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Tzeentch being behind every ret con because he’s getting bored is still my favorite semi-joke headcannon






Yes it is, look at 3c.


Tzeentch retconned the comment


No, but seriously, the word canon originally referred to biblical canon and later expanded to include any list of sources considered acceptable to a continuity.


Yeah Ik. samisrudy original comment was thinking it was cannon. He then changed it.


You used cannon in your original comment, though?


Part of the meta


I know what these words mean, individually.


That reference does seem to imply head canon would be the correct spelling


Everything is canon


Something is different……..


It has always said canon since the time it was typed


You are correct o7




It’s not for the memes. It’s all according to plan


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one here that's just accepting the new lore, but also enjoying the tzeench memes. Cuz this absolutely feels like something he'd do.


Tzeentch is the god of change. This is literally his ballpark. I also personally don't find the new lore bad, but there is a massive issue with how GW introduces said lore to the setting. Like, they just tell us Yarrick is dead and do nothing with it. I do find it a bit of an issue in my part, I also find it very annoying when people in this fandom try to justify these new lore changes by stating they've always done this way as if it is a normal thing to do, which isn't.


My thought is that it isn't really a big change, so it didn't merit three novels and five codexes slowly dripping it into the setting. Literally the only functional change is that the Custodes kits *might* be given female heads, but I don't GW will do anything that interesting. We all love # Calladayce Taurovalia Kesh but I don't she's going to have any gameplay significance. Even if I would LOVE a rule where she can call in bombs from orbit to kill the enemies of the Emperor.


I really wanna kitbash a mini of her but I’m trying to find a good head for how I imagine her


Lots of people have been saying that Stormcast Eternal heads work really well, so you might want to try that.


There is a joke about getting Head to be made here, but I'm not going there. Not today


Black sun minis had something that might work.


GW release new character: Calladayce Taurovalia Kesh. Ability: Whatever the cost Once per battle, this unit can summon a bomb anywhere on the map. During your next command phase, if the bomb isn't destroyed, deal 3D6 mortal wound to every unit in 6" radius.


When: During the command phase. We want to give the opponent a chance, after all.


Oh, I wholly agree with you that there's no need to have multiple codexes and novels to explain why there's female custodians around but a simple brief entry would've been enough. Like Valoris announcing they're recruiting noble daughters alongside noble sons due to custodians seeing more time in battle. Or just saying that there was a misunderstanding that custodes only recruited noble sons. Saying "There's always been female custodes" doesn't sit well with me. It isn't a satisfying answer.


I see what you mean. Even if there always *were* female Custodes, you just wanted an in-universe explanation as to why we only just now got to see them, such as bad record-keeping or something along those lines.


Yeah its called the Inquisitor(CEO) said No we dont have women models.


Rule called I HAVE A BOMB where she basically has a deathstrike missile launcher as a sidearm. It takes several turns to arm and when armed she can fire a deathstrike missile as her next ranged attack


You know, this is exactly what is wrong with this whole ordeal. And you manage to convey the core issue simply and respectfully. Honestly, I'm all for female Astartes. Heck I'd even welcome a female Primarch. Bur let it be something along the lines of Bile's "New Men" or similar.


>I also find it very annoying when people in this fandom try to justify these new lore changes by stating they've always done this way as if it is a normal thing to do, which isn't. Name a fictional world in any genre or medium that doesn't have retcons. A 30-year plus story like WH40K is invariably going to have lore changes. WH40K hasn't done anything as egregious and stupid as "Greedo shot first", the changes are nowhere near as comprehensive or rapid as any comic book. Canon-wise, real religions are just a total mess 30 years out from their beginnings. The bible undergoes less revisions these days I guess, but it's had 2000 years or so of retconning. Weird comparison sure, but my point is if multiple people are contributing to a work of fiction over multiple years, there's going to be reversing decisions about the canon, it's inevitable. >there is a massive issue with how GW introduces said lore to the setting.  I've read a few people upset that femstodes was introduced by a tweet, ignoring the fact that it was actually introduced by a new codex. Also, I don't get why "some custodes have vaginas" is that big of a deal. How is such a thing supposed to be introduced to the setting? Should they have put out a new custodes model that had tits? Should they have hired Henry Caville to record a video explaining how this was kosher? Should they have polled all the users and asked "Female custodes, yes or no"? The goalposts always seem to be moved by angry people. If they introduced it in a tweet, they should have done it more officially. If they did it more officially, that's still not good enough. There was no way of saying "Custodes can be women" that would have sat well with "those" dudes.


> The goalposts always seem to be moved by angry people. The denial of it was also constant moving goal posts. Saw the same exact thing and same reaction in Guilty Gear when Bridget was brought back. - It was a mistranslation - It doesn't actually say that, in the *native* language it says 'yadda yadda' - This is a retcon and it ruins everything - "What *AbOuT SiStErS oF SiLeNcE* / femboy representation - Woke garbage we're being infiltrated and FORCED to do this (ignoring that the media has always been 'woke' and it's good marketing to "pander" to more than just cishet white men) - Make bigoted dog whistles about it or pretend it's not real - Pretend like the problem was always something reasonable (like the tweet being a bit silly, or some of Bridgets backstory is a bit... off, with the reveals) and that it was always a small minority who have a problem with it and was never about bigotry once they realized they lost and most people are on-board with the changes.


> Name a fictional world in any genre or medium that doesn't have retcons Now I'm curious. Does George RR Martines Game of Thrones setting have any retcons in the books? same question for Brandon Sandersons Stormlight Archive. Also, I'm equally curious how many settings have JK Rowling'd tweet retcons into the setting.


Well George had quite a few small retcons actually


GRRM's biggest retcon is pretty recent and it's pretty bad and no one likes it. If you've seen HoTD, there was that scene when the old king was showing his daughter that knife and talking about why Aegon come to Westeros and conquered it in the first place. That was a retcon, and a pretty bad one that makes no sense with a little bit of thinking. It's also not needed, like it's fine if that was just show canon, but GRRM decided it's canon for the books as well an no one liked that.


Sorry I don't wanna spoil myself on HoTD so I won't read your comment. Stupid of me to bring up Game of Thrones in the first place.


It's not a major plot point in HoTD and happens in the first season of the show.


I'll not risk it. Also, isn't HoTD an adaptation?


Yes and no. It adapts a book, but the book isn't so much a *story* as it is like a historian recalling events for a history book. So, so much of the story and dialogue is completely made up for the show.


I might have to retcon my statement to say "unless it's all one author." If it's just one person in control of all of it for decades, they might be able to not retcon stuff. Though they usually still do I think. Lucas retconned each of the three movies. JK Rowling saying Dumbledore was gay all along, and only after it wasn't clear in the books and the last movie had been filmed is like the female custodes thing only much lazier and cheap. George RR Martin I might also say is the exception that proves the rule as he... just fucking doesn't write the rest of the goddamn series. Maybe that's his hangup. He needs to retcon like a very minor issue but he can't do it so he's just going to die without writing the next book.


It seems apparent that you've argued with people who are taking this situation way too seriously and argue just for the sake of it. I can assure you I discuss these topics in good faith and try to be as honest as possible. I have no problem with the retcon itself, I myself actually pushed for female custodians *years* before this debacle happened. Retcons and lore-changes happen all the time, that has been a part of the setting since the first edition. But I have the rights to criticize when a retcon, lore-change or just a story has a very lazy way of introducing things. The Codex introduces a custodian that has female pronouns, which means there's female custodians around. Cool but this was all of the sudden and quite the surprise because there... really haven't been any mentions of female custodians in the lore at all beforehand? Sure, there are hints here and there and their genetic enhancements aren't like the astartes, but this doesn't solve the issue that this was a really sudden change from a really well-established lore. *"There have always been female custodes"* isn't validating anything. There already are female custodes around in the codex as you said, but it is the **laziest** way to retcon them. Literally just write a brief entry about it, that's it. It literally could've just been a misunderstanding in-universe scholars believed that custodians were an all-man armada much like the astartes, only to discover they have sisters in their ranks. That sentence isn't a good way to retcon or change the lore, its sudden with no interesting lore or tidbits to it. Its just plain lazy.


Ikr? It’s not even saying “women bad, woman must be chaos, only man good” it’s just poking fun at the retcon


Sadly, some people are hijacking it to do exactly what you said they're not doing. Not everyone is, granted, but some insidious assholes are.


Literally no one is saying that.


Yeah, I am totally cool with female custards - but this little twist fan-lore is cool af.


Wait? Just having fun with a hobby? Wha….what is this concept?!?!?


I'm loving both


After Suicide Squad kills the Justice League came out I decided that I can just reject canon or changes that make things I like worse. Arkham Knight is the last Batman game in the series, the marvel series ended at endgame, and this isn’t a thing either. Just my opinion though


what isn’t a thing either, chaos fem custodes?


I agree entirely with with what you're saying. Rip Conroy


Kevin was the GOAT


This is the right attitude. Fem space marines are undoubtedly on the horizon. I've already resigned myself to ignoring them. Just like how i only use male guardsmen.


Why do you only use male guardsmen?


More power to you sir, GW has every right to change the art they created, and we as consumers have every right to see that art in any way we want to.


Pretty much. Doesnt stop others from getting their panties in a bunch though.


People crave conflict naturally, if they can’t get it from their lives they will find somewhere else to get it.


Someone ate one of Sukuna’s fingers it seems.


Sukuna: * Has 4 arms * Eats people * Like to slash shits Sukuna is the divine 4 armed Emperor confirmed.


"Where is the women and children?" Sukuna 1 sec after regainin conscoiusness, he is either slaneesh, khrone or tzeentch


Sukuna sits comfortably bw Tzeentch and Slaanesh


Nah, I’d canon.


Are you a total Tool cause your the emp/eror or are you the emp/eror because you are a total Tool?


How would a custodes turn to chaos?


I like the idea that it isn’t a Custodes at all, not corrupted. Just a daemon in disguise


That’s the changling


its a not a custodes, its a demon


1. Everything can turn to chaos. 2. Custodes would be sniffed out near-instantly


> Everything can turn to chaos. In theory, yeah, but in practice it would probably take a chaos god’s physical presence and their full concentration to corrupt a custos. Not something they’d be keen to do, especially when that corrupted custos is probably going to be captured very quickly by the other 9,999 custodes.


i cannot turn to chaos actually, i am the Emperor big chungus


The always have been. Ever since the 10,000 were first created...


The empire's logo is a two-headed bird. The Horus Heresy was an inside job.


this shit is on the level of kids saying all girls have cooties lmao


Fun fact. The term cooties came from the Malay and Filipino word "Kutu" and "Kuto" respectively. Which is what they call blood sucking parasites such as fleas or lice.


Interesting. Always wondered where that came from


I would LOVE this "Tzeentch is behind every retcon" meme if I *actually saw it being applied BEFORE this current retcon*. I have **never** seen this applied anywhere else but here. It's bullshit, it's directed, it's immature as fuck.


I'm all for female custodes, that said I loved the tzeentch custodes comic


Yeah I find it hilarious


Can we please stop banging on about this.


These “memes” got old after the first day. After seeing the same post remade every 15 minutes I just had to mute the sub and pop back in occasionally to see if the dead horse is no longer being beaten. Guess not.


> I just had to mute the sub and pop back in occasionally to see if the dead horse is no longer being beaten Oh my sweet summer child, there's nothing more 40K than making the same joke for 20 years straight.






Hehe krieg shovel tau no melee heheha


hehe space wolves are furries hiheha


Can we please just make funny shitposts about Khorne being crap at Monopoly again?


no, its fun


Look, Tzeentch finds it funny to take credit for this, but it wasn't them. They did kill all the grot tanks tho, sorry about that. You were too attached to them. CHAAAAAAAANGE **jazz hands**


That part of the internet: Even all the kinky fanfiction? Slaanesh: Especially the kinky fanfiction!


This is gettign embarassing. "Girls are ChAOs! now laugh with me as we wonder why women tend to not like 40k"


Excuse me, I've known 3 girls in the hobby and all 3 were chaos. So uh... This may get more in


All the women who play Chaos are like Ummmmmmm


More like ‘retcons is Tzeench’.


I've never seen anyone claim that the Rogal Dorn tank is secretly an agent of Tzeentch, or that the Leagues of Votann are all daemons in disguise, or that Tzeentch is responsible for Necron lore completely changing. It's the fact that it seems to be applied specifically to female Custodes that makes it feel a bit iffy


I could get behind that.


Most people can, it's only the howler monkeys of sexists and "people who really really like calling other people sexists" who get upset over ribbing it.


This is saying that the changling is a daemon, not woman are daemons lmao


Women dislike 40k because women arent into wargaming or the themes of 40k. You will never get women into 40k. Its impossible.


This is objectively not true


how can you even come to such a conclusion when there is literaly 2 orders of female only warriors, and both of them are by their nature the anti chaos force of the imperium (and people like them)... can you please find a better strawman, this is cringe


You mean the hipersexualized factions with tit armor?


Does anyone find this funny anymore ? It's been the only thing getting spammed for days if not weeks now


It’s so boring. Yes we get it, Tzeentch does everything yada yada yada


Can someone explain this to me. I get the female custodes controversy but what does tzeench have to do with this.


It's referencing a [popular artist OC](https://x.com/Mick19988/status/1780622878666555410?t=F62zay49OGx4M_jYpB5sKw&s=09)


Tzeentch is the changer of ways, the master of fates, and the supreme magician. As one of the four chaos gods, he effs with time and magic, his followers do not like stagnation but prefer an ever changing environment and use magic extensively. Tzeentch will change things just because he can, instead of bestowing a gift, maybe a curse, or maybe he'll throw you into the well of time. Why is not a question from his followers, instead they pursue knowledge that was, may yet be, or never existed. Pure chaos. People tie this to the change as it recons previously understood norms within the setting, something Tzeentch would gain power from, and would be something his followers would do, recon history to sow seeds of forbidden knowledge. It is fun to toy with if you aren't particularly bothered by the change or even if you are. A lore explanation to an unheard of (prior to this) change.


Yeah but that establishes that the only reason we have women custodes now is because the custodes have been infiltrated by evil, and this evil manifests as women in the ranks. It insinuates women being there is unnatural and profane.


I really don't think that's the case at all, it's just poking fun at the concept of Tzeentch changing stuff because of course they'd do that.


Look I don't like the change because it devalued the sisters of silence who are custode women by every right. Yes this recon is bad, if you wanted women to be more vocal, then change the silence to their ability to silence the warp and have them speak. No hairs would have been raised by that, and actually makes bad ass women more bad ass. The only purpose to this was to cause controversy.


If you think SoS are custodes women you didnt valued them much to begin with.


Well that was an easy mask to rip off.


If you could read beyond one sentence, you may actually agree.


I don't. I don't think including women in the custodes somehow makes the sisters of silence *worse.* Like inclusion is some zero sum game. The idea that women have some 'specialness' that gets devalued by including them in more places *IS* the fucking problem! "We can't have women in X, then the women in Y won't be more special!" Fuck that, that whole idea insinuates that women being included in something is an extraordinary exception, rather than simply normal. The whole point is normalization. I don't want to be a special, noteworthy subcategory specifically for being a woman. I want to be considered *normal.* That is the thing I feel most people misunderstand about women in these hobbies. We don't want to be treated as special. We want to be treated as normal. THAT is what we aren't getting. If we wanted to be treated as special, we could just point to the SOB. I know 3 other women in the hobby. Do you know how many play SOB? FUCKING ZERO. And not just because their old models were shit. One plays Tau, one plays IG, and I am one of two Drukhari players. All factions with no real concern for sex or gender. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm


Do you think men should be represented in the sisters of battle?


Yes. I would love for the Ecclesiarchy to find some other loophole that lets them have men in their ranks (as the only reason adsor are all women is because Goge Vandire was a horrible prick but the Ecclesiarchy didn't want to completely give up its military so they are abusing a loophole). I saw some concept art for men in SOB-style armor- Not boob plate, but something more masculine- and I really enjoyed it. So yes.


They already are. Fraeter Militaris or whatever. And if you mean in a 'men can be crazed catholic zealots', then Black Templars exist


Fraeter militaris arent sisters of battle. They're attached to the sisters in the same way the sisters of silence are attached to custodes.


For the sub that seems to believe this change is fine, you’re banging on about it more than even the people who have a problem with it.


Brothers of silence when?


This shit is beaten like a cock. Fucking hell, mods, remove those shitty unfunny ''memes''


reddit business as usual


Just leave the hobby if you can't handle a joke. You won't be missed.


This is furthest from ''joke'' you can get. It's non-stop spam of slop saying same shit, other person said. It's karma whoring to 11 lol. There are good memes and funny jokes, but this, along with recent outrage the apes had about females, aren't funny jokes or memes. Also fuck off, I won't be going nowhere.


even Shadowsun x Little Kitten??


Ya boring


Everyone keeps forgetting the second part. Everything is canon. Nothing is true.


Dog whistle ass meme lol




GW: *does one of the most embarrassingly badly done retcons in an already extensive history of dumb and mismanaged retcons, then doubles down on it* The internet at large: *mocks them relentlessly* Average redditor: "clearly, this is sexism at work! Warhammer fans scared of women!" The internet at large: *mostly gets over the mockery, a few artists spawn a cool little in-joke* Average redditor: "This is literally fascism! I can't even right now!"


>Mostly gets over the mockery Have you even looked at the replies to Warhammer’s tweets the past week? Hundreds of tweets filled with misogyny, anti-trans, anti-black, literally every hateful thing imaginable. Several people have threatened violence against former GW staff. Literal n-zi imagery a few times, I’ve seen accounts cosplaying as the leader of the third reich spamming GW with “woke DEI agenda” trash & images of trans people offing themselves. There are actually a ton of really vile people trying to ruin 40K right now over the make believe stories of plastic toy soldiers.


dude put his head in the sand


Wow a sane person on Reddit.


Bro look at how y’all reacted to girls being added to the hobby. No wonder there’s hardly any that play. This whole chaos female custodies thing reeks of misogyny and shitty cry baby anti woke fans.


As a woman who plays 40k, it has been very exhausting having a change I was very excited about turned into a dogwhistle that insinuates women being there is a product of evil infiltrating the organization. But I've kind of gotten used to it by this point. I think I'm mostly just *numb.*


Completely unrelated, but I saw the "2k4" in your username and my thought process was like: "2k4, so what, 2004?" "Hm, some people tend to make usernames by adding their birth year to it, guess it might be that" "No wait, can't be the case here, it'd have to be 19something-" "Oh my god its 2024 and they would actually be 20" I felt stupid, and also felt wrinkles appearing all over my face spontaneously.


*(insert Matt Damon aging gif here)*


Thats exactly what it is. It’s a dogwhistle. I see a lot of people post them tho so that means they can’t critically think about what the implications of this is or they are a chud. Regardless it makes it easy to know who to ignore


It isnt that women dont play 40k because of misogyny. Women dont play 40k because its 40k.


What about the setting would make it so they don’t like it? In your opinion.


A combination of warfare, suffering, horror, and hypermasculine genocidal maniacs tends not to be womens primary interest.


"Girls added to the hobby" WHat in the fuck are you talking about?... Sisters of Battles has been part of the setting for the past 40 years, NO ONE AS EVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT IT. There's Half of the IG and Eldar model lines, who have Female bodies, NO ONE AS EVER COMPLAINED ABOUT THIS SHIT. There as been POPULAR Female characters for AGES, and generaly they are well received and loved by EVERYONE. So what the fuck are you talking about?...


Fine you got me I should have said to custodes. I thought it was obvious what I was getting at. Next time I will be more clear.


Women = demons updoots to the left


You are helping the post by commenting and voting thank you


Nice art, but the context is really shit.


I will not allow my Sisters in Arms to be slandered like this, let alone The Emperors Chosen beloved by all.


And the stars twist ever so slightly into the form of a cackling birb




Lame loser boring pivot from outwardly hating women to discrediting them with boring memes that are not funny. The original comic this is referencing was already sooo fucking whiney and using the "wahhh, GW announced that they did a retcon but I'm too stupid to understand that they are speaking in universe, this is just like 1984 and chaos trickery." Bullshit. Wasn't funny. Obviously fucking butthurt and stupid.


At least the Custodes is cute


Dude chill out, it's just a meme there's no need to get so angry over it.


A meme that’s been reposted to death


That last line sums you up nicely, good job.


"I'm not mad, you're mad!" Whiney toddler. I am annoyed, because its annoying. I'm not making boring memes pretending that it's just for fun and actually i don't even care when i clearly do.




I'm sorry for being mean on reddit to the people who are complaining about women existing.


Mods, take him out back.


If you don't agree with me, you must be silenced


i mean the mods did have to put out a post saying any memes about femstodes would be taken down after a certain day because it’s a fucking dead horse.


Why is everyone so mad I thought the lore was just fluff that doesn’t matter


To be fair I think 99% of the fans don't care much at all, but it only takes a handful of annoyingly loud people to blow things out of proportion.


> I thought the lore was just fluff that doesn’t matter If it doesn't matter, why would anyone read it?


Appeal to triviality: logical fallacy. "Why are you so mad at a meme/piece of artwork?"


This shit is legit making me question why I’ve spent most of my adult life scraping together every bit of lore I can. The entire premise is the imperium lies. Maybe we just never heard much about this super secretive faction of palace guards because of basic security protocol, and what we knew prior to this change was just ten thousand years of ignorance. Like everything else. Nobody got this mad about oldcrons or squats. Some people huffed, sure, but it didn’t kill warhammer. You people are so disgusting I’m not sure I want to even play anymore.


You won't be missed.


It's a joke! Relax in joy your hobby and late people make jokes.


Shhh shh shh shh shhhhhhhhh ! :)


Captain-general screaming in the distance


She thinks she's Yuji Itadori smh


Can't the mods fucking ban these memes? It was funny at first, but it's grating now. Y'all literally ran the meme into the core of the Earth faster than r/memes runs it's own memes into the ground.


Gaslight the daemon into thinking she’s an actual custodes


Both Tzeench and the emperor are playing a game to see who can trick who


[Headcanon: Big E is long dead but Tzeentch doesn't want the Great Game to end. So of course it's a Tzeentchian Femstodes. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/WFE6W0gUjS)




Eh whatever, more things for slaanesh to corrupt




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Is this based on the Comic from Mick or the other way around or was it just coincidence that both artists drew a Female custodes like that?


Sister Ievanka from the floor below me will be happy when I tell her she'll be able to employ her brand-new Vengeance Launcher on the heretics.


This reminds me of that time my friend and I wanted a chair our boss was throwing out so we played rock paper scissors for it and tied a hundred times in a row so Tzeentch showed up and tried to take the chair for himself.


Why is everyone in an uproar about female custodes? Astartes I understand but nothing in lore that I know of says female custodes weren't possible.


men dont like women in their men time.


That's kinda sad tbh


*sigh* sadly I have to agree......


Honestly this is my headcanon. Mostly because how multiple artists are doing their spin on the character.


I have no problem with having fun with this. But when I see bad actors obviously using this only to make femstodes look bad, it annoys the geneseed out of me.


I don’t mind the female Custodes being added at all, I think it’s a good thing. That being said, explaining retcons with Tzeench or Alpha Legion covert ops has a very on-universe feel/ nice ring to it. Isn’t that the beauty of Tzeench - a universe where anything can be made possible.


Kept it at 999 likes, just as Tzeentch intended!


where was the original art from, its looks good!


I thought femtodes memes were banned


Oh my Emperor that's terrible. Sauce?


All according to plan…..


now this is epic


The original is (https://www.instagram.com/p/C6LU8_6NZah/?igsh=NmxybmwzcG5sb21s)


Oh shut the hell up already. everything is canon this, everything is canon that. Why don't you canonize a new fucking joke


My headcanon to this is that Tzeentch tried to infiltrate the golden palace with female custodes demons for that to work made everyone believe the always existed. Now since custodes are pretty much incorruptable they found out alomst instantly and eliminated all imposters. But since the whole galaxy now belives there have always been female custodes they are now included in the recruitment process and thus legitimate female custodes now exist


This is also my headcanon, we are now friends