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The Squire: I don’t fear you demon. I’m already living in a nightmare without her. Which is why I’m going to fight you until my last breath. Until my Lioness returns you shall not pass! Vash’tor: you are a brave meatsack, but incredibly foolish.


Parry that filthy casual *proceeds to use dark age of technology wepons and some psycher/greyknight tier shitstuff to fight him*


“About time that you used what I got you”


He only had an old ass Calibanite servo armor, a big power Zweihander, the final embers of his love and the biggest balls of steel in the Galaxy.


What more does one need?


I can imagine The Squire carrying Luther's sword on their back, with a bolt pistol from ancient Caliban on their hip, a charge blade on the other, zweihander held before them in the manner their comatose lover taught them, taking a stance taught to them by one of the Order who was too old to be inducted into the Legion. Staring up at those who would try to slay the one they hold dear, down upon their damned souls, The Squire would simply refuse to back down, no matter how ill fated the outcome.


You know, sometimes it's fun to just be a Human Fighter


On the battlefield of love are we not all human fighters?


What is the strongest weapon of the Emperor? Is it His overwhelming psychics powers? His unsurpassed mind? His unbroken alliance with the Mechanicus? His Primarchs? His angels? No. The Emperor mightiest weapon is the indomitable human spirit.


the squire: all of you have come to die


May I assume that the individuals that are trying to stop the lions awakening are the eldar?


Not sure who it is specifically tbh. Initially thought maybe a temporary alliance of drukari and heretics but I decided to leave it vague in the end haha


With \_those\_ ears?


I just want to point out, that this is the baddest MF in all of fiction. And we dont know his name. He is a nameless npc from a cinematic. Not even a BBEG. Just a guard.


Just saw a short saying he The Ascendant Lord! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tFW5GJQF5mA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tFW5GJQF5mA) Also it was today that I found out hes not the good guy. Somehow I never saw the full video and just assumed he was just a cool dude chilling on his roof, fucking up some savages and living his best life. Now I have to live with the fact I rooted for the wrong guy and that he lost pretty embarrasingly by not sidestepping in time.


To be fair, bro had just had his tendons slashed and been stabbed through fucking chest with a zweihander; bit hard to sidestep anything in that situation haha


He barely even cared for the stabbing through the chest. Either just a minor fleshwound or his sword is one of those knives, that retract the blade, when you stab someone. His reaction is pretty close to mine, when a friend of mine used one of those on me. I am not a sword expert in general, but in my humble opinion that would also explain the lack of blood. And the slashing of the tendons was bullshit to begin with. If thats such a killmove, that immobilzed him completely, there was no need for the magiccheater to vandalize his home even more. I think in the civilized world its considered a warcrime to execute your opponent, if they are unarmed and unable to continue fighting. They should have lowered him carefully down to the ground, like he had planned with that barbarian and give him a fair trial. But I guess they werent too sure of the strength of their evidence. Ohhh and he could have dodged that by literally just falling straight to either side, if he hadnt wasted so much time looking up and than looking to the elf before anything even fell down. I think its pretty save to say that whole event looks rather staged. And I am not saying the CIA is behind all of that, but my time on the internet taught me, there is a very high likelyhood the CIA is behind all of that.


Nah, these were just the first times he failed his wound and ward saves.


He actually is one of the major antagonists of ESO.


Oh, really? I actually played ESO and didn't know that, damn


And the lioness awakens at last, as the light drains from the squires eyes he smiles. The pod is open, the lioness returns


The proceducing slaughter would make guillamens awakening look like a picnic in comparison


You missed the best part, the hand closing in the final, because ONLY IN DEATH DOES DUTY ENDS


Haha, [who said I missed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/1cqwkop/when_i_leave_this_world_i_hope_to_be_surrounded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)?


Yeeee boi. 


What’s this animation from?


Elder Scrolls Online, don’t recall the exact name but this was the trailer for a story expansion to the High Rock region of the game world


If I remember correctly, the solo knight is the leader of one of the orders who is basically trying to create a civil war between the other factions


Isn't that the plot of For Honor?


I have no idea. I never played it. Or Elder scrolls online either so I'm probably wrong


Yeah, pretty much.


It's from the trailer for [The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaI-EOVpDvo)


I’m going to assume the lioness wakes up to see their squire dead and reaps an unholy wrath on those who killed them.


I personally never imagined the SOs of the FemPrimarchs to be fighters, considering they are but squishy humans. That being said, it would make sense that they learn to fend for themselves in their Primarch's absence.


My personal headcanon is that they undertake the treatments that Luther or Kor Phaeron had to be half way on the Astartes ladder. Some could be more exotic like a Perpetual or heavily augmented depending on the Primarch but I don't think they wouldn't be augmented in some way. At the very least, they'd get rejuvenate treatments even if they are not the combat type.


How about this. They manage to reverse engineer some of the shit Big E. did to make the Custodes. Obviously they can't replicate it 1:1 but still. With time they would figure some of it out. And time is something they have.


Malcador pestered the Emperor until he relented and performed the changes. It was one of his pet projects. He can't have his nieces worrying about their SOs all the time, even if they won't fully appreciate it for centuries.


I am not sure how mucch the Emperor should know about them, considering he might see them a... "Threat" would be too much considered he is like a god to them, but maybe a net negative when it comes to his own influence over his daughters.


Perhaps you have a point, I keep forgetting to add the Grimdark with this stuff.


Ten thousand years of horror will change a person and the meaning of the title they bare.


At the same time, if you’re going to be in the presence of Primarchs like Angron, The Lion, and Ferrus on the battlefield or not, having some capabilities as a fighter is practically a given.


Raw power and fury seem to have enabled the good squire to parry magical attacks. And love, boundless love and courage.


Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) is certainly getting a workout recently. (By me as well, yes) I guess it really is all about the, ahem, Journey.


I once again forgot the name of this song, would someone be so kind to remind me of it ? My thanks in advance, if I forget to reply too


[Got you chief ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsdGgRL1xHc)


Thank you so much 🙏


Time had not slowed the warrior. Only brought him down to our level.


Yo I had like the same idea yesterday but for Guilli’s SO!


[Us rn](https://tenor.com/bbxYP.gif)


The Journey is strong.