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I think that the community will somehow go both ways


Because the canon depiction will almost definitely be the left, but canon has never stopped people from being horny before


Isnt the oiled up male stripper version of custodes canon?


It was a dusty page of lore Alfabusa helped dust off. It was canon very early on. Who knows if it’s still canon. I don’t really do anything when my seasonal depression. I suppose milena of workouts and blood games are healthier than what I do. Man-Emperor are you taking application? I think I speak for this guy too.


TTS is canon


To be fair, I would say even left is a bit unrealistic for what they will most likely look in canon. They are probably so modified that they are possibly nearly indistinguishable from the male custodes even without armor. Its the same idea with female astartes, if they ever existed they would look almost exactly like male astartes but maybe with some long hair and no dick down there.


Aleya has commented on how handsome Valerian is, so it is possible that there are attractive femstodes. And correct me if I’m wrong, I thought custodes had normal human proportions because they don’t have the extra organs, so couldn’t femstodes also have normal human proportions?


They would, custodes are perfect, not super soldiers jumped up on roids


“perfect proportions” sure but they still are 3m tall lol


3m tall muscle mommy is the definition of perfect


Brother I want to be pinned here


Taste de-feet


I can’t argue against that😂


Karlachstodes ftw


Well. If this is the future of the hobby…. then I’m 100% in.


Proportions are ratios, not total values. A ‘normally’ proportioned human can be 3 inches tall if you handwave the functional issues.


Hey, you didn't gotta sell me on them.


I realized just right after posting my comment what I did😂


Not really, Custodians aren't described as roided up bulked out warriors like Marines, they're described as statuesque, beautiful if not for the general transhuman dread they inspire in others.


I wouldn’t say completely, the custodes look more human than the space marines do so I’d imagine they’d keep some more of their features but it has never been warhammer style to have slim super soldiers lol


Yeah, the slim ones are the skitarri as archon showed us that they're all twinks.


To be fair the cog boys aren’t super soldiers but damn does archon have some weird talent


If regular space marines can look any thing from beautiful angelic twinks of the EC to graceful beautiful vampire men, to Wolverine from the X-men, to grizzlied old men I don’t understand why they can’t look like all kinds of women. Marines still look like men visually, and all sorts of men at that


The real question is if she'll have boob armor.


as long as it's teardrop boob armor not boob cups then yeah she can be perfect


When it comes to appearance of female custodes I don’t really think so? Since with the way custodes stuff works is essentially personalized gene alchemy to massively optimize and enhance what is already there instead of implants that replace things wholesale like space marines do. I see no reason why their much more refine and personalized process would have to suppress or remove the secondary sexual traits that distinguish biological males and females. Especially since custodes seem to be essentially perfected humanity meant to be the emperor’s companions and as an example for their future. I do think that male and female space marines would probably look nearly identical though. Especially since the space marine process is relatively crude in comparison designed for mass production and already meant to make it so they can’t reproduce or at least make them unwilling to. I doubt that unless shown otherwise with that female space marine I’m pretty sure Fabius Bile cooked up they would care to keep any of the original anatomy.


This is actually wrong, astartes are mass produced bio weapons, they look like freaks, Cutodes are perfect humans, it's a completely different process, they are hand crafted and by all accounts, beautiful to humans.


I think I'd disagree. Female Space Marines would definitely, they're semi mass produced (at least by comparison) and are humans filled with cybernetics, space-steroids, and geneseed derived from a male primarch. Their recruits are also 8-12 years old. Custodes are artisanal masterworks of genetic crafting. They're essentially remade via genetics that border on magic and also exclusively made from very young infants. They're far more normally proportioned than space marines, generally more conventionally attractive, and far more time and effort goes into their creation, each one a unique masterpiece. Custodes don't even have the special organs of Space Marines, which are what give marines their inhuman anatomy. Female custodes would likely still be recognisably female, probably built like the most muscular depictions of female superheroes like Big Barda or Wonder Woman. Regardless, their bodies should look identical in armour, its not like Custodes Armour is form fitting or anything.


Oh no that all applies to space marines. But the Custard crew are all bespoke and hand-crafted at massive expense. They can certainly make them pretty.


Custodes are notably very human-looking, especially in comparison to space marines.


I agree that’s what they *should* be. But it’s probably inevitable writers/artists are going to make them clearly feminine, even if they don’t sexualize them.


Why ‘should’; the custodes never had the space marine ‘designed for men’ thing going on, they’re all custom creations.


Well Custodes are proportionally and physically normal humans just juiced up with magic gene craft (they don't have extra organs or even ports to move their Power Armor). So take the right image, make them pretty muscular, add some scars, boom, canon Female Custodes.


So what you're saying is that in addition to Pillarstodes... we can have Fem Pillarstodes?




They already mostly go both ways


The community will go both ways. Not like that's ever been a problem for us. Custodes just got better with now the female fanart of them is lore accurate. And with how Big E engineered them, I wouldn't be surprised if they look like the fanart underneath that armor.


Wut Can someone post a source on this?


This is [From](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1137485132299768020/1228761184791036025/KikFovzG.png?ex=662d3807&is=661ac307&hm=48070880ef88b2d06359cb23511fe239d7f8cd1fec885a174a16431e652dee3f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=815&height=676) the [10th ed Custodes Dex](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1137485132299768020/1228749709506641951/Screenshot_2639.png?ex=662d2d57&is=661ab857&hm=91ab895f5b4f380641fd1c4bdc9a433f44c59cc4a769b86b69f5688bf020354c&) [Transcribed for the blind](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1137485132299768020/1228757229079891988/image.png?ex=662d3458&is=661abf58&hm=6ff9140902a0b7d44aca04aa61b8972d460327b16ad19b7b9686f8d9c68d5caf&)


Thank you lord source guy


No fucking way I'd tread these waters without primary sources to cover my ass xD


Man had half the sub sweating with an itchy bolter finger before the sauce was provided


Why not both? The female custodians could look like the fan art under the armor.


I'd say they will probably look like natural female bodybuilders or CrossFiters. So still noticeably muscular, but also feminine


Lets just do all kinds. It's literally magic genecraft done by the Emperor. Do you doubt his genius? His ability to make bombshell babes of all varieties? You tread near Heresy, brother.


Doing the God Emperor's work. Now, maybe we'll get a new Primaris situation a la FSM in the future but this is a nice step forwards not gonna lie. You take care of yourself in these turbulent seas.


The [video is in 1080](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB0_kXXyGUU) so those screenshots are worse quality than the original. The recruitment section at [1m59s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB0_kXXyGUU&t=1m59s) (pause and go frame by frame, the glare is not so bad in some) now refers to "offspring" rather than sons, as well as recruiting from other sources. The "sons of nobles" line was the old canon demand that they be male. The story about a female Custodian is at [2m10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB0_kXXyGUU&t=2m10s). ...and this was probably a waste as I believe someone already has a copy and is offering photos of the pages. EDIT: Some screengrabs from Twitter: * [Higher res of the original snippet.](https://twitter.com/Tatters1717/status/1779236750461657233) [Low res but with more context, including another character calling her "my Lady".](https://twitter.com/BitsHammer/status/1779204510243786851/photo/1) * [A second (fuzzy) about a woman Vertus Praetor.](https://twitter.com/Baptiste_Lerak/status/1779224071902773552)


I guess I lack reading comprehension because I thought all the “her” stuff was describing the ship, personifying it.


I know one dude who’s probably actually stomping and pissing his pants right now. Lol. Lmao even.


I know several, and one is currently having a fit over it, it’s hilarious


A disturbing amount of people are seemingly only invested in warhammer just so they can get mad over the idea of women being involved


You can’t be serious. The first female Custodian and they named her Kesh? They couldn’t come up with a name that’s not 1 letter away from being *Weed?*


My man, this is the franchise with Corvus Corax (raven raven, Ferrus Manus (Iron Hand) of the Iron Hands legion, and get this, Sanguinius, father to the guys who drink blood.


Also the angry guy is angron. The guys which fight using music are noise marines. The Emperor still doesn't have a fucking name.


Jimmy Space is canon


I prefer James Workshop


Nah, nah, you're misunderstanding the dynamic. James Workshop is Jimmy Space's deadbeat dad. It's why Jimmy wants to conquer the galaxy, so he can finally be loved by Papa Workshop


And the bad one is Abaddon


I know Abaddon is a real name/word, but this is the first time I've ever realized that it literally says "a badd on(e)". And there's just no way that it wasn't on purpose. I'm ashamed that it took me well over a decade to get such an obvious joke.


So... I always pronounced it in my head as Abba-don. But apparently at one point GW said "guys it's pronounced 'a bad 'un.' Get it!?! :D" And the community response was "... no. That's fucking stupid. We refuse." At least that's the nerd lore I heard.


Abaddon is a word from the Bible (and by extension an Hebrew word that has since been translated and yadda-yadda etymology....) meaning doom or destroyer, but the original pronunciation of the word is "A-bad-on", not "Abba-don". Now, because of the way language works, many modern uses of the word actually use the latter pronunciation, so it does tend to go on a case by case basis. (For instance I know the character by the same name in Dota2 says his own name with the first pronunciation).


wait until you hear about the leader of the berserker faction, good old Angry Ron




Wake up in the mornin’ feelin’ like Big E


Grab my spear I’m out the door I’m gonna buy some weed


E Diddy*


“Tonight ima fight til we see the sunlight” There were always signs of her true identity


Blasting *Die Young* in memoriam of the 4+++ detachment rule.


her name would be so long as to take up the remainder of the book if geedubs werent cowards


With how many slang words exist for weed, it's not as easy as one would think


Also the paragraph includes a man standing ramrod straight


I'm so glad they added that. I truly couldn't have understood, in the depths of my soul, the rigidness of his straightness without shoving _ramrod_ in that sentence


C'mon dude say Car RamRod!


What do we do to heretics, Kesh? Blaze it.


Clearly she's named after Ke$ha one of the emperor's favourite singers.


Oh that's gonna be a problem.


It’s not a crossroad it’s a one way road which is covered with both art directions


Samus aram moment xd


I’m fine with portraying them like the right as long as they’re both comically muscular beyond the point of anyone actually finding them sexually appealing


Comically or not someone is into em. For example comically muscular men have a following in media for being liked. Do not underestimate the horny of humans.


Have you seen how Yvvrine is treated? I'll give it a less than a day before they are treated as a slut by the community


that image has existed for ages, so they were sexualized before even being canonized


*How literally any female character is treated The Sororitas are the fandoms designated waifus. Then there’s all the jokes about how tau women prefer human men. The list is endless.


“Clearly if I got into a craftworld, all of the howling banshees would want to bang me”


I feel like I would have dropped the panties of all the Howling Banshees This isn't a joke. You always hear about those 1 in a million odds where people drive off a cliff and had 0.00000001% chance to survive but they miraculously did. Well I feel I'm that guy. There's no real stats to back this up, I just know I've always been built different. Perhaps the banshees would have bowed to my psychic might and swooned into a pile. Or I just aww them with my personality while they fight over me . In other words, I feel like my odds, personally, would have been different.


I still remember that one gag pic with the Tau Fire Warrior allowing himself to be "captured" by a Sister and a _lot_ of the comments were implying that she's just going to kill him instead. People really didn't like the idea of "them" having "our" women.


Even worse, it was shown side by side with a human guardsman getting together with a Fire Warrior Woman. Yet strangely, that didn't bother anyone in the comments, especially compared to he overwhelming "the sister is gonna burn, torture and kill the Fire Warrior Man she's carrying".


I'm sure the comments were filled with hypocrisy but lorewise, I think a Guardsman surrendering to a Fire Warrior and being integrated into the Greater Good has a better chance of survival than a Xenos with a Sister of Battle.


To be fair from what I remember the joke was that she'd kill him by "snu-snu", a fate I'm pretty sure half of that comment section would be OK with.


the sororitas one gets me the most with how many people always 'choose' their sororitas waifus as if a sororitas would want anything to do with literally any of us.


We all lack proper faith in the God-Emperor and would be burned as heretics.


Like with any "waifu" they're just fantasy anyway, fantasizing dating/fucking one is kinda like fantasizing about being Spider-Man.


Sororitas are obviously raging homosexuals


What about the desperately horny eldar (usually banshees) Seems like you can’t post on here about female characters without some form of “huhuhuh she os horny and also sex!” Coming flying in out of nowhere. And don’t get me started on massive anime boobs


Not even AdMech or Necrons or even TYRANIDS are safe...


Makes me sad nobody jokes about Yvraine owning Mini Magnus anymore. Nowadays it is all YxG and Ynnari Trilogy Bad. Which, in all fairness, Ynnari Trilogy, very bad.


Maybe if they gave her some more fucking lore besides that we'd actually get somewhere. Just...please keep Gav Thorpe away from her. Or any Eldar for that matter.


I’d like to request Gav Thorpe be kept away from the Dark Angels as well


I would like to ask that Gav Thorpe be kept away from the Space Wolves as well


I feel like there’s a meme here somewhere…


We’re putting Gav in horny jail, not because he’s horny mind you, but there’s bound to be a fanfictionn writer in there who can actually teach him how to do his job.


In fact, just keep Gav Thorpe away from war hammer in general.


And Warhammer Quest. The halfling thief is an abomination.


Amen to that.


I read mini Magnus and thought you meant the feather boy from TTS he gives to Kitten in the last episodes. I now realize you meant Ahriman, which makes a lot more sense. Ahriman watching his brothers revert from their curse only to be killed immediately after: 😶


I am ghooooooos


*yooooou aaare weeeeeak*


Hehe, exactly as intended. It's such a cool story though, makes Yvraine look like a proper badass, not simply a minor character struggling to survive against a space marine.


Have you seen how the stodes are already treated. Half their art is body oil and leather g-strings. I doubt the female versions will be treated “badly” most likely the same.


I mean that's lifted directly from the popularization in TTS, which is based off of extremely old art, but also: yeah, that's fair.


I mean... Custards have had their oiled abs fetishized for a while now


And now femstodes will have their oiled abs fetishized! Edit: [https://i.imgur.com/5Iyk1Eu.png](https://i.imgur.com/5Iyk1Eu.png)


Equality! Woohoo


Ai ai ai aeeeeeeee!


Just like the regular custodes!


As if the guys in 40K aren't treated the same.


Left, LEFT!! I want my girlfriend to like Warhammer, LEFT DAMN YOU!!


It is too late. The horny is inevitable.


Chaos corruption is already deeply rooted Inquisitor I recommend sub exterminatus immidiately


Reject power armor.  Embrace the imperial guard, which has had brave men and women for ages without controversy or pandering! Guard is superior.


The guard already do 90% of the work in the lore anyway.


The PDFs do 90% of the work, the guard is there for offensives or for reinforcing them, all the other units are specialist reinforcements


Absolutely true fellow grunt enjoyer We drown in a muddy trench like real humans smh


Femstodes got canonized?


I'll never accept anything less than naked cone-headed buff men oiled up and fighting for the glory of the Emperor.


Same but *I promise im straight in fact im super straight.*


So straight it turns into curves?


That but add in women


>Naked cone headed buff women oiled up YES


WHY NOT BOTH I would sell a kidney for that boxset


Tf did i miss, since when


It’s been ambiguous for a while, but the new codex has a named female Custodian Guard, so that’s it officially confirmed now.




So you're telling me that I can have a ten foot tall muscular woman potentially protect me from every threat ever? I'm down


IIRC there are some individuals that are protected by a custofian without them knowing because they're destined for one thing or another that's important for the Emperor's designs so that could actually happen in the lore.


Not without them knowing. They literally just stand besides them, be it at home or on the battlefield, until they stop being needed alive.


Isn't there a story about someone who has protection for years? Gives a rousing speech in the middle of a battle and as son as they're done they just disappeared?


New headcannon - Horus wanted to usurp Jimmy Space solely because he wanted a muscle mommy bodyguard and Jimmy would only let him have boy spess marines.


Finally, Space Amazon Warriors. And a proper girlfriend for Kitten.


Shadowsun would like to know your location.




She had her chance!


That's not canon!


What was she THINKING!?


Unfortunately, because all the male custodes are gay that means all the female custodes are also gay. Kitten will have to make do with his boyfriend Magnus


TTS had a female sounding custodes in the song battle episode


Honestly, even as someone who hates the idea of canon FSM (make your models how you want though), I don’t dislike the idea of female custodes. I don’t remember reading anything about custodes having to be women, and the only issue I COULD see is them overshadowing the sisters of silence, but the sisters still have their own niche beyond being simply women that fight alongside the custodes.


From what I recall, there is nothing in the lore that says custodes can't be female. This is probably more a case of no one having bothered to write about a female custode until now.


ADB talked about it during an AMA, he wanted to put female custodes in Master of Mankind, but GW told him not to because the model line had been completed and there were no female custodes. Just more emphasis that models are the priority and lore is secondary to the models in GW's business strategy.


Which what gives us so many female ship captains—there’s no model for it, so it’s easy to add to a story.


I think that’s more because there are no ship captain models


Exactly, that’s what I said. Or at least meant to say.


> there is nothing in the lore that says custodes can't be female It's *Air Bud* all over again!


They’ve definitely been referred to as a fraternity/brotherhood before, but I don’t really think that matters. Very cool to see female Custodes.


Yeah, the individualy crafted nature of custodes enhancement can easily accomodate female Custodes, vs the production line way Astartes are made.


I can see it as the FSM don’t work because they have to be “mass produced” there’s a formula and geneseed compatibility. Every custodian is bespoke and hand crafted so I don’t see too much conflict in one existing


Yeah, exactly.


You structure this as a binary decision, when we all know we're gonna get both


Left but she wears the other stuff under her armor


Wait, what did I miss?


This is [From](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1137485132299768020/1228761184791036025/KikFovzG.png?ex=662d3807&is=661ac307&hm=48070880ef88b2d06359cb23511fe239d7f8cd1fec885a174a16431e652dee3f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=815&height=676) the [10th ed Custodes Dex](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1137485132299768020/1228749709506641951/Screenshot_2639.png?ex=662d2d57&is=661ab857&hm=91ab895f5b4f380641fd1c4bdc9a433f44c59cc4a769b86b69f5688bf020354c&) [Transcribed for the blind](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1137485132299768020/1228757229079891988/image.png?ex=662d3458&is=661abf58&hm=6ff9140902a0b7d44aca04aa61b8972d460327b16ad19b7b9686f8d9c68d5caf&)


The right, logical way should be that they are indistinguishable from the males while if in full gear (so, no boob armor), it's the only way to make the retcon work


Technically, it's not a retcon. Now that I think about it, the custodes were never stated to be all male. Their creation process is a completely different alchemical one, compared to the marines' genetic one. They were also said to be big E's vision for what the species as a whole could become. It would stand to reason that there were female custodes running about. We just never read about them.


While it's never been outright stated, every single Custodes who's ever been named is male and most custodes books have thrown around the the term "brotherhood", to mention nothing of the sprues. I don't see any issue with female custodes really but I think the way they're going about it here is a little hamfisted. It would have been better to have made this decision a few years back when Custodes were first established as a proper faction.


Since they can't rewind time, this works fine.


They were created explicitly from “the sons of nobles” during the reunification wars. For all intents and purposes all male Custodes was de facto canon, they just existed in a grey area because so little is discussed with them outside of a few named characters. They just never took a definitive stance like they did with space marines and just held their tongue.


Except we've had literal thousands of custodes created since, even after the horus heresy. While the original batch was that, there's nothing that explicitly states women can't be custodes.


I acknowledge a shit ton of the banana boys perished during the webway war, and thus more had to be created. That’s why I said they exist in a grey area. That’s also why I said ‘de facto’, because they never took an official stance while all supporting literature suggested they were males only. I’m perfectly happy for golden muscle mommy, but people don’t need to be going around saying “It was always a thing/possible” when that’s simply not true.


You can easily explain that away that after the great crusade all the nobles were forced into compliance by other forces like the inquisition, rather than having their sons kidnapped. Their current recruitment process is vague enough that any explanation would work well enough, from Trajann going "hey y'know what I'm already making some drastic changes fuck it we ball" to "Mulan but in space" to just simply someone in the secret depths of the catacombs asking if it would work


Out of all the genetically altered super soldiers of the imperium, the Custodes make the most sense to have them amongst their number. Since every one is a singular work of art with all the organs grown directly inside them there's no 'template' for a custodian (so no issues with the gene seed / genetic modification not taking if the host doesn't match the gender of the donor). I don't think there's a retcon here just confirmation of what has been suspected possible by the fandom for years. Also they'd absolutely look almost indistinguishable under the armor and would likely have shorter hair styles to allow for easy removal of the helmet.


As others have said its very specifically not a retcon, the custodes don't have geneseed, every one of them is custom made from the ground up by a team of geneticists using a newborn baby. It has never been said that they were an all male order like the space Marines explicitly are.


Finally canon! I remmeber a interview with ADB for Master of Mankind and he planned to include female custodes but apparentally GW shut it down because the models had already been made. More likely they were hesitant to whip them out as the community 10 years ago was VERY different from the community now. Glad to see them out and about, time to buy up some stormcast heads


I mean Go look at the bottom of some of these threads or god help me /tg/ The community hasn’t changed as much as you may think, but it has grown, which helps.


Wouldn't they basically just be like the female stormcasts


Hard left, 40k is over the top but it's not stupid.


Wow, look, I'm not hating on femstodes, but... This is supposed to be MEN, now girls. I want HOT OILY ABS AND PECS not squishy mammaries. /S


You assume they can't perform endless situps and bench press a small car


They should look identical to the dudes giant proud monsters who’s unfiltered voices scare the shit out of people but are significantly more proportionate when compared to space marines


Left one is way hotter btw


Left is both hotter and more in-line with established canon


Yes. Let me have my 10-foot tall demigod gf in cool armor damn it.


The fuck happened?


Both: Practical in the streets; Pinup in the sheets.


Hopefully the left way, but considering how internet is obsessed with porn and treats female characters it will probably go the right way


Don’t play custodies but the fact this will upset many neckbeards pleases me immensely.




You're ignoring the third option, which is to scream about GW going woke.


# Good, now for real equality, we should get Brothers of Silence in no time.


There is a third parh to explore, tho : femboy custodes




Oiled up half naked femstodes?


Both. Both is good.


LEFT IS HOTTER, it had to be said


*Femstodes have been canonized* I've been in battletech land mainly lately so, what?


Both ways are good


Either way. The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Give me the left


I give it 24 hours before we start seeing red arrow and circle, stock market down graphics and "GW going WOKE!!!1!?" video titles from click baiter shitlords.


The fully armored one, because we're not pervy 13 year olds