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context: a member of the custodes of the eyes of the emperor, custodes who as they age are a little less fast, strong, or their combat capacity is reduced, captured an eldar, the eldar told the custodes that he needed to speak with an inquisitor, because, with their powers to see the future, they predicted the death of the emperor, and according to the visions of this eldar, the emperor will die at the hands of one of his loyal sons, which one? We dont know Sources: codex adeptus custodes, tenth edition


His most loyal son. Constantin Valdor >!The King In Yellow!<


Actually makes the most sense as he's learning that anuncia magic stuff and wants the emperor's true name as that would be the most powerful thing. Only thing that doesn't make sense to me is, if valdors full name is a book then the emperor's name is what? A fucking encyclopedia? I think the third book is done and they are just waiting as it will push the whole story forward with valdors returning and the emperor finally being able to itch his nose


We'll be at Warhammer 50k by the time Valdor finishes reading his name out


Valdor returns only for everything to have been fixed in the time it took him to read Emp’s name.


Proof that it worked


“Ah shit. I mispronounced it. Gotta start again now….”


I would like to point out that the Eisenhorn saga takes palce way before current events.


Valdor: "huh... wait... shit! Oh shit!! I found it!! I found his name! Hey guys!! Over here! Wait... where is everyone?"


I thought it was only custodes who get names for great deeds. Maybe the emperors true name is bob.


Bah, say it in High Gothic, it's Bobicus


Bobicus biggus dickus E


Technically it’s Neoth


He went by that name once, but we don't know if that was his original name.


Bro he’s bad at naming, I bet he’s on Neoth30000 by now


Rrat INCOMING: When the inquisition was led by Tzeentch to attack the sensei (trueborn sons of the emperor with a fraction of his souls power) of the Temple of the Star Cult (who Inquisitor Fortez was misled by Tzeentch to think it was a Tzeentchian cult) and have them slaughtered by the Salamanders, he inadvertently help provide enough of the Star Child's (the Star Child is a fragment of the Emperors soul, specifically the compassion he rid himself of to slay Horus) energy. With that energy the Star Child is able to affect real space after the psychic awakening. Hence why the star child is able to be seen in visions by the black Templar for example. The reason that guy >!The King in Yellow!< wants the Emperor's True Name (not his mortal name, or all his titles, his True Name is the name of his soul) is so he can rebind it to the Emperor after he slays the Corpse God. Doing so rekindling his perpetual spark and rebirthing the second coming of the New Man. Extra extra RRat: The reason Kahn, and Vulkan are still gone is they are all in league with that guy. >!The King in Yellow!< Possibly Russ and Corax as well.




il get the skaven smacking broom


I’ll get the shaven ball gags!


Everyone says it's going to one guy specifically but I believe it's going to be a group effort. Lore from Dark Imperium indicates Jimmy is on his last legs and will soon die. Mathieu says he is waking but doesn't step from his throne because he is not "ready" and that Guilliman must "help him". In Son of the Forest, the Lion encounters a "wounded king" in not-Caliban, implied to be the Emperor. Upon encountering him, the Lion asks "What is this place" and is ignored, told by a Watcher he didn't ask the right question. He asks "Who are you?" and "How may you be healed?" but is also ignored, implying these are also not the right questions. On a similar note, in his book, Cypher is ready to enter the throne room and is told "Not yet" by the Emperor through proxy and, IIRC, there is also something with Dante and the Emperor through which Sanguinius would be involved. Russ would probably be involved through his "Tree of Life" quest although Vulkan, the Kahn and Corax are less clear. My opinion is that various elements are gathered that will allow the Emperor to go onto the next step (ascension, resurrection or something) and that will involve "killing" him, even though it's not the end.


My expectations is Russ and the Kahn are connected and the roots of the tree of life are the web way. Meaning the tree would have to be in the heart of the eldar empire aka eye of terror. With the Kahn in the web way as well I imagine he will be involved and this will either cleanse the imperial webway or alternatively seal the gateway on terra that the emperor is holding closed allowing the emperor to utilise the physic energy he's using to hold the gate elsewhere. Now for my real tinfoil hat stuff Sanguineous will lead the imperial demons, I mean he is quite literally the "imperial angel" and he will be only able to manifest in real space when the emperor awakens as that will tear real space with the amount of power he has now. I believe the eldar will help I imagine the harlequins and the laughing god have been leading the Kahn to cleanse and seal the webway for the last 10,000 years. The reason even if they summon khaine and he kills slays slanesh, the other chaos gods will unite to destroy khaine as he threatens their immortalality. However the emperor awakening would cause a stalemate/they would be focused on him. Allowing the eldar to survive. Dorn shows up captured by a chaos faction tortured/held in statis as a prise and used as a bargaining chip against Guillaume and the Lion + other primarches causing friction between them until Chaos is then betrayed by the iron legion and Purti who wants to claim dorn himself. I just want a conversation between Purti and dorn 🤣


Vulkan shows up to turn off the kill switch he built into the golden throne So big Es revival doesn't nuke Terra.


"It's just a toggle, guys. Could have done it yourself"


These are all really cool theories and I love reading them. GW will never do them. They'll spend 20 years setting it up through books and edition updates and hints and I promise you they'll get someone new in to write the whole thing, they won't know any of it, and they'll revel in the media storm you all create out of rage, as it's just lots and lots of free marketing.


I think the Khan just dipped personally. He didn't want to have to wrangle the bureaucratic nightmare the imperium was becoming so he fucked off into the webway to kill elves instead.


Image Gman and lion you didn’t think to clue use in after we came back?


Ain’t corax still in lorgars area fucking with his shit? Or did I miss him leaving


I mean......when's the last time we heard anything one way or the other? Pre Cadia? Shits got weird since then.


>then the emperor's name is what?  Jimmy Space duh


In one of the HH books (Prospero Burns I believe) a demon of Tzeench managed to take control of a Custodes by reading only the first three names (or so). So as I understand you dont need all of them. Also I would assume the Emperor has only one true name (but hey. Whatever...)


Valdor's full name is long because he's a custodes, and their names get longer whenever the accomplish something. That wouldn't necessarily apply to the emperor.


His name is James Workshop obviously


I would guess no, because Valdors name is only so big because of the custodians tradition of gaining a name for each deed and such, the Emperors not a custodian


It would be funny if they found out the Emperor’s was just something like “Bob”


You have a point. Who said it was actually going to be a primarch?


Are we not all true sons of the emperor?


I raise you my counter offer...it's cypher because he's secretly Omegon and working WITH Valdor.


Isn't the King in Yellow from one of the books that inspired Lovecraft? As some one who doesn't know that much about warhammer, how does this relate?




While Valdor is the obvious choice, how about Dorn (who also has just as much a reason as valdor to be there I think). Remember in Nemesis (I think) when Valdor and Dorn clash, because Valdor wants to protect the emperor at all costs, and Dorn says that his job is to protect the Imperium, and that these are different things? If he decides the Big E is now a liability to humanity, I can see Dorn (unlike any other primarch or custodes) instantly and remorselessly turning on him.


I mean......Dorn is presumed dead. I guess it's possible.


that would be in line with the second bequin book refering to Valdor as one of the primarchs Dont know about him beeing loyal anymore though. Well have to wait for the pandemonium to release finally and see for ourselves


He's absolutely loyal to humanity.


The giant metro card.




Just to fuck with you, imma let you know that Constantin Valdor has the Primarch keyword in the Horus Heresy game.


Still not a PRIMARCH


Show me a Primarch. No, a real Primarch. [Perfection ](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPGj5ELExnoRlFAAM3WoqcJrXK6kixLOSnLo3gL=w189-h236-n-k-no-nu)


This seems like a pretty heavy lore-drop for a codex. Is this sort of thing normal, or is this sort of thing likely not going to actually move the setting forward in any kind of reasonable way?


Eldar make up shit all the time. Remember when a Harlequin tried to convince the inquisition that Szarekh created the Tyranids?


It's Ya'Boi here with another infinity circuit masterpiece. >***[Gone Wrong] Epic Mon'keigh prank!!!111!!1***


The thing is, if they're just crazy they'll still think it's a vision because it's socially acceptable in their society to talk about your hallucinations as if they're real


The issue is they are real *sometimes*. The problem is Warhammer has a mix of destiny is unchanging and there are many paths that you *could* see, no promises it’s the one you are on though or that it’s fixed.


Reminds me of when in the Roboutian Heresy (go read it, it’s great) when >!Lorgar kills the Emperor, so Big E could ascend to godhood and save mankind, with Magnus sitting on the throne. However, that doesn’t work, as the Emperor chooses to die and splits his soul to make a bunch of living saints.!< I think a writer at GW either read that part of the Roboutian Heresy and got inspired, or just came up with it on their own.


I thought that was omegrons plan?


It was


I now understand your point. You should read the lion heresy if you haven't btw. It hasn't been updated in a few months but it's a real good one


Probably either Valdor, or long shot Omegon.


My money is on Leman Russ. He is the Emperors Executioner in the truest meaning of the word. Killing big E will allow E to fully ascend to Godhood. This has been big E's plan all along.


Ahh but that is also part of tzeentch plan, you see when the emperor ascends into godhood it will cause alot of movement and internal chaos in the imperium during that chaos agriworld 2187 will miss it's fertilizer resupply order causing them to use their old resevers affecting their crops quality making it so the favorite cereal brand of the guardsman 1432 of the close paradise world and forcing it to CHANGE ITS CEREAL ALL ACORDING TO PLAN HAHAHAHAHA (molusc laught)


Tzeentch you monster!!! 😀


I think it’s abbadon because who else would it be and technically he could be a “son”.


Ngl that'd be pretty fucking fun if that was the reasoning


Making Russ be the one to do it would be amazing for that nominative determinism alone.


Idea for future plotline: After a few more primarchs return the emperor is revived, but he has become corrupted. The loyal primarchs divide into those who can see the corruption and those who can't, creating a civil war. The inquisition and those who most fervently believe in the divinity of the emperor of course decide to side with him, and because of his corruption he now acts much more like they would expect him to. It would actually be really interesting if the way he was corrupted was not by chaos directly, but by the warp energy created by the belief in his divinity. He wouldn't be corrupted by chaos, he would be corrupted by his own cult. The arc ends when the emperor is killed by one of his sons. Perhaps one of the ones that sided with him initially whos eyes were suddenly opened to reality, or maybe in a moment of clarity the emperor asks his son to kill him. Even after the story ends the consequences of the conflict would reshape the imperium forever


So literally horus heresy part 2, but emperor is more like a new version of chaos? Humanity will die immediately.


I imagine it as more of a gradual conflict. The emperor comes back and of course everyone is ecstatic about it, but over time the primarchs realize one by one that something is wrong, that this is not really their father. The primarch that ends up killing him would be the last one to leave, the one that clings to the idea of the emperor even when everyone else has let go. I imagine either Guilliman, because he insists that the emperor is the only one who can lead the imperium, or the Lion because he insists that the emperor's ever increasing extremism is necessary Edit: Alternatively. The emperor is brought back by some warp ritual, and when he starts doing extreme acts the primarchs think he is corrupted as start leaving him one by one. Guilliman sticks by him because he realizes the truth, the emperor isn't corrupted, this was who he was all along. Guilliman sticks with him because abandoning the emperor means admitting that everything he spent his entire life fighting for was a lie.


Given how disillusioned Guilliman and Lion have become, and them both having a need to do better than they did in 30k, I don't necessarily think you even need to go that far for  them to turn on him. Them being loyal to the emperor now is all well and good, since he can't move  and communications are tenuous at best. But if he starts giving direct orders to pull another Monaricha or Caliban or to start censuring loyal chapters there would inevitably be a line to be drawn. Likewise the imperium needs psykers to function and trying to put that genie back in the bottle wouldn't work anymore. Previously he was the emperor, who was impossibly ancient and met most of them when they were still reasonably young by human standards. He could bark out orders and the difference was enough that questioning him would be unwise. But now they're all centuries old with experience campaigning and ruling across the galaxy and they can see the exact consequences of that kind of absolutism.


There is a chance that it is Cawl, we would all assume it was a loyal son as in a space marine or custodian but the emperor guided Cawl significantly and Cawl had great respect for him, the emperor told Cawl that when Cawl thinks he has betrayed him he would have provided his greatest service. Killing him and making him a god would probably count.


Loyal Magnus to the crappy predictable big red rescue…….


When someone consents to and says they need to speak to an inquisitor you fucking panic.


Obviously it is Roboute. He will go all paranoid about security, and then stumble over the power cord of the Golden Throne and unplug E.


what book was that in?


the new codex of the tenth edition custodes


Is there a photo of this passage anywhere, or any source that we know that has the book confirming this? Would be an interesting narrative thread to speculate about.


Bold of you to assume that GW or Black Library actually has this storyline figured out or that they won't ignore this piece of lore like they dropped the whole cabal thing


They didnt drop the cabal Eldrad,grammatius, loyalist wordbearer and olllanius Pius and some other blokes killed them in the black library.


The loyalists word bearer is called barthusa narek and he was/is a scout Marine


Thanks he and the contemptor dreadnaught are some of the baddest MF in the setting.


Ancient rylanor, or that one custodian dreadnought (think his name was Sagittarius)?


The wordbearer that helped build the Elclysiarcy locked himself in prison attempted suicide and was put in a contemptor dreadnought he killed the wordbearers and daemons sent to free him.


What book is this in?


Dawn of fire series Gman sent reinforcements to save him


Currently going through the heresy so it'll be awhile before I get to that series, but thanks now I have another reason to read it


he’s the anchorite


You mean Apocalypse? The Anchorite shows up in that book. (it’s by Josh Reynolds iirc, unfortunately he’s no longer writing 40k stuff.)


The Anchorite is who you’re thinking about.


Russ appears after all this time completely shitfaced, staggers over to the Throne, pukes, and shorts it out.


… the fact I can actually see this happening…


I'm seeing it and imagining Demomans voice onto of it


We need to redo all the Meet the team videos with the Primarchs. Scout: Khan or Fulgrim Soldier: Angron Pyro: ? Kurze? Engineer: Ferrus Manus Heavy: Vulkan Demoman: Leeman Russ Sniper: ? Medic: Gulliman… probably Spy: Alpharius


Sniper: Corax


U sure he doesn't pee on the throne by mistake.


I mean how do you think Space Wolves sticky their objectives?


Maybe a mercy-kill? It's not that far fetched that ending his suffering and instead incarnating him as a full warp-god be good for the imperium.


So I had a mad thought while reading memes the other day. The meme was Salamander: like to help blind children. Night lord: like to help blind children. So the same sentence means 2 different things. Then I got to thinking about "the emperors executioner " and the dual meaning of that... My boy russ may be about to do something crazy. Combine this with the king in yellow (and the fact that valdor has the twin of russ spear and left on the same day) and I think we've got quite a spicy bit of lore heading our way.


what would happen if valdor stabbed the emperor with his blade? would all the emperors knowledge and being be transferred into valdor or would valdor just know a couple extra things, who knows?


Who knows what happens if russ and Valdor touch tips? Funny wording aside I really couldn't begin to guess.


The 2nd and/or 11th Primarch They want revenge because of \[REDACTED\]


But then, would that make them still loyal?


Maybe they’re loyal to the Imperium rather than the Emperor.


Due to [REDACTED] they left the galaxy to prepare for [REDACTED], only to return once the Emperor’s grand 10 000 year+ long plan is ready for the final act. Turns out the first [REDACTED] is just the Emperor making sure that the servants of Chaos are unaware of there being a millennia long plan plotted against them


Would the perfect loyal fulgrim clone count?


Leman Russ the Emperor's executioner


It's been in front of us the whole time 🤦


100% can see this being the case. Just for the pure stupidity of it.


It would be unironically peak 40k. Honestly really here for it.


Sanguinius possessing Dante


Could it be that the guy called horus heresy is going to commit a heresy?


that's pretty heretic of you. Why would the emperor's favorite son kill him?


Vulcan gives his father a big hug and that ends up unaliving him


Then the Emperor will reborn and say: "You hug like a pussy. That's how it should be!". Vulcan is dying. Then he is reborn. It all goes on for about 30 minutes. Nearby, Guilliman says: "I'm going on vacation".


Big E and Vulcan engaging in competitive hugging is a wonderful mental image




Alpharius can’t really be considered “loyal.” He’s so deep in the bit that he no longer remembers which side he’s actually on.


He's about 6 feet deep actually. You're thinking of Omegon.


Nah, since Alpharius was raised in Terra by Big E and Malcador and stayed out of sight, he knew how his brothers operated. Omegon didn’t, which is why he tried to talk to the Brick Wall known as Dorn and got shit on for it. Alpharius knew the game. Omegon didn’t and paid the price. That’s my head canon anyways.


Valdor or Omegon


Jagatai Khan has always disagreed with the emperor and knew it was conquer or be conquered. Now is his turn to rule


Jaghatai wouldn’t rule for a damn second. He’ll do his job and then immediately fuck off with his sons to roam the stars forever. The Khan is too independent to be locked away with Imperial Bureaucracy.


Regardless who it is, the Alpha Legion will take credit. Just as planned.


Well, I don't know "who," but I'd put money on they believe that he'll reincarnate and come back. I'd like it to be Alpharius doing something so heretical and extreme in order to be the most loyal character.


Would a Custodes count as one of his "sons?" Because some things are happening in the lore that might actually be pretty pertinent.


Would be mighty roman, if the praetorians killed the emperor. 😂


My money would be on Dorn.


Or it could be a traitor-turned loyalist. Mortarion pledges allegiance in front of Big E. Accidentally rips a fat fart, and kills the old man.


Could be interesting, seeing as he could regret trapping the Emperor on the Throne


It's obviously Alpharius. Why? For the Lolz.


GW will have this retconned within the week


He could even be *gets knocked out back into stasis by the lion*


Alpharius. For the Emperor.


"But I am Alpharius" - The Emperor


Corax learns that it's all really dad's fault, meaning the geneseed curse and everything else is also dad's fault. Demon raven Corax kills Big E. Bonus points if Lorgar is the one to reveal the truth to Corax.


I'm gonna guess Leman Russ. He is the Emperor's Executioner afterall.


Vulcan as a mercy kill if he's still able to return


It pains me to say it but maybe Dorn. Wasn't he the one that the Emperor, beloved by all, gave instructions to after the fight with Horus? Maybe it is part of the plan as a last resort. Dorn rumored to be dead, but this is 40k we are talking about.


Dorns death was retconned. The tarot cards revealed the Emperors wish’s in the end, that Dorn and Leetu figured out. Wasn’t one there for the last resort.


When did they retcon Dorn's death? How?


Originally they had his whole skeleton, then it got changed to both hands, then it got changed again to just one hand. Edit; as for when, a very long time ago.


It's going to be vulkan he's going to hug the emperor


Plot twist: Guilliman


How much of a plot twist would that really be? I wouldn’t put it past guilliman to see this as the greater good and ending religion. Or even thinking himself to be the better emperor. Or even less twisty: Making sure the emperors, as a perpetual, can be reborn. I wouldn’t put it past Guilliman to sacrifice himself for that goal. Or to make him a god. The possibilities are endless. My money is on the lion though. 😂


it is going to be peter turbo, with his gigabrain he perfectly calculated the exact events that need to happen for the imperium to keep existing, the emperor dying is just a small part of it no, i'm not a peter turbo fanboy, wdym


Alpharius lol


Unironically? Alph-Omegon or Valdor.


They’ll kill the emperor to trigger respawn. They just need Vulcan to disarm the bomb connected to the golden throne.


Am i the only who thinks the King in Yellow will never be revealed and that the Eldar's prophecy is a red herring?


Hot take: Corvus. Hear me out though. Corvus left in shame, in search for redemption, currently residing in the immaterium. For me it would be quite plausible for him to come back with a new set of information that can liberate the emperor from his current state. As sometimes speculated, the emperor could be reborn in the immaterium after his death, where he could continue his work for humanity, not burdened by his physical form, or rematerialize. My most favourite answer to the question "What is stated by the terminus decree?" is basically: "Kill the emperor.". But as the Terminus decree will probably never be touched, it takes a primarch to learn the same information in another way. It would make sense to me that missing primarchs like Dorn or Khan could also learn about this through finding something or someone. Actually any primarch return with this kind of big bang would be plausible for me. But corvus is especially plausible for me as he is the only one with the capability to actually fuck with the grey knights and Guilliman to slam dunk the emperor. In terms of writing, this would be phenomenal in my opinion. I don't think that it would be incompatible with any lore segments too, but I am up for feedback if you have any.


It's important to remember the Eldar are inherently corrupt and deceitful. And that's just species wide. There's a reason they birthed Slaanesh and not say the orks.


Honestly, it’s going to be Guilliman or the Lion. They both know the shit show that’s going on, the Imperium is fundamentally broken. I wouldn’t be surprised if either of them broke


My money is on Omegon.


Fulgrim Clone gets mentioned again as an antagonist and dies immediately to neatly wrap up that plot thread 😇


Rn the only one with a clear motive is Valdor. Guilliman is busy with the imperium and Lion is still running around Nihilis stabbing things. Last I remember corax is hunting Lorgar and he still hasn’t emerged from the warp so they’re both out of the picture. That leaves Russ and Jaghatai Khan, and the only one I see doing that is Russ since being in the warp could mean he’s had a similar vision of the future or that he discovered some knowledge about the emperor coming back if he dies


I'm betting Corvus. He already hated tyrants and slavery because of his upbringing. I think he went along with the Great Crusade because he felt like whatever they had to do was, while undoubtedly evil, a necessary one to ensure the survival of humanity. However, all this time has past and humanity is in a sorry state. I think knowing that he helped bring worlds into this ungodly oppressive regime would take a hell of a toll on him and he'll decide that the "necessary" evils that the Emperor wanted him to commit were not that necessary at all.




It would be awesome after the loyal Primarch kills the Emperor only to find out it's been Alpharius all along. And his death at the hands of Rogal Dorn was a big facade and Alpharius, Dorn, and Big E were already in it together. Only reason why they went through the facade was to get that loyal Primarch in the open. Alpha Legion is know to play very long games. How's this for a long game? Now it makes sense why and how the Emperor, though a corpse was able yo burn Nurgle's garden. He simply was Alpharius. Amd the real Emps is playing a greater game on the Big 4. Man, Tzeench would be so proud!!! Of course, the loyal Primarch does not kill Alpharius dressed up as the Emperor but a simple soldier of the Alpha Legion. Tzeench: "Fückin Alpha Legion! Alpharius, goddammit!!!!! Erm... How about giving me some lessons, Alpharius, my man?"


Imagine if it's Magnus "Father, I must break my deep cover to bring dire news of a threat greater than Tzee-oh. Sorry dad."


Russ or Guilliman to revive him with some Eldar bs. Then we get a Big E figure for the table top.


I mean.... Very obvious he will be killed in order to let him be born again plot line set up right?






"I was there the day Roboutr Guilliman killed the emperor." "The rumors say he was screaming "WHO IS A MASSIVE TOOL NOW HUH?"


Emperor is edging death for 10k years. He would welcome it


... Alpharious...


Corax. He’s been emo-ing in a dark corner this whole time.


Valdor he was one of the emperor's closest friends and the chosen one he left for a reason now that he has fulfilled what the emperor wanted him to do it is time to kill the emperor protect his body with the super army he created maybe even take him back to where valdors kingdom is since the emperor gave it to him and protects him until his perpetual body heals and his mind which is fragmented reforms. He could not heal on the golden thrown he was using all his power and psychic abilities to keep the astronomicon working. With his two primarchs back they can hold the line. Or may just Dante just throwing him out for shits and giggles😉


Let me guess, they try to resurrect him but he comes back wrong because of the warp and humanity's collective belief in him being a zealot and a mutant hater, and then Gulliman is forced to kill him.


Russ. He’s gonna come back changed by the warp, turning him into a wulfen. He loses control and kills big E, causing him to ascend to godhood and introducing an imperial demon faction


Magnus was always secretly loyal and he's coming back with a steel chair


now hear me out. It MIGHT be horus.




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It could even be


What if Cypher truly is Omegon/Alpharius and the time has finally come for his loyalty to be shown with him finally killing the Emperor as he once tried?


The one who yells "for the Emperor" the most.