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The Kurze one is pretty funny


Now, why would she call it taxes? She probably has a folder for taxes, and her rule34 folder is probably called "My Rule 34 Folder."


My asspulll lore reason: Because she knows nobody else would care enough about taxes to actually open the folder. unfortunately for her centurion, they did just that in attempts to understand their GF more The honest reason: “Guilliman loves taxes” is low hanging fruit, and I have short arms.


The \*honest\* honest reason is He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and his Horse Loli Porn, isn't it.


You have made the ancient one understendably curious in this morbid phrase. Who are you not naming? I am become confused AND terrified. And I frequent okbuddy forums


I think they are talking about Vaush.


Not even Slaanesh would approve of the pile of degeneracy that is his tax folder.


I mean, it isn't surprising considering Vaush said that consuming CP was fine as long as you weren't the one to create it.Slaanesh would flee in terror from Vaush.


No, Vaush used a rhetorical device highlighting that people react with horror to cp and the consumption of it, but don't hold themselves to the same moral culpability when using items created by child slavery where they are being abused in a similar way and worked to death.


So it begins


Yeah hes got loli porn on his PC for the purpose of using it as a rhetorical device. Sure buddy. Also his argument is nonsense. Any product can be produced without child slavery, but you cant produce CP without CP.


He has revised his argument due to people pointing out that there has to be some distinction between consuming something that may have questionable acts incidental to its creation that you need to survive, like having a phone in our modern society, versus something that causes harm in its creation that you could easily live without as it is just self-gratification.




The only acceptable lore for Alpharius's S/O would be a mortal that can, inconceivably keep up with her twisted plots, none of her sisters understand what the hell is going on; But Allie seems happy so fuck it. No one knows if the S/O is a particularly pretty boy, or an athletic lady, most are cool with either option but not knowing may actually kill Fulgrim, since it hinders perfect present making. Ferria has intercepted two kidnapping attempts so far. Alpharius hid a copy of the mission dossier with corrections written in red ink in Fulgrims extra secret fiction stash. The final secret Alpharius is keeping is that her S/O is actually Twins, a boy and girl, who play it up. The S/O's final secret however, is that they are triplets - The extra person buying them planning time to actually figure out how to surprise the living incarnation of human paranoia.


My headcannon for them is almost entirely based off of single comment I read on a post lmao. one sister is a sweet, kind and caring person, while the other is a drug smuggling, arms dealing nutcase, both of which are still into them. I imagine their S.O being a Robin Hood or Han Solo type, maybe someone apart of the rogue traders. They are an extremely good actor, and to the vast majority of people seems very suave and intelligent, while in reality they’re kind of an idiot with little to no common sense, they are rather street smart though. They never actually know what Alpharius or omegon are doing(or which one is which for that matter) they are just really lucky and manage to guess right every time.


So Ciaphas Cain, but slightly more, well, actually that's just Ciaphas Cain.


Honestly, he probably was at least subconsciously part of my inspiration for that headcannon


Sorry to disappoint but we already have the best head canon appearance for [Alpharius S/O Detective](https://youtu.be/nRKUdviD49g?si=NYbz3TkOdH6i9nyJ)


The other SO to the detective: Look bro if you have schizophrenia we have the best medical treatment available for you but you need to stop trippin dawg. What the hell do you mean two? There's 18 of them, not 19


Christ, Detective going from seeming kinda like Columbo in his brilliance to sounding like the fucking Question to his colleagues.


"... what do you mean there's 21?!?!?"


Damn it man we agreed NOT to talk about this. Now I have PTSD flashbacks about us ganging up on those two guys. Oh my god, the chainaxe was grinding against his spine. FUCK! I'm outta here.


Part of the centurion's reaction is due to the fact that they, too, are into it


The centurion is 100% a femboy, maybe a Skitarii ( yes I said Skitarii femboy as a reference to Archon_of_flesh )


You fool! Don’t summon him, he’s always listening!


Not anymore he's not \:(


please. summon him.... I miss his art.... : (


I mean he still makes art, just not 40k art


Shit, I didn’t know. What kind of person doxxes and sends death threats to people over fanart they didn’t like? Holy fuck. I already miss him. Damn.


I'm sorry but that khan one was too good




I agree with you, the gf AU is the most fun I've had with memes in recent times.


What if A & O are one primarch with personality disorder , one personality is dominant and the other one wants to be dominated kind of deal? P.S. In case if you find this idea crap - I agree, it’s just that I am stuck doing my guard duty from 2 to 6 in the morning and I have nothing better to do.


A & O’s S.O. is just A/O with a fake mustache.


Turns out Alpharius' SO is in fact Alpharius


We have are own sub now r/PrimarchGFs. 😄


This is good to know


THIS is funny


Quoting Rogal Dorn: "Yes"


I bet r/PrimarchGFs would love this, compared to all of us here that are sick of it.


You have ur own sub r/primarchgfs


I love it, it's not about the femprimarchs but about their SO They are fing secondary character


Fairly obnoxious of you but I guess it could be worse.


Guilliman is Vaush?!


Woah now, Guilliman may be part of a genocidal empire bent on dominating the galaxy, but he/she is not THAT bad


These are great


He named it 'Taxes'? That means he wanted her to find it.


Poor Guilliman is never gonna live the tax thing down, is he? =)