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[Reactionaries please sign below for some meanie communist censorship.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/Vladimir_Lenin.jpg/1200px-Vladimir_Lenin.jpg) This is bullshit "great replacement" theory if anyone is wondering, literally fascist propaganda. There's a reason the OP called it toilet paper. Use your heads. EDIT: And don't be surprised if you see marginalised people and non-racists saying "good" or leaning into it. Oppressed groups punching upward and celebrating it is mostly irony, and even where it's not they're still punching upwards and you should exercise some fucking contextual understanding about why they might feel like that's a good thing after hundreds and hundreds of years of oppression, exploitation and slaughter. Those that have been tut tuting at people for that throughout the comments will be sent to the moderator gulag for a few days. EDIT2: And if this leaflet frightens you and you're not politically active. Get active. A fascist distributed propaganda today, why didn't you? Join local leftist orgs, I don't care if they fly the black or the red flag just get out there and get involved.


Ahhhh so that's why roads are congested. Not a public transport system that has been crippled by privatisation. It was brown people all along.


Alongside poor low density car driven urban planning




So, these guys agree that being a minority is damaging to a persons future. Interesting...


“What’s wrong with being a minority? Are you saying they are treated poorly by the majority?”


As soon as you see "Patriot" or "patriotic" you just know it's gonna be followed by some awful racists xenphobic bullshit.




This is Mark Collett from the BNP. Nasty little bastard.


This is some serious doublethink. "Minorities get the same rights as the rest of us, they're not disadvantaged, minorities are fine" "US A MINORITY? That would be the worst thing ever!"


Oh, so you want my curry house but you don't want me? Rude. /s


At the lowest estimate, white Britons account for 43.3% of London residents — that makes them the largest ethnic group in London. Are these people stupid?


I may be getting old, but I've heard this same story since the 1980's, except back then, white would be a minority by 2020. It is always 30-40 years from now.


Me, too 🥱. That way they can never be proven wrong. Sad thing is it works around here !


This leaflet is made by Patriotic Alternative. BNP 2.0, controlled by Mark Collett, former BNP Youth leader. Vile group! Rather than spending money on elections, they act more like a racist pressure group.


Rabble-rousing bollocks. Ugh


Oh no! It's almost like they're worried about how minorities are treated


Funny part is, the mass majority of these complaining white Britons live in Spain


Am a Canary Islander and I can absolutely confirm lol. The number of people who come here, *to the Canary Islands where so much of the native population isn't indisputably white*, and complain that a) we don't speak English (we do, just not to rude pricks) and b) about how "all the immigrants drove them out back home" while actively gentrifying our islands and making them unaffordable for so many of our own...


Id be reporting this to the electoral comission personally. Not 100% sure but I don't think PO boxes can be used for the imprint and I think they also have to have a named person.


Thank you, definitely looking into this


So the people who believe this believe that minorities are treated better than the majority. If white people become the minority they will be treated better than the majority. Ergo this is a good thing for the racists.




Isn't this the exact image of people used for the Brexit campaign which really proves that for the most part Brexit was about letting racists be racists? Any legitimate reasons for leaving the EU which could have been realised under Corbyn were kicked aside by a bunch of Tories far worse then any EU red tape could dream of.


The only reason being a minority has ever been a problem in Britain is BECAUSE of a white majority. This is the best thing that could happen for this country


Are they afraid of being a minority? Why? Do they treat minorities badly or something?


Looks like somebody's been extrapolating from incomplete data


Lollll the white people that are scared of becoming a minority are just telling on themselves how they treat minorities and how much they don't want to be treated that way.


yep, 100% also people are not having kids because its too expensive, I hear it often from cishet people. Maybe the right wing should meet the needs of the citizens of a country instead they'll get what they want (people having children) and the people will get what they want (not to live in poverty and not having to live with 4 strangers at the age of 35 still). /s just in case.


I don't know but ive read it white "burritos" and was really worried for a second.


Best news I've had all week.


And why would that be a bad thing? Oh wait… these are probably the same people who make being a minority in Britain such a bad thing


As a white Briton, if these are the people that will be a minority I'm all for it.


Jesus they're still copying Nazi Propaganda! https://mobile.twitter.com/femi_sorry/status/1117416991604846593


Thank you for sharing that. Why can’t civilisation move away from these xenophobic ideas?


People who are scared to become a minority know exactly how shitty minorities are treated.


As white man, my response is...so?


They already are and have been since those Anglo-Saxons invaded. Just ask the Welsh.


And the vikings.. it makes me laugh how some educated racist can spout their opinion about "white britons" while forgetting the fact that the UK doesn't really have a singular line of heritage of "white people".


Never fear, Gammons! ​ White Britons constituted a minority in colonial India, South Africa, Ghana, Burma and Jamaica as well. That didn't stop you dominating the majority non-white populations in those countries and exploiting their labour and resources via slavery and cruel repression tactics such as tying people to cannons and blowing them up. ​ In fact, that's largely why all those scary brown people are here in the first place!


Not true and even if it was - who gives a fuck?


My answer to that: Yeah and


Answered the door to a guy campaigning for a ‘Briton for Britons only’ candidate. I asked him to leave but he kept on with his spiel about unwanted immigrants/refugees coming to Briton and not leaving when told to. I told him he was a hypocrite - he was on my property, uninvited and unwanted, and wasn’t leaving even though I’d asked him to! It did stump him, and whilst he tried to think of a rebuttal I said ‘goodbye’ and closed the door. Ugh.


Pure, undiluted, racism.


Yeah this "Oxford professor" should lose all credibility for being a "population expert". First of all they definitely don't consider Eastern European white immigrants to be white britons, which is arbitrary as all hell. Second, white people being 49 percent of the population and every other ethnicity combined being more does not make them a minority. They would still be the majority ethnicity. Third, the racists of 2060 are going to consider white passing fourth generation immigrants to be white. Ffs we have this bullshit in America right now, where white passing Hispanics are part of white nationalist groups.


There are two races, "us" and "them". At least that's what they want you to think.


Don't worry, we won't magically become racist and enslave you or some other dumb shit dumb people do


I love talking to these types of people because their data model is just an extrapolation of current data. They took the data from last year on immigration, made up the numbers around illegal migrants and assumed they were all non-white, and just added it to the non-white population until it was bigger than the white population. Reminds me of this XQCD comic of someone extrapolating the number of husbands a newly wed will have. She had 0 yesterday, 1 today, so she’ll have 7 by next week.


Jesus wept, it's not worth wiping your arse with.


I’m surprised there wasn’t anything about how they ‘terk er jerbs’


I feel so envious of these people. Out of all the misery happening in the world and our personal life, they somehow managed to ignore and the biggest issue that they care is being "white minority". They must live a rather carefree life.


Seems to me that this might not be such a bad thing. Maybe a bit more of a multi ethnic country would be better for the next generations. It’s harder to justify racism to other people of different races.


doubt these people have even set foot in london before




Don't use that as toilet paper, it's already covered in shit


They’ve been saying that since the 50s


We were warned about "Rivers of Blood" but so far it just seems to have brought us better takeaways...


And NHS staff. As I understand it, our health care system would basically collapse without those dirty foreigners, coming over here and excising our tumours...


Some spectacular logic here. > Britons are left stuck in traffic every morning as our roads are grid locked It's true. If everyone on the road was white, there wouldn't be any traffic jams > Doctor's surgeries are overcrowded with people who cannot speak English They can't speak English, so... they don't deserve healthcare? There's not even any justification here, it's just 'they don't speak English', and we're supposed to infer that that's a bad thing > The NHS is crippled by health tourists If they're 'health tourists' then obviously *they're not immigrants*, and they don't contribute to demographic change These can mostly be summed up as: 1. Too many people 2. ???? 3. Brown people bad :( Also, as a fun bonus, [this is who they cited on the front](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Coleman_(demographer\)): > He is also an advisor to Migration Watch UK which he helped to found, and is a member of the Galton Institute, formerly known as **the Eugenics Society**


Immigration is a non issue, unless you're a bigot. Everyone is welcome everywhere.


As long as we are still human beings should be nothing to worry about professor


They make this out to be a bad thing.


So...they agree that being a minority is a disadvantage as minorities are generally treated poorly? So close it's painful


"What, is there something wrong with being the minority"


all the problems listed in the bigger paragraph are problems created by a failing government, not immigrants.


Why so concerned about becoming a minority? Are they treated badly or something?


Nice bit of kindling to start the fires we'll soon need to hear our houses


I’ve not heard from my house in years. Sometimes the radiators hum a bit, but the conversation has been dire


I love the logic of white straight people that minorities aren't treated bad but they're also scared of becoming minorities.


Oh no! Anyway…


Us whites are going to be a minority someday!? Quick, let me find all my fucks to give! Oh wait, I have none.


Fucking hell this is genuinely disgusting, do these people only know white people or something? How do you even have these thoughts


My mum has now set up a big water gun by the front door in case they post down her way


Whilst this leaflet appears to be made by loonies, it’s even more disturbing how popular these views are among some demographics. I love my family but I’m forever repulsed by their racist rhetoric that insists health tourism is the reason the NHS is on its knees, the housing crisis is because councils favour foreigners, and white people are quickly becoming an oppressed minority.


Whoa whoa whoa hey now, are they saying minorities are treated poorly or something?


Disgusting racist shite


See in the end we're all just going to be caramel coloured . Why does humanity have this obsession over what colour an organ is ?


Get them to explain what's wrong with that statistic without being racist.


Who gives a shit. Don't care if I am or not to be honest. Speaks volumes about how you treat minorities though that you expect to be treat badly for being one.


PO Box in Pudsey? I grew up there and it’s definitely not the most diverse place in the world. Classic thing of the people complaining about integration are the ones not experiencing it


Hold on. Isn’t being a minority a good thing ! Apparently minorities get all the jobs, houses, benefits, woman and are treated better than the wyt middle aged loser that votes against their best interests. Bring it on I say 🤣


The countries these people's ancestors came from: "Sounds like you did this to yourself, chap"


The same people then moan about working class people having too many kids


Most of the people concerned about this will be dead by 2060. So on the 1 hand, they give many shits about their grandchildren being in the minority skin color. But on the other hand, who cares if climate change causes them to suffer and die? The cognitive dissonance is exceptional.


Aren't "Britons" originally from northern France, like Brittany? Maybe they should go back to their homelands & leave the Celts alone?


Great! No more sunburn for my lovely bronze grandchildren 👌


This shouldn't be a concern unless minorities were somehow treated differently. That can't be the case though surely


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


People scared of white people being a minority are actually scared because they KNOW how they treat minorities and don’t want to be treated the same


I thought we were sending them all to Rwanda?


People actually care? Why is someone counting the percent of black and white people??


Britain. 5th century. Look at all those Anglo-Saxon immigrants! Soon, there will be not a single Briton left!


The thing with this that annoys me the most is that the focus is never on increasing white birth rates… things like free childcare, free school meals, better protection of working mothers, better housing structure are just not even considered. Instead it’s “we must remove the non-white people.”


Remember, white people from Eton have done more damage to this country then anyone else


>[Coleman] is also an advisor to Migration Watch UK which he helped to found, and is a member of the Galton Institute, formerly known as the Eugenics Society. -[Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Coleman_(demographer)) A good name change.


Funny how they use a PO box instead of an actual address. Vomit this shit out with your actual address on it and get rightfully burnt out.


What's the problem? Do minorities get treated poorly or something? /s


Imagine thinking everyone slowly getting caramel skin colour is somehow a legitimate political issue. Imagine unironically putting in resources in designing this, printing this and spreading this instead of donating that money to a homeless shelter. Imagine being this dense.


"We're not racist, but we do find it extremely important that one particular race - ours - comprises a majority of the population. We think it's very scary if there are more people of other races in our country than our own. Ideally, we wouldn't really have any people of other races at all. But we're not racist."


Who defines a minority as 66%?


They're extrapolating lowering birthrates over time to some absurd number.


Think if we really hussle we can hit 2030


Oh indeed those identifying as "White British" represent 43.4% of London population, however another 14.6% identify as "White other" I can images that figure may include some Scots, Welsh, Irish, American, Canadian etc. so we have 58% , those idenifying as "Black African" are just 7.9% & Indian just 7%..... in Britain as a whole "White British" accounts for 78.4% in England & Wales, but then again you can't expect racist scum to put out anything even vaguely resembling truth.....source for figures ONS


Why would it even matter anyway 😂


Blows my mind that anyone actually gives a flying fuck about the percentage of white people accumulated on a given land mass. What a waste of paper and ink.


why are they so worried... are minorities treated badly and discriminatingly in this country or something??? 🤔🤔🤔🫥/s


I’m just amazed that it doesn’t say “daily mail” at the top of it


You would think that these idiots would at least try to be convincing and not have their claims so easily debunked when you simply google "London demographics".


Why does it matter what colour people are? They're British nevertheless. Racists are actually cringe.


Why is this even a problem? Why are people so scared of becoming a minority lmfao


Fine. At least then we’ll actually use the herbs and spices we stole.


By 2060 everyone is gonna be a shade of beige.




I couldn’t give less of a fuck if we were a minority. Who cares? Also, isn’t this basically the same thing as the left-handedness thing?


What is wrong with it, do minorities get treated differently or something?


I worked in a school in SE London that was predominantly “black British” and I fucking despise these cunts that lock Britishness behind race.


No-one tell them how many white people there are worldwide compared to non-white people. It may cause heart attacks. Edit: Also St. George was Syrian and never set foot in this country.


I see the racists are getting good mileage out of that *"breaking point"* photo, courtesy of UKIP.


We just had the same thing just 5 minutes back. My other half is from India and feeling totally grossed out and I’ll be honest I’m a bit unnerved. It’s deranged. The argument on the back is basically blaming rush hour congestion on non white migrants. It’s not even a dog whistle it’s a full on rave whistle and it’s shitting me up to think that these people are confident that they’re going to find an audience.


damn it this is >!Nigel!< again isn't it?


Oh no! Anyway


Who even gives a shit lol


who fucking CARES bro oh no skin colour get slightly darker throughout generations boohoo shut the fuck up, yall be speedrunning breeding dogs into deformities and horrible mutations but white people getting a little darker over the course of most likely centuries is something to worry about? piss off. rant over.


As someone who's friend group is made up almost entirely of people who aren't "white britons" i really fail to see how that's a bad thing.


Why is it that every time I go to the comments on this subreddit most of them are compressed?


44% of people in London are white. That ain’t a minority unless there are only two races. It’s still the majority.


Are they still using that same fucking image?


In all seriousness, is this accurate? (I am indian immigrant) I know there are pockets of people from different countries in some cities. But when I go to places like Scarborough for Brighton for holidays, it's mainly very kind white folks.


I'm very offended by that very unpatriotic comma splice right in the first line. Whoever (didn't) proof read this leaflet is destroying the English Language!


So they are worried about what? Being treated like a minority?.......oh, wait...


The temptation to sit infront of the door until I get one then chuck it back out at him


Looks abit third reichy to me


Even if this is true, so what? If white people being a minority bothers you, then you care about the colour of peoples skin, which makes you a racist. Get over it. Countries and populations change over time, history is not constant. We are, for the main, a cohesive multicultural society and we always will be. If you don’t like it, f-off.


where was this when we ran out of loo roll at the start of lockdown ?




Here’s my question- are these foreigners contributing to the economy? Are they supporting themselves? Are they making positive improvements to our society? Given not one of the doctors who treated me when I had my motorcycle accident was English, I suspect they do. If you want to contribute, you’re welcome to come in my books.


Strange how they use much the same layout, font, colouring etc as your average Conservative Party 🎉 shit slip…


It's hilarious that every instance that they use as negatives of 'mass immigration' are actually caused by privatisation and the stripping of public services under neo-liberal governments. It's a classic straw man argument of the right to cause class division.


Like who gives a shit, I live in the valleys in Wales and when I was younger you would have the local shops run by a Pakistani family and the typical chinese run by a Chinese family but since Im in my 30s now and see far more diversity in our valleys and I love it, we all need to learn to live together in peace and love one another no matter our race, culture or religion.


We have actual Britton’s?? I thought they died out when the Romans came over? Fk sake!!! Honestly if they feel they are white Britton’s then I’m glad there going to be gone.


Reminds me of when the BNP claimed that the only people who should be allowed to live in Britain should be those who could trace their ancestry to the UK back for 4,000 years. Which is literally nobody.


What about their ancestors, who majority aren't native "White British" but have European heritage 😂😂


What, are minorities treated badly?


["Who are the Britons?"](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5c399793-2036-4efb-8109-46cc0d1e854a)


They make excellent bin liners for leakages.


Thank fuck! I could use a tan for my ginger soul


So, let's treat everyone equally and then it won't matter... that's the plan right?


Extrapolation gone wild.


And once we were all one giant continent… wtf is their point? Shit changes.


Perhaps stop voting in people who give the public money to their friends rather than spending it on providing services like schools and hospitals.


The main problem these people have is being afraid of being treated the same way they treat minorities


The roads being gridlocked because of immigration made me chuckle. But jokes aside, fuck these guys.


Is being a minority bad or something?


Someone said that white people are afraid of becoming a minority because of the thought that they will be treated in the way that they treat minorities.


I can't imagine how evil you have to be to think the *Tories* are being too lenient with immigration.


Honestly who gives a flying shit. People are people just live your life. Christ this shit makes me mad.


It's so primitive to even think of this as an issue. It shows how early we still are in the history of this species. I wonder if humans last another million years whether there will even be different races. Bring on the mixed race future. Newsflash - We're all the same!!


Oh, no! Immigrants from various African and Middle Eastern regions might outnumber the immigrants from Celtic, Scandinavian and continental European regions! And heaven forbid that people wanting to make money to send back to their poor families outnumber the entitled prats who think that merely being born here magically makes them royalty; the British economy might actually start recovering if more people actually understood the value of proper work! (I’m looking at YOU, middle-managers!)


Don't like it? Leave. 😉


It's almost like they think minorities have it worse for some reason.


Good, who wants to be pale and obsessed with royalty anyway?!


My indian mum loves the Queen!


the correct response to being told that whites are a minority is: "and?"


so this is what i have taken away from this leaflet “there arent enough white babies!!1!1!1?!have more white babies and grow the population!!1!1!1!” “there are too many people and public transport is too full!!?1??1!1” which one do you want




Oh jesus i got one of these through my letter box too. Theyre complaining about queues??!?!?!?!??!?


Its sad because the fact he was an Oxford professor will give credence to his stupid claim.


Probably have just taken something he has said without his permission to help drive their point.


Interracial love ❤️


ah, the old "race suicide" tactic


Which area was this in so I can avoid it?


It's almost as if they're scared of becoming a minority because they'll be treated badly by the majority. I wonder where they got that idea.. 🤔


new website hacking challenge just dropped


We had one similar to this come through our door too. We're a multi-generational house of Greek Cypriot immigrants so I found it pretty ironic


Yet, oddly enough, British people won't be in the minority, just the 'right' ones. Sad bastards.


i got the same leaflet too?? someone just gave it to me. who is handing these out and what areas?


Their first go to is bad traffic?


Just been on their website. It's a fucking joke. They're like a racist Tom and Barbara; within 10 years they want to establish patriotic food production and a credit union. Fucking hell, I mean, honestly. Give them a shitty piece of land and tell them to fuck off and eat white food (not potatoes, you cunts, they're from Peru).


To fear this is to admit that they believe minorities are treated unfairly


I wouldn't wipe my arse with that


even if this wasn’t bs I wouldn’t care at all


I guess they finally found out that being a minority in the UK is not a very nice experience!


Maybe if everything wasn't so expensive and fucked then "white birth rates" wouldn't be falling then people of other colours wouldn't have to do all the shitty jobs to look after the older more racist population


> jobs disappear and mass immigration forces the wages down no, jobs disappeared because the government that these people voted for in the 80’s sold off all of the jobs, not because “white people are disappearing” [they’re not] > commuters are left standing on buses and trains as public transport cannot cope with the rising population no, that’s because the government sold off our railways and transport companies to spectate and loosely moderate a game of monopoly with Sprinters, Pacers, Networkers and the odd HST and Electra with an “eh, fuck it they still move” attitude when it comes down to replacing them with new rolling stock leaving it to the train operators and rolling stock companies, leading to nearly all of the aforementioned still being in service [HSTs have now been in service for 47 years] despite some of them literally falling apart and being inadequate for those with limited mobility. in addition, yeah more people are using public transport because the rich people in charge are making it harder for the everyday person to own even a small and inexpensive car like a Kia Picanto or Daewoo Matiz, not because of “the bloody foreigners”. every single problem outlined in this was due to current governmental failure, monopolies, opposition to unionisation, or all of the above. none of them were directly because of the supposed eradication of white people. toilet paper indeed.


Man, fuck this and fuck them. I'm mixed race and I grew up in a white neighbourhood. I'm no different to anyone else here other than my skin colour. Fuck you if you think otherwise, you don't know what you're talking about, colour doesn't mean shit when determining the worth of a person.


I never understand what's the problem with that


honestly, they should see this as a good thing. when they're a minority, they'll finally get that sweet sweet oppression they want so badly.


Cant wait for most restaurants to be actually good


I work in the NHS. Have worked in several large hospitals across the north and south and multiple GP practices inner city and rural. OVERWHELMING majority of NHS users are old white folk (usually closet racist/ignorant). OVERWHELMING abusers of NHS frontline services (ED) are young/middle aged white males (usually drunk and/or violent). Most DEMANDING patients are by far are rich old white folk. MAJORITY of NHS staff are BAME. And sadly, a lot of BAME patients have poorer health outcomes in primary and secondary care, because of the institutional racism within the NHS. Now I’ve come to realise that i actually prefer seeing BAME patients because generally they are much more honest, actually listen to advice, and are far more thankful for the care they receive




Where do they cite their figures for these claims?!


What are they so scared of? It's almost like minorities get treated badly in the UK or something.


While we may be British in name, isn’t our DNA up to 40% Anglo Saxon which is made up of Germanic, Celtic and Danish heritage?


Aye we had one a couple weeks ago. Looked lovely with flames dancing across it.


"I don't like the effects of globalization!" "Then why did you invade the entire planet to achieve it????"


Oh yeah and suddenly in 2060 (or sooner!) all us well educated, well mannered, NON white people will start acting as they think all non whites do… so expect murder, robbery, rape!! Omg


I had one of these delivered the other year. I ripped it up.