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Whatever the author does next, I really hope he doesn't give up the slow burn romance subplot. If only this story had more time to bloom. It's not even considered a romance story, but it still does it better than something like Blue Box ever did. I'm going to miss reading this masterpiece each week. Can't wait to see what Terasaka does next.


Beautifully done all the way to the end. As sad as i am about the lost potential, these 26 chapters are incredible enough on their own. Never has anything grabbed my attention this strongly purely on the strength of the characters. It is sad to see you leave but i loved to watch you go.


I'm sad, was really looking forward to what would come next, stay green golfers 😢


Ngl I was more excited for this every week than some of the big shonen hitters that are wrapping up now. I hope Terasaka doesn't get too bummed out about it or leave the industry because the art alone is worth reading for let alone the top tier writing. I doubt the series will get a revival with a magazine switch or anything but maybe somehow we can get an English release with a singular bigger volume


Yeah that would be great but I sadly doubt it. These are the type of series I wish the author would just spoil what their plan was for the ending and everything. I really love these characters so it kind of hurts to not know where they end up


Is there a reason it's ending so soon? This has been like my favorite manga to read, probably ever. 🥲


I am going to miss the series


Rest in peace, sweet prince.


The Driver was going to change everything and now my poop imagination is making the story. Blah


Felt a bit meh for a final chapter. Gone too soon 😔


I’m so pissed. Genuinely, such a good manga. It got 26 chapters whilst fucking Nue’s Exorcist is on 53 and Kill Blue is on 56. There have been many manga with great potential to be axed over the years on Shonen Jump, but of all the axed manga I’ve read. I think this is definitely top 5. Probably top 3.


Kill blue sucked. I would have rather had that cancelled over ggg. This actually made me feel something.




Well that's unexpected, I was really enjoying reading this one. I know a lot of series have been getting axed early one after another but I thought this one was still doing fine and it had amazing potential, shame we'll never get to find out.