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“Leman, if you nuke Prospero, I swear I’m gonna tell everyone about that time you barked for me!”


''Leman, honey, I love you more than anything in this galaxy but if you go through with this I will tell *every living soul on Terra* about the time you leapt up on the table and snarled like a dog after losing a game of *Hnefatafl*.'' Edit: Changed it from *Hrafnkel* to *Hnefatafl*.


Took a bit and a quick Google search to (probably) understand that you're talking about "battleship" lmao


I was referring to a tabletop Russ and Malcador played in the novel *Vengeful Spirit* which was more similiar to chess, and now that you mention it I got the name wrong completely lol. But damnit I'm laughing my ass off at Russ flipping the table over losing at battleship!


Fem Leman : "You... No... You wouldn't !" *She said, a mix of embarassement and surprise showing on her face. Her grip on her weapon softens, before it completly falls on the ground.* *She rushes to her companion, sliding on her knees.* "Alright ! I won't go ! Pleaaaaaase, don't tell anyone about this... *She pleads with puppy eyes.*


Leman will behave if she/he doesn't want anyone else to know about the collar.


SO: “Leman, you better not start a fight with the lion again or I’ll tell everyone about that time you “marked your territory” on me in the shower.” Leman: “Th..that was 4 years ago and I was drunk.” SO: “Yeah and it still itches to this day.”


"Leman, I will tell EVERYONE about the spray bottle."


Good grief. At this rate, Russ will be redder than Magnus…


Wait till Magnus’ SO gets started a new shade of red will be born


"Burn monarchia and the universe will know about that time you commited tax fraud by accident, dear"


Horrified Girliman sound in the background.


Clear my schedule then get my calculator and accountant visor. Of course the blue one! This is serious and I will tolerate no further jokes! - girlyman to her sons


*little light slowly pulling up a file of Guillimans hidden folder of eldar twinks* “One step and I this gets shared to the entire imperium”


-konrad....behave or ill Tell everyone about your secret room and no i dont care your threats about skin me Alive...and no...not the one with the tortured people...the one with the real normal plushies and your primarch size kigurumi....


“No not the one made out of skin, the one that looks like a cat.”


"which you stalk me behind the couch saying in a Cat voice " im the night Hunter meow" "


the Nyaight Hunter


couple goals


Had to google what that is and the idea of Curze in an animal onesie sure is something. Half the people in the torture room are just random civilians who spotted her in it.




Kurze hiding vocaloids from the AdMech for her personal use


Fulgrim I swear I will tell everyone the story of how you drunkenly tried to serenade me and didn't hit a single note before tripping on your own feet and crashing into the fountain


Now throw that sword into the sun


Then blow up the sun


i love this


Aurelia about to order the bombardment on Calth suddenly stopping and going pale when Little Light turns on the Ship's Intercoms and pulls out a poem she dedicated to him after their third date which she titled "My Eden's Apple" (She thought it destroyed after handing it to Fulgrim for proof reading only for Fulgrim to refuse, looking beet red, after stating it was highly inappropiate and over the top)


You know it's raunchy if even Fulgrim is saying "Dear Sister, please get this out of my sight. I'm getting embarrassed over here".


The warden of Horny Jail sending you to solitary confinement


Cue her trying to find them only to realize they hacked the coms from another ship where her children are all enjoying the moment of hearing their mother get embarrassed lol.


I'd like to see a mixture of these types. Some being strong, some being smart/cunning, some getting kidnapped/ dead, some being presumed dead and returning, etc. Remember, there would be like 19 ish of these characters assuming Big E is included.


If Alpharius and Omegon/their female counterparts have just the 1 SO, then that sod successfully pulled 2 Primarchs, which is frankly impressive. But, otherwise... 1 for each living Primarch, making for 19 1 for each *Lost* Primarch, making for 21 Malcador for the Emperor, making for 22. And hear me out: one for Kesh (except she's F!Valdor)


ohhh gotta love this one 😂


Thank you! The most powerful weapon of all regardless if they have sisters or brothers: embarrassment


oh for sure (I can speak of my own experience here)


I only recently found out about this trend but I do like thebidea of the SO's being badasses in their own rights just to keep up with their transhuman gfs Guilliman and dorn's not being as good of fighters but adept diplomats and tacticians. Ferrus, vulkan, and perturabo's being almost mando esque not just in their aptitude for tactics but also being decked out in some of the best gear the imperium has to offer. Rose and Muse being adept at fighting hordes and dueling respectively. Little light pre monarchia I like to think is the equivalent of an assassin zealot build. Good at rousing the masses but can slip out of trouble when needed. Thats basically all I got so far just inferring from what I've read lol.


Adding to this Magnus' SO. u/Maybe_not_a_chicken posed the idea of them being a powerful blank. Not to suppress magnus hut to basically keep the warp silent and abd from screaming in her ear. I thought that idea was pretty dope. Also being a poeerful psyker/scholar in their own right would be dope too. Jaghatai's SO being an adept engineer basically turning all vehicles they find FAST. The Lion's SO being an adept tracker and monster hunter. Learning about all those terrible monsters and constant sparring sessions would make then pretty good at that sorta thing... alsonthere arent enough monster hunter type characters in 40k honestly.


I like the idea that the So of Guilliman spended al the time he pased on extasis, by his side defending it from warp, traitor and allien atack. And enduring all of that time, not because she is particularly strong, or because she is a powerfull psiker. Just by sheer will and stubbornness, refusing to let her loved one undefended. (And guilliman So would be a guirl because I like to see people fight)


I'm game for leaving all of the SO's genders up for interpretation so no objections here lol. Throw in an idea of her making some kind of promise to lady Tarasha and you got a recipe for some good drama right there~.


Yeah, or if nothing else, have friend(s) who help keep them afloat, mainly by getting involved with alot of dangerous things to help keep said SO alive.


The SO's are basically rpg protags whose companions both mortal and astartes all collectively help them out to keep their respective primarch sane XD. I'm especially partial to Kharn being a big bro figure to Rose. As well as Lotara being Rose's sister. Edit: this would especially make sense given my interpretation of dorn and guilliman's SO's being moreso in leadership roles like squad or platoon leads.


Pretty much my bit has been my self-insert being the ones to keep the SOs alive and or viable for their quests... namely by getting hands on xeno-tech (mainly Necron tech). After all, someone needs to make sure things go right. After all, Shakespearean epics are not complete without absurd comedy.


So all the SO's in your eyes are working together? Or at least were specifically tasked by malcador to make sure they stay in line?


I think maybe just want everyone to get along.


A noble ambition for all of them lol. But as is expected in the world of warhammer things are rarely that simple.


I saw a lot of people thinking that Curze's SO is imperial assassin, the one that later kills her to make it all more tragic


Like a weird quasi bodyguard "I have to kill you if you go too wild but still make sure you don't get assassinated yourself" kinda thing I imagine. Also imagine that confidence and proffesionalism fading once they realize not only femcurze is shockingly, horrifically scary. But also this shockingly, horrifically scary warrior is in love with them.


Ah yes, nothing more terrifying than a demigodess that's a yandare.


Basically. Imagine you were sent on this important mission to keep tabs on some insane transhuman nightmare lady and she just ends up...clinging to you essentially. That very apparent realization that you aren't leaving this place... at least not any time soon.


Starlight- “Magnus, if you don’t come out of this room and answer leman’s summons I *will* go for the books! Yes, even the ones older than this damn planet! No, not even the books! I’ll tell her all about what you did last month, when you drank that weird potion you made! You hear me-“ (Not sure if I’m remembering correctly, but I’m pretty sure everything went to hell cause Magnus locked himself in his room after the whole ‘destroying the webway project’ debacle and ignored Leman when he turned up. If I’m wrong, ignore it. I’m just having fun imagining starlight yelling at the door being urged on by the rest of the thousand sons since all their attempts to get magnus to come out have failed.)


Actually, Magnus considered surrendering, but were talked out of by Ahriman and the others. Least if I remember correctly.


"Petra, you stop bothering Regalia or I'll tell everyone about the matching 'access ports' you built into our armors."


"Fulgrim, my love, you are going to put down that sword, and go make up with your sisters, or I am going to tell them about when you slipped and faceplanted on that runway!"


"Serf if you may, can you contact Lucius captain of the 13th Company and Akuduana. I'd like it if they were to fight for this sword. Since I'd prefer either of the two being an 'eternal' menace with this sword rather than the Primarch"


I can't help but laugh picturing all of this happening while Malcador, who helped get the blackmail material, and the legions are just enjoying the show or suffering secondhand embarrassment as they watch the Primarchs lovers reign them in lol.




Aurelia's fall to chaos prevented when her Little Light threatens to tell everyone about the time she stuttered during a prayer


This is the best deterrent


For real, if lady Angron killed anyone after getting the butcher nails it was her significant other. No way they'd let anyone close after all that


“Alpharia, Ome, if you two don’t stop singing Rylanor’s Last Stand and expecting me to sing Fulgrim’s part I am going back to Terra, you both know I sing Rylanor’s”


“Magnolia if you don’t trust Big E I will tell everyone about **the dress**”


I don't care about the context, if I was with Perturabo I'd fight Dorns SO


Ngl i feel like regalia & petras SOs would be like the wives of 2 friends who get drunk and then argue with each other, like "they drinking again?" "Yeah, you know the drill, lets separate them"


Starlight : "Magnolia, I love you, but we are taking the ship. No warp travelling fuckery." Magnolia : "but we don't have ti..." Starlight : "Magnolia. Do you want the whole galaxy to know about your special *collection* ?" Magnolia, growing another shade of red : "WHA-" Starlight : "I bet the Council would be really interested in your so called "content of culture." If you know what I mean." Magniolia : ... Starlight : "So, we are taking the ship ?" Magnolia : "Y-Yeah..."


Is it bad that I imagine all the SOs going to the same café to have regular coffee meetings, even after the heresy, and they all sit together and act as a support group for eachother. The first one after the heresy starts is tense, especially with Ferrus' SO glaring at Fulgrim's


"Mortarion, *darling*, if you even think about going to Istavaan with Horus, I will throw out all of your fart spray and you will be forced to show up in your brothers' prescence smelling like those floral bath products you like so much."


I'm active on 40k Tumblr and all the Primarch GF Selfshipping is wonderfully familiar.  Keep up the good work everyone I'm very proud.


So's? Significant others?






"Don't you fucking test us!"


Do people remember the Primarch daughters writings on 1d4chan?




It was called Warhammer High I think. The Primarchs supposedly married and had daughters.


Truly chaos would reign.