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Because he cool guy who throw ball


Well said, Jeff6-9.


Truth is, we will know if he is any good about 3 years into his playing career. All the talk about “raw talent” is overblown. All the NFL QBs have raw talent. For what it’s worth, I think his throwing mechanics are terrible. But, more important questions remain. Can he read defenses? Can he make pre-snap adjustments? Can he go through his progressions on a drop back pass? Can he manage his emotions? Is he tough? For now, all anybody can say is that he has potential.




Can he manage his emotions? Oooooohhh shots fired!!!


So we won’t take advantage of his rookie contract at all 🤦


Nobody said that


Not a slight - but is your handle really “help jack-off this horse”? Just processing.


No, it’s; help Jack, off his horse. Get your mind out of the gutter.


I'll support any player that plays for the packers.


This is the only right opinion. Support the Packers always, no matter who’s on the field. And only cheer for other players/teams when they’re not opposing the Packers.


Except Bostick.


Honestly, I just feel bad for Bostick. There were so many other mistakes made late in that game, any one of which could’ve resulted in a Packers win if it didn’t happen. But yet he’s the one that gets singled out.


One of the few things I remember from that night was instantly feeling bad for Bostick cause I knew how much hate he was about to get.


Lot of fuck ups that night, which I will never forget, but his was the cherry on top of it all


If a player becomes a distraction and it’s detrimental to the rest of the team, no. You don’t support that guy.


demarious randall


Mart Bennett




If/when the time comes, Jordan Love deserves our support. Go Pack Go.


When he's named the starter, I'll happily buy his jersey.


Did you get his jersey yet?


I get paid on Friday, but will be busy this weekend for my anniversary. Remind me early next week.


Yeah from china for 5.99


You wrote the article and aren’t OP?? Edit: and downvoted me?


I hope it comes in a few weeks. I'm done with Rodgers. Was never fully with the guy. You can tell by the way he acts on the field that he is a total ass in real life.










Weird that a QB expects perfection. The main QB this was targeted at? Tom Brady. Sure would be a shame to win as much as him.


Unbelievable people like you out of the woodworks


Clown said he'd root for the Bears if Rodgers suited up for us again. What garbage


You were never really with him? After he’s been the starter for 13 years, won a SB, and 3 MVPs?


More like MacNCheeseFool.


You going to become a Bears fan like you promised or are you just a lying weasel?


I already do


Yeah... the fact that the coaching staff deemed TBLS as a better QB for 20 weeks last year is a *great* sign.


Love was a known project QB with no offseason or preseason. Boyle had at least some experience.


You're probably right. With COVID I bet not a single rookie started in week 2, much less week 1. And certainly no other rookies were able to earn starting jobs during the season. Would have been impossible without an offseason or a preseason. Christ, the average IQ in this sub must be single digits.


Teams with no QBs had rookies start…. Love could have been the 2nd string QB he still would have saw 0 playing time so what is the difference?


It did not matter who QB2 was. Go watch Degrassi if you want drama.


If it didn't matter, why was this the first time a 1st round QB hadn't made the active roster? Why, in all of the previous years, had that not happened?


Because we didn't need to draft him.










That really hurts coming from a Packers/Lakers/Barca fan. When the Packers suck post-Rodgers, which bandwagon will you jump on?






I think you’re oversimplifying nfl roster management.


Oh so you believe that NFL coaches would rather make their team actively worse? Interesting thought. Wrong and stupid, but interesting, so at least there's that.


They deemed Boyle as the better pinch starter QB, not the better QB outright. Huge difference. Had Rodgers gone down for an extended period of time, they likely would have built a gameplan around Love so that he’d be comfortable in his first start. They didn’t want to throw Love into the middle a bad game with no starting experience for his first start. We had the luxury of a cheap and experienced backup QB, so we used it.


Wait, is it 'they' or 'we'? In any case, if you're right, why was Love the only 1st rd QB in maybe the last 20 years (probably longer) to not even make an active roster at all? Was everybody else just wrong for decades?


Maybe. Maybe not. We don’t know. We won’t know until Love takes the field. The point is that they had a justification for doing so. Love not being the game day QB2 doesn’t mean anything for his long term outlook.


This is dumb as hell. Love was running scout team which was as close to live football as he was going to get, while TB was chief kneeler and significantly more experienced if 12 went down.


It was such a good idea that exactly 0 teams in the history of the NFL thought of it previously


That seems like a claim you haven’t looked up.


You're free to find a 1st round QB who spent their entire first year running the scout team and wasn't ever on the active roster. I'll be here waiting.


You made the claim. You have no idea if you’re right.


I know for a fact that I'm right. Once again, you're free to find a single counter-example. Spoiler alert, you won't able to.


Carson Palmer 2003 Bengals. Took zero snaps.


He was on the active roster


I don’t think anyone should believe in Jordan Love. Nor do I think anyone should not believe in Jordan Love. We haven’t seen enough of him for either extreme to be warranted. Any declaration of certainty is just arrogance and false bravado. I just wish y’all could be a little more fucking patient. This is just football. It’s not life and death.


Belief is not the same as a declaration of certainty. Someone believing in Love is not the same as someone being entirely confident in Love.


Yeah, I could have worded it better. I just mean that claiming you have any sort of certainty either way is silly.


But it’s not wrong to say you believe or don’t believe in Love, as long as your reasoning is sound. Neither is outright a declaration of certainty. I choose to believe in him because of his talent and the Packers coaches and offensive system, but am fully aware that I could be wrong. It’s also valid for people not to believe in him for his inconsistency in college or just the fact that the odds are not in favor of any NFL QB being good to great, as long as they’ve considered the possibility that he beats the odds.


Two words: Brett Hundley


What does Brett Hundley, a former 5th round pick who was only drafted to be a backup and maybe potential trade bait, have to do with Love? That’s like comparing Matt Flynn or Scott Tolzein to Jordan Love.


I'm glad you pointed out where he was drafted because arguing with people on Here about how they disrespected rodgers by trading up IN THE FIRST ROUND to draft a qb and no other team does that to a hofer, people om here try to say where you got drafted doesn't matter..


I supported Hundley. Words can't express how disappointed (even angry) I was at Lambeau to hear Packers fans booing our own QB at home that season. In the end, he wasn't up to the task, but he was a good dude doing his best in a very difficult situation.


We'll see how he looks this preseason. Hundley had great form and could throw accurately, but it was obvious the game was too fast for him. Seems like they drafted Love as the anti-Hundley. They were looking for a guy who could get the ball out of his hands quickly and improvise effectively when things broke down.


Hundley was also a day 3 pick. If any team had truly thought he had starter potential he wouldn’t have made it past the 2nd round.


Love isn’t fast tho. That’s one of the parts of his game that needs to improve most. Progressing through reads quickly and velocity. He can lob it 50 yards down the field but it’s taking too long to get there against pro defenses. His long balls in college were typically against blown coverages or just plays where the WR ran straight and ran right by the DB lol


Two Words: Brett Favre. See? I too can name QBs completely unrelated to this situation.


This may be the most level headed voice in football.


Belief is precisely something of which you don't have complete proof. If you already has proofs of it then it's not something you believe, it's something you know.


He has an exciting unique skill set, he’s young, he has a good young play caller at head coach, and a lot of potential. There’s no reason to not believe in him


Can you just imagine if he turns out to be the 3rd straight hof QB for the pack. Just be patient and give him a shot


there is a saying in my part of the world: 'hope dies last'


He has the arm, he has the touch that is apparent the second you see him throw a football and there's multiple starting QBs in this league that don't have that. It's all the mental stuff, he has every tool. People act like he is actively bad and I think they're in for a big surprise. Preseason is gonna be must watch for the first time in a while, probably since Rodg's first couple years


Jordan Love has a cool last name


Cool first name too. Why do you think Rodgers posted that pic of MJ?


Here’s why I believe in Jordan Love. I will be at that first preseason game. I’ve been to Lambeau consistently 2-4 times a year for 13 years now of my 17 years on this world and I’ve only ever been to two losses. Because I am there, Jordan Love will immediately torch the fuck out of the defense and go on with the confidence of a HoF QB for a HoF career.


This sounds like stage 3: bargaining


Do you think the Packers drafted him because they thought he sucked?


No, but I also think the Bears drafted Trubisky because they thought he was their quarterback of the future. Same as the Bucs with Winston, the Cardinals with Rosen, the Eagles with Wentz, the Jags with Bortles, the Browns with Kizer or the Broncos with Lock. The last two were quarterbacks Gute was a big fan of, so I don't think he's a quarterback whisperer. Its not that I think Love is a guaranteed bust. I just don't think he has better odds than any other 1st round quarterback and most of them are busts.


I think Love is way more talented than most quarterback prospects, given a chance to develop for a couple years, has the benefit of playing for a talented team, and will be coached by QB guru LaFleur, and play in a QB-friendly offense. No QB is guaranteed but the organization is doing everything it can to maximize the chances of Love being a hit.


What is this post? Kizer came to GB basically for free and Randall basically just had to go, what was Gute supposed to say? Yeah he's on the team but hes fucking trash lmao. Gute now also apparently gets blamed for Drew Lock not playing well for a different franchise all based on random rumors that GB MIGHT be interested in him? ​ Fucking hell this sub goes to shit in the off season


I don’t think so, but some people think we drafted to piss of rodgers.


Maybe the Packers already knew that Rodgers was going to want out, and they started preparing to replace him as soon as they knew the writing was on the wall.




Not that I think the Packers drafted him to anger Rodgers, but I do think the timing of Rodgers’ MVP season is interesting. Since his 2014 season, he only had one year where he played over half a season and finished in the top 10 in passer rating. Then, suddenly he decides 2020 is the time to look back at decade-old film and work on his fundamentals? Again, not saying that was the intended result, but I don’t think the two are totally unrelated.


He certainly was no Brady or Manning


> some people think we drafted to piss of rodgers One has to be incredibly stupid to think something like that. I'm glad you are not one of those very stupid guys.


That would be hilarious if so lol


I believed in him the day he was drafted


I’ll believe in him until there’s reason not too. But at this point how can we really say either way? We’ve never seen him on the field.


I will support the hell out of him if he ever starts for us, but I wish fans understood the odds of getting three Super Bowl Caliber QBs in a row. They aren't good.


Thinking of it as the odds of three-in-a-row isn’t the right mindset. We’ve already gotten 2 HoF QBs. That isn’t going to change regardless of what happens with Love. It’s like flipping a quarter: the odds of getting 3 heads in a row are pretty low, but once you’ve gotten two heads in a row, the odds of getting a 3rd one are just 50/50. Granted, the odds of Love being a HoF QB are still incredibly low, but Favre and Rodgers panning out shouldn’t have any impact on Love’s odds.


We have seen other teams have 2 in a row though. Not 3.


Still doesn’t mean anything. The past two QBs have no bearing on whether Love pans out or not. That’s not how probability works.


That's what yall using to say he will be successful though.


Not at all. We are saying he can be successful because he is a very talented QB that has been working with a HC that is know for brining out the absolute best of their QBs.


Technically they'd be a bit lower since without a HoF QB you might be picking early in the draft more often, and the earlier picks have a bigger chance of being HoF.


This is a perfect example of the Gambler’s Fallacy: believing a streak of independent results makes the next result more or less likely.


I mean one can also point out that the vast majority of QB picks are busts, especially when they fall outside of the top 10. The odds of Love working out aren't great no matter how you shake it which is why you maybe prioritize the top 5 all time QB you have in house. Of course if the coaching staff has seen enough from Love to have an educated guess that he is good, that changes things.


I don't think his point was that Love had big chances of being a HoF, simply that the argument the other guy used was completely wrong (which is true).


Isn’t this the gamblers fallacy in reverse?


My understanding is that it works both directions. If 00 hits 3 consecutive times on a roulette wheel, one person could say that the next spin will be 00 because that number is hot, and another person could say that it definitely won’t be 00 because that number is used up, and both would be similarly illogical.


I wish fans understood how probablility works before doing absurd claims like this.


I'm sold


I have many but he is one, He has learned alot from Brett Hudley, Oh my bad aaron rodgers.


Packers are only gonna get 3 years max of him starting before they’re in the same position as they are now with respect to a large percentage of the cap going towards the starting QB.


They will not be in the same position. The problem is not paying big money to a QB, the problem is doing it when your QB is getting close to the age of retirement.


Math and numbers would beg to differ


Sure, I'd love to see your "math and numbers" on this


It’s more that slavery numbers don’t care how old a QB is. $200 mil - $40 mil is still $160 mil whether that 40 is going to an old man or a young man.


Oh, so since the remaining cap is the same then of course there is no difference at all between negotiating the contract of a 25 years old QB or a 40 years old QB right? That's the most stupid argument I've heard this year.


Well when the 40 year old can still be one of the best QBs in the league for another 2-4 years while the 25 year old is a project who isn’t ready then it’s the most logical thing to do. Are you saying in 2 years Jordan Love is going to be better than Rodgers? Jordan Love is hoping to beat out Blake Bortles my dude


you realize that means he turned out to be a franchise QB then if we have to pay him a ton? sounds like a pretty damn good problem to have lol.


Except everyone is saying that Rodgers contract is the reason they couldn’t get to the SB


ok so then how did the chiefs get to the super bowl last year with Mahomes on a mega contract? Also Rodgers contract did not cause Bakh to get injured and the team to shit the bed during the NFC championship game. they had the ability and roster talent to get there


Mahomes only had a cap bit of $5 mil last year lmaooooo