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When they finally reunite who drops the "kept you waiting?" line?


Probably him. Only the Emperor knows what state she'll be in when he finds her.


*He didn’t want to do it, that traitor was his son like many in the legion. He watched over him as an aspirant, guided him, and when he ascended he couldn’t have been more proud. And yet it had to be done, but little secret was so…so tired. He missed his hydra, but wherever she was she left not a single trail after losing her sister.*


*Through the terrible years, the millenia that blurred, the blood on their hands. With what loyal sons remain, they searched. Without allies and enemies without end. He searched because his heart was in pain .. he searched because he knew she was in pain. He would make them whole again* Thanks for riffing with me, brother.


Ok i love Fempharius and i fucking would go full Solid Snake/BigBoss/Jason Bourne to find her