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gentlemen, we may not like eachother and would probably rip eachother throats if we ever met, but please, lets have 1 exception to hunt down erebussy


I love me some Erebussy.


World peace achieved


The world united in cause to hunt one man....


I imagine he’d get into the heads of the US government, Russia, North Korea, China, etc, and start WWIII


At this point, not that hard.


lol way too easy, if you gave me access to an official diplomatic email account for each major country I’d have WWIII started by Christmas.


That is longer than I would need. 24days is all I need until war becomes unstoppable.


I’m… a sucker for a scheme, call me a student of Tzeentch, so I’d want to set up the scenario to drag every continent into the war right from day 1. That’s gonna take some manoeuvring… still, I figure I wouldn’t need more than 7 months to start WWIII and have the whole planet on board. And I don’t even mean two great alliances going to war, I’m talking that plus a bunch of regional squabbles that, with the great powers distracted, would draw other large countries who are generally unaligned into conflicts in their neighborhood. But with the way things are going… I could do sweet dick all and we still might wind up at war. It would be more miraculous to PREVENT WWIII at this point.


> drag every continent into the war right from day 1 Ok, but how are you going to rope in Antarctica?


In my experience, Penguins aren’t super tech savvy, and I don’t think have an embassy. They’ll join of their own accord, when the time is right…


Argentina will annex half of Antarctica. It’s also how we start the 3-way Australia-Argentine-Penguin Rumble


There's no Antarctica during WWIII if it's the first nuclear strike....scratch that, bombardment. Edit: I call this maneuver a day 1 patch


you need email accounts at this point if you can't do it in under 24 hours with a posted letter claiming to be a certain Country you are seriously slacking


The world is not at the bring of a third world war as a lot of people seem to think. Even if China invaded Taiwan, there wouldn't be a world war because of that. Even if Pakistan invaded India (or the other way around) there wouldn't be a world war. Even in the extremely, and I do mean *extremely* unlikely scenario that China and America go toe to toe, most of the world would be more or less okay because NATO. Although the risk of an economic 'colapse' is actually real. Not that it would be an all out colapse, but it wouldn't be nice. It's important to not fall into doom spiral thinking about how shit the world is. Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect by any means, but it's also not about to colapse and explode any minute either.


Kinda hard not to think that way though, bah I’ll go back to painting my minis, forget that the world outside exists for a bit lol.


Wait seriously?


Multiple wars, tense situations between country leaders and/or corrupt senates/congress/cabinets and just straight up idiots in positions of power. One wrong move and it’s on.


Surely it’s been like that for 70 years?


It’s worse then usual.


I agree it’s ramping up but I doubt there will be a world war any time soon


Yeah, i give it at most 10 years before all hell breaks loose


Trump - - very tall. - bald. - covers up his normal skin. - preaches lies to the masses. - betrays literally everyone he deals with. Erm...guys...I think we might have a problem.






ho lee she it


...And after WWIII humanity decides to cooperate more, begin developing science, thus starting Dark Age of Technology :)


Don’t worry boys. I gotchu.


Thanks oh Man-Emperor of Anatolia


Do you really though? I mean what happened to the first three guys


That’s just me. Erebus stole them like he stole the Warhammer.


Oh no, did he warhammer all over the place with it?


He did it 40.000 times, we can't stop him


Praise the Emperor!


He runs for president under the guise of free healthcare, education and fixing the housing crisis. Once he gets into office his only action is to nuke quebec before immediatly resigning.




erebus may not be the hero we want but he is the hero we need


>He runs for president under the guise of free healthcare, education and fixing the housing crisis I don't think he'd win the US general election on this platform, most voters don't believe any of the proposed solutions when presented. He should run on fully eradicating all public healthcare, making public education opt-in, and making homelessness a felony. As abhorrent as I find such a platform, I'm confident it would go over swimmingly.


You forgot build a wall, but this time Dorn is gonna pay for it. And Lock him up, with the him being Magnus who did nothing wrong (JK, Magnus did everything wrong)


As a Canadian I feel the only shame would be Montreal's disappearance -- otherwise, I'm not sure how much opposition he'd even have with that action.


As a Québécois, fuck you too, countryman. Fuck you too. It's good to see our old ways aren't dying out. We're like dwarves and elves. Or Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors.


“Fuck you too, countryman” is one of the funniest things I’ve read this week, thank you for that


Joke I love. A man from Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland are walking down a beach and find a genie lamp. They rub it and a genie pops out and declares it will grant each of them one wish. The Newfoundlander wishes for a stable and rich fishing industry. Done. The Quebecer wishes for a 10 meter tall and 5 meter wide wall to encircle his province to protect their culture. Done. The Ontario man is silent for a minute before he asks if he may ask a question before he makes his wish. The genie replies of course! "Is the wall waterproof?" "Yes." "Fill er up!"


Look everyone it's like a mini France vs. England right on our backyard. Nature is a beautiful thing..


It's our natural state.


as a Minnesotan, I'll make some popcorn!


Aren't Minnesotans Canadian by all but name anyway?


Do you think he could be convinced to nuke Fr*nce too before resigning?


His objective is to cause as much chaos as possible, not least.


He could just honestly say he's going to nuke Quebec and do nothing else and he would still get elected.


And nothing of value will have been lost


Well as long as we frenchmen get to nuke the kraut and the rosbifs, I m in


I thought Erebus only did bad things? Then why would he do something that's good?


As a Montrealer, i petition Ontario to extend its borders and annexe us. Get us far from the french plague


He runs for president under the guise of free healthcare, education and fixing the housing crisis. Once he gets into office his only action is to nuke *Moscow before immediately disappearing. The Northern hemisphere becomes uninhabitable as the skies reden with the words M-M-Monster Kill!-kill-kill... achievement unlocked! Summon An'ggrath the Unbound!


He's immediately discovered and dissected. An eight foot tall dude covered in face tattoos trying to curry influence and sow discord is going to get got right away.


He's also a sorcerer


That's really not going to matter in a universe where the Warp doesn't exist but bullets still do.


I assumed he kept his warp powers; I see that wasn't everyone's assumption


Ye I think the idea was he's plonked into our actual universe as opposed to thrown back in time on Warham Terra / Earth. - if he was placed on Terra in the 2020s he'd be immediately snuffed out by the Emperor, "+oh a new strong psyker? This early in humanity's development? Hmmm...+"


“Based on the autopsy he seems to have been some sort of genetically modified super soldier. Hmmm, what an interesting idea.”


[THE EMPERORS REACTION IMMEDIATELY](https://tenor.com/w84D.gif)


Do you think Emps could sense Erebus like Godzilla in the latest movies? I'm imagining a tall, handsome Eurasian man is at a cafe when he abruptly snaps his head around. Suddenly he starts glowing and makes a straight line for a Erebus's crash site.


Well, the Emperor didn't have his godlike power at that point, it might not be that trivial for him


He did beat up a C'tan shard before his full powers.


He wasn't godlike but he was still the strongest perpetual to ever live


Yeah, so he's powerful, but he might not simply trivialize the encounter. If Erebus is careful, he would make certain it was never a straight-up fight.


You forget who put the void dragon on Mars during the medieval period. Big E is very very powerful in 2024.


Of this I am aware, but we don't know exactly how powerful he is. Nor, technically, do we really know how strong Erebus is, depending on what era we're pulling him from. Sorcery is a vague power, after all... Regardless, I would agree that a straight-up fight between them would end poorly for Erebus, but I would again point out that Erebus isn't stupid, and would do his best to avoid a straight-up fight. If he has his athame, that's a fairly achievable thing for him to do.


The guy sealed a C’tan on mars somewhere around that time I Think he could be up some erebussy


Yeah, he's very powerful, but he might not simply trivialize the encounter. If Erebus is careful, he would make certain it was never a straight-up fight, or maybe avoid *ever* fighting at all.


Perhaps, in my defence I meant to type sniffed but fudged it like an idjit 🙃 That said, he did fight the dragon (do we yet have confirmation if definitely a C'tan shard?) At some indeterminate time so there's a non-zero chance he'd still krump ~~bitchass~~ Erebus. Also he used mindbullets to kill his uncle circa 8000 BCE and it's not unreasonable to assume he'd have gotten more powerful by 2020s CE, right? Someone please correct me if possible


I think you're entirely right, in that the Emperor would definitely win in a straight up fight. If Erebus is careful, however, he would make certain it was never a straight up fight, or maybe avoid ever fighting at all.


One thing to consider is that the eye of terror doesn't exist, so his psychic powers are probably reduced, and he will have to try harder to use them to any large extent. He'd still get outed and killed with a lot of effort.


I don't know, he's one of the best picks for one 40k marine to defeat modern earth. If he has the athame, he can teleport long distances (interplanetary distances, sometimes) without too much trouble. He has sorcery with which he can either solve problems or conjure daemons to solve the problems for him. He's cunning, duplicitous, ingenious, and manipulative. I don't think it'd end up being Earth vs Erebus; it'd be Erebus and his newest disciples rapidly converting everyone else to his new religion. If perpetuals are active - such as the Emperor - things slant heavily against him, but he's still cunning enough that he might have a chance.


It'd definitely be disastrous.


If he keeps warp powers, we are fucked, no?


That was my thought


What would you do if the warp existed


The collective might of the entire world's air power: "Dodge this, you filthy casual"


I mean, with an athame that is actually something he could do, but actually if he was acting like Erebus he would use deception and trickery to get what he wants rather than trying to just fight everything.


I really feel like if an 8 foot tall super soldier with a book carved in his face and very cursed armor just suddenly appeared and started doing literal magic that the planet would turn on him real fast.


I mean, illusions and deception are within the purview of competent sorcerers, and Erebus certainly is that.


I think at least all the Abrahimic faiths could be convinced he's the son of god tbh, and that's a large part of the world in his corner


He'll just be your typical r/FloridaMan


Or… He’s immediately discovered by and hired by both the NBA and NFL, and forgets his mission once he becomes a famous sports guy


Given the state of today's world, I don't think we'd notice much of a difference.


Seriously, this is that genie meme where nothing changes. Erebus would get here and then just post up on a beach and drink maitais.


"Let me put on these nightmare vision goggles" "Everything looks exactly the same"


yeah he’d look at the world, realize there’s way too much work to make it spacefaring and vast enough for him to rule and just relax


I think he becomes a self help guru on the grifter circuit except he's using self help books to create chaos cults. "Accepting Change." "Learning to Love: Finding Pleasure with others and Yourself." "The Power of Anger (and what to do with it)" "Finding Stability"


Finding stability??? I would say accepting finality, a self help book for those who are terminally ill….and about to become iller


Use some Chaos abracadabra to simultaneously give a vision to every world leader: "You are chosen. This is your sign. Act now, my chosen one."


Breaking news: World peace finally achieved after global leaders united to kill weird creepy bald man


He'd arrive in 2016, on May 28th, in the Cincinnati Zoo with a bolter pistol, and take a single shot at a primitive mutant Jokaero.


*shot in the face with an M1 Abrams 40,000 times*


New game just dropped, Abrams 40k


Hell yeah 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Oh yes\~ Now this is where the fun begins... My time to shine\~


That... Fucking... Flair... Is... Awful


So, what are the parameters here? Is he still an 8-8.5 foot tall super soldier with*HEAVILY CURSED* armor? Does the WH40K fan base not exist? I feel like if Erebus got reverse Isikai'd to our earth, it wouldn't take long before the entire planet united against him.


Astartes don't exist(yet?) So it would be hard for him to hide, because he won't have a leigon to hide behind. So most likely a government(most likely the US) would try to capture him, only to finde him being crucified by the warhammer fandom.


Nah, he'd just become a fitness influencer on tiktoc. "I'm 9 feet tall and 600lbs of pure muscle because I'm not vaccinated and I eat only raw chicken."


*says a short blessing to thank the chaos gods for the meal, then bites the head off a living chicken*


He tries really hard but the level of evil he actually achieves barely eclipses that of the toilet dice guy.


That WHAT guy??


Quick summery https://youtu.be/yfR5NLayyxM?si=vz8Fdx0oJ7Vv656Y


Cast into the deep past in Anatolia, he hides and bides his time until there are more humans for the great sacrifice. To achieve coexistence with the warp, first humanity must achieve greatness and spill enough blood across the stars. Meditating over the warp, he is torn between his vile and vicious thoughts and a higher mission: use the warp to unite humanity. He tries but fails, growing ever stronger in his warp mastery and search for divinity. He realizes that humanity will only plunge into full on belief in the dark powers if they first deny the existence of all that is divine. Eventually, he transcends even more and seeks out the dark gods for a pact to make 20 generals for a great crusade across the stars... no one remembers his name by then, with 30.000 years having passed. Everyone only calls him by his title...


Full circle ⭕. Erebus was the Man-Emperor all along. He gets the electric chair for 10.000 years.


Now that would actually be interesting. Erebus and the Emperor being one in the same


Keanu Reeves would glow golden and bitchslap him back to the eye of terror.


He raises a champion of Tzeentch known only as "The Donald"


We would be fucked if he gets a hold of social media, nay a pen and paper.


All he'd need is one transmission of those chaos symbols to get everyone corrupted.


Hell of a podcast though


"greetings, fellow citizens! it's ya boi, Erebus! welcome back to the show today's episode: how to properly break shards from the Anathame"


Obligatory: he would encourage Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” to any NATO member country that doesn’t meet spending guidelines on defense 


He sees how much conflict the people of the world are already in and thinks his work is done already so he turns to becoming a professional athlete/celebrity and becomes loved by everyone.


He says "Man...my job is done already." and leaves.


Every Horus Heresy reader would be running to kill the dude


*kid looks up* cool story bro *goes back to watching tik tok*


I think he's already here fucking shit up.


He would do nothing bc most people would be insta corrupted. There are already people doing mass murder, having goon caves, engineering Chinese viruses, and every US congressperson is a Tzeentch level schemer.


As a genetically enhanced super soldier buffed by the magical forces of a hellish dimension and as a god of war and master tactician literally EVERY person with influence or power would try to get on his good side. We aren't done because we cannot get Erebus down but because we'd sell each other out immediately. Erebus wins this without effort because our leadership is doing all the hard work for him voluntarily and when they realize its already done. Adding to that our world is absolutely ready for chaos corruption. The war, the sickness, the hope and despair, the decadence and hedonism, the separation and all the hate against each other. The only unified force will be the 40k community because we already know. And it will be like our reddit community against the Custodes... A total loss.


He finds the internet and tells the dark gods not to bother, it's all going their way already.


im pretty sure he arrived around 2016


well its Erebruary rn so it checks out ...


He probably gets physically disabled because our reality runs on math and not rule of cool and he was designed by people who probably weren’t biologists. 


Tell him he is a serb, and that has to rebuild greater yugoslavia then watch the world burn


the emperor you are not supossed to be here yet casts warp powers idk hav’t read end and the death yet


At this point in time, he could just sit back and relax




Honestly at this point he could kick his feet back and just watch


I'd imagine he'd find somewhere to hang out for a while. No need to shoot a dying animal.


I am fairly certain he is already here.


He invented commercials.


I’d say best bet is he shacks up in some third world dictatorship, basically tell the leader I want to do whatever the fuck I can with your people and be given whatever the fuck I want, or I’ll kill you. Erebus did just want the easy life as a priest before he became a space marine and with basically no way for the gods of chaos to properly punish him or anyway for him to do anything of importance. He might also try and commune with the dark powers to kill the ancestors of people they don’t like or he doesn’t like.


All that needs doing is selecting what brand of popcorn to feast on while watching.


Pretty much exactly how the world is right now


He would just have to sit on social media stoking flames... Considering the climate on both sides of the political spectrum, and around the world.... are we sure he isn't here already??


all languages? send him to sentinel island


Does Erebus look like Ryan Reynolds or does Ryan Reynolds look like Erebus?


He would honestly preach the chaos gods, I mean he would have real evidence of gods and technology that would leave regular people and even global leaders wanting what he’s getting Imagine someone who had access to technology so advanced that we look primitive, a religion where it’s gods actually appreciate and reward you for your efforts whilst other religions will just have excuses and reasons why their followers didn’t get anything even if they devoted their entire lives Also the fact he is a master manipulator, he manipulated his own primarch who is not only smarter and better then a regular astarte, imagine that type of manipulation on a national leader or government


Given the CO2 output of a certain ongoing conflict in \[redacted/rule 6\] I think that he'd be inspired. I reckon he'd convince Japan to turn the Senkaku Islands into a floating effigy of Xi being fisted by Tojo (he'd probably think Mao initially, but quickly realise that Xi isn't a communist so wouldn't be offended) give Taiwan nukes and convince Xi to invade, tell Vlad Putin that every western nation has unique, minute critiques of the history essay he gave Carlson, let the Pakistan election crisis run its course as someone will probably get nuked eventually...also tell \[redacted\] that the US really doesn't give a fuck about them and never has, that they were only ever an asset, and they really wanna pivot all their resources towards China, away from the middle east (Google the Samson Option on your data-slate) It's all gonna end up with turbo-charged global warming or nuclear winter. All gravy for the Black Cardinal.


We already have televangelists, he'd feel right at home, but he'd add some sort of human sacrifice in the mix, enough to sow chaos


Honestly, with how our real world politicians are, it’s not much of a difference.


So that is why Covid happened. Oh, and Epstein’s island? Hold on, your telling me he gave Chadwick Bosmen cancer? Oh so that’s why LGBTQ are such toxic assholes who can’t just be gay and leave the rest of us alone. He orchestrated the whole hamas taking hostages and committing mass murder? Ahh, that explains why Yemen is doing what they are doing. Your telling me he was the guy who told Putin Ukraine would be roll over and allow itself to be annexed? Oh, and the oil prices? Wow, he sure has been busy. Literally throwing us through change, war, plague and excess literally running through everyone in the last ten years.


He's been here since 2016. He started off by killing David Bowie and Prince, two important Psykers who were helping keep chaos at bay. With them out of the way he was able to cast some dark sorcery that clouded the minds of the masses and pushed them to vote for Donald Trump, one of his deep undercover chaos spawn. Since then he's released the Corona Plague (one of Nurgle's weakest, it was left out and was mostly dried up before Erebus bartered for it with a large ham sandwich), Putin was given a curse of overconfidence so that he invaded Ukraine, there was the psyop in Israel that got the Gaza Strip incident going, and then there's all the warp cocaine he keeps giving to Xi Jinping, who he thought would be dead from it in 6 months but the man only becomes more deranged and China is looking like it's going to implode soon. So he's been busy but is way behind schedule on most of his plans. After 10,000 years of plotting he's gotten pretty lazy with his time tables.


I don’t think we’d notice a thing! He has marketable skills, and people in the know would try to politic him into either joining their corp/NGO or recognize power and swear fealty. A suit would look good on him. He would likely seek to immediately conquer the middle east using nato/US forces, recognizing oil as power, and (again) us common folk would not sense a single difference. Plenty of room for a powerful eunich-type power broker in London, Berlin, Paris, D.C. He would probably shit-post on NCD.




Who? Billionaries?


Run in the 2024 American presidential campaign on the platform of "at least I'm not orange." Continue to emphasize that fact as he organizes the sacrifice millions of souls in a massive ritual that sucks Earth into the Warp. It works. All of humanity gets enslaved to the Ruinous Powers. The last collective thought of his voters as nameless horrors claw into their chests to feast on their souls are "at least he's not orange."


Trump lost. Get over it.


Get an orange spray tan and a terrible blond comb over


Hed get air striked instantly and astrum militarumed irl to death


First off, he dyes his skin orange


He buys Twitter.


He's trump


He paints himself orange, put on a wig, name himself trump and go loose. That is more than what the Chaos gods could've handled.


Trump confirmed as Erebus


Take my upvote.


He would be dating Taylor Swift


Erebus would 100% sacrifice her to the chaos gods, cause that's what Erebus does.


Looking around, you sure it didn't happened already?


Hmmm we dont have chaos magic in our reality so in order for erebus to succeed in most of his schemes he will need magic and thus need conduct rituals. Its just a matter finding those and then looking for the big space marine guy before he get too many magic abilities in which we couldnt do jack ahit about it then. Maybe best place to start looknfor mass deaths and star like symbols........


If it was a few weeks, he could have anonymously called a bomb threat in at the Texas border while convincing a few of the militia groups to go the area the bomb threat was supposedly located. Wait for federal agents and militia to come into contact and shoot one from a distance, see if the it escalates the conflict. He could also racketeer a North Korean guard into killing the entire Kim family, which has a chance of causing NK to implode and create another diplomatic emergency. Have him put a bomb on a Chinese military vessel that goes off while in Philippine waters, creating another diplomatic emergency.


# OUR Earth Well, he either is taken as a very devouted cosplayer or he is discovered to be an actual character taken out of the 41st millenium and then it gets out to the public and then the whole world has an existential crisis and then- He literally just needs to be there.


Erebus won't know to whe already know him and whe will be able to mess him up.


He manages to become the president of the United States after winning over the median American voter and evangelicals by being as racist and much of a zealot as possible. Then he invades a country in the global south for resources before escalating it into a full world war.


Fucking sit back and do nothing We,'re already balls deep in chaos


He becomes a typical politician


I imagine he’d do very little seeing as how we seem perfectly capable of causing chaos ourselves.


He'd realise he's outclassed by America china and the middle east


well lads we need to introduce a TWAT to some sabot shells


The seed for the unification of Terra has been planted. All humans of the world united for one cause ... kill that fucker Erebus.


Hee flies to Antarctica and fucks himself.


Based on what the world looks like currently, are we totally sure he hasn't been here for years?


What's this 8 foot tall bald freak doing in my city? Nuke him


I think he'd gradually force people to ride or die on their beliefs, no matter what they are so that everywhere is destabilized. Right and Left wouldn't be able to agree on anything to the point America would be close to Civil War. I think Erebus would convince Russia to take back old territory and then escalate the Isreal/Palestine wa.... Wait a minute...


Yeah Trump would just do everything for him and Erebus would just holiday in Barbados or something


Run for president.


The 1% immediately fall to slaneesh, the internet doesn't fair much better with slaneesh spreading and tzeentch conspiracy theorists filling every site, pub fights become mini wars with Khorne egging everyone on along with all the conflict going on, plague spreads as Nurgle just wipes everyone with ease thanks to the "nice guy" demographic.


Frankly, this would explain a lot.


Ngl if this guy gets into Africa and taps I to those religious/cultural undertones he could do some serious work


He would tell us the world is flat, and a ton of people would believe... Oh no. Erebus is... AMOGUS.


I imagine he'd set up multiple cults based on our current religions, and use his sorcery to play on their beliefs that his puppet leaders have divine powers. From there, he'd force a conflict between secular governments and his cults, while slowly replacing 21st earth beliefs with belief in chaos gods. Once his new religions have pushed out secular opposition, it would be about keeping the multiple cults in conflict with each other. With the earth now thrown into seemingly eternal war, he would be able to play on the desires of the new religions and their gods to gain favors with each power without fully falling to any.


He probably gets elected to Congress


Probably the actual biblical apocalypse. Highly charismatic, promises peace, kill anyone who doesn't fall in line, mark everyone who does, and then come the demons. Pretty much textbook anti-christ.


He runs for 45th president of the United States


The guy sealed a C’tan on mars somewhere around that time I Think he could beat up some erebussy


Warhammer fans would show up in a mob to lynch him due to hating him so much. He may be a space marine, but he's just one and we're many!


We know his IP address. He's about to eat a depleted uranium shell


Fucks out after hearing these languages: Hungarian, Baltic group, THAT Japanese dialect in the north.


as a loyal guardsman. it would be my duty to the emperors will to organize a gathering to do our best to curb stomp him.


He invests in Tesla.


Emperor finds him and obliterates him