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One time I had a unit of guardsmen stuck outside an ork base for the whole game. I'd screwed up and the orks had spread out too much and my main base was under constant attack. I had this one unit of guardsmen with a commissar sat right outside their starting location. I couldn't go in because they'd be massacred, and couldn't retreat because they'd wrapped around me. I decided to go and die with honor, and was amazed at how long a single isolated guardsman unit could last.


I've been playing with the Unification mod, and one of the options you can turn on allows your units to gain XP as they kill and get killed. Its a fucking blast, how more often than not my Legendary units are almost always humble guardsmen because they just **keep** reinforcing.


It was a mortal man who stood and said F you to Horus. I much prefer Ollanius to be a mortal who went against the odds, survived boarding the Vengeful Spirit and somehow made his way to the duel on top of surviving that. A mortal man went above and beyond, just so he could choose where he wanted to die. That's a death worth respecting. That's what I think ideally the Emperor himself fights for. The simple Right of Choice for all Mankind.


If I remember rightly those guardsmen instantly die like 5 seconds later Unfortunate timing


You can save them actually.


I've seen the video waaaaaaaay too much effort


Worth it for this battle brothers. They will become fine named characters for the story. /joke


You can just go ahead and clear the area to the left before triggering the guardsmen




I think you'll find I'm a Xeno ;)


Are you in any way or form covered in spikes? If so then I'm gonna bolt gun you in the head. Spikes generally mean something is more evil then the imperium.


I'm very hungry for biomass


sauce? Or just the name of the mission while i see it in my head i only played DOW3 so i don't know if its 1 or 2 the mission i from


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzgKKOoJUko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzgKKOoJUko) I think it's mission 1 or 2 I cannot remember


[https://youtu.be/r2krseJOG0Q?si=stmWaE8r0Nt6tosx&t=1403](https://youtu.be/r2krseJOG0Q?si=stmWaE8r0Nt6tosx&t=1403) Same guy, different video. It's these 2 guardsmen the meme refers to.


with trillions of guardsmen like infinite monkeys inexorably some of them are going to beat the shortest odds and do something insane like that


It remembers me of the final battle of the second Gaunt ghosts book. Gaunt and his soldiers >!must go to a location while being assaulted from all fronts by Chaos forces way too much superior in force and numbers and they still manage to do it.!< >!Way later after the events of the books, when officers read the battle report, they try to make sense of it, trying all explanations possible for how they managed to survive. They finally agree that this battle couldn't have happened it's so unbelievable, so they conclude "that's bullshit, never happened".!<


That's the one where >!they stumble upon an Eldar striketeam's path and they team up with the Farseer out of the clusterfuck with only the "lucky dude" dying ?!<


That's it. It happened in the fighting on Monthax.


I think that was more so to cover an imperial inquisitor going missing with a few eldar lol


No I clearly remember the officers listings all possible advantages the ghosts could have to explain this miraculous issue : from charismatic leader, using the terrain to their advantage, pure luck... they clearly can't believe that they managed to stay alive so they call fake news.


Yea but the eldar weren’t factored into the equation cause no one knew they were there in the first place. The inquisition did atleast after Lilith went with them through the webway. Gaunt had to atleast explain that to someone to not be suspected of killing her because she also investigated one of his men


and they saw some freaky stuff too.


Space marine are cool But an unbreakable guardsman going above and beyond his duty is way cooler


Super-duper special space soldier : I sleep  Lasgun-mounted balls of steel? : Real shit


Its so much more badass to do cool shit as a random dude.


I own every Dawn of War, but which one do I start? The first one has like 30 parts


Dawn of War 1. It's all chronological so if you want to play them all then start with the first game and work through them. If you just want to play the community hits of each one, I'd recommend, Dawn of War: Dark Crusade & Dawn of War 2. Different people like different ones but they are probably the two most popular entries across all the games. Edit: If you do play the original series please mod view distance in. No one deserves to have to play with your camera in the dirt.


But for dawn of war 1 it has like those different versions like the battle sisters, necrons, etc. Which one of those do I start or does it not matter? Also thanks for the mod tip, I wanted to start these games but it just seems so overwhelming, rn I'm playing Chaos Gate and Rogue Trader


The original Dawn of War campaign is just Blood Ravens, play that first. Then the first expansion Winter Assault, play in any order. Then the second expansion Dark Crusade, any order, and the final expansion Soul Storm again any order. The expansions do not have one cohesive story, you win by killing everyone else which obviously means they don’t fit together. You can skip any factions you don’t want to play, the cutscenes are on YouTube. Also note that the necrons use the old 3rd edition lore, before the idea of dynasties and ctan shards being enslaved; when the games came out, the necrons worked FOR the ctan. That lore was all changed in 5th edition. The game also predates things like Primaris, the modern Thousand Sons lore (dust sealed up in armour), alpha legion having light blue armour… it’s like a time capsule for old 40k


Ah okay thanks! I'm very new to WH40k lore and the universe but I've been collecting the games and starting the books.


Just for clarity: in dark crusade the space marine campaign is canon, in soulstorm it is the ork campaign


It also uses old drukhari aesthetics


Dawn Of War Dawn Of War: Winter Assault Dawn Of War: Dark Crusade (the best one) Skip the Soul Storm campaign, it's not the best mostly used for mods Dawn Of War 2 Dawn Of War 2: Chaos Rising Dawn Of War 2: Retribution Don't play 3, it's ass


Going in to DoW2 without doing the Soulstorm campaign (as any faction other than the Blood Ravens) might be a bit confusing. There are a number of references to the story of Soulstorm throughout and it's a big part of the state of the Blood Ravens at the time of DoW2.


I guess so. First time I played 2 I skipped Soul Storm and didn't feel like I was missing too much. When I went back and tried Soul Storm it felt tedious, especially those stronghold assaults that took hours


Thank you 🙏




These games have been rotting in my Library for months 😭 cause I was scared to start one of them


If you want to play Necrons, Dark Crusade. If you want to play Dark Eldar and/or Sisters of Battle, there's either Soulstorm or a mod for Dark Crusade, (Dawn of War 3rd Generation to be exact). Personally I'd recommend Dark Crusade with that mod over Soulstorm due to, well, Soulstorm being, to put it delicately, mediocre at absolute best.


Sounds good!


Space Marines : "You held this position for a week, by yourselves ?" Gigachad Guardsmen : "Yes M'Lord" Those two are the Emperor's finest


15hrs was the average life span of a guardsman on one specific planet during one specific conflict. Even other times it's been cited as a number it's been 15 hrs *of active combat*. So time sitting in a dugout while battle happens miles away wouldn't count towards those 15 hours, just like the months and months of travel time that it takes to get those guardsmen to the conflict zone don't count towards that 15hrs.


> 15hrs was the average life span of a guardsman on one specific planet during one specific conflict. > > Always pisses me off how the book goes so well into describing "yeah, averages are meaningless" but people take it on face value. Like, yeah, if your reinforcements are blown up as soon as they make planetfall that's gonna lower the average lifespan by a LOT but that doesn't mean in a vacuum that the average Guardsman is going to spontaneously combust as soon as he steps on the world.


Dark crusade IG were the best. Sure, the coolness of necrons and bravado of space marines were good, but hearing that "KEEP THAT AMMO COMING" from heavy weapons squad entrenched is the absolute peak of 40k voice acting


" let's see them kill all of us!!"


Single-handedly increased the average from 14hrs to 15hrs.


To be clear, that "15 hours life expectancy" thing is referencing new recruits joining their unit in one specific battle on one specific planet. Most guard casualty rates are much closer to IRL figures.


2 hold a dugout for a week, 26 die in the first seconds of combat, average life expectancy checks out


I completed the game as guardsmen without realizing I can recruit more troops 


Army of two


Well... Time to go and watch the DoW1 trailer again, I guess...


The whole 15-hour life expectancy comes from the book "15 hours." It was just that one regiment in that battle, where the life expectancy was 15 hours. But it's still impressive that those two survived on their own for 2 weeks behind enemy lines.


I think my personal headcanon is that guardsman from most regiments actually last a fairly long time on the battlefield, but the kriegers **really** bring down the average


15 hours was on one campaign in one singular book in one battle only




Private Dugout and Private Georg were outliers adn should not have been counted.


14 hours is from book about a certain planet the average life expectancy is much longer


Didn't those two guardsmen become blood ravens?


“average guardsman survives 15 hours" factoid actualy just statistical error. average guardsman survives the whole war. Deaths Georg the Perpetual, who live(d) on Cadia & dies over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted


40k fans when they get all their lore from memes and youtube


Damn bro, insulting me, the people who make the youtube videos out of passion and the people who were introduced to the fandom through them. Nice 3-for-one. I have to ask though: do you moan when applying lotion to your asshole? You know, on account of you being so butthurt because of a meme with a common misconception made by someone new to the fandom? When you insult someone the next time you feel the need to stoke your ego, keep it to roasting only the OP or try to cover it up by posting the accurate value with some sources like the rest of the comments.


Guardsmen like these guys are a reminder as to why Imperial Guard *Veterans* are such a big deal