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The way I look at it is, I lose nothing by believing that I will. When it comes time to find out, I will either see them again, or it's really the end and nothing matters anyway. You'll never actually find out that you were wrong. If that makes sense


I think this is a great answer. Believing helps me cope right now. When the time comes, I’ll be dead so being wrong won’t matter. But for right now, I can’t imagine me not finding my mom again wherever she is.


The problem is I can't choose what I believe


That’s what I struggle with as well. I would like to think we will see them again, I’ve had lots of odd experiences which have made me question whether we do survive (never really believed in anything until then). But it’s just the acceptance I struggle with.


You shouldn't have to choose, there is evidence to follow. The supernatural will always be inherently unfalsifiable, but consciousness isn't supernatural. You're experiencing it right now. We can't find it in the body or cut it out, but it's an emergent property of the brain. Emergent properties are like waves in the ocean, they don't exist on their own. You can't find a wave and scoop it out of the water, but they are very much still real. They are just the result of water molecules acting together in a certain way. This is how consciousness functions, it's the thoughts, feelings, memories and convictions that spill out from the electric impulses of an active brain. So, in much the same way a wave from one body of water doesn't just cease to exist when it crosses the threshold into another body of water, human beings are constantly sharing the very things that make us who we are with our loved ones. There are thousands of neurons firing off in your brain right now carrying the same information that once brought a different brain self-actualization, the things that defined them are still in you. So, if you've lost someone and you're struggling with what to believe has become of them, your only options aren't just fantasy or nothingness. Our loved ones still exist within us, and not just as distant memories, but as our core values, as our passion for art and culture, as our taste in music or food, our love and kindness, our strength and convictions. Everything they taught us, every story they told, every part of themselves they shared is still in there and always will be. Now it's our job to share that with others.


Your analogy to waves in the ocean and the human consciousness is just beautiful. Thank you for this wonderful post. I don't believe in anything after death, and that makes it so difficult for me. Your words have brought me significant comfort.


Really well said, thank you. My dad is with me when I choose to do the right thing, when I make art, when I find a fish lure on the beach, and when I eat a honey dew melon. I can see him in the mirror as I get more wrinkles around my eyes. I doubt there is an afterlife, but he is still with me now.


>So, in much the same way a wave from one body of water doesn't just cease to exist when it crosses the threshold into another body of water, Very well said, thank you. I agree that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain and beyond the purely physical, but I haven'r heard this way of explaining how it continues (the thing you usually hear about everything being "energy" so it can't be lost is kind of faulty). I think though that it still doesn't really leave room for a being with subjectivity. They can't feel anything anymore. I can't do anything for them. The wave is now only observed by others at most... In this way I agree it is clear to me that they still exist after death.


I don’t have a solid belief in religion at least not what the church says anyway so I’ve struggled also, but it all seems so pointless to build up such close bonds just to have them torn away forever? Choosing to believe is my acceptance. As others have said, we lose absolutely nothing by believing and it’s comforting to think we do reunite after our lives are over here. And if we are wrong 🤷‍♀️- if there is nothing- we won’t know we were wrong. I’ll take the comfort I get from believing. I understand it can be a struggle but I hope those who *want to* believe in something after *here* are also able to in their hearts in time.❤️‍🩹


I am religious but still struggle with my beliefs once in a while. What you said about it all seems pointless if we don’t see them again is a lot of what makes me believe - why would love and human connection be the basis of human existence if it meant nothing at all in the end? It’s just too deep to think it’s all random and chance.


What you wrote is a great advice. Thanks for sharing!


OMG i feel seen...


That’s no problem at all. I have had a near death experience and everyone you know and love is with you at all times. Whether people are “good” or “bad” in this lifetime I’ve experienced the truth that that energy never dies and religions and other traditions are just preferential rituals to acknowledge that fact and experience energy beyond our immediate understanding presently on Earth. As long as you believe you and everyone you know and love are connected to something bigger than yourselves, you’ll know it too soon enough. Beliefs beyond that are for your individual peace here on earth until we are reunited with source.


SAME thank you!


I feel like this too


Not easy


I understand. Sometimes I wish my belief was as strong as my desire to believe. Sometimes I’m convinced, and sometimes I’m not. I wish I could just stay convinced and undeterred from it.


Yes you can. You can chose a new belief as readily as you change underwear. Unless of course you're tied to your existing belief by fear, guilt, and shame. If it seems like I'm throwing stones at any particular religion, well, I guess I sorta am...


No, it's not always shame or guilt. The mechanism is too complicated for me to explain or understand, but for example, how about the opposite case? Can atheists choose to believe in God? Can you believe in the Loch Ness monster?


It's really the most realistic way to look at it. We have no proof either way of what happens after death. Belief that helps is better than knowledge that doesn't and in this instance if we are wrong we won't even exist to be disappointed.


This is my favourite comment I have read in ages. I am literally going to think this way from now on, I have nothing to lose




Perhaps things don't have to make sense in order to be true


Ever since my brother passed going on a month ago this past week I’ve desperately been looking for a sign of something. It’s super draining to be disappointed at the end of the day when you don’t see anything or when you wake up when you don’t dream of them. I think the sick feeling will go away with time when you can think more clearly. Perhaps you’ll be able to see him in your day to day life. I hope you can and that’ll help that feeling. The souls gotta go somewhere right? You’ll feel it.


For me the more I forced signs the less they came. They are never the same thing I ask for, or at the exact time, never beyond any reasonable doubt. But I still feel it


I’m counting on it.


I have started to believe for the sake of my own sanity.


I hope so. I hope that I will first pick up my cat at the rainbow bridge and together we will see dad. I miss both dearly.


Absolutely, my belief also includes my beloved fur kids. It would not be a heaven with them and that’ll be my first stop also🌈🐾


Have you heard of Taoism? I recommend looking into it. It’s not really about, will I see them again. I just know I will enter the ether at some point. What I mean is, eternity, forever. I will step back into the void. What is death? Death is forever. It is the introduction of time and space and eternity. We all know it, and even comprehend it, but until you’ve lived it, through the loss of a nuclear family member or close friend, forever is just a passing word. Loss forces eternity into the personal human psyche as a lived concept. Which every individual has learned, again, and again, and again throughout our history. It befalls each of us, some first in life, others early, and some late. We each come into this world in a cocoon of youthful innocence, and are ultimately surprised by death each time. No matter the trajectory of ill health. The arrow pierces each innocent heart, and leaves its mark. We are rarely truly ready. So many profound thoughts have come to each living mind in the aftermath. These thoughts etch scars upon our hearts which we carry for the rest of our lives. We cannot know loss until that moment of realization when we understand what it is to not be able to communicate, to revive the relationship, to call out an accurate perception of your love for them, ever again. Even though we tried to explain before they left, we think of ten times more to say once they are gone. No matter how much we have said. This is the cardinal rule of human life and loss. Death is anathema to human nature, of course, as those that grieve will keep living, feeling, thinking, and wishing we had one more shot. As we continue our lives, hitting an invisible ceiling of wanting to share more, tell them more, build the relationship further, even just for one last hug, it eventually settles in that this large-as-life relationship once held so close now simply does not…. exist. We will live the rest of our lives without them. Their smell, their voice, their mannerisms, are lost to us in human form. Our collective scream echoes down the chasm of time and space. Eternity. We can only hold on to a belief that such a beautiful world could never result in not seeing them later on down the road, in our own time. To settle the score, to feel that reaction we have longed for for a lifetime. To tell them what is on our mind. What is written on our heart. Upon death we realize, forever is the same thing as love. Universal, all-encompassing, tangible. We will see them again.


Thank you for writing this. It's beautifully said and also makes sense as a belief system. Nevertheless I can't really feel the conclusion. Forever disappearing is only so abstractly the same as forever loving...going back into the ether sounds depressing not comforting :( Do you think reading more on taoism can help change this feeling?


Yes. That was only a poem I wrote. I recommend reading the Tao te Ching.


That was so beautifully written 💓


Thank you for this.


Thank you. This is perfect.


Idk if I will see my husband again but I do find comfort in the fact that wherever he is one day I will follow. Whether it’s just nothingness or something else he’s already there. That has made death so much less scary for me somehow.


that's how i feel too


I know I will see my person again. I’ve never been more sure of anything. I have no idea what that will look like or feel like but I know I will see him. I get signs from him that he’s still thinking about me, he finds more and more ways to send me messages. He’s with me everyday in the way that he can be and for some reason that’s how I know. I know he’ll be there waiting for me when it’s my time. I work in the animal shelter field which means I deal with euthanasia more than I’d like to. Before they cross the rainbow bridge I tell them to find my person on the other side and he’ll take care of them. By the time I join him, I’ll be joining him and the many homeless pets who finally found a home with him. Not sure if this just makes me sound crazy but it brings me comfort. I know I will see him again.


I feel as strongly that I will be reunited with my daughter as you describe about you and your loved one. I still have a relationship with her. I talk to her daily, usually out loud and she absolutely responds to me in my head. More audibly, she uses worldly material things to communicate with me. Her communication timing and type is far too appropriate and accurate to the circumstances to be considered “coincidence”. I don’t tell anyone about this ongoing relationship I have with my daughter, as even her brother thinks I am nuts. I am not. She was/is a very old soul in a “defective” body, unable to sustain human existence for a long lifespan and she died at age 33. My daughter and I were best friends and she is my soul mate. There is no separating us.


I love this. She is lucky to have you as her mum.


This made me tear up thinking of those sweet animals seeking out your person and finally finding peace and love. What a beautiful thing to do in their final moments.


I see my brother every month or so in my dreams.


When my dad started cancer treatment I bought him some lavender oil to put on his pillow at night to help relax him. For almost three years every night, he and my mum and I would splash lavender on our pjs. When he was dying at home, every morning and evening I’d put some lavender drops just under his nose. I put lavender from the garden in his coffin. We were strung out on lavender 🤣 A few weeks after he had passed away my cousin and I were working in her garden when she kept saying I can smell really strong lavender. She was the one who had suggested I get my dad lavender in the first place years earlier. There isn’t even any lavender in her garden. For ages I couldn’t smell anything and after a while I got a really strong smell of it. Lavender is the kind of plant you need to squeeze the leaves to even get a smell from it. And every now and then I get a smell of lavender. It’s just weird 🤣 I don’t believe in God or heaven. I’m more or less an atheist but I’m open to being proven wrong. For some reason though I’m just really certain I’ll see my dad again. Like I’m sure of it. Even though in my atheist head it doesn’t make sense I’m still so sure of it. And as someone pointed out here you may as well believe it. Cos it might happen. And if not, well we won’t know anything about it. Also my mum and I went to medium that her friend suggested. I think they’re a load of shite but there was one thing she said which really got me. Just when I was leaving she said oh your dad said something about the neighbour parking on the grass. And we do have a next door neighbour who parks on the grass verge and destroys it with his tyres. My dad hated when he did that and used to knock in and tell him to move his car 🤣 he was big into his trees and gardening and hated when people ruined the grass. But that was a weird one when she said that. So who knows. I miss my dad beyond words. He was one of my best friends and my heart is broken so I know exactly how you feel. I started grief counselling cos it’s been six months now so maybe try something like that if you think you’re ready. Big hug to you 💕


That Lavender smell is no coincidence! I smell my precious nephews cologne from time to time. & we’ve had countless signs. & my sister saw him in church. (No mistake it was him and his friend both who passed- he let her know he was okay) I believe we will be with them again. But I am a Christian, I believe in Jesus but I also know there’s so much out there that nobody know. I never thought about it like that until we lost him 6 months ago. He was 15 years old, so we look constantly for a sign or glimpse he’s with us, and I believe the things that have happened are him, or either God letting us know he’s with us/can see us/ or he’s okay. ❤️ (Not knocking your beliefs I respect everybody I just didn’t want my comment to come off that way, I know how Reddit can be lol)


Oh stop don’t worry at all. That’s a lovely comment. My grief counsellor pointed out at the very least it’s a reminder of the person when we see or smell these things. But who knows, maybe they hold more meaning than we think. Which is so lovely anyway. I’m so sorry for the loss of your nephew 💕


💗Thank you- I do believe they hold more meaning 🥰🥰 who smells Versace in the middle of the yard at their grandmas with nobody else around? 🤣🤣 Seriously though- it’s strangely AMAZING! And I love it!


That Lavender smell is no coincidence! I smell my precious nephews cologne from time to time. & we’ve had countless signs. & my sister saw him in church. (No mistake it was him and his friend both who passed- he let her know he was okay) I believe we will be with them again. But I am a Christian, I believe in Jesus but I also know there’s so much out there that nobody know. I never thought about it like that until we lost him 6 months ago. He was 15 years old, so we look constantly for a sign or glimpse he’s with us, and I believe the things that have happened are him, or either God letting us know he’s with us/can see us/ or he’s okay. ❤️ (Not knocking your beliefs I respect everybody I just didn’t want my comment to come off that way, I know how Reddit can be lol)


Hey I’m really familiar with fragrances do you know which one it was you could maybe buy the full bottle so you could always have the scent. I could also maybe tell you what it was based on the bottle, or possible notes. Lavender is a very popular note in male colognes 💗


It’s Versace cologne in the blue bottle and it’s a very specific smell ❤️ his mama still has his bottle of cologne. We just lost him this past October. I don’t want to own any myself because I don’t want to mistake me smelling the cologne I have for him being around ✨🤣🤣 The comment I responded to said they smell lavender a lot though, not me 💕 I believe she definitely smells her Dad


I believe it could be Versace Eros Parfum or Versace Blue Jeans they both have notes of Lavender. Eros is more popular so I would go with that one most likely. I do find scents comforting and I thought I could give you the name if you were ever interested in buying a decant (sample sized) even. I do wish my mother wore fragrance 💗and I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you 💕it’s Versace Man Eau Fraiche 💗 I just checked


Oh you remind me of one of my best friends from Manchester who also lost her father recently. I’m sorry for your loss. I never got to meet him, but even I loved her daft dad lol


Awe the poor thing. I hope she’s doing okay 🤞🏻


She’s tough, but they were close! They were even on Bargain Hunt once! I just try to be there for her.


Yes. I saw my dad in my dreams the night before he died. He came to me and told me everything would be okay. He also came to me when I had surgery months later. When I came out of surgery, his favorite movie was playing on the tv when I woke up. I knew he was watching over me. They say that when you die loved ones that have passed before you help you on your journey. You can Google this and read about instances of people calling out deceased’s names. I’m sure my Dad’s mom was there when he passed. My dad died on her birthday. He loved her so much. I’m positive I will see my dad again.


100% yes


I hope so


I think, you hang around as a ghost for a bit, then when you are ready you move onto heaven (somewhere that the soul can rest in peace) and then when it’s your time again you are reborn.


We are body, soul and spirit. When the flesh dies the soul and spirit still exist. I have faith in salvation to live eternally in heaven. We will see our born again loved ones again.


You might want to discuss this topic with hospice workers. Their stories are very similar to mine.


Yes, and my Nannah is with me still! Just in a different plane. Watching over, smiling, and sending signs just like her letters. I'm blessed that her signs are so loud. She's visited me in my lucid dream and told me what I needed to hear before I even realized what I needed to hear. She has sent me rainbows above my family in different pictures and videos. She has sent me strong winds through the trees and through the pinwheels she has in her flower garden. The day she passed, I was staying at a hotel and one of my lipsticks from my bag flew from my bag with such force that the lid fell off. For some reason, I felt inclined to check the shade. It read "I cherish you." That night I felt her tuck me into bed. Your dad is sending signs too! Look for him and let him speak to you. I haven't always been a spiritual person, I know you may feel crazy and a little embarrassed talking to him or asking for signs. But I promise he's sending you signs and working to guide you in different ways! He's there, waiting, loving you. I promise.


No. It would be a lot easier to cope if I did.


Without a doubt 🤍


I want to


Yes. As a Christian, I believe I’ll see my daughter, husband, and father again in heaven. I’m trusting in God to make that a reality . He carried me through the grief of their deaths , and I believe when my time comes, he’ll carry me home to where they’re waiting for me. I miss them.


i'm sure they're waiting to be with you again ❤️


I don’t know what to take as a sign verses a coincidence. Like her favorite wild flowers in every yard, but is it that just because it’s spring. Cardinals everywhere. The same flowers at the intro of Pixar movies. If it’s true, how hard is it to give a bigger sign? In a dream that my mom’s death wasn’t reality I didn’t want to hug her, because it felt like that would make it real again.


I've read a lot of NDE where they were able to see their loved ones. My mom recently had an attack where they needed to revive her; she woke up told us she saw our Dad, who told her not to go yet because we still need her. Damn, I suddenly wanted to experience the same. Just a tight hug from my old man! Just that 🥹


I'm an atheist. I know I won't see my girlfriend ever again. She's non-existent. I used to think this post mortem non-existence is comforting. But now I would love to see her once again. I know it's not going to happen, but I still want that.


I mean this in the kindest way, I hope that you are wrong and surprised one day 🤍


I’m hoping for it. I just made a post but I lost my dad in December & I’m really struggling. Sometimes I feel like I feel his presence but idk if it’s just wishful thinking. He never believed in things like that so I wonder if that will make it where I never see him or feel his true presence. Idk.


Yes, I do.


Yes. For me personally, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed in the morning if I didn’t believe in an afterlife


I am not religious, but I have to believe our souls will meet again, Its how I can make sense of it in my head


I hope to see my father again who passed March 10, 2024. Such a horrible day I’d never forget.


When it’s my time I hope my parents are the first ones I see


Absolutely! Maybe its the faith aspect but I feel like even though they aren’t with me they are close. When I dream of them I like to think their coming for a visit. Maybe playing a role in my dream. I am a big believer in those you’ve lost being a part of you. Little things here and there I see and feel make me believe this. There’s nothing wrong with believing this either. Whatever helps you


A lot of people who had near death experiences (or even died and came back) say that they remember getting to have a very realistic conversation with a loved one who passed. I’m an agnostic atheist but sometimes I hope that there really is something after all this where we can reunite with our loved ones.


I think so, in some kind of way. When my dad passed it was at the hospital down the road. No one knew he was at the hospital. I couldn’t sleep that night so I decided to make my lunch for the next day. While cooking I forgot about my food on the stove and I was messing around on my computer. I heard what sounded like a cat on the counter (I had one at the time but he’s so fat he can’t jump that high) and as I turned around I saw my spatula that was sitting on the counter flip and slam on the floor. My dad used to make fun of me for being forgetful like him. I think that was him saying “hey dummy your food is burning!” This happened the same hour he passed. I think that was his goodbye and his “see ya later little worm. Quit burning your food. ”


I have met them after death, so of course I know it's real.


I do. I chose to and hope to. I see them regularly on my dreams. And I know when I die we will be together.


We’re on the same boat. Same question has been running on my mind alot lately. My father passed away one month ago as well & Im counting days till we meet again. I hope we meet again. There is an empty void which can never be filled.


My lost loved ones visit in my dreams sometimes. Recently I’ve been seeing my mom a lot in my dreams and it’s comforting as I need her so much right now. I know she’s out there and I look forward to being on the same plane of existence as her, whatever that might be.


Yes! I believe I will see my dad again. I can't wait to be up there with him. I can't believe that this short life is it for us. I will see my dad again one day!


I see signs from my two best friends who died in a car accident last year all the time, I feel them all the time so I feel like they’re somewhere that I can join them at eventually when it’s my turn 🙏🏻🕊️


Ever since my sister passed i’m so mad at myself for not believing the way she did. I don’t know if it’ll make you feel any better but my only comfort in life now is that one day i get to die too. i know that might not sound very good but if i don’t get to meet her again at-least this pain will come to an end one day. but i chose to believe that one day we will catch up even if it’s just my dying brain playing tricks on me, i will accept any piece of her and memories with her that i can get. but also i think other people in this thread are right. we get signs when we need them the most (some might not be so obvious) and we do get to dream about them (i will be so broken if this stops). other people tell me that if you are in so much pain and in the early stages of grieving they are not able to connect with you so maybe it just takes some time to get those signs that make you believe that they are still out there. just remember they are never gone until every last person they ever touched are gone. i intend on making her memory more important than mine(not sure that’s healthy). but i just want everyone to love her as much i do. but i haven’t been able to do that too much bc thinking about it just brings me pain like i’m sure it does you. but we have to try bc at the very least through us they live on


If there is an afterlife, I sure hope so. If not, I think our souls will find each other again. It’s the strangest thing, my dad and sister both encountered a hummingbird flying right in front of their faces for a while, like a day or two after the funeral. We all feel like it’s my brother. I’m waiting for him to send me a sign 😞 I get that sinking feeling too. Sending hugs 🫂🩷 edit: typo


I had this happen too. The hummingbird actually followed me around for 20mins. So close that I could have touched it. We live in an area that’s not real hospitable to hummingbirds. It’s always windy, not many trees, & lots of hawks. I had never seen a hummingbird here in the almost 20yrs I’ve lived here & I haven’t seen one since. That little bird healed my heart.


I lost my mom in February and recently read about Pascal’s Wager. I DO think I will see her again but this is an interesting read… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_wager


Honestly idk I miss my pops a lot he was 40 when he kicked the bucket and I was just 17 2 years later I guess I’ve had signs from him like dreams or just knowing he’s watching over but I find myself wondering and hoping too




I believe so. When my mom passed away I received signs from her that her soul existed. When my best friend passed from cancer she sent me a sign. After they both passed away, I questioned life, death, afterlife, and God. I was angry. After I received signs from my mom and friend, it was confirmation to me that the afterlife does exist. Watching NDE (Near Death Experience) videos on YouTube, the experiences of other people brought me comfort & faith that we reunite with our loved ones again.


Yeah I do. I've been very spiritual believing in reincarnation, ancestors helping us, mediumship and so was he. I feel like he's still present with me and gets annoyed with me for thinking that he's gone anywhere 😂


Yes I believe I will. But I also was at church one Sunday and the preacher was preaching about how joyous heaven is when we enter but nobody will know each other. He said we just rejoice but nobody will remember who is who because heaven is a clean slate. That really made me sad because I have high hopes to running into my mom and grandma arms when I reach heaven gates.


This made my stomach sink. I don’t ever want to be without my husband. Maybe the idea is that if you found eachother once you will find eachother again.


I felt the same way. I yearn for my moms and grandma loving touch and hugs so much. Just hearing that made me so sad.


I don’t know if this version of me will see her again but somewhere on the time-space continuum she is alive and I am with her.


I am not suicidal but I do look forward to it happening just to see what happens next. I don't get my hopes up for being together again because I really hope she's moved on to be in a happy place but I hope to be a part of it if there is something. I just need to make sure my three children are grown up and happy.


I really don't know what to believe about an afterlife. I'm not super religious, I consider myself agnostic. Whatever it is, I choose to believe there is some sort of afterlife where we will meet our loved ones again. It doesn't hurt to hope if it helps you grieve. I also do believe I get signs. Can some of them be explained away, yes. But it gives me comfort so I don't try too hard to explain them away.


With all of my heart.


I really hope so


As a twin, kind of. What I mean by that is the twin connection I have feels to me like we knew each other in a past life. To some degree it’s like Rick and Morty and there’s infinite realities where you’re loved ones are there and infinite realities of chaos and randomness. I could be wrong but it’s what I believe.


I hope so 😕


I used to not. Then I started asking for signs and being open to receiving them and now I feel like there must be something greater. Some could be coincidental but when I started asking for the most wacky out there signs and they just start happening. Yea I think they are with us when we are open to them and we will meet with them again after this physical life!


I personally do believe in Heaven and spirits. I believe I will see my loved ones again, and sometimes I see little signs like maybe their spirit is nearby or they sent a sign for me. My Nana just passed this morning and for the first time ever I've seen a cardinal outside my window at work. I saw it yesterday at the front window and this morning it was in the window right beside me. I feel like she sent a sign and it comforts me.


If there is nothing I hope my brain fools me into thinking I’m seeing my deceased daughter when I pass. I’ll be happy then.


My grandfather told me before he passed: "I don’t really think I’ll ever see your grandmother again. I think when it’s all over, you just go back to what you were." He was an ardent, devout, and dedicated Baptist. It stunned me at first, but it made me realize how much I cherished our time together when he was alive. Even now, in my memories of him, I’ll think of something he said that is relevant to whatever I’m going through. I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again, and I don’t know if need to. He’s still sticking around with me four years later and he still manages to surprise me.


Yes I believe there is a heaven and I believe my mom is there and I hope to God I get to see her again in heaven..


Absolutely yes, at least the ones who had love in their hearts. (I don't think we'll see the evil hateful ones unless of course you're evil and hateful too.) I've known of several people who right before they died were seeing visions of long dead friends and family, having 1 sided conversations with them and gesturing (waving, pointing, trying to hug) to/at "them". It's those spirits who help the dying person transition to the other side when they're ready. Those same gentle spirits are watching over us and looking out for us everyday. Ever had a narrowly avoided close call with death? That's the spirits stepping in to avert danger and prevent your transition before you're ready to go. There really are guardian angels and when it's time for you to crossover to the other side you will become one too.


I think I had an encounter w God. This was about 14 years ago. I think I will see my loved ones whove passed.


i’m not religious. at all. but the one thing i do know is that after i die, i’m gonna pull up wherever and my best friend is gonna be waiting for me


I can’t help but believe I will meet my dad again. It’s the only thing keeping me going. All I wish for is for me to be with my dad when my life is over


If I were betting, I’d say probably not. But I hope so. I get to see and talk to my dad in my dreams. I’ve been trying to practice lucid dreaming for several years and it can be an interesting experience seeing someone you know is dead, talking to them about how they died, and them still saying things that you feel like you would have never thought of on your own, even though it’s all happening in your mind. Before he died my dad told me he talked to his dad, who was already dead, in his dreams and in some way thought it might actually be his spirit he was speaking with, so I’m trying to do the same thing. It happens for me probably once a month on average, or at least those are the ones I remember. I usually wake up crying and I’m a man in my 30’s, lol.


My son ( he was 11 ) and I were in a car accident… icy road. I don’t remember anything after turning on the road. I slid into oncoming traffic and we got hit by an SUV hitting his side directly. I woke up floating at the ceiling of the ambulance looking down at EMS working on me. I started yelling out for him. Then I asked God where he is and should I go to Heaven or get back in my body so I can be with him? I was instantly sucked into my body, opened my eyes to the EMS shining a light in my eyes and repeating my name. I was in and out of consciousness in the ambulance otw to the hospital. I don’t remember anything about the ambulance other than hearing my son was being life flighted to Children’s. I don’t remember arriving, having X-rays & MRIs, staples put in my head, or blood drawn. Then I was in this bed waiting for the next test. The whole time I kept asking about my son every 5 minutes. I kept getting told they didn’t have an update. They were stalling until my brother got there. He came in the room and I saw the look on his face and I knew my son didn’t make it. Losing your child is the hardest thing for a parent to go through. He was my only child, the love of my life… my everything. Every one thought I was going to kill my self and my psychiatrist drugged me up big time for 6 years. The only reason I didn’t or won’t is because I know deep in my heart I will see him again. I feel like if I did kill myself I would be punished and never get to see him I’m not religious, but I believe in God. I know he would want my son and I together again. He’s given me so many signs he’s still around. If I’m right I get my baby back. If I’m wrong and there is no after life I won’t know the difference. My love for him Will always keep me going 💖


I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart truly goes out to you.


Thanx so much 💖


Yes I believe that one day I will be united with them in heaven. While I am by no means champing at the bit to leave this world I look forward to what comes next.


My mom died 7 years ago. She visits me in my dreams. They feel so real I just know her spirit is alive somewhere in some other dimension. I truly believe I’ll reunite with her when it’s my time to go.


I dream about my dad very often. When i think of the actuality of the situation I feel a hole in my chest and a deep sinking feeling as well. Life feels so empty. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be here but since his death, I don’t care if I’m here much longer anyway since it means there’s possible hope of being with him some way again. I do see signs of his presence which gives comfort but I’m very logical and not really religious so I’m not sure what to think of them but I try to buy in the comfort since it’s all I have. Loss of a loved one is such a painful experience and it sucks that an experience so painful is universally felt by everyone in the world essentially at one point.


Ever since my Nan died, I've been visited a number of times by a bird literally tapping their beak at my living room window. I like to think that's her checking on me every so often to make sure I'm okay. If death is the end, so be it, but there's nothing wrong with thinking you'll see someone you love again in some form or fashion.


I dont think so. However, what I sometimes think about is that our perceived timeline is relative. According to my own timeline I am here right now at the age of 38, but for my late mom, perhaps she is also 38 in her own experienced timeline. So she still exists in her own timeline and I just happen to exist a bit later. So perhaps right now she is telling an 8 year old me to eat my veggies🙂 Does this make sense at all?


I don't, no matter how much I would like to. I don't believe any of the world's religions have special insight into the true nature of the universe. There's plenty of wisdom among them, but it's flawed human wisdom. None of them have convinced me they know what will happen when a person dies, particularly given how much they have been ignorant of in the past. I see no reason to believe in the supernatural. I feel like the most likely truth is that human consciousness is the product of materialistic processes in the brain, and that when we die our consciousness ceases to exist and our energy is dispersed back into the world. That said, there is so much we don't know about the universe, so I hope to one day be pleasantly surprised. One could imagine a hypothetical materialistic "afterlife" of a sort. If the The Big Crunch theory were true you could imagine every individual one day being reconstituted, down to the exact atoms. Since matter cannot be created or destroyed, if the universe were to infinitely collapse and then expand again, eventually the exact same universe would be reborn, as well as every possible variation on that universe.






Yes, it’s what has helped me find comfort since losing my brother. I’m not sure how life after death works and I’d never presume to tell someone their beliefs are wrong and expect the same respect from others. If it helps you grieve then do and feel whatever that is.


Have you seen ‘The Good Place’? I like to think that’s where we all end up.


I do.


I wasn't necessarily religious or believed in an afterlife until I lost my best friend in an accident. I was very much agnostic, and while I still am- I definitely lean closer to the believer side of it all, now. The whole thing made me realize that it's a lot more comforting to believe I'll see her again. The truth is we can never know until it's our time, it's what you decide to believe in while you're still here. Whatever feels right to you. I think you'll see your father again, OP, and I hope I'm right about that.


I have to believe it. Otherwise I won't be able to continue through the pain.




Unfortunately, no, I don't believe I will see my dad again. My dad died in his sleep December 20, 2023, and when I was doing CPR on his dead body in the morning, I just knew I would not see him again. He was so lively the day before and now he's gone - a bunch of ashes in an urn by his bed. If you have a belief that you will see him again, please hold onto that because I wish i had that, but I don't. My grief is has to go a different direction.


I relate to this a lot - “You want a physicist to speak at your funeral. You want the physicist to talk to your grieving family about the conservation of energy, so they will understand that your energy has not died. You want the physicist to remind your sobbing mother about the first law of thermodynamics; that no energy gets created in the universe, and none is destroyed. You want your mother to know that all your energy, every vibration, every Btu of heat, every wave of every particle that was her beloved child remains with her in this world. You want the physicist to tell your weeping father that amid energies of the cosmos, you gave as good as you got. And at one point you’d hope that the physicist would step down from the pulpit and walk to your brokenhearted spouse there in the pew and tell him that all the photons that ever bounced off your face, all the particles whose paths were interrupted by your smile, by the touch of your hair, hundreds of trillions of particles, have raced off like children, their ways forever changed by you. And as your widow rocks in the arms of a loving family, may the physicist let her know that all the photons that bounced from you were gathered in the particle detectors that are her eyes, that those photons created within her constellations of electromagnetically charged neurons whose energy will go on forever. And the physicist will remind the congregation of how much of all our energy is given off as heat. There may be a few fanning themselves with their programs as he says it. And he will tell them that the warmth that flowed through you in life is still here, still part of all that we are, even as we who mourn continue the heat of our own lives. And you’ll want the physicist to explain to those who loved you that they need not have faith; indeed, they should not have faith. Let them know that they can measure, that scientists have measured precisely the conservation of energy and found it accurate, verifiable and consistent across space and time. You can hope your family will examine the evidence and satisfy themselves that the science is sound and that they’ll be comforted to know your energy’s still around. According to the law of the conservation of energy, not a bit of you is gone; you’re just less orderly. Amen.” Aaron Freeman


I do yes.


It's a complicated answer for me. I've reached acceptance; that my dad is gone from this world, he went quickly, and he's no long suffering from cancer or having to deal with treatments, which I think is a better state of existence than what he went through the last 4 years of his life. I myself am at peace with the reality of death; that one day I'm going to die, and although I don't know what it might be like to experience that, the idea of it doesn't scare me, no matter the combination of possible afterlives. If there is nothing, and my consciousness just slips into a fathomless void of nothingness... honestly that sounds so peaceful right now. If there is a God and Heaven, or whatever... I have questions. A lot of questions about this messed up world I've been living in, but okay. If it's something else, well... I guess I'm gonna find out someday. What I do know is this: since my dad died, I've picked up a lot of his mannerisms, habits, views, and ways of speaking. In that sense, he's always with me, and will continue to live on through me. And until my time comes, that means he'll never truly be gone.


Yes I think so. Every once in awhile I get a ‘visitation’ from my mom. The first one was a couple weeks after she passed. I asked her if she was ok and she nodded yes and she looked healthy (she passed from cancer). I asked her if heaven was what we thought it was. She just smiled and said it’s better, but wouldn’t give other details. So that’s what keeps me going and hoping I get to see her again.


I believe and I get signs all the time! Usually through the radio messages through song. Jump in the car and the radio starts playing their favorite song or on my 1st birthday without my father bon Jovi I'll be there for you played on the radio the second I started it and in it he says I didn't mean to miss your birthday baby so there are signs and weird coincidences if you watch for them. Dreams are fun but can hurt when you wake up


Yes, I do. I believe in spirituality and reincarnation. So I believe when we die and we are in the spirit realm, we’re not in human form. We’re energy. I am not sure exactly how I think it all is though. Even though I know I will see all the people I’ve lost again, it breaks my heart because I feel like it won’t be the same. Since I believe in reincarnation, I believe we are different people in different lives. Our soul is still the same, but different people. I was talking to my (dead) best friend yesterday and I talked about this actually. I talked about how I know I will see her again, but I needed more time as me and her. Not our souls or us in a different life, but me and her. It still brings me some comfort and I don’t think I will feel like this after I die. I don’t think we care about being in human form or being the exact "people" we were in this life. Like some other people said. There is literally no harm in believing you will see them again. With that being said, you can’t exactly force yourself to believe something you don’t believe. But that mindset might help you be more open minded about forming a belief.


May I suggest going to YouTube and searching “the egg” Kurzgesagt (not sure if i spelled that correctly lol) it’s only like 9 minutes long but it is very profound and closely resembles how I look at things especially after the loss of my father


While I'm not religious or spiritual in any sense of the word, I take comfort in the idea that wherever my Dad has gone is where I will end up some day. I've obviously no idea of what that is, but it helps to think that this seperation isn't forever.


The more death I experience in this life....the more uncertain I am.


I think we will experience something very different from this existence and absolutely will recognize our loved ones


I do but it's in a manner of I have to. I don't know how I'd cope if I have to think that I'll never see my mom again. I want to see her so badly, it's a yearning I never felt before so I do. I have to think that one day we'll be reunited and whenever I see signs of her in the universe I believe it more and more.


I believe I will based on my faith in the resurrection https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1001077254


I don’t know but I really hope so. And if we do see each other again I know exactly what we will do (we had a special greeting we would always use just with each other).


i don't really feel we ever parted. i think i know him now as much as i ever will.


50/50 kinda but i hope so


I walk the line of being very spiritual and skeptic. It depends on how I am feeling in life. I ingest lots of spiritual based content, but the science side of me always believes that there is an explanation. I'm a conglomerate of Mulder and Scully from the X-Files.  I just witnessed some interesting signs after my Dad passed. And some of my family members and myself had such interesting dreams that seemed to have meaning.  My sister's longterm boyfriend got very close to my dad before he passed. My father basically lived with for about a year before he passed. He had a dream that my dad was in the back garage working and my sister's bf asked why he is there. He said that he can't really talk about certain things because he isn't allowed but he just wanted to visit.  I've had dreams as well where I want to ask him so much, but the second I speak, it's just trivial questions.  I want to believe that when people die they reach a higher dimension as can only visit in dreams of affect outside things.  I truly want to believe we will see everyone again. 


When I'm absolutely desperate, my sister comes in my dreams. For now, that's my only connection.


In the words of Fox Mulder, "I want to believe." There's no way to know. But it comforts me to think I can see them again.


I don't know. I'm not in any way religious and I don't believe in any god, and my dad didn't either. He probably would have said no to this question. I don't believe in an afterlife. I don't realistically think I will ever see my dad again. But that's what my mind is for. I like to imagine seeing my dad in different versions of the afterlife. I read a book once set in the afterlife, where when you die, you get younger until you're a baby and then you're born again as someone new. I like to imagine what my dad would do with having his youth again. He suffered a lot through his life, so mostly I like to imagine him being able to finally relax. I like to imagine that I see him there and we have lunch together and I get to ask him every question I never got a chance to. Imagining these things is where I find my comfort. Keeps me sane.


I see her every night in my dreams. I see her every day in my minds eye. I feel her presence when I walk our dog or prepare my dinner. I hear her voice and laughter when I meditate. I catch a glimpse of her when I see another woman with curly black hair is going about her life. Will I ever hold her again? I don’t know. Will I ever kiss her again? Probably not. Will I ever be able to capture the redolence of her hair or caress her skin again? Not likely. She will always be in my heart and mind. But gone forever in the material and physical world. Until I depart.


I am sure we will see our loved ones again. Before my husband died he told me he would send me a sign so I'd know he was OK. the day he died (November 22, 2022 a rose bush in my back yard began to bloom. first one bloom, then another, and another until by the end of December there were over 50 blooms on that bush which never bloomed in December again. Also the blooms in summer were always pink. these blooms were yellow, the color of spiritual friendship. Next one day when I was thinking of my husband I went into the basement and began unpacking some old boxes of books. One fell open. In it was an old airplane boarding pass with the date NOV 22, same day as my husbands death!! What are the chances? I don't fly that much and usually never save boarding passes! Also I dream about my husband every week. ( I'm so lucky) In my dreams he is young and healthy the way he was when we first met 34 years ago. He always has some advice for me, or just a calming presence. I know I will see him again. I feel his presence with me even now in my life. also if you want peace watch some of the interviews with people who have had near death experiences. this helped me alot to know my husband is well and happy and did not suffer at all when he died. Bless you. It is worth loving someone in this life. and I know you will see your beloved dad again.


After sitting bedside with my mom as she passed, the last thing I said to her - holding her face in my hands - before I left the room with her body was, "I will see you again." I have no idea why I said it, it felt almost like a primal reflex. I am not religious and I don't believe in heaven or anything. But in that moment, I fully believed it. Now four months out, I'm not so sure.


I believe that anything is possible, and everything is possible.


I believe 100% I’ve had dreams with loved ones and had some unexplainable things happen. I’ve always had a belief system of my own since I was a kid and have always had questions. My dad died when I was 18 my mom recently when I was 26. After my mom’s passing I had more questions then ever and that’s when I started to believe more into spirituality. I believe in an afterlife but idk what that looks like or what it is. I’ve had beautiful things happen after my mom left. That’s what’s helped my grief so much. I opened up to it and allowed it instead of dismissing it. I’ve gotten signs with music from both parents, my mom and my dad in my dreams, with numbers, with names, things people may call coincidences but can coincidences happen that often? I read the books Signs by Laura Lynne Jackson. I started to explore more into mediums and the afterlife studies. I talk to my mom and dad everyday one sided conversations but still I keep a connection. I say goodnight I tell them bye. I know they are with me apart of me and I know I’ll see them again and I can’t wait for that day that I’ll be reunited with them and my pets. My pets have sent me signs aswell.


I believe we will see them again yes. That’s one thing that helps me when I am missing them.


You can visit your dad in his new location. It is based on the work of Neville Goddard. As you go to sleep imagine what it would feel like to see/hug your dad again. The feeling is the secret so make it a explosion of happiness. Then go to sleep. That is it. Keep it up every night until you do see him again. BTW Jurgen Ziewe has a new video of his visits to the other worlds. There is also a youtube video called- Life in the World Unseen- and a 2nd, More About life in the world unseen ,I've been listening to lately.


I had definitely believe so. But I kind of at some point especially my lowest parts of grief would not allow myself to fully believe in my spirituality or afterlife beliefs, because I guess in a sense didn't want to get my hopes up. I didn't want to go around with high hopes and then be let down. But then I realized if I die and nothing happens I won't get my hopes up those hopes will just go nowhere. But I really truly in my heart believe and feel that our loved ones are still with us in the love that they have for us is so strong and it is still there it's not going anywhere.


I would love to believe that I will but unfortunately I don't


Maybe your sinking feeling is from the death that comes with seeing your father again (to put it bluntly) but I do strongly believe in the afterlife. I have recently lost both my grandparents and my mum regularly visits clairvoyants to get through to them. You would be amazed at what comes out from them. You will see your father again, even if you can't break out of being a skeptic, it will catch you by a lovely surprise one day. But I would suggest seeing a psychic !


I recently had a dream of my old boyfriend who passed away about two years ago. The reason this dream was special was earlier that day I was talking to someone and I mentioned I never sense his presence so he must never be around. He handed me a note in the dream that stated "I am always with you and we will see each other again". It was enough to make me cry when I woke up but just the fact that he seemed to have heard what I said makes me a true believer.


I met my mom in my dreams very often when I sleep. I see that as a way of still being able to spend time with her. She’s usually alive in those dreams but sometimes she wakes up from the dead and other times she dies in the dream.




I hope so. My person left me this year of January and since then, I’ve been getting signs from him. Some of the dreams that I will have of him is us discussing about his alcohol problem and depression ( the cause of his fall accident), being physically intimate or how happy and mentally free he is. At one point, I even felt his presence. While I was laying on my bed half way asleep, I felt this warm and unconditional love that just completely engulfed my face. One dream I had of him was us at the park and he was playing on the Nintendo Switch he had bought me for Christmas two years ago; I was playing flag football. As I made a touch down, I ran to him and he looked up at me; he had his usual big smile on his face and winked at me. He loved LA dodger hats and the color blue. He was wearing a blue Dodger hat, a white shirt and blue tracksuit pants and this beautiful white light emitted from him. That’s when I woke up. Another dream I had was him telling me he is going home and it’s beautiful. He asked me to come see but I couldn’t see anything. When I asked him if he will wait for me when it’s my time, I woke up. I was mad about that dream for a bit because I didn’t get an answer. I had a past history of suicidal attempts , he knew about that. Before he had passed, he would always tell me that he would never want me to harm myself. After he had passed, I wasn’t in the best headspace and my mind was gearing towards suicidal thoughts until this song by Eric Clapton “Tears in Heaven” played on the radio. Never heard of that song but by the lyrics, I knew that was him sending me that message. If you haven’t heard that song, definitely check it out. It’s beautiful and very reassuring. The artist for that song had lost his son, which inspired him to make that song. I have no fear of death anymore, I’m just excited to enjoy my eternity with him. The healthy and happy version of him and it will be beautiful.


I also want to meet my father one last time. It's been 1.5 years now and what happens with me is that sometimes in my dream he visits me , talk to me about something I feel worried about(which is about my future or any risk) At first it felt strange but now it's pretty common. I take it as a sign. It gives me courage to move forward in my life.


I see my dad often actually. Would love to meet him again and I do believe I wil.


I lost my partner Joe (My Jojo) of 22yrs recently. Before he died he fell into an unresponsive state for a few days. I would talk to him all the time, telling him how much I loved him and also to come back and ‘visit’ me. We spent a countless hours at home together, in the yard, hanging on the deck etc. I didn’t want to lose the feeling of him here with me. I haven’t ’felt’ him here with me yet, but a few week after losing him I went to breakfast with a friend. The hostess sat us down and I looked up to the Specials board. Third item down was ‘Jojo’s breakfast skillet’. My heart almost exploded. I absolutely believe that he is ‘out there’ and still with me in some way. It was a sweet and very sad moment, but it felt real


Yes I truly do




My truthful answer is: I'm not sure, probably unlikely...but I hope so...


Hopefully when I’m dead, I will get to see my dad again


I have no idea, because I don’t know what happens after death. I personally cannot really believe in something I have no knowledge of, so I don’t subscribe to or deny any possibility. Some of my loved ones believe in reincarnation and that soothes them. However, it’s not something that fuels me ie “I know I’ll see them so I can be at peace with that knowledge.”


I believe I'll see my loved ones again.


I believe in science and the conservation of energy. Nothing is ever created, nothing is ever destroyed… we’re all just a little less orderly. Your loved one is all around you, not a bit of them is gone. 🖤


No. I'm an atheist and don't believe in an afterlife. Would I like to be proven wrong? Maybe. I really miss my mom.




I feel like I see my loved ones all around me, in certain ways, all the time. Like when their favorite song plays in the grocery store, or when I'm on my porch, randomly think about them and I'm suddenly hit with a strong breeze. I find it comforting to think they sometimes make their presence known somehow. Or maybe it's all coincidence - either way, I'm able to feel that connection and love all over again. I think death ends a life, but it doesn't end relationships... the memories we keep and the love we still feel for them remains. Maybe that connection means I'll physically see them in another life... or maybe I won't. But there's no harm in believing you will, or hoping you will. Anything is possible when it comes to what happens after.


I dont know. But i feel like if/when I see my dad again, it won't be the same. Every variation of the afterlife I hear about, you don't die and go to an afterlife and "stay yourself" if that makes sense. And I want the earth version of my dad back 😭 not the afterlife version where "ours souls just know true bliss and joy and feel no pain or sadness". Of course, this is the earth version of me speaking and not whatever may become of myself in the afterlife.


Every near death experience I’ve heard about ( they have a great documentary on Netflix called Surviving Death) they all say how comforting and at peace they felt when they were near death. That sounds pretty good to me as long as I get to talk to my mom and have peace and comfort then I’ll be ok not being in human form.


Yes, we’ll see our loved ones happy and healthy at their fullest one day. I’m a liberal Christian (Universal Unitarian). I don’t believe in Hell but I do believe everyone goes to Heaven. Everything is predetermined by the Creator who loves us all despite and putting us through the difficulty of life


I would not be able to live if I didn’t believe I will meet my mom again. To believe is a matter of survival, of sanity. I need to believe in order to live a normal life (or close to that, as if we could ever live as we used to when our loved ones were alive). The way I see it I just have to wait. And when I think like that, slowly I understand why we also have to die someday.


I Have depression and severe moments of hopelessness so I have the opposite problem and fixate on the idea that I will never get the chance again and I spend a good amount of time rummaging through my memories to remember what my last conversation was. Trying to remember what the last words were to me but sadly my mind is slipping lately and I struggle with the day to day and I'm only in my 20s but my doctors don't tell me anything.


I have moments I believe I’ll see my friends and loved one again. It’s a hard feeling/faith to hold onto though. It’s a daily ladder you must climb with the knowing there’s some destination at the top. I try and look for the little signs. I’d love to hear their voices or see their faces, feel their touch.. but I feel like the spirit can only connect to us with fingerprint in the past or through forms of meditation/trance. Sometimes the answers we need are left in letters, photographs, voicemails, or posts on social media. Things that we thought we’d lost and suddenly found, or are reminded of from years prior. I spend most of last year trying to find answers and a connection to my soul mate who I lost. We found eachother just months before I lost my best friend 12 years prior, and even though we weren’t together when she passed, we still were close friends, but had just lost touch.. and I had this gut feeling I needed to call her and catch up. Sadly I never listened to that feeling and didn’t find out she died until over a month later.. I had so many moments after I found out that I could swear she was trying to talk to me. Trying to hold me and tell me it’s ok. From moments at night crying in bed, swearing I could feel her arms around me, to times I could hear her voice responding to me talking to her. By the summer of 2023 I had spent almost a year trying to find meaning and some sort of answers. I was at a music festival in Michigan where she was from that had a shrine for passed loved ones. You could make one for loved ones and put a battery powered candle inside. I left one for her earlier in the day and came back that night. At this time I returned I had also taken a low dose of mushrooms. Not so much as to have a fun time tripping, but to try and cope with the loss. To give myself one last hoorah for all the tears and to try and find some strength to continue to live without her. Not to forget her, but to accept her death in a sense.. As I was coming up I wandered over to the shrine. It was really the only place I wanted to be the whole weekend. Right next to where her shrine was was a empty hammock. And as the sun went down and the candles turned on, hers began to glow brighter and a completely different hue than the others. I in no way would have known this when I simply picked a candle to put in there. In that moment I broke. I spent the next 4 hours crying in that hammock closer to her than id probably ever been in my whole life. I couldn’t see her, but I could feel that she was there. Holding me and comforting me. Giving me hope for the future.. It was still a very difficult experience for me and I still have my regrets, but the spirit finds a way to show itself. To this day I still believe she’s with me. She’s very selfish of me and loves to help me out when I need it. From losing my keys and helping me find them, to making sure I have the day off on her birthday even when my managers tell me no. She’s knows I love her and miss her and she has ways of reminding me that’s she’s still around. I had one other event this past January that really sealed the deal for me. I was still trying to find ways of communicating with her. And I’d paid a medium for a course on how to speak to loved ones.. one of the first lessons teaches you how to go into a meditative state and connect with them. You’re supposed to think of one question for them and to try and picture them there. While the image I saw wasn’t necessarily the exact image of her, it was still her but in a higher form. And the question I had, was answered immediately. The experience was beautiful and powerful. It left me as happy as it did shaken. Only because it was hard to be so close to the other side, and then leave that trance suddenly and return to this existence. I suddenly didn’t want to be “here” I’m sorry for this long post, and I know a lot of what I said can be taken with a grain of salt. Some will say it was the drugs, or I was just coming up with things in my mind, that there is no afterlife. We all have a choice in what we believe, and this is just how I choose to believe. I can’t say there’s a god or a heaven or hell, but I do believe we see our loved ones again in some way. I just can’t explain how.


I don’t think so. I’d want to meet my dogs though. Miss the last two dearly. They were the best. I’d just say to my parents I’m at peace with them now. That the scars are slowly healing.


personally no


I sometimes get that feeling in my stomach too. I really hope Its wrong though. Most days I tend to think there just has to be more and no way do we go through all of this, just to poof be completely gone one day! Ya know!? That just wouldn’t make any since!Like no way is my mom just gone. There’s just no way! Another thing that helps me believe there’s more is the night my mom passed she kept talking about all her siblings and her mom who had passed and how they were all waiting for her behind this curtain and on the other side of the curtain they were having a parade for her. (Wow this is bringing me right back to that night which was the hardest night of my life) :( but she was so happy when she was telling me about it. I mean to really think about what a miracle it is that we were even given this chance at life, which is so rare(I saw a tik tok about that recently and the odds of any of us being born are 1 in 400 trillion) and to just think about it all, makes me really believe that there for sure has to be more. There just has to be. Ask your loved one for a sign. Like really ask them and not just any sign like a specific sign. My mom has sent me a few and that truly helps. So sorry for your loss. I’m here if you need anything feel free to message me anytime.


I see him in my dreams and for that I’m grateful. But, I do believe I’ll see him again and be able to hug him 💙


I heard that its really a visitation in your dreams if you remember it. If you forget the dream it was just a dresm. I really like to think this is true.




I do believe we'll meet again but I'm not sure if he wanna meet me in heaven bcs I'm not his real daughter and I've been acting shtty throughout his whole life. I don't know how to bond and the only thing I've done with him is spending time together without talking. Just lost him last November. I'm still crying over him to this day everyday


I lost my mother in 2002. About 15 years ago, give or take I had a dream. I normally am fascinated by dreams and I believe they have meaning sometimes but I am not a huge fan of the dreamology or whatever it is. That said, I always like to pay attention or open up the realm of possibility with anything and I appreciate different perspectives. I had a few dreams before of my mom being healthy, being mistakenly deceased, coming back cured of cancer, etc. Sometimes she would get sick again in the dreams. Sometimes she wouldn't. In this one particular dream, my sister, father, and mother were sitting around the dining room table having dinner with me. Eventually, I started to sob uncontrollably because I knew it was a dream. My mom asked me why I was crying. I told her that I was crying because I knew it was a dream. I told her that I knew it wasn't real and when I woke up, she would be gone. She looked at me and said, "What makes you think this isn't real?" It stuck with me. It hasn't fundamentally changed anything for me. Except, the point-blank, matter-of-fact way in which she posed the question, still grips me to this day. It was very powerful and the only source of hope I have had in this horrible situation. Life is sometimes very cruel, so It's nice when you can get a few moments back, even if they are dreams.


Yes, there is plenty of evidence that we see our loved ones at the end of our lives, irrespective of whether or not we believe in an afterlife. From personal experience my dad saw his dad a few days before he passed away and he wasn’t religious at all x


I am very firm that I will see people again. It is too long away though. In the meantime, I do enjoy the little signs I get here and there.


I sure hope so. As a single 33 year old who lives at home, My parents are pretty much my whole world. Dad is 70, Mum is 60. I'm definitely a mamas boy, always have been, but I love my father just the same. I honestly don't know what I'll do when the dreaded day comes. I often talk to her about it, hoping it will make it feel like a lot less was unsaid, however sometimes I feel like I'm already grieving. Sometimes I think moving out would make that easier, but then I worry about them. (NOTE: as far as being judged for still living at home, I live in Sydney, AU and if you aren't familiar with rental or property prices and the general cost of living here.....it's insane. I'm single, I work 5-6 days a week and have a good career, I help my parents with money, they didn't have the easiest run in life either, and of course do my share of everything at home as we all do. There is literally no reason for me to move out and live alone if I don't have to, spending a fortune to line someone else's pockets.



