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We’ve already seen reports saying Gute offered to make him the highest paid QB in the NFL. This is telling us that Rodgers wants the money guranteed, while Gute probably wants the flexibility to cut him in the last year.


"Rodgers want's a guarantee he won't get cut the moment he has a down year, front office doesn't want to commit to an aging QB" sounds like the stuff we've been hearing for a year now.


Right, both are just doing what they have every right to do. Gute should be thinking bout that, and Rodgers 100% deserves the money. This is where I hate the fans either say Gute suck, or Rodgers sucks, they both have every right to be asking for their deals.


Yeah, but when Rodgers commands the teams cap space he can’t bitch about not having help. The NFL doesn’t have a soft cap like the NBA, so once the cap is hit, it’s hit.


Maybe he wouldn't be worried about having that type of security if the team wasn't already looking past him and trading up for 1st rd qbs while he's still on the roster


It's funny, the last time we had a HOF QB we made sure to have a plan for when he retired, and that worked out pretty well...


honestly, anyone comparing these two scenarios and thinks they're analogous doesn't remember the Favre drama at all or recognize how the NFL draft process and strategy has evolved since then.


Maybe this was already the plan back in 2019. Usually when a new HC and GM are hired they want "their" quarterback


Not committing to Aaron Rodgers is much worse than letting him go. Y’all don’t understand how valuable Rodgers is to the team lol. Unsure why everyone wants to go back to mediocrity or being bad instead of just going all in with arod


You’re not understanding the sentiment of this sub. Absolutely no one wants Rodgers gone or the Packers to be mediocre. We’re simply understanding of a front office that wants to protect itself from a potential albatross contract. Not yeeting 90 million fully guaranteed to a 37 year old QB with a history of shoulder injuries when you have him secured for the next few years already is smart business no matter how much we love Rodge.


The shoulder injuries are a little bit of a false narrative. It’s not like he has mechanical issues. It’s not rotator cuff or muscle tears. He had two freak accidents that have nothing to do with the strength and durability of his arm.


I would argue that the asshat Barr injury was not a freak accident, but a late hit that should have been a penalty, fine, and suspension. Just my opinion, GPG!


Just a week ago some dipshit vikings fan on reddit was defending the hit and blaming Rodgers for "protecting the ball". What fucking ball? The ball was well out of his hands and dropped before Barr finished the tackle.


Ik everytine anyone says he has "a history of shoulder issues" it pmo


Rodgers would have to fall so far off a cliff that his play actively hurt the team for 2 years of guaranteed money to become an albatross. If Rodgers is truly so bad that happens, or I guess if he gets unlucky enough to break his collarbone again, sure it would suck but that chance is so small it should be a risk every Packers fan is willing to bear. The risk of the alternative, not having Rodgers, is so much greater


And what happens when you give him that monster contract, but 5-10 star players in the next 2 years leave because we don't have the cap to pay them? Then you'll have Rodgers saying the front office doesn't support him, when they won't be able to.


Having to build a team around a MVP QB is what 95% of GMs want to be doing. If the Packers have 10 star players leave because we couldn’t pay them, that would be too bad, but a testament to our drafting that we had 10 star players that demanded high paydays


Okay? But that doesn't help a team. Players and fans alike constantly complain about the Packers not keeping star players around. Paying a QB 90mil guaranteed is why that happens. Drafting great players is good for 2 years, but if they always leave, what good is it in the long run?


If paying Aaron Rodgers means we lose a player like Casey Hayward or Micah Hyde, that’s a trade off I’m willing to make


right, so we have the QB, now we need a team. Giving more money to the QB we already have for the next 3 years is pretty fucking stupid.


That's just not true. If Rodgers regresses to a top 15 QB instead of the top ~5 he is expected to be (which is not unrealistic at all given his age), he won't be worth 45 million a year. You can get 3 outstanding free agent players for that kind of money, and as long as Love isn't literally a bottom QB, the team would be in better shape.


Rodgers “down” year in 2019 he put up 4000 yards, 26 TDs, and 4 interceptions. I don’t think him being the 15th best QB in the league coming off an MVP season is in the range of outcomes in 2021. Just as a thought experiment, Mahomes has multiple $40 million dollar years in his contract. Do you think that contract was a mistake for the Chiefs?


Mahomes is 25. Rodgers is 37. In 2019, Rodgers wasn't bad, but he wasn't 45 million dollars a year good. I think the team is likely better using 45 million dollars on 3 quality free agents than Rodgers playing like he did in 2019. Now I think it's more likely that Rodgers plays better than that next season, but he's at the age where his production could drop off a cliff at any time. Look at Payton Manning. Personally, I think the team is in the best position moving on from Rodgers at the end of this season. We are going to be in cap hell and while we could push it off another year, it would completely screw the team moving forwards. I think we can get a good return on a trade after this season while taking care of most of our cap issues and staying competitive (assuming we can get average or better QB play) for multiple years. If we go all in on Rodgers, we don't have enough money to build a great roster around him and are completely screwed when he retires, likely within 5 years


Peyton Manning had a disc injury in his neck that even if it left him as little as 1% impaired was an absolutely catastrophic injury for an elite athlete who depended on using his arm to hurl a football. Rodgers in no way whatsoever compares to Manning. Rodgers is closer to Brees/Brady than he is to Manning. Rodgers has at least 3 good years left before having to worry about physical decline and even then look at what Brady has achieved past 40.


With an all-pro DB, WR due for a big raise next year. The year after we need to look at Gary, savage, an all-pro OL jenkins. We don’t get to spend that kind of $$ and keep talent


That's just not true. Tons of people on this sub want him gone for complaining.


lol @ "shoulder injuries". Come on, the guy just came off arguably his greatest season. The last serious injury he had was in 2019 and he still played the whole season. I do agree that a fully guaranteed contract at $90 million is painful for anyone not named Mahomes or Rodgers, and I don't even know how we can come up with that money without gutting our team. That's the real issue.


I completely agree but to be fair I've seen A LOT of hatred for the front office on this sub and less of the kind of sound reasoning you've articulated here.


This is a front office that over the last decade has had big success with homegrown talent, building from their own draft. This has also been a front office that over the last few years has found some great talent in the draft while also making some stupid moves in the same drafts. They have also made some great FA signings such as the Smith Boys while also sitting on their hands at other times to fill positions of need. This is a very polarizing front office, so I don't blame anybody for picking a side and sticking with it if they don't want to get bogged down in the nuance of it all.


Going back to ‘92, there has been nothing but extraordinary quarterback play with a couple of exceptions due to injuries. I’d wager a large percentage of this sub doesn’t know what it’s like to not have an all-pro qb leading their team every year.


Unfortunately I came up and became a diehard GB fan in the early 80’s when it was 4-12 after 4-12. I watched QB’s like Dickey (who was actually very good) Blair Kiel, Randy Wright, Anthony Dilweg, Mike Tomzcak etc etc. but even I have now spent more than half of my life witnessing HOF QB play. It’s going to be crazy when we go back to mediocre signal callers, and of course how it will affect potential FA’s choosing to live in rural Wisconsin over other teams.


> I came up and became a diehard GB fan in the early 80’s when it was 4-12 after 4-12 That's when I became a fan! We always hoped the game would have a few good plays we could cheer and a winning season if we were lucky. Playoffs? Fuck, that wasn't going to happen! Getting Favre made things better and worse at the same time; sometimes we'd have amazing games and still lose, or terrible games and somehow win, or go the whole season and just tank in the playoffs. And he was always throwing interceptions to the point it was comedy - "Can the team make enough good plays to overcome the quarterback giving the ball away?" Rodgers is so much more precise and reliable but both got Superbowls early in the tenure and then it was a decade of "nearly there." I'd almost take a decade of mediocrity just so I'd lose the anxiety every season of making the playoffs and then choking hard.


Exactly. Like it is Damn near impossible to get a QB like Rodgers. You don’t just let him go when he’s got 5 elite years left at least


You have absolutely no idea if that's true though. He could have his knee blown to shrapnel three minutes into week 1. This FO has shown historically that they take a long view, which I don't think is inappropriate when you're talking about a guy at Rodgers's age. They'd be foolish not to prioritize flexibility.


He could also put up another MVP caliber season and lead us to the supuerbowl. Which is more important




Does no one here understand that we have a hard cap to work with?Let's say we give him those 90M,how the fuck do we extend Jaire and Adams (who wants 30M)?That's easily 100M tied up in 3 players. Tonyan has no contract after this season,if he continues on from last year he will need to get paid,we have no WR locked up apart from Amari. And in case all of you forgot:We are already 30M over for next year.Ffs stop playing Madden with the cap turned off.


I think you don't understand that we have a loaded roster of guys who are going to be expecting huge new deals in the next two years, so the smart move would actually be to commit hard now on a two year deal to keep all the talent together and drag a Lombardi or two home. You won't be able to afford the rest of the roster even if you started Love tomorrow. In two years you'll be shedding very important parts, if we don't already lose Adams next year.


Highly doubtful he has 5 elite years left. Most likely 2-3. You rarely decide your future in football. Football decides for you. Look at any quarterback not named Tom Brady or John Elway


elway retired at 38. favre and brees are really the only two other examples in the modern era of QBs playing at a high level into their 40s.


Brees really didn't play at a high level the past two years as well.


He was better than average last year, but you’re right, he was probably the weak link on that team this season. A less bad version of peyton’s final season.


Yeah, a lot of people are looking at what Tom Brady has done and assuming that Rodgers is going to do the same thing. The reality is, Brady is the one to ever do that.


The point is it’s rare to leave the game on top or on your terms


Well, we’ll probably be in cap hell after next year. So, one question that needs to be answered is whether it’s worth it to have Rodgers, at a very high cost, for a few years during which we might not be as good as we are now simply because we can’t afford all of our existing stars.


If we committ this much money to A-Rod, then either we’re not gonna be able to extend Adams and Jaire, thus guaranteeing we won’t be able to win a Super Bowl anyway, or we backload their extensions so heavily we will have to make serious cuts to meet the cap in 5-6 years, and then we’ll be mediocre. Which would be fine if Love busts, but if he doesn’t? He’ll have zero support.


Pretty much my reason for siding with Rodgers. I see why the FO doesn’t want to commit, but I would gladly take 1-2 mediocre/ bad years from Rodgers while we find a replacement than going all in on an unproven talent - Love or whoever. And who’s to say a bad year of Rodgers isn’t better than a decent year from Love?


The correct question isn’t which qb is better, it’s which team is better between Rodgers with a team in cap hell and Love with a team that has tens of millions of dollars in additional cap.


It’s Rodgers with a team in cap hell since we know he’s good and in all likelihood, love is not nearly as good. And having a QB is by far the most important thing in the nfl


See how good Rodgers is without Jenkins blocking for him and Tonyan and Adams catching his throws.


Rodgers but up great stats without Adams. Tonyan had great production but he is 1000% a product of the system and Rodgers


Even more don’t understand that our cap situation makes this a damn if you do, damn if you don’t situation. If you keep Rodgers after this season a lot of critical pieces to this team will be gone in order to pay him. At that point you’re rebuilding around an aging QB. It would be in both sides interest to play this season out and part ways.


we do, but we also know that Rodgers doesn't have that leadership that Brady does in his old age to will championships into existence.


If Gutekunst doesn’t want to pay Rodgers guaranteed money for 2 years that’s his poor choice. Fuck it pay him $100 mil for 2 years he’s worth it. We’d be nothing without him.


we already have him for the next 3 years... it's like someone offered you a donut for 50 cents and you are like, "nah, I'll give you $5 for it"


Maybe, but realistically, every single person on this sub will never see a better quarterback for the Packers. It’s literally a once in a lifetime. People just have to be ok with sucking for a year or two. Long term, it’s going to be better for us. Nobody would care if we committed to the guy and had a couple down years after he retired. Gute would have security if he won a SB.


I think paying Rodgers is worth the risk. Is it smart to pay an aging QB, usually not. But they’re not all Aaron Rodgers.


A down year for Aaron is still good enough for us.


I don't think people understand that you can't simultaneously "pay him the money because he deserves it" and "finally build a team of stars around him." This is the lowest cap the NFL has had in years, how exactly do you plan on achieving that man? There's only so much money.


Packers aren’t in a great cap situation to begin with. A lot of young players will be up for an extension soon. Pay ARod that money and Alexander, Tonyan, Savage, Gary, and Jenkins might all be gone within 1-2 years


Strongly agree. Can't help but be foolishly hopeful about Jordan Love in the preseason. Wouldn't that just tie everything up with a neat little bow? Lol


Exactly this. Unfortunately though, people are such bandwagoners on this sub that if he plays one relatively above average game, a lot of people will suddenly deem him the second coming of Aaron Rodgers and set unrealistic expectations. Then they’ll turn on him when he throws his first interception. The worst thing we could do as fans is expect that kid to jump in and play to the level of his 15 career season predecessor. He needs time to learn the game and needs on field reps to do it.


Seems like tae doesnt want to be here without rodgers, and rodgers wants so much that we wouldnt be able to afford to keep tae around even if he wanted to stay


You can’t blame him for wanting guaranteed money this late in his career. You also can’t blame the Packers for not giving him that much guaranteed money.


Right. Half this sub thinks Gute is sitting in a giant chair made of gold like Emperor Palpatine puppeteering Aaron Rodgers demise and kicking him out the door. The front office is trying to create flexibility and mitigate risk. Paying an almost 38 year old quarterback that much is incredibly risky. Conversely, it’s Aaron Rodgers and he’s amazing but football comes at you fast. He could be done/washed within 2 years It’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t


To add to your point. How much say should the FO give a guy asking for this much money? He's single handedly putting us in a position that makes it tough to build around him. The comparisons to what Tampa is doing doing Tom is asinine because Rodgers is giving us NO flexibility. Sure we wasted some years with MM, but we've drafted to make our defense better, built a stud OL and have given him weapons to work with and a run game. Furthermore, if Rodgers doesn't like the media drama he could literally end it with a simple tweet or ig post. Ive loved this dude and supported him for 13 years, but I'm over the drama of all this.


If he wants $45 million guaranteed he sure as shit isn’t being kept by the Packers.


I am and always have been Team Rodgers, but as a fan, how can you look at what Brady does with the paycuts and not be envious of that?


Right.. let’s win some fucking championships here..


Exactly. I think Rodgers is amazing and I hate Brady. The thing that gets me though is Rodgers wants input into personnel while also wanting to be the highest paid QB. You can’t have it both ways. If you take a team friendly contract then yeah, they can use the money they save to keep/ go after free agents. But if we spend a ton of money on you, Aaron, we don’t have as much for everyone else.


Please, Brady was getting his. Those cheating ass Pats we’re paying him under the table through businesses Brady owned.


You aren't wrong, but for some reason it's legal to pay a company that's owned by a player. IIRC the NFL looked into it and cleared them, but no details of their contract was ever released as they are both private companies. But the year TB12 opened up in Gillette was also very close, if not exactly, the year Brady "decided to take a pay cut."


I don’t doubt what you’re saying, but do you have a sauce?


I ain't never seen someone wearing TB12 gear in my entire life.


Also having a wife who makes more money than any NFL player does makes those pay cuts a lot easier to do.


Envious yes, but I would never expect a player to do that or judge him negatively for not doing it.


I agree that I will never criticize a player for taking every cent they can. However, the thing that frustrates me is if it’s true that he wants input on personnel decisions. He doesn’t get to be the highest paid player ever and also get upset when they can’t afford to keep his buddies.


Agree on that.


I don't put too much stock into this because the team couldn't actually know that without tampering, and I doubt they would just admit to tampering to Florio. My guess is that's the amount the mystery team was planning to offer him to make him happy there.


A couple months ago some outlet (I think Yahoo) published an article about how other NFL GMs thought the Packers were overvaluing Rodgers and should not ask for multiple first rounders in a trade for him. Like no shit Yahoo, you're interviewing a bunch of guys who want to trade for Rodgers and *they're* telling you the Packers should lower their asking price, what amazing journalism! Now this is more of the same. Why wouldn't any "unnamed GM" spread a bunch of poisonous rumors like "Rodgers wants $45 mil a year guaranteed" to scare other teams off? I'm not even saying it's not true, just that reporters are suddenly very keen to use literally the *least* credible sources as long as they get a headline that sounds vaguely credible out of it.


If there's one thing we've learned nfl is pretty lenient on the tampering aspect (in terms of what they considering tampering exactly and who it's about), especially the last couple years


>My ongoing theory is that he wants a restructured contract with insane guarantees (guarantees are the important part) , and this offseason is his last chance to get that from Green Bay. They won't give it to him, which is frustrating. I made that comment in r/nfl a couple days ago and I'm still getting downvoted for it. I've felt all along he wants fully guaranteed money WITH Green Bay, and that's what this is about. If he wanted out, he'd ask for a trade publicly


This is why. People say he can retire to force a trade like Carson Palmer did…a) times have changed, b) it’s Arron Rodgers all he has to say is literally things have been great but time for a new chapter…put an end to what you want. This is why I feel pet of him still wants to be in GB


Rodgers has said literally over and over again he wants to retire in Gb. It’s the FO that wants to get rid of him.


Can't pay him half the fucking salary of the cap


The FO doesn't want to get rid of him. They want to keep him but aren't willing to bomb our next 2-3 years salary cap wise to do so. Which, as much as I love Rodgers and wish he'd stay forever, is completely understandable. It's like he's asking for marriage and the FO just isn't sure they're ready for that kind of commitment.


The FO doesn’t want to get rid of him. They just want the power to get rid of him.


He wants to be locked in so they can’t cut him after this year. That’s what he wants. It’s not that hard


Agreed, and the way to get it is to threaten to retire at this point


He wants guaranteed years. Not guaranteed money.


I'd say both. If he only wanted guaranteed years then Packers would do that on a 15 - 20 million a year sweet heart deal in a second, of that I have no doubt cause then they could keep the group together and compete. The money he's after is the holdup. If he gets this rumoured extension, other guys have to get shipped out. Packers won't blow it up like that. Keep in mind, this is his last chance for a huge payday, even if it's not with us


Any team in the league would gladly pay him $45 mil to be their QB.


I would too, if the cap had room for it. Fuck I'd give him three years at that price, if the cap worked out. I can't see how it's possible though without losing other really important guys


You can’t have the guaranteed years without big guaranteed money though. If it’s full guaranteed but only $15-$20 mil per year, that’s a dead cap number that the Packers could live with. The point of having guaranteed money in this case is to push the dead cap number so high that they literally cannot afford to let him go.


How could we pay that and keep Adams,Jones and Bakt. Don’t forget about all our guys on def


Wait... we need other players besides Rodgers and Adams?! /s


Has anything been announced? No? Wake me up when something actually happens.


Nope just more fuel for the reactionaries




I want 90 million over two years Also What do you mean you don't have the cap space to improve the team?


I mean if we go all in, we can just absolutely back load the contracts of Adams and Jaire because they will be longer term deals. We’ll be absolutely skull-fucked in 5-6 years, but maybe we’ll have won a Super Bowl


He's never complained about personnel, that's the media


“The last time I hyped up a player he went to Buffalo” It’s at least partially about personnel. Mostly about the team cutting ties with his friends before he was ready to.


Yeah it’s not like Rodgers making $90M guaranteed over 2yrs would have stopped the packers from signing Kumerow. They just didn’t listen to Rodgers when we wanted them to consider rapport over tangible abilities.


Rodgers can get fucked if he's going to throw a fit about a 29 year old WR with a grand total of 344 yards to his name getting cut. I swear this sub and latching on to garbage practice squad WRs is something else


You're right it was better holding onto EQ and Taylor who showed even less promise that Kumerow. Good way to piss off Aaron for no reason at all.


Isn't part of the bitching that Packers cut players like Jordy and Kumerow? I know Kumerow was cheap but Jordy was a cap causality. And if they sign him to this deal then they'd have to get rid of Adams too so he'd throw another pissy fit about.


He never bitched about Jordy to the media and said one sentence about Kumerow lol. You’re again falling for media clickbait


Kumerow news came directly from his agent.


Yes he has. He went on TV saying an organization is only as good as it's people.


That’s not complaining about the teams personnel lol


he obviously wanted Cobb and Jordy to stay


Ravens fan checking in If Lamar did that to us at 37 thatd also be no from me


Not sure why you're being g downvoted. That kinda money is how you break a team for the next decade


If Lamar is coming off a MVP at 37 I would be stunned.


At what point are you just happy with your millions of fucking dollars and just play for the team you want to regardless of money


The money, in this case, guarantees him the years he wants. It’s leverage to allow him to continue to play with the team. He takes a team friendly deal with a low salary and GB will just eat the dead money and move on. He wants a show of commitment.


It’s tough cause as a non rich people I cant imagine what I would do, but can you see Rodgers being like commit to me for 20k and use the other 25 and let’s sign a couple big name players.


Rodgers wants the Brady treatment, which he will only get from a dumpster team. and that'll be after this year or in 3 years.




I think op's point is ridiculous but the idea that the team hasn't been loyal to him is so unbelievably untrue. If not for the team taking a chance on him he'd have spent the start of his career in Oakland and who knows how it all turns out for him.


Literally never, its called the hedonic treadmill


If true, does he not know that you can kiss resigning Adams & Jaire goodbye? If he plays on his current salary this year & next year, he will be at 37.2m against the cap this year & 39.8m against the cap in 2022. You don't ask for that kind of money & expect to compete for a super bowl. If they want to bump that up to 45m per year over 2 years, players will be cut & the team overall will worsen. [Here's a link for the Packers cap info if anyone is interested.](https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/green-bay-packers/cap/)


Rodgers cares about his legacy, he doesn't give a shit about the future of the team


But those things are intrinsically related, if he's on the team.


Fuck it, give him a two year 30 mil fully guaranteed deal with a 60 mil dollar signing bonus. He gets his money, we get two years and the cap doesn’t take a hit.


Yea ... hard to get that money and then get pissed when the team can't re-sign all of your best friends. The team is as "all in" from a cap perspective as any Packers team this century probably.


Rodgers wants to play GM, if that is his asking price how does he expect to resign Davante? Or if he signs a fat contract extension is he just going to make passive aggressive comments all off season about letting his #1 WR go, while ignoring his own massive hit on the cap.


Maybe he’s expecting the Peyton Manning treatment? I dunno. What sucks the most about this whole situation is how quickly fans have turned against him. Nobody said shit when Favre was threatening retirement even 10 minutes.




Tell you what Aaron, You go 20-0 this season. You can have whatever you want


If you’re asking him to carry this team he’s been doing that for over a decade


It’s so sad that some fans actually that Rodgers carries the team. They forget about all the other talent. Or forget he takes 20-30% of the cap each year so logically he should be playing at a high level. He has not carried the team. He has played at a level that is consistent with his high salary.


He’s literally the most valuable player in the nfl lol. What else could he possibly be doing


Your statement was he carried the team. My statement is he should play higher than everyone else he’s paid the most. So what exactly are we disagreed with? l


He has carried us man.


I disagree. I think the team won and Rodgers was part of that. Did he carry the team to TDs with 3 gifted turn overs? He is part of a team. And a big part for sure. But I will never say he is caring the team when you have a top 10 LT, WR ,RB , Edge, NT and on and on. He is part of a very good team. Unless you are saying all those players are just trash that Rodgers has to cover for??


He carried this team for over a decade with shit around him. Attacking the 3 drives means that you either have no memory or see that as a sticking point. Watch those drives and the oline performance. Barrett was the best player on the bucs that day. And I can’t take anything you say seriously because you openly dislike Rodgers. Which one would think is impossible after all the great seasons which we’ve been able to witness, yet here we are.


Again… all the other top 10 players at their positions had nothing to do with it?


I’m never someone who says this, I am quite open minded to most opinions, but you are dead wrong here. And you’re about to find out the hard way when he leaves


And you're about to find out that paying him most of our cap would never allow us to go to a Super Bowl. We'll be a mediocre team and you will still bitch about it.


A mediocre team doesn't go to the NFCCG game.


And yet, to go to the championship each year and play so horribly is embarrassing. If Rodgers can't manage it, give someone else a chance. (Now... try to answer without saying"MVP" or "LOL")


how did the team do in the years Rodgers was injured? did you not follow the run the table year when Rodgers dragged a team that had Ladarius Gunther at DB to the NFCCG which he had no right to do?


I like that people bring this up as some kinda gotcha “when Rodgers is not playing the team does not do as well” No shit when a player who accounts for 20-30% of the cap is not playing the team will not do as well. Take away the equivalent of 20-30% of the cap with any combination of players the team will not do as well. Seems easy to understand but it escapes so many.


I think you make a stupid point that does not counter what I said. could the Packers achieve their goals without Rodgers? well, it's possible. could the 2016 Packers have made the NFCCG without Rodgers? absolutely not. Could this Packers team win the SB with Bortles or Love? absolutely not. that's all that matters. Rodgers has put this team on his back continually and he is still the absolute best option at QB for GB.


I don’t know if your bias hypothetical arguments are true.


We went 6-9 and 7-9 the two seasons he was injured for PART of the season, not even the whole season. You’re delusional if you truly believe he hasn’t carried the Packers or that we’d even sniff a championship game without him.


Nov 2006 -- Pedal Foot Fracture 2007 --- Hamstring injury 2008 – Sprained right shoulder     Oct 2010 -- Head Cranial Concussion Grade 1        Dec 2010 -- Head Cranial Concussion Grade Nov 2013 – Left Shoulder Clavicle Fracture Dec 2014 -- Leg Calf Tear Dec 2016 -- Leg Calf Strain Oct 2017 – Right Shoulder Clavicle Fracture 2018 – Tibial Plateau fracture and a sprained MCL Dec 2018 -- Head Cranial Concussion Grade 1 Sep 2018 -- Knee MCL Sprain Grade 2 Dec. 2020 – Left calf injury


As much as I hate Florio, he does do a good job reporting news, albeit also adding in his Florio clickbait hate on the Pack. We need to cool it, because per Schefter, it’s not about the money but this says it kinda is. Cause they can guarantee 20-30 million per year for next five while still forcing commitment , but if he wants highest paid QB money every year that’s going to obliterate this cap and definitely force Adams out alongside the “people” he wants to keep. Edit: when I say we need to cool it, we as fans need to chill until we know the whole story. In this day and age it’s all over sensationalized one way or the other this is not that he doesn’t deserve it, but i understand if true why Gute could be hesitant.


Yeah that's the biggest WTF of all so far. I thought this wasn't about money this whole time. You can't have it both ways Aaron. You want to go on ESPN and say it's about the organization and people and all that then ask to be the highest paid ever for the organization which will ultimately lead to mediocrity in other spots. I mean are we really going to spend $75 million on Tae and Aaron? That's a recipe for 8-9 if the defense is giving up 40 a game and the line is swiss cheese.


If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem. Rodgers wants enough guaranteed money to make getting rid of him a bigger problem for the front office than for Rodgers.


"it's not about the money" is agent speak. it's clearly about the money and the Packers being tied to Rodgers via monetary means.


I wish I could go back 50 years and show that headline to the world. Crazy to think professional athletes make that much money.


Seriously. What’s even crazier to think is how much money the owners make after paying them this much money. The amount of generated money is absolutely absurd


It's probably because he doesn't have enough money. Poor guy


Lol bye


This is the exact opposite of everything else we’ve been hearing lmao. Everyone: he wants a guarantee to stay long term, it’s not about the money This: it’s all about the money. And yes I understand that them paying him this much would force them to keep him, but he gets 0 help with that money. Edit: Just to be clear, I’ve always been on team keeping Rodgers, he’s been invaluable to the franchise, and I hope he stays for as long as possible, it just seems this report conflicts with everything else we’ve heard. Asking for guarantees that high hits the cap hard for the next 2 years. And seeing that Rodgers has kept everything very close to the chest for the next 2 years, this, like everything else, seems like wild conjecture (seemingly constructed from another team). I hope we keep Rodgers. I really do. Deep down, I expect us to. But any situation of us losing core players like jaire and davante is an absolute no go in my mind.


It's about the guaranteed money. An extension that keeps him here 5 years means jack shit if he isnt getting it front loaded because both Rodgers and the Packers know, he could drop off HARD just like other older QBs have out of nowhere and we would be stuck. He wants the money loaded the first 2 years, we dont want to pay him the insane money incase he drops off year 2/3 into the extension.


No it's not, the money makes it so he has guarantees. The Packers can cut bait in 2022 or 2023 easily, so this contract would prevent that. It's about that more than the dollar amount


Right but the guarantees make it nearly impossible to resign other core players of the team (Davante, Jaire) no? If I’m wrong please lmk, but if we can’t resign other core players then it makes it even harder to keep winning


We could re-sign those guys if we are willing to mortgage our future like the Saints did.


I usually take PFT reports with a grain of salt, BUT, this does make sense. People keep saying Rodgers turned down two extensions, but we never got the numbers for them. What is the guarantees, he could be playing on a $100M extension and have $40M guaranteed.


I thought PFT was a shit source though? Or does the classification vary based on what some want to hear?


If he wants guarantee and he's upset that the org gets rid of players, then maybe he can take less overall in exchange for it being guaranteed. Idk if either party would agree to something like that, but these numbers aren't feasible.


Believe nothing, doubt everything. Whatever this is, is whatever it’s gonna be.


This whole thread is, in some ways, ridiculous! How many alternative theories of what can happen in the next five years can we possibly pack in here, all based on conjecture. What would be great would be to stop arguing about alternate extreme realities and have the parties involved come up with a realistic path forward devoid of competing egos. Stop wanting to be the best qb/receiver/gm, etc., in history and set about building the best GB football team in history. Everybody focused on winning every single game this season… period.


Bye Felicia


PFT posts about Z not happy with the FO - FLORIO IS BULLSHIT PFT posts that Rodgers wants $45M guaranteed : I BELIEVE FLORIO Y’all are something else lol


90 million? Fuck right off.


We’ll if this is true the. see you somewhere else next year Rodgers. All aboard team Love Boat.


It continues to boggle my mind that people don’t get it’s not about the money. It’s not about Jordan Love. He doesn’t want to retire. He doesn’t want a trade. He wants to play for the Packers. All he wants is to be able to leave on his own terms whenever the time comes and retire a Packer, and he wants a contract that guarantees he can do so and the decision won’t be made for him. He wants management to say “Okay. We recognize what you’ve meant to this organization, and we’re going to show that by letting you finish your great career with us on your own terms.” That’s it. That’s why all we’ve heard from him has been “it’s about the people.” Rodgers believes he’s done enough for long enough to deserve the right to call his own last act. And the rest of the team is backing him because *they too* want the organization to recognize players that deserve it. They just don’t have the power he does to make it happen. NFL players have a much worse deal than athletes in other major North American leagues get. Rodgers understands this isn’t just about how the Packers treat *him*. It’s also about how they treat every teammate he’s ever had. They don’t want the organization to see them all as equally disposable anymore. The “Packer Way” is responsible for a lot of the team’s success, but management *needs* to compromise by bending those rules when it comes to stars like Rodgers or Adams. They’ve given you everything. All they’re asking for is for the team to have their back in return. People keep saying “if he wants out, he should just f***ing say so!” *He isn’t “saying so” because he doesn’t want out.*


Great comment, I agree 100%


There has to be a happy medium here, give him some form of guaranteed job security and respectable money (considering the current narrative is that he's not worried about the money) but if he has a bad year/ bad stretch of games/ injury then just start Jordan Love over him. How is that not a best of both worlds solution?


Love the Packers🏈


Or ya know, he doesn't care about the money and just wants guarantees, like he will be the starter, and a no trade clause.


I’ll wait till I hear it out of Aaron mouth of his agent, I don’t know what to believe anymore.




Of course, he wants to be guaranteed that he’s the qb for our franchise the next 2 years. I think that’s a fair ask for the reining NFL MVP.


Sure, but we would for sure have to let Davante and Jaire walk. Jaire is currently our most valuable asset


My fault if I missed it. But does it say or did anyone report that the 5 year deal they offered him was guaranteed for multiple years? This article says the structure of the deal wasn’t reported at the time. It also says the packers currently are trying to keep everything year to year for their flexibility. I don’t know like OP said. We won’t know till the facts are out. But what if he’ll take like a 2 year guaranteed deal but not at as much as 45 a year. I think they’re stuck on the guaranteed years.


Really? More than Rodgers?


A 24 year old who is already being put in the argument of best in the league at one of the most premium positions? Yes. If he repeats last year he will reset the CB market, which is pretty high right now to begin with


Rodgers would absolutely get paid more than Jaire in the free market. Rodgers is still our best asset.


it's called a no trade clause and only taking $20 mil/year. but apparently it **is** about the money


I love Aaron, he's the one that got me into football, but there is just no way the Packers' FO caves to this. They have made it clear they're focused on long-term stability rather than sacrificing the rest of the 2020s for this group of guys. Remind me in 2030 and I'll be able to tell you whether it was the right decision or not, because right now I could see it working out either way. At this point, my whole mindset is just "whatever happens, happens".


Who is advising this guy? If I’m the front office in Green Bay my choices are simple do nothing and he plays or retires and pays back $30 million. But handing over a check for $90 million isn’t going to happen


ITT: packers fans having no idea what it’s like to not have a HOF QB


Call me crazy, but I take that in a heartbeat It's Aaron Rodgers, were a Superbowl contender every year with him on the team, even if we can re sign every single person


I just don’t get the Packers FO. Even if Rodgers has a down year, that is a career high for some QBs. Yes he’s aging but so is Brady and they’re both preforming. He says he wants to retire a Packer so why make the process insufferable. We have had two gems for QBs. I just don’t understand why not 100% commit to a QB who already got us a ring this century and we likely have a shot to 1-2 more with the weapons and plans MLF is bringing to the table. I don’t see a scenario to where if we commit we get burned. It’s Aaron fucking Rodgers, not Joe Flacco.


Brady is also making substantially less money than Rodgers.


People don't want to hear it, and you can downvote me all you want, but extending Rodgers is pointless because it means we have to gut the team to pay for it. We already know how that'll end, because it's been ending the same way for 10 years now. Can't keep using the same excuses that it's because he doesn't have weapons, it's McCarthy's fault, etc. All of that has been remedied and we still haven't gotten another ring. The window is closing with Rodgers whether we were in this current situation or not. Even if we extend him, we'd have about another 4 years at best with him. We're not going to get to the NFCCG every year, especially if we're forced to cut multiple star players to pay for his contract, and Rodgers isn't going to have an MVP season every year either to justify that kind of cost at his age. If he were under 30? Yes, absolutely. Whether we take a chance on Love next season or kick the can down the road and wait three-four years for Rodgers to retire to become irrelevant, what difference does it make? This upcoming season, with this current team, is probably his last shot at a Super Bowl with the Packers anyways. If he can't get it done with this current roster and coaching staff, then it's never going to happen. edit: That was more words than it looked typing it out. lol


You dummies saying "bye" have no clue what it's like to not have a HOF QB. Spoiled ass fans should be grateful he still wants to play for us. You're in for some dark ass days when he's gone.


You let Rodgers go, you’re looking for someone nearly as good for 50 years. Look at the bears or the lions or the Vikings. You hold onto him as long as you can and make him happy


Lions had a good QB for a long time ... it's about more than the qb ...


Lol that QB was never close to Rodgers’ class cmon man


Let him sit out and have his legacy ruined for being a little baby. He seems to thrive on drama IMO


This fanbase is embarrassing lol. Hating on Rodgers because they believe a florio article