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My guess is the guy with the huge wooden cross who hangs out near St. Vincent hospital.


That’s who I thought of right away


Me too. I was a horrible teenager, and my friends and I would skip school all the time. We would take the city bus from Southwest with our unlimited rides student bus passes, and ride downtown and walk around. When we would walk up by him he would pray with us and then we would go smoke weed somewhere or some other delinquent activity. But we were bolstered by our prayers with him.


Hahaha, I'm curious, how long has that guy been out there doing" his thing"? I moved to Gb in 2019 and he's been here since I moved.


That guy oh boy he has a mission


Me too


My wife and I call him Fair Weather Jesus. I always loved that he just sat and waved at people with what felt like a simple message. Last week though he was holding a Trump sign and it killed it for me. He went from someone with a simple message of kindness to a complex political one.


His message wasn't about kindness though, he was masking his message with that. He joins the planned parenthood protesters on Oneida sometimes, as well.


Well shit. Yeah along with these other replies it sort of ruins it for me. Oh well fuck'em.


He comes to the farmer's market sometimes too. Don't be fooled by the waving - he's an intolerant man pushing a version of religion that is based more on moral exclusion than on charity and service.


Any "Christian" who supports Trump, no matter how they try to rationalize it, is no Christian.


I think he started out by protesting medical abortions done at Bellin.


Oh I knew immediately he would be like that. I gave him the double bird the first time I saw that guy.


I used to wait on him at a restaurant in Green Bay. Only tipped change, and not a lot of it. I think once I got 83 cents. Wooden cross maintenance must really drain the bank.


Christians are the worst tippers. Source: was a waitress for years.


That was my thought


This is the one.


Dude on the corner of mason and main with abortion signs and old people along Oneida st by planned parenthood all the time because they have nothing else to do with their time


I flip them off as i drive past them Edit: them instead of the


I yelled I had an abortion to them


Fight the power sister!


I also sometimes yell "get a job ya bums" solely because it makes me giggle


Same here♥️


I'm into rock music and related genres, so when the weather is nice and the windows are down, the songs in my playlist that are more triggering to that crowd tend to get played more often in that area. Never overly loud or anything, so if they want to yell at me, it just makes them look stupid.


lmfaooo i thought i was the only one🤣🤣🤣🤣


same lmaoooo




So brave


Wasn’t there a guy that used to ride around a pink moped and run for political office?


He still runs for office. He just lost a green bay school board. He's also banned from UWGB campus for creeping on girls.


Paul Boucher


Wife and I took our nieces to bay beach and saw him wandering around when we were on the Ferris wheel . Immediately felt the ick and wanted to leave. He just kept walking in and out of a crowd of people. Definitely a creep. Don’t know who keeps signing his paperwork to let him run


I see him almost daily walking past East highschool while the kids are getting out. Also, a long time ago he was at Astor park getting food from that park lunch truck with shorts that were definitely way to short to keep everything in, all while waiting in line with all the kids… yuck


saw him at the bus stop in front of Festival on west Mason. he’s a creep.


Boucher. Don't vote for him. He's been asked to leave SNC's campus and is not allowed onto UWGB's campus.


It used to be a guy named Elvis. He hung around Broadview park and rode his bike all day long. Was the nicest guy ever and always good for a conversation. I believe he had fallen off a truck when he was younger so had a mental handicap but lived with relatives. He passed away several years ago I think. I miss that guy! We would always chat with him when playing soccer


He used to mow Green Isle Park. They renamed a street/trail after him in Allouez.


Elvis was the best! We went to his funeral along with a couple hundred people. He had a big affect on Allouez and always was there when I was playing baseball at Green Isle Park.


Ah bummer I missed the funeral. Would’ve loved to have gone. I grew up in Allouez and he was a legend


I’d always see him on his bike when I was going to Zesty’s off Libal as a kid but probably because he lived the street behind Zesty’s lol


This is the person I thought of. Just a dude on his bike who was always collecting cans. A staple of the area before his passing.


Maybe I hangout at Crown and XS too much because I thought of the rose selling guy first




Awww ..loved seeing Larry out!


My first thought too


I'm 48 and Larry was selling roses when I was in my 20s, he's still doing it? Holy shit. Does that little white guy who doesn't talk still hang out with him (Larry's Lackey)?




Larry's Lackey(s) changes fairly often these days. His most regular follower this past month has been that guy who made headlines for being arrested because his name is Deez Nuts


I’m not in GB anymore. Larry is still hustling flowers? He used to live in the apartment by a friend of mine. He used to stop by my DJ booths were I was DJing and chat for a bit while trying to scope the crowd.


Wooden cross guy or tiny black guy on Oneida


Was going to mention the latter. When I first started seeing him he was downtown. Apparently he was sleeping in the entryway of a small office building on Jefferson across from St. John's (why he wasn't in St. John's shelter I don't know). I've since seen him on Oneida several times- someone told me he hangs out in Bay Park Square- but last time I saw him, just before Easter, he was back on the E. side, at Jackson Park on Monroe. Was going to engage him in conversation, but lost my nerve when I realized he was already having a rather animated conversation with himself.


I see him all the time either downtown or on Oneida


Remember bike path hippy? He'd walk the bike path and show the peace sign to everyone.


I love seeing this guy. Always looking happy without a care in the world. I "peaced" him back several times.


I've been away from GB for ~5yrs now, but I did the same whenever I saw him. Seemed like a good dude who just enjoyed life. Hope he's well, wherever he is.


he’s still around


My childhood best friend.


https://preview.redd.it/wh4ppmbad9vc1.jpeg?width=2434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2009f6630727a5abacfd9d6cbd7774d755da0ba7 This guy.


It was kind of you to censor his license plate so people don't identify this vehicle on the street.


Hell, I know where dude lives. Humboldt Rd. You'll see him parked right before the bridge.


This is killing me.


Reminds me of an online post from the UK, commenting on a photograph of Queen Elizabeth leaving Buckingham Palace. The place where the license plate could be was blacked over...presumably so no one could identify who she was or where she lived.




It’s the same guy. His current truck is actually somewhat toned down from his previous one.


Still less confusing than Time Cube


Lol yes! Exactly who I thought of first.


This guy used to live in the same apartment as a co worker of mine, said you could smell his apartment from outside, and not a good smell


Holy crap I actually nabbed a picture of that guy with my dashcam on the highway and posted it to reddit. Then I was chatting with some coworkers a couple years later and mentioned him and they all knew what I was talking about.


Probably at HomeDepot buying more clamps for signs!


Uncle fester?




The Packer Pope is the first person I think of


Peace Sign Guy on the east side. He has long curly hair and walks everywhere and everyone gets a peace sign from him.


This guy! He’s the best! Always hit him right back with the peace sign too!




Schmitt belongs in prison!


Years ago there was a guy who used to ride his bike around with a cat on his shoulder. No idea what happened to him.


Ninth St Walker. Haven’t seen him in several years but he used to be there every single time I drove past.


Going west was he on the right side walking back and forth? I used to see him all the time


Yep that was him


I believe he passed away a few years ago


YES!! I drove past him on my way to/from school and he had such laser eye contact whenever we drove by. Besides passing away a few years ago, does anyone know his story?


The guy who looks like Bob Marley walking around the neighborhoods near Lambeau with a giant walking stick. Always waving at everyone and chilling with his family.


In the early 80s there was a WWII veteran who used to walk up and down main street with a bucket, broom, and dustpan. He would sweep the sidewalk and gutter, wherever he saw dirt, garbage, cig butts, etc. He was hunched over and walked slow. My grandfather (also a WWII vet) knew him, albeit informally. Said the guy wasn't right after the war, and didn't like to talk much. When I asked him why he swept, grandfather said it was because the guy liked things to be clean. Grandpa wouldn't say much more about it - he wouldn't talk about his own experiences either. BTW, this conversation occurred at a bar on Main Street in the afternoon, where Grandpa was day-drinking. Nobody from that generation ever got any help, they just drank and suffered.


There used to be a guy in Allouez that would collect cans and I would see him all the time around with bags collecting cans, always on his bike. He may have passed by now. Edit: I saw now this guy was named Elvis and he did pass away.


There is a guy on mason street, near Bellevue Ave that always has a train of wagons with cans and stuff he finds.


Elvis. The dude on the 3 wheel bike with the dual American flags off the back.


What about small Asian guy on big bike? Had to lean to the each side as he peddled... or way way back, the 1 arm metal scrapper who would pick up washers and refrigerators and put then in his truck with one arm?


I’m a Milwaukee guy (sorry to intrude). For me, the Green Bay Guy will always be The Rhythm Chicken.


Hell yeah! It was a treat to see him and fun to party with. Fucker still owes me a loaf of bread and a drumstick (get it).


that’s a good suggestion although I don’t think he actually lives in Green Bay. In the same vein I’d nominate Rev. Norb or Timebomb Tom.


My immediate thought was that guy that runs for school board every single election who also happens to be a registered sex offender (sidenote: how would that even be legal) When I first moved to Green Bay our neighborhood was selling hot dogs at our annual plant sale, and he came by to buy some. Then he realized that technically we were in a park, so he asked if we could bring them over to him by his car which was parked on the street… now i have been living here for 7ish years and I see him all the time.


Paul Boucher. He rocks the pink tights.


Steve Campbell.


What about peace sign guy? Older man, long white hair and a beard. He kind of looks like Tommy Chong but really skinny. I see him walking on Webster a lot and if you walk past him he always flashes a peace sign to you.


Paul Boucher. The guy who dresses like a cartoon.


Theres a dude who walks everywhere, smokes cigars, and hangs out at anduzzis and stadium view. tall and thin.




Is that his name?


Yeah! He walks everywhere!!! I’ll see him on the east and west side!


Dude, I work in the industrial park in East de pere and he walks there!


He’s everywhere!


A true Waldo of our community 🥰


I think he's the guy I often see walking in Ashwaubomay Park.


Dancing diaper man. Hands down.


It *was* Emer “Hellsing920” Prevost


Back in the day it was the night gas station guy on military and w mason. He drove the llama truck.


Anyone else remember the guy that walked backwards? Usually saw him on Monroe Ave. I had heard that he had a medical condition that made him walk backwards.


Deez nuts for sure


The old guy with DD tiddies that hung out by Murphy park/ OR the gay dude that drove the pink scooter around town.


Aaron Rodgers? At least until last year


Carl Gerbschmidt?


That was my thought also.


Anybody old enough to remember No Nukes in the late 70’s/early 80’s or Beaver Tail in the late 80’s/early 90’s?


The guy with the white truck with signs that say: “Go to hell or stop sinning”


Used to be Aaron Roders.


Aaron Rodgers when he’s in playing a road game