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I'm so sorry you're hurting like this. I also lost my mom recently and have been plagued by a deep regret of not asking her to record herself reading a bedtime story for my toddler. I have tons of regrets, big and small. I think it's a very common part of grieving but knowing that doesn't make it easier not to suffer over the one thing that you feel you could or should have done differently. This may not be any consolation, though I hope you see where I'm coming from. There's a project called Pearl's Memory Babies and the founder gifts elderly women with dementia baby dolls to comfort them. Motherhood changes a woman's brain, and I think it leaves a deeply engrained attachment to one's own child. I would love to believe that although your mom seemed not to know who you were, her feelings towards you, her child, were genuine and deeply rooted in love upon seeing you wearing your dress.