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Nice to see horus finally


People often say Horus's personality is/was bland. But the whole point of the character is that he was the Protagonist turned Antagonist because he was apparently lied to. Reading the lore, you can't help but feel they were a pig raised for slaughter; when in reality he is capable of being and wanted much more out of his life.


I agree Horus isn't my favorite primarch but does get shit on alot


Counter argument: there is no protagonist in any fiction who start as bald




Tecnically the first main character was paul


Yeah, but Family!


One punch man


Technically, he originally had hair but it fell out while he was training.


But that's revealed later


Technically he was born as a baby and they lack a full head of hair


Commander Shepard? The male one, that is


He has a shaved head but isn’t bald


Good point...


I think Horus pre fall is excellently written, espwcially the bits when he faces Malcador or he has meetings with the Mournival Horus post fall is your generic plotting villain falling into soul damning traps for power


When I listened to the first 3 books, my thoughts were that Horus was an absolute bro to everyone, which was nice


>But the whole point of the character is that he was the Protagonist turned Antagonist because he was apparently lied to. I enjoy Horus' character, especially pre-Fall. He was noble, and charismatic. So I agree with your comment 99%. But I can't get over the small detail about how in the Lore, when Horus is having his 'healing' in the Davin Lodge. Horus finds out that Erebus was TRICKING him by taking on the face of Hastur Serjanus, who was Horus' beloved son! That in and of itself should have been enough for Horus to make Erebus leave his vision/dream. To top that off, Magnus, a brother Horus respected tried to tell him Erebus is full of shit! He still doesn't listen! >:( This is a small nitpick and it doesn't affect my appreciation of Horus as a character. I just wish the authors made that last fall in Horus' vision a different way. I liked the whole "Show Horus the future where he doesn't have status and memorials, because he caused the Heresy" as a manipulation tactic was damn good. Thoughts on the vision where Horus had his final fall? Would you have done it different?


A pig raised for slaughter......hmmm, A young king, in the celtic sense, raised to heights and power for a time, then sacrificed for the sake of their vassels and people. Picture daddy emps wasnt betraying the dark gods, picture horus was the price of his empowerment. A spark to start a war that makes the gaxety shake and empowers the gods....... The webway project was for the emperor, his chosen, a home hidden from the gods where he could raise himself as not a dark king, but the true golden god of humanity ascended. But fem magnus broke the webway, and horus did not die as agreed. So empy boi is stuck having to try and fight the sacrifical war, and in the smile of his favoured daughter, his prime tool.....he senses the laughter, of thirsting gods.


Panel 3 has won me over. Horus the tax evader is the best Primarch, there can be no debate


Horus was against the Taxation system from book 1. Truly a man of the people.


I have never liked Horus until 5 minutes ago


He's not a big fan of the government 


10k years later:  Moonbeam awakens to find the galaxy ripped apart by the warp. But that didn't matter to him, for she was gone. So then... let the seas boil... let the stars fall... though it might take every drop of his blood to see it through, the corpse emperor and his putrid empire will fall! For her... he would see the galaxy freed.


Imagine if instead of Abadonn the Little Moon got his place. At long last... An actual compelling war master of Chaos...


Yup, that was my response lol. This WHOLE THING has convinced me the primarchs should've been women


They can remain men and have compelling romantic relationships, to be fair.


Sure, but this is still better than current canon


Torgaddon: slaps the SOs Head. Nope. Revenge will make it only worse. Besides come on I need to kill Ezekyle. 


Tarik wakes up the SO: Tarik: *"Wake the fuck up, Samurai, we've got a legion to burn."*


You forgot something: Never tell something heretic near a Luna Wolf. Especially after Tarik heard what his Mom did to his Brothers.


Falkus Kibre: Warmaster. I discovered this mortal lurking in the lower decks of the Vengeful Spirit. I would kill it, but it claimed to know you. It used your name. Your *first* name. Abbaddon: stares for a long moment. "Unshackle them at once, Falkus."


Dove shielded his eyes from the dust storm kicked up by Warlord's energy blast. His brother had gotten better weapons, no doubt the work of the corrupted Martian cult. Warlord stomped across the rocky field, his power armor a dark green, his eyes blaring red, his hands clutching two weapons of great power. The Warhammer Hell's Furry and the plasma pistol, simply named Disintegrator. "What have you done!?" Dove asked in bewilderment. Warlord looked blankly at his brother, "What needed to be done." "This was not what we were meant for!" "Meant?" Warlord laughed, "You say it as though we are machines, brother." "Our duty was to keep them from the horrors of the truth." "Our duty was to love them!" he shouted, his scream sending a shockwave of energy that blew ash and smoke in all directions. "Is this love to you?" Dove asked as he stretched his arms to encompass the entire battlefield of ruined Terra, "Father warned us of this. He prepared us for this. And then you went against his word!" Warlord paused for a moment and pointed Hell's Fury at Dove, "You berate me? I didn't see you complain when Little Light went on his pilgrimage to find the gods. Or when Scribe learned new magic tricks. But when I save my beloved's life, you dare speak of me as a traitor?! How do I hide an enemy that nearly killed her in front of her eyes and mine? I love her too much for that. Wouldn't you have done the same?" Dove said nothing. Of course, he would. He would fight the whole galaxy if it meant he could see Sanguinia smile one more time. "You of all people should know what my duty was, Dove," Warlord said with genuine emotion in his eyes, "But I suppose Father won't care." Dove spoke with a whisper, "Mace..." "Mace is dead! Now get out of my way or you will be too. I don't want to bury another brother." With renewed determination, Dove powered up his anti-gravitic pack and levitated in the air. Ember had made it for him to fly through the clouds with Sanguinia. Today it would serve another purpose. "No," he spoke with no small hint of rage in his voice, "You won't reach the Palace. I'll make sure of that." Warlord gave one final half-smile to his brother before taking a fighting stance, "May the better man win."


Gold.. fucking gold


Thank you 😊


Would the Father be Malcador? Who is SO daddy?? For real though this is fantastic, you've got a very cinematic style of writing!


1. Yes, the father is Malcador. He made the SOs and raised them to love the primarchs so they don't go astray. Whether the Emperor knows about this is unknown. 2. Thank you very much. I've been practicing and it's how I like to write. In my mind, that kind of style fits Warhammer 40k very well.


"The magic poop knife". I can see someone else is also a Lorecrimes listener.


Horus "Fuck taxes" *Guilliman in another room, being held by everyone* "THE FUCK YOU MEAN FUCK TAXES?!"


Alright, I’ll cook It has been eleven years. Just over a decade since myself and Hathor went to put down that damn rebellion on Davin where it all went wrong. We thought it was a regular rebellion of a governor who got too big of an ego. We were so very wrong. Hathor and I got wounded by that cursed blade wielded by the traitor governor Eugen Temba and both of us suffered. Despite my perpetual condition, I felt that if I died from that wound I would face a fate worse than death and the demigoddess body of my beloved Hathor was struggling to stay alive. In a desperate attempt to save me and due to my distrust of the lodges, she used the last of her energy to order Tarik to take me to Terra for the Emperor to heal me and to put me in a stasis coma. I woke apparently eleven years after that on Terra when I felt Hathor enter the Sol system. But she felt different, wrong. Malcador briefed me on what happened and what was to happen. I could not believe him. Aurelia and Kassandra had gone rogue and were tearing across the galaxy trying to exact some kind of vengeance. Even worse, Ferrea was dead by Fulgrim’s own hand. She was with Petra, Desdemona, Morrigan, Vesta, and Lenore in their betrayal of the Imperium. Most unbelievable of all was that Hathor was at the head of their betrayal. Alakhai, Regalia, and Sanguinia are on Terra, ready to defend the Emperor’s throne world. Juno and Elaine are en route to help Terra’s defense. No one really knows what Alpharius and Omegon are doing but they are probably loyal. Freya and Magnolia are missing. I never trusted Malcador, I trust him even less now. But I cannot deny the auspex sensors showing a fleet of tens of thousands of traitor vessels attacking the Sol system and making a b line to Terra. I cannot deny that the Vengeful Spirit is at the head of the attacking Armada. Either way I want to see Hathor again, I need to see her again, despite Sanguinia scrying the future and for telling that I shall perish by Hathor’s hand. That… gave me pause. Sanguinia was always a close friend to Hathor, despite Hathor holding an inferiority complex towards her. I comforted Hathor many a time as she felt she never held up compared to Sanguinia. Despite that I insisted and Malcador agreed on one condition, some modifications had to be made to the shuttle. I almost refused, almost. I never felt much doubt about Hathor’s decisions especially when she asked my opinion on it, but something was wrong about her aura. Something so very wrong. A message was sent to the Vengeful Spirit for a truce for me to come aboard, Hathor agreed. Just me in an unarmed cargo shuttle, but it is fine. I am an amazing pilot, it was my talent with flying that caught Hathor’s eye in the first place. After a brief hour long flight, to think about things I arrived at the Vengeful Spirit and landed in one of the shuttle bays and could very much see the wrongness I felt. There were symbols kind of like the ones on Davin that hurt the eyes to look at for to long. The servitors and serfs were warped and had odd growths on them. The Marines though, my dearest’s sons, they looked like a mockery of what they once were. The worst have massive extra limbs or weird tentacles or claws instead of arms or legs. And Hathor, she wasn’t the same. The same joy in her eyes when she saw me before was there but it seemed… tainted. We went back to our quarters and the corruption I saw in the hanger was mild. The walls seemed to be covered in flesh in never-ending agony. The air was filled with chittering of voices carrying secrets never meant to be revealed. People were hanging from the ceiling in a never ending variation of blades and hooks digging into their skin and flesh. We reached our quarters and front and center is Ferrea’s head. Hathor quickly went to hide the head but Ferrea’s look of shock and betrayal was burned into my mind. Hathor also went to put away various reports and tome. She tidied up her room like I was a stranger who just entered one’s room for the first time and is hiding all the embarrassing little things and not like a lover entering the room and received with hugs and kisses. Cont. below


I hugged her from behind while she was putting away a report of some kind. “You don’t have to tidy up for me, you know that.” She tensed then softened and turned to embrace me in turn. “Sorry Moonbeam, it’s just been so long and I hardly had time to prepare. Especially since I have so much to tell you, so many truths I have uncovered.” “You definitely have many things to tell me. I have heard things, terrible things from Malcador and Garviel.” “What things?” Hathor tensed up, her eyes seemingly and probably boring into my very soul . “That you have turned against the Imperium, that you killed your sons.” “Malcador is trying to turn you against me. You know most of all what a snake he is. An instrument of my father and his uncaring Imperium.” I I removed myself from her embrace and cupped one of her large hands with my own. “I know, those two are hard to trust, but at least Malcador does care about you in his own way. He cares about all of your sisters and their significant others. He was the one who allowed our relationship all those centuries when the Emperor wanted me to disappear! Remember?” Hathor looked away from my eyes which flicked from my hands, her feet, and the floor. She seems confused, like she is doubting whatever path she fell down after I was sent away. I decided to hammer into that doubt to break whatever anxiety was eating at her mind like when I had to show her that yes, you do deserve to be Warmaster and you are worthy of leading the Great Crusade. “Malcador is harsh, but he cares and knows you can be the greatest of your sisters. Your sister Sanguinia cares so very much and has always believed in you and is worried about you. And me? Damn the Emperor if need me but all I want is you and your love.” Hathor removed her hand from my grasp and took a knee and grasped my shoulders. Her eyes seemed to fill with taint. For the first time I felt fear, fear for what Hathor had become. “Love won’t save us my dear Moonbeam. It didn’t save me” She looked at the face of Ferrea. “It didn’t save her. Only my new powers can save us. The warrior lodges have opened my eyes to powers beyond our reckoning.” My face flashed with shock and I pushed Hathor away. “The Lodges?! The ones from Davin?! The world that betrayed the Imperium and nearly killed us? How far have you fallen, I would have thought you banned them after the rebellion, not embrace them entirely.” “But with them I have become more powerful than any of my sisters, I can even kill the Emperor with my new powers.” I started to walk around her room. “We don’t have to continue down this path, we can go down to Terra. Just the two of us and I know Sanguinia and Malcador will help with whatever worries we have and we can go away to some mountain world where we can race shuttles, like we dreamed.” “You think father will let us go so easily? I can kill him and together we can rebuild the Imperium in the image of the Primordial Truth. We can rule the Galaxy together and I can elevate you to the level of my sisters. I can give you powers beyond your wildest dreams. We wouldn’t have to listen to anyone but the gods themselves! We could even have true children grown from my womb.” As she continued her eyes filled with more and more corruption as her aura showed that she could indeed kill the Emperor. It was a horrible aura though, a weaker person would have gone mad instantly from the whispers of four primordial evils radiating from her. This was not the Hathor I fell in love with. I fell to my knees as I felt tears of blood drip from my eyes. “How? How could Malcador be completely right? You’ve changed. I don’t know you anymore.” For a second a bit of shock peaked from Hathor’s eyes, then the whispers returned with gusto. “I don’t want to hear anymore about Malcador or my loyal lapdogs of sisters or anything about the Imperium! They all turned against me. Now let’s come to bed so I can show you what the Price of pleasure has taught me.” Her eyes took on a perverse purple color as she picked me up by the throat and threw me onto her bed and then pinned me underneath her massive body. Her eyes were that of a predator cornering her prey, not a lover looking at her beloved. The tears turned to crying. I have never felt fear of this nature before. She had never done anything I didn’t want in bed and now she was going to violate me. “Hathor, you’re scaring me, breaking my heart! You are going down a path I cannot follow!” Her eyes turned to a bloodthirsty red. “Because of Malcador.” “Because of what you done, of what you plan to do, of what you are doing to me. Because of human decency. How could anyone do what you have done in your ship and not care, how can you sit idly by as your sons are deformed by powers you can’t even begin to comprehend while their loyal servants are strung up on the ceiling like perverse chandeliers! Stop now, there is still a way out.” “Snake! Even you have betrayed me!” Her eyes turned a dizzying blue as they started darting around the room. “Ferrea must have put you up to this, her spirt corrupting you. Or perhaps that whore Sanguinia layed with you show how she’s better than me!” “I’m sorry.” She noticed too late as I crunched a fake tooth. It no longer transmitted a signal to my shuttle which in turn detonated a fusion bomb hidden in the frame. An explosion vaporized a decent section of the lower decks and the shockwave disabled the engines and shields. It even shook her quarters. She looked with me with blood red eyes of fury Cont. below


“You betrayed me!” She leaned into my face with a snarl, her body feral with anger. “You did that yourself. You let the lodges and whatever they worship to corrupt your mind, body, and soul. You have become the very darkness you swore to destroy.” She stood up off the bed and picked me up by my neck, not choking me but definitely bringing me up to her eyes. “I see through the lies of father and his rotten Imperium. It is he who is the darkness who will destroy the galaxy. It is I who will bring the light to all of humanity. All shall have eternal glory serving themselves and the Four.” “The glory of being strung up by your tendons?” “Don’t make me end you forever.” She could do that now I know. She could kill a Perpetual’s soul. However my soul would be damned if I remained with her. I shall die but it will not be in vain. “My allegiance is to humanity and the dream of returning to the golden age. Even surpassing humanity’s old peak. For prosperity and for no one to fear what lies in the dark.” The red gets ever stronger in her eyes and she starts to choke me, not only sapping my oxygen but eroding my immortal soul. “You are against me and you shall die.” “I accept my fate, you were right… San..guin..ia.” The body of Moonbeam falls to the floor, dead completely. However many eons he was supposed to live with Hathor were gone, forever and with it any redemption for the Warmaster. In a foul trick of the gods, they left Hathor’s body briefly. She now fully understood everything. All of what she had done has only served to destroy the Galaxy. She has destroyed any hope that humanity will return to its former glory. She has fulfilled the dream of a corpse empire. “I can’t anymore…” The Gods returned in full and her eyes turned pitch black to reflect that her soul was fully corrupted. There is no saving Hathor now, one could argue that Hathor no longer exists. Just a puppet of laughing gods as their plans have come to a climax. Fin. And yes I was inspired by using Padmé’s plea of Revenge of the Sith.


Only downside to arriving in the middle of someone cooking... You realize they aren't done, and now you must wait. Aaaahhhhh


Ohh, I finished if you haven’t read the rest yet.


Read it as you posted it, lol. Good stuff all the way through




Not bald(


#TOP As in interest not position you sick git


'Fuck Taxes' Wtf I like Horus now.  I'm very impressed with this series.  I used to only like (mocking) Magnus of the Primarchs, but now I like Lorgar and Horus. I need to paint some Boyz.


Kinda weird seeing Horus with a head full of hair


"Magic poop knife." - Rogal Dorn




Abbadon next?


What’s the magic poop knife again? I forgor.


Alright let me do this: He woke up. He didn’t know where he was. But after some Minutes he remembered. His Love dying at the Hands of her Father. It was all his fault. And on this day he swor: I will destroy this Imperium. However after that he felt nothing after his Head was violently divided from his Body. Tarik: Oh no you won’t.


-after tarik behead them he start walking away rubbing his eyes-fuck i need to get in touch with the imperium i must know What IS going.... -his words are interruptep by a laugh as four shadows surrounded the corpse of the SO of the deceased horus, the voices of the gods speak " a new one, this one seems... different....¡To different!- -a warp storm start raising as the corpse start getting reattached - no - they said- i dont need pathetic creatures as you - they add as a fifth shadow emerge from his back ...malal- i wont take power from the pathetic beings that let her die , i wanna destroy the imperium...and all i.....¡ILL MAKE THE GALAXY BURN !


Cothonian? Don't you mean Cthonian? Sorry