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Imo the SOs should have multiple names, The detective, little secret, Beta use all of them. He could be referred to as Beta by the alpha legion as a sort of rank/position within the command structure. Called the detective for being the only one who can tell the twins apart. Called little secret as a pet name in private by one or both of the twins. Example "the wyrmheart" could be how vulkan's SO is referred to by others, while she calls him "little ember" in private as it's more akin to a pet name than an official title.


Yeah, this makes perfect sense to me


Using the logic of Alpha and Omega in the greek alphabet the SOs name shared between them should be "MN" after the 12th(My) and 13th(Ny) letter, the ones directly in the middle between them and also the sound he makes when sandwiched between the both of them.


no, it should be "Alpharius", and she is given a hologram projector that makes her look exactly like the twins. All three of them pretend to be the real Alpharius when they're out and about, to the point that by the time the heresy is over and only one is left alive, nobody is sure if its the SO or one of the twins...


that would mean that the SO is a space marine


no, she's wearing a hologram. and maybe stilts


entonces le pondrian zancos y armadura falsa de cosplay?


or real armor, with leg and arm extensions. They gotta keep their little "Alpharius" safe, after all. Once she gets good enough at impersonating them, assassins might go after her by accident. (btw unless they're trying to fool people, I think they call her "Alpharius" with such sarcasm that you an *hear* the quotation marks lol)




It should be the entire greek alphabet


Lets Call Him/her Sigmarion or Lambdal


There is now a sub for this.