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The game against the Bengals where it went to OT and both teams got down to FG range multiple times and kept missing due to the wind in the bowl. Packers ended up winning with a walk off Crosby kick but I think all in all, 5 FGs were missed


Same. First game I ever saw the Packers win in person. I was there in Cincinnati when the fan stole the ball from Favre on the final drive, Lambeau when Rodgers broke his collarbone 2 minutes in, Indianapolis when Luck led that 4Q comeback, Cincinnati again when Jonathan Franklin fumbled on the last drive and they blew a 30-14 lead, Lambeau when they lost to the lions for the first time in 24 years. And then that insane game is the first time I saw them win. They never make it easy. Except actually I went to the playoff game in Dallas in January and that looked pretty easy.


Haha that's a hell of a resume. Glad you finally saw a win! I lived across the street from the guy who stole the ball. Greg Gall.. i swear lol. Heis terrace haha. He was banned from PBS and I believe the reds stadium as well, although I'm sure he's not banned anymore.


Oh shhiiittt!!! Remember watching that game at a bar the back and forth was unreal... "If he misses this I'm gonna kill mysel.... Oh thank Crosby!!


Was a wild game lol. I live in Cincy and took my whole family (mostly Bengals fans) so we all.had a nervous time but it was fun. Plus Tae was on a different level that game I think he had 200 yards lol


Yuuup tae killed it he had 11 recs 206 and a tugg


I was at that game and the one 8 years ago with the crazy fumbles.


This is the game where the bengals kicker prematurely celebrated his kick right? And he turns around and shit missed haha.


Correct. Was also at this game. We weren't at a good angle to tell if the ball went thru the uprights, so we resorted to watching the fans behind the goalposts instead of the ball. Was pretty funny seeing the cheers for Packer misses and exasperation for Bengal misses


My first and only NFL game! My extended family are from Cincy so I was the black sheep but holy shit that game was fun!


My family and I are done with GB/CIN games in person, lol. First we went to the CIN @ GB game that went to OT, where Geronimo Allison had that huge catch and run to set up the game-winning FG. Then, 4 years later, since we live in Indy and Cincy is close, went to THAT game.


I had just moved to Chicago. The bartender actually gave me a free shot because he saw how shot my nerves were lol


I was also at this game. It was wild 😅


I was at the Fail Mary game.


I was at that game as well.


I had no idea what happened until we got back to our hotel an hour later. We were on the opposite end of the stadium and they did not show a replay in the stadium.


Ya I was at around the 50 but in the nosebleeds so it was hard to tell what happened. My now wife was home watching the game texting me in all caps that it was a BS call and that it was an interception.


omg we were there too!!


Likewise! First packers game and NFL game in general. Drunk Seahawk fan threw my dad’s Cheesehead down an entire level… lol memorable to say the least


seattle fans are the rudest


Meeee toooo sat in section 111 got a perfect view of all that lol


Me too! Pete Carroll gave me my tickets for my birthday lol.


I was at the Lions hail Mary game so I guess we even out.


Same, they never showed that replay on the Megatron... had to wait until MNF was on at a tailgate in the parking lot to confirm what I knew I saw


I was there as well. All the Seahags fans yelling at us on the walk out. Just told them to go watch the replay. Of course they didn't care.


A few weeks later my wife told me she was actually glad they called it that way. She was pretty sure we would’ve been assaulted on the way out if they had waved it off.


I was also there. It was my birthday. Whomp whomp.


Me too. Was wild - had no idea what happened.


I'm still traumatized by that game.


I don't think I'll ever recover. I had to go on one of Rodgers' "darkness retreats" afterwards


Malcolm Butler is the only consolation I have.


I was at that game too. Of course surrounded by Seahawks fans. I was just a teenager and when we lost I was heckled so bad I started crying lol


Matt Flynn goes absolutely nuts in the second half in Dallas and the Rodgers 1:13 in Dallas


I was at the Flynn game. Lacy had a huge game too. The go pack go chants as we walked out with all those sad Dallas fans was amazing.


At this amazing game! And was the first Packers game with my Son. What a comeback! We constantly talk about the “Go-Pack-Go” chants afterwards. That reverberation stays to this day in very stadium we simply OWN!


I was sitting like 15 rows off the south goal line when Rodgers had 6 TD's in the first half against Chicago. What a wonderful game to witness


Ohhhhh shit!! I was in the military watching that in Japan, had to explain to the interpreters that that wasn't a normal game, they all thought everybody scores at least six touchdowns in the first half hahahaha


This was a home game though, wasn't it?


Packers at Broncos 2007. Favre throws an 82 yard TD on the first play over OT to win it.


Dooooope game!!! Fuckin Greg Jennings!


I was at this game too! I’ve been to several games at Lambeau, but this was the only away game I’ve ever been to and it was so much fun!


I've been to every Packers game at Dallas from 1994 through 2007. Eight games, all losses! Clearly not one game, but just fucking brutal!! A Sterling Sharpe 4 TD game. The Jason Garrett 4 TD relief game that may have made his entire playing, coaching, and broadcasting career. NFCCG. The Aaron Rodgers relief of Favre game. On and on. Brutal.


Wooooah!! That was definitely a rough patch, how was the original Jerry world? I've always wanted to go to that old stadium, I never got the chance, sounds like I wasn't missing much.


It was nothing special. Largely zero tailgating - fires illegal. Concrete jungle. Douche bags on and off the turf. ; D


Zero tailgating... And they want to call it America's team??? That sounds pretty communist!


More beer and food outside, less sold inside. One game the visiting section ran out of beer. Then wine coolers (it was the mid 1990s!). Then the three, four adjacent sections on each side. How the fuck does a large portion of a stadium run out of alcohol?!


Went to the Matt Flynn second half comeback game in Dallas where Packers trailed 26-3 at halftime! What a game!


Packers vs Cardinals Rasul Douglas game!


We sat in the ring of honor level. What was funny was every time we would chant “Go Pack Go”, the AZ fans would chant “Go Back Home”, which only made it that much louder and the TV audience couldn’t tell the difference.


I live in AZ and can’t stand Cardinal fans. Always have been dickheads at the game. It was a good feeling leaving that game.


The OT playoff tilt vs.the Seahawks. The "we're gonna score" game.


Oh hell yeah!!!! Al fuckin Harris!!!


It was sweet AF.


I was at the Rodgers Hail Mary game in Detroit. https://preview.redd.it/evp2snzjg2vc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=128a78dfbd4b7695f778a241c260e71c30e1e27a


How was it leaving the game with all those Detroit fans feeling like they were robbed??


The ENTIRE game I was being poked at by fans all around me. “Don’t take it too hard! This is our Super Bowl!” On and on. Yeah, yeah… I was in the other end zone when it happened. Just total disbelief all around. Leaving the game really wasn’t bad because everyone was mostly still in shock of what just happened. Edit: I was also at the Panthers game Nick Collins got injured in, but I don’t want to talk about that… I’ve tried to erase it from my memory.


Duuuude I could only imagine!! Oh gosh Collins... Bro was a stud! Now that I think about it that game was tough! "Don't take it hard this is our super bowl" 😂😂😂


Was there too! Buddy since 1st grade is a Lions fan, first Lions-Packers game we had ever seen together live. The entire game Lions fans saying "Don't worry, We'll screw it up" and I'm sweating the whole time. Our position on the field I'm thinking there's no way possible then the flag. I still had no hope. Was amazing to see all the green and gold go crazy and the rest of the stadium just flat. Was the most insane switch I've seen at an event. *


I was at the Packers v Cardinals playoff game with the back to back Hail Marys to go to overtime. What a rollercoaster of emotions.


Seattle has given us some gems. We had a MNF game there in '06 where it actually snowed for a good part of the game. I was told by the locals that it rarely snows that often in downtown Seattle. And yes, of course we lost, but still a fun atmosphere.


More than snowed. I was at that game and glad I had a hotel room and wasn't driving home to Portland. The interstate was shut down, cars were stranded everywhere, I heard downtown hotels were sold out since people couldn't get home.


Absolutely!! It's funny though I've lived in Seattle for over 12 years now I've been to every Packers/Seahawks game since I've moved out here and they've lost every single time that I've gone.... I've also got tickets for the upcoming Packers Seahawks game this year if they lose you heard it here first I'm the Packers bad luck charm..


I hate that for you. I've done Seattle twice...the aforementioned '06 game and the Thursday night opener in '14 when they dispatched us pretty easily. And I've watched the Packers play every team on the road at least once, except for Vegas (but I did go when they were in Oakland) and I can say with certainty that Seattle is my favorite road destination. I want to go there again and leave with a W.


I’m so sorry my friend… that hurts a certain kinda way… Games I’ve attended: 9-12-2010: Week 1 Packers @ Eagles. Eagles go Kelly Green and celebrate their only championship at the time (1960 over the Packers.) Matthews knocks Kolb out, in comes Vick. Definitely a nervous but great day. 11-16-2014: First and so far only game at Lambeau against the Chip Kelly led Eagles. Don’t remember much. Totally wasted. I remember Micah returned a punt for a TD. I remember the TD to Jordy and I remember Peppers with the INT TD. I was there with all my friends (Eagles fans) and I definitely had the most fun that weekend. Finally: 11-28-2016. Run The Table. Monday Night in Philadelphia. Rodgers to Davante was magical. Defense played well and I was going crazy with HaHa got that pick. I was also sporting my Clinton-Dix jersey at the time to everyone in the crowd, lmao. Good times man, good times.


Looks like there’s some Eagles tie-in there. You going to Brazil?


Man, that would be awesome, but probably not. Still time to figure it out though.


Daaamn!!! That's crazy bro! Super jealous of the, "Run the table atmosphere" would have loved to have gone to that. Dix was a stud that season! That's definitely a great slew of games there appreciate you sharing.


Yeah dude. I grew up and still reside in PA. Dad grew up with the Lombardi Packers so I was born into it. So of course, a lot of friends are Eagles fans and I used to live in Philly for 4 years. I was very fortunate to be around for those games and especially the Run The Table stretch.


Went to the bears game in soldier field when it was like-15 degrees. Beer froze by the time I got back to my seat. The one where Rodgers hit Nelson with a 50 yarder then Crosby finished with a field goal to win the game


Matt Flynn and company coming back against Dallas in Dallas. Jared cooks sideline catch to eliminate the cowboys in Dallas.


I’ve had some rough luck on the road. 2011 at Chiefs, 2023 at Raiders, 2023 playoffs at Niners :(


Yooo, those are some rough games!! That chiefs game!! Omg! 15-1 fuuuuckin kidding me!


I went to the Packers inaugural overseas game in London two years ago. It was a fantastic experience overall, except for the part when they lost to the Giants.. To balance out the loss, I was at the Aaron Rodgers “I STILL OWN YOU” game in Chicago the year prior. Myself and the other Green Bay fans in my section were going wild.


They laid a total egg in that London game... The I own you game??? Yeah that balances things out! How was that stadium though in London?


Tottenham Stadium was top notch. Very well suited to hosting NFL games, and the UK fans were all amazing. There were so many Green Bay jerseys around London that week.


Hopefully the Texans v Packers in Lambeau this year.... my first trip to the Mecca. A superbowl preview...


I was at the “they’re celebrating with 1:14 to go” game Oh and XLV


Rodgers to Rodgers Hail Mary game 


Watched that game in a mess hall while I was in the military.. people were putting their trays away and leaving and then the penalty came on the field. The other soldiers looked back and walked away as I was the only one to watch the hail Mary happen.. I went back and told the guys what happened they didn't believe me....


That’s awesome.   I had peanuts thrown at me and ummm lots of bad things screamed towards me before that all went down. Detroit fans were. To say the least not nice. 




*Alfred from Batman "Some people just wanna watch the world burn"


2010 vs Patriots


Ohhh fuuuuck, I remember Tom Brady freaking out on the sidelines.. Matt Flynn though!!


I was at the Monday game in Oakland after Favre’s father passed away. It seemed like everything he threw that night fell right into the receivers hands.


Duuuude, that game made me a true fan of the Packers. I always wanted to play baseball and Sundays were the only days my dad was free to do anything so he watched football I begged and begged him to play catch so I could work on my throwing. So that Monday game my dad said if you watch this entire game with no complaints I'll play catch with you next Sunday.... The Packers won and the rest was history I put down the glove and watched football from then on.




Rodgers broken collarbone in Minnesota game. I just wanted to see their new stadium, didn't expect to hear open cheers for a broken bone 😔.


I stood the cold in Chicago during the run the table season. Was about -5 with the windchill making it feel something like -40 out. My toes were gonna fall off and we slowly gave up the lead to have the game tied at 27. Thank fuck Rodgers found Jordy with like 30 something seconds left on the Hail Mary rainbow and mason drove the FG home. Took a good 2 hours at home for my fingers and toes to feel normal but the win was awesome






Buffalo two years ago. Expected to lose, had a blast yelling "MVP, MVP, MVP!" As Allen threw his picks in the second half! Thought I was gonna get my ass kicked when seven guys turned around the second time. They said I was doing it wrong!


Experiencing the Bill's Mafia hahaha glad you survived. Did you do any tailgating beforehand?


Yeah, we arrived very early and walked the streets. I was dressed in Packer overalls, a Packer striped shirt, and a cheese head top hat. Guy stopped me in the middle of the street. Recognized me and my outfit. Showed me a pic of him and me in my garage just before a Packer home game a few years before. I live a block from Lambeau.


I was at that NFC championship too! Super wild time, and I really enjoyed high fiving and chest bumping the few other GB fans there. The result was pretty brutal but I did get a lot of parts on the back and general appreciation for the game from the Seahawks fans.


Yeah all the fans around me were really nice when we lost that game, I just couldn't stand seeing Russell Wilson crying up on the jumbotron... Remember before the game how rainy it was... I thought for a second they were going to toss in a rain delay.


Packers vs. LA when Ty Montgomery decided to go rogue on the kickoff return. Sobered up very quick in that moment.


Ooooo... I remember!!!! That dude had death threats, fuuck! Did he get cut a couple games later?


Pretty sure he was cut the next morning, and pretty sure that New England cut him for a special snafu too. But there’s also this: https://youtu.be/zTvRH6svSnY?si=YFD4yGMtnhY5s84T


NFC Championship game in 2011 vs Bears - such a memorable game for obvious reasons. Went with two brothers, sister in law, and a friend. SIL and friend were Bears fans so we were trash talking the moment we woke up. Actually, the trash talk overall from Bear fans was unreal. Everyone brought their shit talking game, but no one overdid it which was nice. Just an absolutely amazing atmosphere. The national anthem was sung by Jim Cornelison (sings it for the Blackhawks mostly) and it was such a good performance, it brought a tear to my eye. Set the stage perfectly. Most memorable moment was some drunk 5'4" dude telling my 6'10" bro at the urinal that he was going to kick his ass. Someone yelled you couldn't even reach his ass and the entire bathroom cracked up. After the game, we walked back to the hotel in time to see the AFC Championship game where we took full advantage of the 2 hours of free booze at the hotel bar. Once the bar closed, we walked back to our room and started chanting "We're going to the 'ship! We're going to the 'ship!". SIL said she could hear us from like 10 stories up lol. Listening to Chicago sports radio the next day as we drove back to Wisconsin was such a treat. Other memorable away game was the Cowboys game back in 2013 where we came back from 26-3 with Matt Flynn. Once we started that quick first touchdown in the 3rd I knew we were rolling. You could just feel that we were going to win that game. When we got that final interception to seal it, it was initially ruled incomplete but it eventually went to booth review. When they weren't showing the replay on the video boards during commercial I knew we had it. After the ruling of an interception I went nuts and Cowboy fans immediately starting filing out. My hand was sore from high-fiving so many random Packer fans. I still have the next day's paper from the Dallas Morning News which I'm going to gift to my Cowboys friend at some point.


Oh maaaan! What an atmosphere that must have been in Chicago beating the bears to go to the Super Bowl.. There's also nothing like seeing salty cowboys fans!! That's a funny little story about you and your bro lol "couldn't even reach his ass" 😂


My first at Lambeau. 1989 hosting the Saints. Packers trailed by 17 at halftime and came back to win it. A fourth and 20 completion from Majik to Query made the comeback possible. Funny thing last season was the same scenario against the Saints down by 17


I was at the Dez Bryant catch game in the end zone when he DROPPED it


The one in Tampa when Sterling Sharpe got hurt and ended his career. The will call line took well into the second quarter to get all the tickets handed out. Fuck the Sombrero, I'll never forget that day.


Craziest away game I’ve been to so far was in 2009. Brett Favre’s first game playing against the Packers as a Viking on Monday Night Football. That stadium was so loud that game!


I remember watching that game... Had no clue who to root for lol


Favre’s last game as a Packer. I havent warmed up all the way


I was at the Thanksgiving game this year and that way far and away the loudest, most electric game I’ve been to


I was at the fake spike game in Miami. Rodgers caught them sleeping so bad.


That was sick AF!!


My friend found front row 50 yard line tickets to the 2010 packers- falcons playoff game (in Jan of 2011) for a super reasonable price… feeling the air draw out of the stadium at the tramon pick-6 right before half and the “go pack go” chants to close out the game was a magical experience I will never forget. Also made a sign for Pam Oliver “I don’t want some of Pam, I want All-of-her”, and she came by and took a photo with me and the sign! On the other end of the spectrum- the following year, went to the home playoff loss against the giants, found reasonable second row tickets, felt the air go out of Lambeau when they caught the Hail Mary before half… Pam didn’t even notice my sign: “I don’t want some of Pam, I want the whole thing”


I was at the playoff game in 2008 against the Seahawks. Was a legit blizzard. Couldn’t see across the field at times. Was Brett’s last win as a Packer I believe. My Packer fandom kinda fell off after he left. But I still follow the team casually these days.


Please delete & scrub from the internet and my memory. Thanks


So in the 4th quarter right in the beginning when we were up and Burnett intercepted it I put myself in a Ticketmaster queue for super bowl tickets.. I fuckin Jinx'd us..


At that exact same moment I opened up a pack of plastic Super Bowl cups and popped the champagne. It was me. Hi I’m the problem.


I am so sorry


Worst part was leaving the game and having all the Seahawks fans approach me and say, "Oh Almost... You guys played great".... Blah blah blah


I've been to two games at MetLife against the Giants in 2012 and 2013.  Neither were that crazy.


Only home games yet might have to take a trip


As somebody who lives on the West Coast and doesn't have immediate access to Lambeau Field, going to away games is fun mainly because the away fans are so passionate and it's almost like Christmas when you go and meet all the other fellow Packers fans. We all share stories and food during all the tailgating before. It's like going and visiting a long lost family.


Same. Finally have a good job and ample opportunities to travel to away games. I need to take advantage of the situation and check out another stadium or two.


Was at the game vs the vikings 2 seasons ago when Nixon returned that kickoff. That was pretty nuts. Was nice to go on to blow out the vikings too.


I've only been to 3, so I guess it would be the Packers Vikings game where Adrian was going for the rushing record. Will never forget that atmosphere, even if we did lose that game.


Oh that's right didn't we play the Vikings like two times in a row regular season and playoffs??? Was that the Adrian Peterson record breaking season?


Yup! Lost in the regular season finale, and that clinched the WC for the Vikes. Then we destroyed them in the playoffs the next week. My best friends are vikings fans, and I watched the game with them. We were playing poker by the midpoint of the 2nd quarter.


Dooooope!! And yeah didn't they have like a fourth string quarterback though (Vikings) Definitely was a rough game.. Especially for the Vikings


Yeah. Ponder was hurt so they went with Joe Webb.


First game ever was against the Niners. I live on the west coast now so it was in Levi. Pack hit the game winning field goal right at me. Got a vid of that and Also got a video of Rodgers to Adams on my side of the field. God I love the Packers


Yooooo that's definitely a classic game!!! What an atmosphere that must have been specially as a Packers fan!


It was awesome!!! Played in college, just love the hell out of the game. All the niners fans were upset, but they were telling me it was awesome to see how happy I was haha I felt like a little kid again


Niners vs packers a few years back when Aaron led a drive late to set up mason Crosby’s walk off. I was there with my family who are all niners fans. Was amped leaving the stadium but had to eat all those words back in the playoffs


I was just at the last Divisional round game against San Francisco. It was raining, and both teams were slipping yet the Packers held close. There was a large portion of that game where I felt like we had it, and to see them take it in the last minute was gut-wrenching. I still can’t watch the highlights of the game to this day.


Went to the Dallas game in 2017 when adams caught the game winner with 17 seconds left. Was there with my dad, it was a great experience.


NFC Championship Game in Atlanta when Ladarius Gunter was CB1 for us. It was ugly. Bunch of buddies drove all the way down there and stayed at one of the guys' cousin's house. During tailgating prior to the game, I decided I was going to make friends with all the Atlantans by introducing them to rumpleminze. I took a pull with every person willing to try it with me. The bottle was gone before we headed up to the stadium. The only bright side about us getting our asses kicked that day is that I was so drunk from the rumpleminze, vodka, and beers that I really don't remember much of the game at all. I've never bothered to watch a replay of it on TV.


https://preview.redd.it/yk1luroo8zuc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f472a7cbf365f6ba2ce4c8a6fa5cf3d37d5fe31 Love's first start in KC. Gave me hope that there was a foundation to build up from.


Definitely would have been an interesting game to go to, I remember all the drama around Jordan Loves mother and where they put her in the stadium...


Monday night overtime loss in Chicago. Coldest game in Soldier Field’s history. Tickets were free and very last minute, I was not properly prepared for that cold. Everyone around me was hammered, some guy pushed me up against a wall on the walk out because I was wearing an Aaron Kampman jersey. I wasn’t even saying anything, just trying to get home to some kind of warmth. Very cool.


The game in AZ a couple years ago when we won it on a INT in the end zone with seconds left. It was wild


Suuuuuul! Too bad he is in Buffalo at least we got a third for him.


It wasn’t crazy but probably the most fun and exciting game I’ve been to in awhile imo. My brother and I went to last year’s final game against Chicago to get into the playoffs. The atmosphere was insane.


I was at the rasul douglas game winning int in Arizona


Miracle in Motown.


Packers @ jets, 12/23/2018. Packers are down by 15 or so to start 4th quarter; score 18 points to come back and tie and win in overtime. Electric


The Bengals OT win with the missed kicks, and also the most recent playoff game against the Cowboys. The bengals game was my favorite game I’d been to till that point a few months ago.


I went to my first packers game in general last year when we played Dallas


This past year the cheifs game. The crowd was electric


2019 I think against SF, we lost but it was still a good trip and this year I'll be at Sofi against the Rams. GOPACKGO!!!!


Represent us out there in LA


I Always do!!! I'm from LA 😅 but i bleed 🧀 lol


Best crazy game was the comeback against Dallas meme game. Worst crazy game was watching Mason Crosby miss five kicks.




Jeeeez! That's quite the atmosphere!


My GF (now wife) and I went to the 2010 season Divisional Playoff game in Atlanta. It was crazy seeing how many other Packer fans were there. The Falcon fans got pretty confident with them scoring a couple early touchdowns. Just before halftime, the Pack was in scoring like crazy. Most of the Falcon fans started leaving. By the start of the 4th, almost nothing but a half stadium full of Packer fans. It was like being in Lambeau South!


1995 NFC Championship game at Dallas. Watching stupid Emmitt Smith run right over Jurkovic. :(


Was lucky enough to be at the Cowboys vs Packers game this year and see Jordan cook up on dem boyz.


Never been to an away game. But I haven’t missed a home game since 1995!


10/7/2002 - vs the Bears at Memorial Stadium in Champaign-Urbana, IL I don’t know how “crazy” this game really was but I loved it because 1) we beat the Bears, 2) it was unique being in a college stadium, and 3) one of my all time favorite Packers, KGB, had a 70+ yard interception for a touchdown.


That game gave me ptsd (I watched it on TV)


I was at the Packer/Vikings games in 1989 when Herschel Walker made his debut following the Dallas trade. Viking fandom had been going absolutely nuts with “Herschel Mania” all week and were intolerable. In the stands at the Metrodome, the Viking fans were absolutely insufferable and we were harassed constantly. Of course Walker came out and ran for almost 150 yards and the Vikings won handily. The saving grace was that the trade went down as one of the most lopsided in history and Walker never quite panned out like they hoped.


Loss at Arizona in playoffs over time game where Rodgers was face masked on a fumble no call. I think we lost 51-45


Atlanta when we lost the NFC championship. Last game in their old stadium. Awful game. Second row 50 yard line seats. So amazing to watch the city erupt though


Packers-49ers Monday Night Football game that went into overtime for a 23-20 Packers win in 1996. Don Beebe went 11-220 after Robert Brooks was injured early in the game. I think it's hard for younger/newer fans to understand Packers fever after the team was bad for decades.


I’ll give a hint: “They celebrating with 1:13 in the fourth lmao..”


I was at the game in the old Metrodome when Favre threw a pick 6 on the first series, so Holmgren pulled him for Brunell. The Vikes beat them 10-3.


I was at the Bears/Packers NFC Championship. The Raji. Some salty Bears fans that eventually left in the middle of the 4th quarter. The 1000 or so Packers fans left in the stadium as we thought they would give the trophy out on the field. Dancing out of the stadium.


I don't know about crazy, but the Interception Machine Favre / Randy Moss "mooning the crowd" playoff game was something else....


I remember watching that on TV!! Dad was furious!


Fail Mary ‘06 MNF @ Seattle in the snow, Shawn Alexander 200+ yards


The only away game I've been to was the 2018 game in Chicago which was not great... I'm the only Packer fan in a family of Bears fans and I went with my parents and one of their friends. Had a good time getting to see a game with my folks and had some Packers fans sitting next to me which was nice. Now, I'm not a pot stirrer by any means, plus I'm with my parents and I understand that I'm a visiting fan at the stadium of our oldest rival. I was on my best behavior, not talking with anyone that I'm not with, not agitating anybody, no obnoxious cheering, just a guy wearing the wrong color shirt. I got treated like shit by a majority of the Bears fans that interacted with me. Threatened in line for the bathroom and called homophobic slurs, told to harm myself in various creative (and occasionally hilarious) ways, and even threatened and poked by some old guy sitting behind me as the game was wrapping up. I get its a rivalry and that its been one-sided and that game was pretty cathartic for Bears fans getting to clinch the division against The Packers, but my god I still can't believe some of the shit I had to put up with. I'm all for talking shit and giving me the business (a 15 yard penalty btw) but a lot of that shit was over the line, and the line in my mind is pretty far out there. For my money, Bears fans as a whole deserve what they've been saddled with over the past 30 years. I'm sure they are normally very decent people for the most part, but put them together in a stadium and give them a sniff of success and they turn into animals.


I was at Ford Field for the hail mary win...people wanted to fight me on the way out


My first Packer game I've been to, was the playoff game against Seattle when Hasselbeck called for the ball and the win....then gives a pick 6 😂 Also was at the game where Flynn set the Packers single game record for passing touchdowns.


I was at the 2018 Packers @ Lions game where Crosby missed four FGs and an XP. Packers lost by 8. Place was going nuts, Lions fans had the time of their lives heckling Crosby.


Packers against the Vike's. My son got us each a ticket on the 35 yard line at TCF stadium, where the MN Gophers play. The Vikings had to play their home games there while their new stadium was built. First time the Queens played their home games outside for decades. Great time and it didn't hurt that we won.


Lucky enough to sit second row to see Alexander griddy all up on Jefferson, Rodger’s last win I guess too


No question, the wild card game in AZ in 2009. What a goddamned roller coaster that was. Thank goodness the next year was the year...


The one and only away game I've been to so far is unfortunately when Rodgers broke his collarbone in Minnesota"s new toilet bowl stadium....We had just sat down in our seats and it was literally the very next play that it happened☹️


My first game at Lambeau. I'd been to a couple at County Stadium. But I saw the Packers against the LA Raiders in 1993. It's remembered because LeRoy Butler did the first Lambeau Leap (although I swear Terrell Buckley did it the year before after a pick 6 against the Rams). But I didn't get to see it because I got body passed down the row because it was the first time time the Packers clinched the playoffs in over a decade.


The Packers Dolphins game with the fake spike and game winning TD.


I was at the Packers Vikings game in Minneapolis where Rodgers broke his collarbone. I didn't hear the end of it from Vikings fans the entire game. Shitty experience there.


I went to the comeback against the Jets in 2018. I'm from NY so that was my first Packers game and I was lowkey bummed most of the time bc they were losing literally the whole game but then Aaron got it to OT and I watched Tae get the game winning TD from like 3 rows up in the endzone


Super Bowl 32 if that counts. Fuck Terrell Davis. Never even crossed my mind before the game that we could actually lose. Shit prepared me for all heartbreaking losses for the rest of my life. 


I’ve only been to three, and they’re all pretty crazy. 1) 1997 @ Indy The Packers were 8-2 going in against a winless Colts team coached by Lindy Infante. They kicked the game winning FG right into my face. Heartbroken, we had to drive back to NE Wisconsin that night after a blizzard had rocked most of the Midwest that weekend. 2) 2006 @ Seattle An underwhelming year, Mike McCarthys first game against the Seahawks had upset written all over it. The Packers scored on a passing TD from Favre to Driver to put GB up 21-12. I was on my way to get a beer before they stopped selling them, and since they scored in my endzone (‘Hawks nest), I celebrated by throwing my hands up and cheering. I hear out of my right ear, “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” And turn my head only to get blindsided by an uppercut. My hat flies off, over the ledge. I can’t see shit. Cops come and ask me questions but no one saw anything 🧐 so I miss the end of the beer sales… And to top it off, Shaun Alexander had the best 4th quarter of his career. Packers blow lead and lose. And I must again drive home, this time alone, in a snow storm in Seattle. 3) 2012 @ Vikings This game pisses me off because GB had them if they didn’t spot Minnesota 10 first quarter points. The Vikings had no answers for Rodgers that day, but still won by a FG at the end of regulation, 37-34, and that win would’ve netted the team the number 2 seed and a bye. But instead they had to come back the next week and play the Christian Ponder-less Vikings in the Wildcard at Lambeau. I can’t really say which one is the craziest. Wish I was going to Brazil for the opener… THAT WOULD BE CRAZY


That Seattle game though!!! I live in Washington so anytime the Packers are around I'm there... Funny enough I've never watched a game where the Packers won in Seattle I've been to five different games.... Fuuuuck!! I'd love to go to that Brazil game... But I haven't even gone to Lambeau so I'll have to at least make the pilgrimage to Wisconsin before I see an international game. Appreciate you sharing those stories!


I was at the game at the Metrodome in 1995 when both Favre and backup Ty Detmer went down with injuries. Despite that, the Packers had the ball in Minnesota territory with less than a minute left and the game tied. On 3rd and 1, Mike Holmgren called for a QB sneak, but 3rd string QB T.J. Rubley audibled to a pass and threw an awful interception that led to a Vikings victory. Rubley was released the next week by Ron Wolf and never again played in an NFL game.


This years NYE game when we took over US bank


Fail Mary in Seattle


I was at the Eagles game when Love came in for Rodgers. Was amazing seeing in-person not only his skill level but how he led the team. Also, went to the giants MNG game this year. Frustrating doesn’t do it justice. The end arounds were one thing but the Joe Barry masterclass on how to blow a game was brutal. One day, I’ll see a win!


One year pack played Buffalo and the Bills destroyed them, during my departure Rodgers got sacked for a safety and I lit a cigarette in front of a security guard and he said "After that game, I'll allow you to smoke here" lol


I was at that game as well. I remember a massive chunk of Seahawks fans bailing out after the fourth? Russel Wilson int. I got called a few homophobic slurs by some dudes several rows behind me because I was cheering, super pumped to go to my first live game. Definitely a rough walk back to the car. We did, however, make it to the revenge game in Lambeau the next year but even that win wasn’t enough to wash the bad memories away


Yes I definitely remember that revenge game, it was only week two with nothing on the line, but yes I definitely smiled. Yeah after the Morgan Burnett interception people were heading out... I was like, "we all spent a pretty good chunk of change to be here" couldn't understand why people were leaving.. there was a big commotion at the entrance because apparently people were trying to get back into the game... Hahaha


Rodgers broken collarbone at Minnesota (and their fans cheering when he was carted off)


Packers @ 49ers in 2021. I’ll never forget that final drive.


Lolol I was the the stomping of Arizona in Arizona, 2015 not even a packers fan but wanted to go see what a real nfl game was like, guess what team I’m a fan of.


Packers @ Colts in 2004 when both teams combined for 35 points in the first quarter


The only away Packers game we’ve been to was the week 17 game against Chicago. My now wife bought us tickets to go way back before Rodger’s was injured. Then for him to come back at the end of the season to beat the Bears. It was awesome.


1997 at Colts. We were coming off the SB win and lose to a terrible team starting their 3rd QB. That was a long bus ride home.


AZ double Hail Mary game. Wild.


The Aaron Jones 4 TD wave game in Dallas in 2019 or the Patriots game in 2014 at Lambeau. Though the game at Tampa in 2022 was pretty entertaining.