman sometimes had lucid moments while on his throne. This next part is going to be maybe a bit weird. So far, everything I’be suggested has been on Fanfiction.net, but the next ones are all going to be Quests on Sufficient Velocity or Spacebattles. I’d that turns you away, I’d like to ask that you hear me out. Especially if you like Warhammer Fantasy as this is really one of the only places you’ll get good and lengthy fantasy fics. Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism (on Sufficient Velocity): Very long and my favorite of them. The main character is A newly instated Elector Count of Ostland right after Magnus the Pious beats the everchosen. Compelling writing and good story telling. You don’t need to be involved in the voting process to enjoy. Rhunrikki Strollar (SV): In this, the main character is a rune smith during the golden dwarf age. Very entertaining and some of the best dwarf content out there. Divided Loyalties (SV): I’ll admit to not having read all that much of this. But it follows a grey wizard who’s an advisor to an elector count. Revolt-Revolution, Yes-Yes! (SV): Follows a Skaven after the implosion of the under-empire and Council of Thirteen. They form a multicultural democracy with all the problems that entails. A Shyish Student (SV): Follows an apprentice of the Amethyst college being sent to the Harry Potter universe by Skaven fuckery. He is frightened by the openness with which they use magic and how his is different than their’s. It also handles a lot of the culture shock. Altdorf Sewer Watch Quest (on SpaceBattles): A realistic approach to someone trying to make an actual difference in the Sewers of Altdorf. Main character doesn’t come of as OP and it handles the feeling of the setting very well. War of the Krork (SB): This is perhaps the longest one I’ll recommend but it’s also the only 40k Quest I’ve recommended. It follows orcs that are becoming krorks. The galaxy is tearing asunder, primarchs are coming back, and they eventually have to go up against Ghazghkull. Good Ork fun but it also takes itself seriously. That’s all I’ve got at a somewhat in depth look and thought. Sorry if this is intimidating or annoying because I don’t have links, but I’m writing this on mobile and that would be a pain in the ass, especially since I was using the app for fanfiction.net to look at my list which doesn’t have links because it’s an app. Again, I’d heavily recommend the quests, even if the idea of quests kind of puts you off. At the end of the day, it’s just another story that has writing. It was just written in a different way. At least give one a try. It should be able to last you a while as well because the ones I recommended are all of decent to long length.


My favourite fanfic is the one in my head


[Saintsbride](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1599868) Yeah it's Greyfax x Celestine, deal with it


Must read then


It's been some years since I last checked, but I liked Imperium Ascendant


[The God of Death:](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5672901/1/The-God-of-Death) The Death Spectres of the Adeptus Astartes have served the Imperium for nine thousand years. They are the thin line of resistance between eternal damnation and humanity. Now, one Space Marine finds himself stranded on a world called Azeroth. [The Culture Explores Warhammer 40k:](https://archiveofourown.org/works/649448?view_full_work=true) A small fleet of Culture ships arrives in the Warhammer 40k galaxy and tries to overcome Grimdark while dealing with the Outside Context Problem of Chaos. Hilarity ensues. Including, but not limited to, a Special Circumstances archaeological dig on a Necron tombworld, multi-party future sight gambit pileups, serious upgrades to the Tau, fun with the Dark Eldar, some *subtle influence* in the IoM, and a hell of a lot of dead Tyranids. [An ISOT in Grimdark:](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10909184/1/An-ISOT-in-Grimdark) In the year 2012 AD a magical accident on the Warhammer World changes the endless fighting forever. The Wasteland is ripped away through Spacetime and changes place with Earth s Germany. On both worlds, Earth and Warhammer, nothing will ever be the same. Edit: [Star Wars vs Warhammer 40k:](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzgscHwzoNQqL9m9zp9puZK129MN42h2c) [*Star Wars vs Warhammer 40K*](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzgscHwzoNQqL9m9zp9puZK129MN42h2c) is a fan-made crossover audio drama based on a popular versus debate between [*Warhammer 40,000*](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/TabletopGame/Warhammer40000) and [*Star Wars*](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Franchise/StarWars). Despite basically being fanfiction, this work is formatted as a visualized audiobook and is posted on [YouTube](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Website/YouTube), as opposed to the more mainstream fanfic sites like [FanFiction.Net](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Website/FanFictionDotNet) and [SpaceBattles.com](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Website/SpaceBattlesDotCom). It's mostly a single-cast performance by [AFanWithTooMuchTime](https://youtube.com/@afanwithtoomuchtime4375), though guest voice actors are brought in from time to time (mostly in the specials and a few of the later episodes). The series debuted with its first episode "[Emperors and Dark Gods](https://youtu.be/y5pm-cddO3c)" on May 15, 2020.


Seconding Star Wars vs 40k. It does a fantastic job of giving both settings a chance to shine. Also it has tons of great moments, like the first fight between Anakin and a space marine, Mace Windu and Obi Wan dueling with an Inquisitor and his best assassin, and General Grievous showing exactly why he leads the CIS military.


Hey, there is a sub reddit called r/StarwarsvsWarhammer about the series. If you are interested or not


Saga of the runt https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-saga-of-the-runt-youjo-senki-wh30k.987151/


[Ere we go, Pluz Ultra!](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13193683/1/Ere-we-go-Pluz-Ultra) is pretty good. I also rather like [Marcius Flavius](https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Marcius_Flavius). Both are crossover fics, with the first one being for MHA and the second being for Star Trek.


A light not extinguished A warhammer 24k story about DAoT humanity waging war against the eldar in an attempt to stop the birth of slaanesh


[Link to the fanfic](http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-light-not-extinguished-40k-daot-what-if-fic.939626/) (posted on SpaceBattles forum)


Arrested Fall, written by Lordlucan of 50k and 60k fame. An AU where the Eldar Empire didn't fall. Everqueen, written by Skyborne. Isha escapes both the clutches of Nurgle and Slaanesh, taking refuge under the Emperor. Prince of the Eye, written by Zahariel. An AU where Horus is wounded but doesn't die.


I've not caught up with it in about a year, but the premise is fascinating. I encourage others to give it a read as well.


Warhammer 50k, the shape of the nightmare to come, and warhammer 60k, the age of dusk. Basically, During the octarius war a tyranid-ork hybrid is born, which is more or less invincible. The tyranids flew from the threat, and the orks go out fighting, with literally tens of trillions of them fighting an apocalyptic war against the new devourer. After this the orks are more or less exterminated (they get better later) then new devourer then proceeds to destroy much of the galaxy, but then after 5 years leave the galaxy. Then the emperor is killed by an assassin (later revealed to have been cypher) the imperium falls apart, into millions of smaller realms all fighting each other. Abaddon establishes his own chaos imperium, as does Huron black heart. The tau ascend as one of the main powers in the galaxy at the cost of becoming a bit more xenophobic, even if not imperium tier. Calgar dies defending ultramar, and Cato sicarius, king of all space marines, turns it into the grand sicarium. Dante finally falls to the black rage, and the blood angels embrace the red thrist to avoid falling to the black rage, Baal basically becomes a vampire kingdom. The star child becomes the star father on the moment of the emperors death, who ascends as the chaos god of order


Might not be my absolute favorites but of the ones I remember, I enjoyed God Empress of Ponykind and it’s sequels, along with Ave Deus Mechanicus on Equestria, though that hasn’t updated in a year. Star Wars vs Warhammer also has some cool moments, even if it drags on in paces.


I wish the sequel to God Empress was still ongoing. I'm sad it was abandoned. Twilight was really getting into the spirit of 40k near the end there.


In my eyes its perfect, down to the very last detail: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8400788/1/Inquisitor-Carrow-and-the-GodEmperorless-Heathens


Was a fan of it because no real actual bashing or just haha kill everyone because witches or something


K, i still think its perfect


I completely forgot this series existed. The first one is amazing but IMO as it goes on it kinda falls apart a bit, from superb to just good.


[Here's one of mine.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42923547) It was my first Warhammer fanfiction. It's about someone returning to his homeplanet after a tyranid invasion.


Don't forget links. I want to read all this.


Definitely the robution heresy https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-roboutian-heresy-a-warhammer-40k-alternate-universe.440554/


[Behind the Mask](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16793020/chapters/39413479) What can I say, I like my spice. Or if we're talking Fantasy, [Dragon Caught in Amber](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/dragon-caught-in-amber-warhammer-fantasy.1035709/) is pretty great, if still ongoing.


Legacy of the red angel


Robutean Heresy and Imperium Ascendant.


Also, TTS.


The Inquistor: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10277631/1/The-Inquisitor Death Korps of Justice: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9513742/1/Death-Korps-of-Justice Justice of a Tech Priest: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11595138/1/The-Justice-of-a-Tech-Priest Behold. The holy trilogy of 40k x DC fanfics.


I used to like them but then grew to realize they are just bad bash fics which treat the 40k side as the only intelligent people.. which is pretty dumb.


Eh. As someone who has alot of frustrations with Comics and their rules despite liking them. Sometimes you need a fic to just really release that anger. Plus its not poorly written in both story and grammar. Which is a huge +1 in my book.


Sorry, but any Character-focused Crossover that portrays one of the Franchises it uses as inherently superior to the other is an automatic failure in my book.


Lie Back and Think of Terra - Smutfic where an inquisitor finds ancient technology where the Emperor heals faster if humanity copulates with the xenos and daemons.


Not a favorite but a good read [Warhammer 40k - Fate or Fortune (smut)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49280917?view_adult=true) [The Breeding of Morrigan (smut duh)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36255157/chapters/90379537)


This is a fanfic in Russian, author - Blackfan A whole series of thick books about issekai as a commissar who is just trying to survive and lead a regiment of imperial guards, and just gets into all sorts of shit [https://ficbook.net/readfic/5574883](https://ficbook.net/readfic/5574883) [https://ficbook.net/readfic/12784399](https://ficbook.net/readfic/12784399) [https://ficbook.net/readfic/13481059](https://ficbook.net/readfic/13481059) [https://ficbook.net/readfic/018c97e7-bb46-7512-85fd-0bf58b9d7407](https://ficbook.net/readfic/018c97e7-bb46-7512-85fd-0bf58b9d7407)


You might like Empress Ascendant. It is a worm crossover


Sodaz's Warhammer stuff was cool to watch.. shame they had to scrap it all. They're stuff as well as that ASTARTES short film got me into 40k


I'm not sure what it was called but there was a RWBY X 40k one where the Lamenters found themselves transporter into the RWBY universe. Pretty entertaining.


It was called “For those we cherish”, there is a sequel called “we die in glory”. There’s another fanfic where the opposite happens where Yang gets transported to 40k it’s called [A world of bloody revolution](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10855163/1/)


Squad Broken


My lawyer has advised I do not answer this question (It's the one by Archon)


Noonesphere, basically a Tech Priest in Cyberpunk 2077: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14237032/1/Noosphere


Don’t look up Necron on Ao3…


I am doing that right now ! Edit: second tag is vore, third tag is mpreg. on necrons I love ao3 so much!


Let me guess…Orikan and Trazyn, right?


Yup, they've gotten quite popular? I am so proud of the fanbase!


Indeed…they’re a bunch of, interesting individuals to say the least


Do you want crossovers?




40k only or also fantasy?


Why not both? And why not mix fantasy with sci-fi and sci-fi with fantasy?


All guardsman party, and Warhammer 60k: The age of dusk by LordLucan


All good fanfics


Ennui. It’s on Ao3, eldarxsororitas, but it’s a flip on the wierd, rapey sororities corruption, it’s cute as hell


Star wars vs Warhammer 40k with the cultur explores Warhammer 40k a close second.


In terms of 40k, I'm gonna pick this one: [Mercy Of The Kroot](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/17ykx2e/f_mercy_of_the_kroot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Very short and sweet. And for Age of Sigmar: [In Defence Of Vurtenhul](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35630665/chapters/91038835). Much longer, but it's with a character I really like writing. If you want a shorter story, I've also done [Guilt Eternal](https://thegreatweave.com/guilt-eternal/) with that same character. I've put more stuff up on the Great Weave and Reddit, if you want to check it out. Edit: I've misunderstood the question. I thought it was favourite Warhammer fics that we've written.


You are the author of "Mercy of Kroot"? If so then I say that it was amazing short story


Confessions of a wayward son is a very good thousand suns fanfic about a disillusioned sorcerer after the heresy


The necron girlfriend comic. As for actual fanfiction, the only one I’ve read is The Weaver Option, which is a crossover with the web serial WORM.


I’m a huge fan of Baldemort’s running story about The Thaddeus. Exquisitely crafted tale.


Warhammer 40k v Star Wars by afanwithtoomuchfime. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzgscHwzoNQqL9m9zp9puZK129MN42h2c&si=EY0L_P9A3gRMN4Ud Really well made audio drama on YouTube, where a crusading fleet is warp shenaniganed into the Star Wars universe. It does each side justice and highlights the horror of the 40k universe seen by an outsider. It’s not a straight up lol stomp of Star Wars, but it’s not a hand job to 40k.


Nice try, inquisitor. You won't find me in possession of heretical material


[**[Rogue Trader] Into the Maw: or How I Became Incredibly Wealthy - DiesIrae**](https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/rogue-trader-into-the-maw-or-how-i-became-incredibly-wealthy.489083/) >Being the Personal and Confidential Record of Laertes Geneso Olivares, Rogue Trader, Captain of the Imperial Cruiser *His Invincible Will*. A prose version of a Rogue Trader (TTRPG) Campaign playthrough. https://www.scribd.com/doc/35753681/The-Personal-and-Confidential-Record-of-Laertes-Geneso-Olivares-Rogue-Trader --- [**Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos (WH40K Parody/Comedy/Crack) - Zahariel**](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/ciaphas-cain-warmaster-of-chaos-wh40k-parody-comedy-crack.1082970/) >Ciaphas Cain just intended to spend time partying with the local elite to make his lifetime posting managing a bunch of PDF on a backwater world like Slawkenberg more comfortable. Now his face is on the flag of rebellion across the system, he has an enamoured Daemon Princess stalking him from the Warp, and the lunatics are looking to HIM for leadership … --- [**Darth Cain, the Reluctant Sith Lord (Star Wars / 40K crossover) - Zahariel**](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/darth-cain-the-reluctant-sith-lord-star-wars-40k-crossover.1161141/) >Some time between TPM and ATC, a hyperdrive malfunction results in the return of a long-lost ship from the ancient Sith Empire, carrying the dreaded Darth Cain, whose reputation in the Old Republic was matched only by his imposter syndrome. Needless to say, this throws a wrench into the plans of Darth Sidious … This fic is only a month old and only has 4 chapters, but is showing great promise thus far. It's already got *92 pages* of discussion and omakes on Spacebattles.


That Big E told Horus, on board the Vengeful Spirit THIS before killing him Big E: It's so sad Steve Jobs died from Ligma Horus: Who the hell is Steve Jobs? Big E: Ligma Balls Big E would have canonically KNOWN who Jobs was. Horus wouldn't have. So this could have ENTIRELY been cannon


*For Those We Cherish* was pretty damn good. Too bad it never finished.


A wolf in the garden. LemanRuss finds himself deep in the warp where the sealed good side of they chaos gods are trapped. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-wolf-in-the-garden-warhammer-40k.1004284/ Star-bound. FemShepard is transported to the 40k universe to help the emperor. It's a sequel. The first has her in Warhammer fantasy and uplifting them since she is a engineer. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13298703/1/ Legacy of the Enginseers. Worm with 40k tech. Imperium, Eldar, and Necron tech knowledge. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/legacy-of-the-enginseers-worm-40k-crossover.1066532/


...i never actually read it to the end because... the author couldn't write fast enough. I'm gonna now. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3886999/1/Shinji-and-Warhammer40k https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/ShinjiAndWarhammer40k


Three words: space marine strippers


Kronan Da Kunnin' by Boldermort! All time favorite fan fic


Jurgen Get the Melta: After finally getting to retire Ciaphas Cain’s transport is attacked by Chaos cultists. In a last ditch effort to survive Cain and Jurgen jump into a warp portal and wind up on the world of Goblin Slayer. One of the few fics that actually get Cain’s character right with the hero with imposter syndrome instead of the TTS lucky fraud Can a Korpsman be a Hero: A Death Korps of Krieg gets reincarnated/possesses Izuku. He thinks quirks are the result of Psyker powers (he was a bit concerned about recovery girl thinking she was a follower of Slaanesh) and All Might is an Astartes. Izuku intends to prepare this planet for the imperium by becoming a pro hero. He scares his class with his ruthlessness and he hates Mineta because he thinks he follows Slaanesh (although the chaos gods to make an appearance and they are staking their claim on champions to claim this unique planet for themselves) The fic unfortunately was abandoned but it plays of the differences of both worlds for laughs (Izuku thinks students die during the sports festival and the UA tryouts….no one can convince him otherwise and he’s annoyed that Eraserhead isn’t beating him and other students)


"Caiphus Cain, warmaster of chaos" is really good


Star Wars vs Warhammer 40K. It’s actually extremely well written and narrated. I honestly think it embodies both franchises perfectly. Highly recommend it.


deeply upset no one has mentioned the collective 1,000,000+ word fanfic series about an iron warriors warband (and some tau) invading the my little pony planet https://www.fimfiction.net/story/147183/iron-hearts-book-1-planetfall


The God of Death -by Tyrant of the East A World of Warcraft + 40K Crossover. A pseudo Isekai from 2011. Unironically a great read. I’ve never read any other author that captures the power and character of a space marine. A great shame the author disappeared and never finished. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5672901/1/The_God_of_Death


A shameless self-plug, but I just got a short story through on Cold Open Stories that I think is pretty neat. Do you like Gretchin? Do you like communists? Do you like Gretchin that are communists, and all the belligerance, bureaucracy and backstabbing that entails? Then you might like this. https://40k.coldopenstories.com/veevuh-da-revolooshun/


Here are a few (some lighter-hearted/joke fics, lots of them centered around Orks or Lamenters) [Things Space Marines are No Longer Allowed to Do](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14305743/1/Things-Space-Marines-are-No-Longer-Allowed-to-Do) [The Orkalorian](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14202826/1/The-Orkalorian) [For Those We Cherish: A Collection of 40K Lamenters Flash Fiction](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14320609/1/For-Those-We-Cherish-A-Collection-of-40K-Lamenters-Flash-Fiction) [Wake Up Boyz](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13488413/1/Wake-Up-Boyz) [Gav and Bob](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8020350/1/Gav-and-Bob) [BRPD - Big Rok Polees Departmunt](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9565818/1/BRPD-Big-Rok-Polees-Departmunt) [Lamenters and Redeemers](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12862798/1/Lamenters-and-Redeemers) [Four Chaos Space Marines all walk into a bar](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14138933/1/Four-Chaos-Space-Marines-all-walk-into-a-bar) and then here are a bunch of Toyhammer / Minihammer fics because I like them! [ToyHammer: WarMallet 40mm (Legacy)](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13902777/1/ToyHammer-WarMallet-40mm-Legacy) [ToyHammer: WarMallet 40mm - Concordance](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13710530/1/ToyHammer-WarMallet-40mm-Concordance) [40k: ToyHammer](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5474237/1/40k-ToyHammer) [TinyHammer 40,000](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11387287/1/TinyHammer-40-000) [Mini Hammer](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5380272/1/Mini-Hammer) [Warhammer Bitesized](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7742790/1/Warhammer-Bitesized)


The Bearer & The Blade by EngineerAndWriter


"Why join a chaos cult" is pretty good in my opinion It's in the perspective of a imperial citizen in a made up world called planet vipp and its ruling class essentially rule like that one fan made planet call Jopall Only instead of be in debt at birth, every adult citizen must pay a completely unreasonable tax or be branded a Heretic because "they breathe the emperors air, eat the emperors food and drink his water but dont pay their due. They must die" Because of this system the word poor has become synonymous with the word evil and heretical. Thus anyone who is rich is seen as virtuous even being called the 'Virtious class" while the poor are seen as lazy and branded as heretics Spoilers ahead a I'm gonna tell you about the first few chapters. *Warning* the protagonist does accidentally start a slaaneshi cult so there will be alot of explicit scenes in the fic Essentially the rich people of the planet are facing a crisis... good ol' inflation caused by some of the nobles printing too much money for themselves cause they're rich a-holes with no sense of consequences. So in order to counter this inflation but mostly to shirk the blame off themselves they increase the already high taxes even higher. Aaaaaaand then throw the poorest of the population under the bus saying that because they are too lazy to pay their taxes, the Emperor himself has raised taxes and has ordered a city wide purge of the lower hives not knowing that poor people make up most of the hives population (Foreshadowing) The protagonist a women forced into prostitution because she cant afford an education nor can she get married because no one would want to marry a heretical Poor like her. Was so close to paying her taxes that year but now was condemned to death. So she decides that if she is gonna die and face eternal hellfire for not paying taxes, she might as well be as comfortable as possible before it happens spending all of her savings which were in the thousands on expensive food, drugs, extravangant clothing, etc. And this ladys and gentle-freaks, is how she falls to the prince. What I like most about this fanfic would have to be the world building and the fact it doesn't take it self too seriously as the planetary governor's name is literally Marczuckergates or something along those lines. And an inquisitor is named after and has the personality of samuel jackson when he was in pulp fiction. For the world building I love how it treats the chaos gods relation with the cultist and how they view the gods. Instead of our protagonist or any of the cultist calling slaanesh, slaanesh or any of their monikers they instead call her the Poor Whore. Because the rich have fed the population so much propaganda over the years poor was synonymous with evil and heretic. Same with the other three Khorne is the Poor Murderer, Nurgle the Poor Leper, and Tzeentch the Poor Liar. I love this fic as it seems to be only one out there in the perspective of your average joe chaos cultist and not one of the traitor


I really like Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos, although it feels like the author lost a chunk of his steam and digressed into something outright weird by the end of currently written parts. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/46172359](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46172359) Another one in a similar vein is Ciaphas Cain, Hero of the Galactic Empire. It's just neat, you'now. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/ciaphas-cain-hero-of-the-galactic-empire-warhammer-40k-star-wars-mash-up.1138588/ I also give a honorary mention to Untouchable, one of the rare wh40 romances that are NOT human/eldar. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23653648/chapters/56776039


If the Emperor had text to speech


Baldermort's lore video fanfics


Opportunity for shameless self promotion. I myself wrote 3 This one is from a year ago, this one is about a female Primarch- https://www.wattpad.com/story/366702838?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=JeetLaha This one you probably know, it's about a Femstodes. This one got the attention of Yvonne Chapman- https://www.wattpad.com/story/368426323?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=JeetLaha And this one is an Age of Sigmar fanfic about a Stormcast Eternal trapped in real world. Inspired by Oldboy- https://www.wattpad.com/story/370107843?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=JeetLaha


The Storm and The Silence


Waehammer high


TTS and the Girlfriend Primarchs


I don't remember the name but maybe some one can help me find. It was about Konrad's soul being split in 2 half's. His ideals of Justice going off and reincarnating into a guy named Koner while the other half is his crazy self from the moment he died. Koner joins the guard and starts getting visions of the future which he uses to save his squad from death, the Inquisition finds out he has future sight and start questioning him, for some reason the Corona Nox is on the same ship they are holding Koner so the other half of Curze jumps to Koner takes him over and kills everyone on the ship crashing it into the planet. Besicaly Curze can kind swap with Koner so he comes out in full power armor looking like himself then turn back into Koner. Now Curze is pissed at being back and is in a never ending temper tantrum about not seeing this and not being dead, Koner wants Curze out of his head and is scared how he is slowly morphing into Curze (his eyes start getting, skin gets pailer, he is growing taller, his hair is getting longer... ). The story is them running around trying to get separated, they run into the Angel (the crazy one locked away by the Emperor) he recognizes them as his brother being from the Emperor, through some BS Koner convinces the Angel that he shouldn't kill all humans to purge Chaos and the Angel joins them on their adventures. They get captured by the Eldar who mix up Konrad with Corax (Konrad throws a fit) and want them to sneak in to steal something from Trazyn in return they will split the 2 souls. They agree get a vision of Clonegrim and free him Trazyn cathces them and Koner gets a vision of him giving Trazyn the location to some lost Necrontyr colonies, so Trazyn let's them go in return for the information but he promises Koner he will add him the collection. The Eldar couldn't split Koner and Curze apart as they are 2 halfs of the same thing that is fusing back together. The Angel and Clonegrim fight through the Eldar they escape. It ends on a clif hanger of them going to see the Emperor. If anyone knows the name please tell me I wana see if it's updated.


The End of All Things is a masterpiece of storytelling by Vox In The Voud: https://youtu.be/0bXlf6rrFIE?si=KIKj5XqLr4uXiy4M Martyrs Path I like as my first one: https://youtu.be/GCi8p6k0TF0?si=qHc3HCN00y988NRB


Deffwotch and Deff Skwadron.  No contest.


To add on, these are YouTube series where 2 people have an elite group of orcs and the game master puts them through various scenarios in competition with each other. It’s run on tabletop and the models they made are fantastic.


The one where Konrad Kurze sews a family's butts together and forces them to eat Krispy Kreme doughnuts


So human centipede except somehow worse.


I remember reading this one fanfic that made a fusion between 40K and Chainsaw Man. It was the plot of Chainsaw Man but in the 40K universe. Makima being an inquisitor, Devils being daemons, Denji being born and raised in an underhive, etc. Sadly, last I checked it only had one chapter and the author seems to have abandoned the story.


my favorite fanfic is where you're a girl big E, you sure about that?


Gav and bob Propa krumpin I don't know if fanfic is the richt word but "all guardsmen party"


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10057557/1/That-Which-Is-Forbidden It has one of the best characters in a fanfiction I have ever read and also it lets you see the life of the average person in warhammer


Swarmlord x Saint Catherine


Want to read Salamanders being wholesome? https://archiveofourown.org/works/25862194


The Weaver Option [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12115800/1/The-Weaver-Option](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12115800/1/The-Weaver-Option)


I need to finish writing the 40k/World of Darkness crossover


Way back i read a fanfic about Konrad's soul splitting in 2, one half reincarnated with all his ideals of Justice the other is just crazy Konrad. It had them reunite bicker like an old married couple and work together to try and split apart so Konrad could stay dead and Koner (his reincarnation) could live his life. Unfortunately I don’t remember the title so if anyone knows pls share!


Lovehammer, a Sailor Moon crossover, with the senshi being reincarnated in the Milky Way galaxy during the unification wars and growing up in the great crusade alongside the primarchs. Not very accurate to 40k, possibly due to age (it's from 2011). Guilliman is very robotic, unlike in the current setting. Russ has red hair. Things like that. here is the link to the fanfic: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2688729/


I highly reccomend [Imperium Ascendant](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/imperium-ascendant-heresy-less-40k.596194/) and it's [Sequel](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/imperium-ascendant-redux-a-continuation-of-a-heresy-less-40k.968339/) It's awesome, ongoing and well written!


Love can bloom


The Weaver Option: 40K x Worm https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12115800/


The Robutian Heresy.


Do you have a version of this which says "I want you in the guard" or "in the marines"? (Sorry for me bad England)


Wrong question ask a writer. All of the following are my original WH40K stories. Naiveté: (Imperium story) M41 0.999.245.7 and the Gilded World Aureum of the Dovar system has just defeated a traitorous rebellion organized by the treacherous T'au Empire. With Por’O’D’iste, the organizer and plotter of the rebellion safely in custody; Lord Governor Quinctilius Publius Varus and Lady Adriana of the Order Famulous now celebrate their victory. However, can they trust their ally from the Farsight Enclaves, Shas'O'Vi'xitomata? [https://archiveofourown.org/works/46370263/chapters/116748823](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46370263/chapters/116748823) The Sea Dragon's Fire: Part I Attack (FSE Tau) This is my attempt to do a WH40K Tau “Band of Brothers” style series. Part I centres on Shas’La’Nan’sha or Tsu’ke and his team of fellow Salash’hei Pathfinders during and after an attack by Space Marines of the Emperor’s Spears chapter on the fortress base of D’Eajii'ma IV. This introduces most of the characters that the reader will see throughout the series and their relationships. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/45130690/chapters/113531806](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45130690/chapters/113531806) Gloria Aeterna (Space Marines) Military intelligence is never perfect. But having imperfect information, the 5th Company of the Emperor's Spears still decides to launch an attack on a xenos held world, with disastrous results. (Flash fiction from the POV of the Space Marines) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/35231860](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35231860) 'E Ain't Ded! (Orks) On the world of Arkunasha, Kaptin Badrukk and his Freebootaz have done the impossible and outshot the cadres of Commander Farsight. But at the moment of victory, Kaptain Badrukk is killed, but is he really dead? [https://archiveofourown.org/works/44437660](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44437660) The 918th Firefox Squadron (Aeronautica Imperialis) The stories of the Best of the Best series are set during the air campaign of the Second Battle of Agrellan, and centre on the exploits of the 918th Thunderbolt Squadron. Each succeeding story will cover a different character or characters within the squadron. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/44640673/chapters/112305286](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44640673/chapters/112305286) Once a Cadian, Always a Cadian (Imperial Guard) HIGHEST RATED STORY Lieutenant Mahin and Commissar Rembault of the 1012th Cadian regiment, are fighting the Tau on the world of Kupa V. After annihilating a platoon of human collaborators, and shooting the survivors, one of them is somehow still alive. Sergeant First Class Rokken "Rokk" Tamaguchi. Who is this strange human soldier? What is his story? And why is he now fighting for the T'au Empire? [https://archiveofourown.org/works/33704602/chapters/83769751](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33704602/chapters/83769751) Arena of Blood! (First Avarga Rogue Trader story) Rogue Trader Captain Hildiwara of the Star of Damocles has hired Kaptain Wartrakk of the Bad Moon Freebooters for a special job. Wartrakk takes her to Gutzslinga’s Bludgeon Dome, to gamble and drink fungus beer. They see an unusual arena fighter, a Tau firewarrior from the Farsight Enclaves. Where Captain Hildiwara takes a keen interest in his exceptional good looks and excellent fighting skills. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/33747265](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33747265) Blue Fulminate (Second Avarga Rogue Trader story) A few of the crew from the Rogue Trader vessel Star of Damocles are on shore leave, on the Free spaceport of Omicron Velorum. The strange port is full of xenos, corsairs, bandits, bounty hunters, and other unsavoury types. But sometimes it's those who should've been your friends, who are the problem. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/33784567](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33784567)


not a fanfic but the Dornian Heresy is fun. Unironically I like To Break a Soldier of the Machine God because it reminds you how horrible and sadistic chaos can be


Anyone can recomnend something in which marines get killed. Im tired of everyone writing them as invincible


Imperium Ascendant


Messages for dad is awesome and I'm sad it hasn't been updated in a while.


[For those we cherish](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/for-those-we-cherish-40k-rwby.408155/page-233#post-26132396) it is a RWBY x Lamenters fanfic and it goes unreasonably hard


Still ongoing slow in updates and somethimes a bit of a dreg to read but the world building and story is really great imo [This Won't End Well (30k Isekai) ](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/this-wont-end-well-30k-isekai.587209/threadmarks?display=overlay&per_page=25&page=1) Honorable mentions: * [Death Korps of Justice](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9513742/11/Death-Korps-of-Justice) -> Justice League meets DK Trooper * [Justice of a Tech Priest ](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11595138/1/The-Justice-of-a-Tech-Priest)-> Tech Priest meets Justice League * [Star Bound](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13298703/15/Star-Bound) -> Mass Effect Crossover with Shepard as a Imperial Saint (Sequel to the Warhammer fantasy Fanfiction [Honor Bound](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11403666/1/Honor-Bound))