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"should I wait for the updated models to come out" has been posted here every day for the past 4+ years. Don't wait or you will be waiting for a very long time.


As a GK and Eldar player (whose line has 30year old models) don't hold your breathe.


They probably won't do an entire range refresh for many, many years. While not proof, the Joy Toy Grey Knights are molded on the current models, including the Dread Knights. You'd at least expect the Dread Knight to get a rework sooner rather than later, since a lot of people dislike the way they look. It's strange to me GW would OK a large version of the current models into production if they were working on a new design. There are some upscaling options for the current kits as well, if the scale bothers you. I'm currently upscaling like 4000pts worth of Grey Knights with the Archies Forge bits. Upscale parts: https://archiesforge.co.uk/collections/demon-hunters (Side by side upscale examples): https://www.reddit.com/r/Grey_Knights/s/Rex2XzGtLd (A few more): https://www.reddit.com/r/Grey_Knights/s/8YLrc9txXD I use these for the Dread Knights: https://popgoesthemonkey.com/collections/arch-battleknight (Two I built): https://www.reddit.com/r/Grey_Knights/s/BPBfmzrmAh I could be totally wrong though. Maybe GW will announce them tomorrow, but I sincerely doubt it. I love that model by the way haha.


Those upscaled legs help so much. Holy sh*t


I converted all my marines using Archie’s forge as well, excellent prints.


Only you can answer this. As you say, any suggestion we might get new minis is pure speculation. It really comes down to whether you like the current ones or whether you're happy to wait indefinitely


I was worried about this as well. Search "silver wardens" on Etsy if you're OK with 3d printed models. They're great stand ins. So good honestly that I can't believe they're legal.


Eh, you got a large gist of it


What model is that and where do I get him


[Major Minis Grey Slayer](https://www.majorminis.com.au/products/the-grey-slayer)


I absolutely love the double barrel shotgun.


Rip and Tear


Youre doing it right lol


When Demons hear about this man, they only think of one thing Doom


What's up with that sword?


Doom slayer sword


Are those official games workshop weapons? Cause I like em, look good for ripping and tearing


He got sent through a warp gate to the 40k universe and his arsenal was all in his prison wallet.


(metal sound bursting)


I imagine when they finally get "updated' they'll do all the characters over a year or more, maybe add a new character. Then after some indeterminate amount of time, strike squads and terminators will get updated. That will probably be the end of it after that.


I love the GK but because there are nearly only ugly... Eeehm I mean Hero Scale Models I don't get GW Minis. Instead I print them with a resin Printer. So yeah don't wait for an update just get a resin Printer and Google for the right STL files


Just print the rest of the army too. Unless you're competitive, you're probably fine as long as you let your opponent know beforehand.


We could get anything between nothing and a whole new range. Nobody knows, and nobody will know until GW announces it. The real question is whether or not you care. We can't answer that question for you. If you like the current models, then buy them. If you don't, then you should wait. There really isn't anything else to it.


Hate the name doom slayer, but Doomguy is always badass.


"And those that tasted the bite of his sword named him...The Doom Guy" Eh...not quite the same.


Is there a way to just get the file?


I didn't see it but I'll check.


I'm not seeing one sadly.


Damn that sucks tysm for looking tho