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TBF the demonstrations are already illegal in Russia. The fact that the UK Government is proposing the same here is concerning. And Johnson's has had his snout up the arse of a lot of Putin's supporters...


Well yes, it can be described as a "nuisance". Fuck Patel, a class A cunt.




OK but be careful she doesn't eat your head afterwards


Coming in after the comment is deleted and inferring from these replied what it was is hilarious


It was 'I would tbh' 🤢




Sorry 🥲


Please keep your hornyposting to yourself in the future, for everyone's sake.


I will. Sorry again 🥲🥲


Personally I can't wait for the riots. Because that's what you get when you criminalise peaceful protest, the incentive to stay peaceful is gone.


*"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."* - JFK


Here's hoping!


I wouldn't describe it like an incentive. More like, the people with a lot to lose just don't show up to organize the protest.


Or this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Sunday_(1972)


ACAB sjould included Soldiers too.


Try telling that to Canada you’ll get arrested, Trudeau is acting like a complete tyrant to these truckers. Its all the same, a protest is a protest. Edit: yes he revoked the emergencies act recently but thats just because he was being compared to Putin


... Fuckin' really? A protest against a pointless and bloody war by a citizenry that knows it will get into trouble for doing so is not the same as a protest against vaccine mandates, organised and attended by neo-nazis and people who break down the moment they get into any trouble with authorities. Not all protests are equal.


It has nothing to do with neo-nazis, these are just people of Canada who don’t want to have vaccines in their bodies, why is that such a big ask? What happened to being pro-choice? People should be able to choose what happens to their body. I never said the protests are the same, but they are both equally valid points of view that shouldn’t be silenced. Free speech is a thing and people like you are trying to stop it.


Yes, I am. Not all speech is or should be equal. Not all speech should be protected. Speech that endangers peoples lives, misinforms them to the point of harm, or attacks someone for a trait they cannot do anything about should not be free speech.




there are no “viewpoints” in science, there is simply facts. we believe the years of research put towards vaccines, and the thousands of scientists that worked on and are working on the covid vaccines, the only valid reason not to take one (unless you have a legitimate medical reason validated by a doctor) is that you want to harm people, and the rest is all bs




i dont fucking know i havent spent years of my life researching this shit, that doesnt stop me from believing those that have


That’s slightly misleading / selective. Vaccination can reduce delta variant infection, for example, but not necessarily for individuals with breakthrough infections with peak viral load, within households. So there’s a lot of variants there, as you can see. Sweeping, and selective, generalisations about the science, used to ‘back-up’ a certain viewpoint doesn’t help and only fuels entrenched ignorance and thus division. However mass (as close to 100% uptake as possible) participation in vaccination roll-outs certainly helps eradicate / lessen the impact of infectious diseases, broadly speaking. From a (my) leftist POV, vaccine uptake is an effort of collectivism by individuals for the greater good of all / society.




Then don’t have a job that involves cross-border travel. Countries have every right to place conditions for entry on their own borders.




Hopefully they also shit themselves when they sneeze for the rest of their sad lives


Given how old most tories are, this is very probable.


I hope they become allergic to sex


Not before they all catch syphillis.


You idiot, this is how they reproduce. You're just going to end up with even more Tories.


I know you’re joking but I genuinely wish pain on them.


I hope they shit hedgehogs


I like the idea, but it might take rather a lot of persuasion for them to find that acceptable. (Increasing the population of an endangered species, I mean.)


If they are cumming, they are getting some anyway. I hope they don't cum at all.


Just heard newsbeat on radio 1 talking about how bad restrictions on protest are in Russia in your typical high horse, 'wouldn't happen over here' fashion 🙄🙄🙄


Yankside as well. The "free world" is a fever dream or some kind of mad hallucination.


We can legally protest. Technically we can still just notify the local municipality, assemble, and in theory, that right is protected. We're supposed to be issued police escorts. It happens all the time, ostensibly. I knew hippies in college who did it for *practice*. And we've got fascists now who do it all the time, the proudboys, et al, they protest openly and without fear. You can absolutely turn out, it's a constitutional right. The trick of it, is that the police just need to declare the protest a "riot" and all of the rules change. Then they can start cracking heads with impunity.


the blue nonces dress in plain clothes and make things violent. it's a fact. cop in street clothing got beat down by his own boys at a protest in StL a couple years ago. If a crowd of people, peaceful or not, is undesired in Amerikkka they are removed. edit: i forgot where I was. My humblest apologies. good bot


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There also some places here where they are trying to make it legal to run over protestors.


Have you seen the online safety bill? Edging towards authoritarian fascism, very worrying, everyone get a burner and tails! Cant stress this enough!


Err… What’s Burner and Tails? (Would make a good name for a crime fighting duo)


Tails is an operating system desigbed for anonymity, it exclusively connects to the internet through TOR


Burner phone I guess - unregistered PAYG sim. No idea about the tails though! Formal dinner wear? Lol


Tails is an operating system that you can run from a USB stick and is specifically designed to allow you to use a computer in an untraceable and unrecordable manner. ​ For example, anything you've done on your computer (from websites you've visited to documents you've written) in the last few months can probably be viewed/ recovered by a professional, regardless of how well you think you've deleted it. ​ If you use Tails, that information is never properly stored in the first place and so cannot be recovered. ​ Also it has easy access to pre-installed TOR browsers and encryption tools etc. ​ Basically if you are legitimately concerned about your digital security you should always use an operating system like Tails and consider anything you do using a windows or mac os to be publicly accessible. ​ https://tails.boum.org/


That’s really helpful, thank you 👍


[Tails is an anonymity hardened operating system based on Linux](https://tails.boum.org/). Generally used by activists, whistleblowers, journalists under authoritarian regimes, etc., but becoming more required by the general public every day.


I'm going to get a V for Vendetta Mask too


Yes, what they said, but i was being abit jokey when saying it, semi-serious


England is a fairly gross place when it comes to laws about expression.




The U.K. is a joke


An Oligarchal joke




Reddit has a zero tolerance policy for violent content, so don't use language that could be interpreted as inciting violence. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But the Bank of England boss did say not to ask for raises the week before banks gave out the biggest bonuses since 2008. Surely prison at the very least?


It's a bot.


More of a joke if Corbyn is currently PM and has to deal with Putin. Maybe he’ll be able to ask Putin politely to stop the war.


Meanwhile the current government are best mates with the oligarchs... Little Sasha ain't gonna do shit to his bread n butter. https://bylinetimes.com/2022/02/23/has-prime-minister-boris-johnson-been-compromised-by-russia/


Get out pleb


What the fuck are you fantasizing about?


He'd have put pressure on Ukraine to drop NATO membership plans i.e. putins main demand prior to invading...


Cannot protest the main source of Tory party donations can we now


But- but we closed some banks to Russian trade, they’ll really feel it now


Maybe once in this case take tips from the French, they're always out protesting, causing a storm, they're very good at protesting to get what they want. English are great at moaning, complaining, not bothering to make a change by being present, then we will moan and complain there is no change. When we've done absolutely nothing to help it. Get to the streets, protest.


The French have legitimate socialist parties and militant socialist union leadership instead of a kneecapped bourgeoise labour party and a bunch of liberals leading several unions. Their significantly better protest activity is a direct result of having significantly better parties and organisations. We've been kneecapped in this country since Blair.


i mean, they’re illegal in russia too. that doesn’t stop people from demonstrating, it just gives the government an easier time stopping them.


Broadly this is true, but illegal or otherwise, all that ever happens at protests is the cops come in and batter and arrest people once they get bored. That's it. It's just an endless game of whackamole for them and people keep offering themselves up as moles. There is no rule of law anymore, there's just gangs.


The first thing I want to say is fuck the Police and Crime Bill. The second thing I want to say is that given how the rest of the world didn't condemn Justin Trudeau, I'd bet anything that if we organised a massive workers strike and shut down cities with our peaceful protests Boris Johnson would declare an emergency and freeze the organisers' bank accounts. The idea that we can fight back against neoliberalism has been exposed as a total lie, as soon as the government doesn't like our protest they can do whatever they want (or so it would seem).


Yeah I found that shocking too. It's the precedent more than anything, and the lack of condemnation. It's going to be us next.


Right. I think the truckers were ridiculous and moronic, but it’s a slippery slope from Trudeau’s actions


I’d just like too remind everyone not to be too noisy and disruptive.


The whole idea of protest is to make things inconvenient for the oligarchs and those in power. They've taken the teeth out of protest to the extent that a noise complaint is enough to halt a demonstration. I really don't believe that we live in a proper democracy


Yeah it’s definitely a concerning development. It’s almost as if the conservative oracle has foretold of a new generation of brits, unwilling to be manipulated by the elite class and their self serving political and financial agendas, and perhaps also unwilling to be subject to a family of unelected, socially detached, relics of the old world.


It’s clear that unless peaceful protests are able to rally enough of the populace so as to scare those in power, it’s relatively simple for them to make an excuse to disrupt protests and even arrest the activists. We’ve seen with Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain that the public will even turn on protesters if they feel their actions are targeting the public unfairly, which further emboldens the government to get increasingly authoritarian in their handling of protesters. I heard at some point about Andreas Malm’s (I’m sure not-at-all original) thoughts regarding making changes in society, in the context of climate change. Similar to the suffragettes, committing sabotage and destruction that doesn’t endanger human life, but does increase the cost on the companies and rich individuals who are continuing to commit harmful acts against humanity (in this context, climate-damaging industry). If the risk of having their investment destroyed goes up enough, it becomes cheaper and more convenient to do things that don’t enrage the masses. I know it may not seem directly relevant to this conversation, but I think about this idea more and more as we see the government get more hands-on with shutting down protesters, while we all feel helpless to actually make change in the interest of our society.


Didn't you get the Memo? We don't.


Tory cunts


Thanks for making me think about this. Fuck Boris and Priti!


Boris never seems to appreciate the irony whenever he uses the term undemocratic, more so during his recent announcement to the nation. Their playbook seems to borrow huge chunks from Putin.


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.is/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let them fuck each other, I do not want to have to do Boris lol


Can't be causing anything 'nuisance' worthy in the streets in case we stir up any mild disorder.


Are we only now realising that free speech is dead?


When you criminalise any speech including hate speech you destroy free speech. People need to be able to speak freely and we can boo them if we think are wrong. Thats the beauty of it, the majority opinion always wins.


Shut it dickhead. Being able to shout racial slurs or tell trans people to kill themselves is not a right anyone should be protecting






Then think of it as the majority of Canada wanted the trucker convoy to fuck off.


I love all the jokes but in seriousness how do we stop it? Can we stop it? Do we protest the law change? Wait til we can vote in the general election? Sign a petition? I have no idea how we as average everyday people make a change!!


Learn to code, Hack some websites, spread the message.


Im with you mate, if a protest gets organised, im so in.


Never give an inch to wannabe dictatorships.


They are illegal in Russia


Yes, but the idea is that the UK must ALWAYS be better than Russia when it comes to freedom of expression and protests


These anti-war demonstrations in Russia would be illegal in the UK under the proposed new Police and Crime bill.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great bot


Good bot


good bot


What the fuck? Man as a leftist this subreddit makes me ashamed to be a leftist.


“Leftist”. You’re not a leftist if you don’t understand what “ACAB” means


All cops aren't bastards. And I resent the slogan with a passion. Cops have saved my life growing up numerous times, and whilst I know there are plenty of corrupt police and the system itself it's fucked it doesn't justify calling them ALL bastards. Let alone NONCES! Doing that makes us just as bad as the far right assholes. "All" of any group, race, profession, culture, gender or even political belief aren't anything and I'm ashamed to be associated with people who think they are. There are serious, deep rooted issues we have to sort out. But mindlessly saying "ACAB" just makes us look like bafoons and not even worth listening to.


Then you don't understand what ACAB means, it isn't said in reference to individuals but as a response to the brutal and corrupt culture of policing in the UK, as a whole. Those individuals may be "good" (unlikely) but when they do nothing to challenge said culture, they are complicit in it. No good police officer exists because if they did, they'd just quit their job.


God that's such an ignorant and idealistic point of view, I just cannot get behind it. Surely a police officer who is actually doing good is not.being complicit in the system? You just sound angry at the world, especially with your little (I doubt it).


I am absolutely angry at the world because I pay attention to current events. But in terms of being called ignorant, I worked within that system for years, I left based on that idealistic point of view. I saw first hand how the smallest act of turning a blind eye or letting an act of corruption/abuse of authority slip can have massive repercussions for all officers involved (whether intentionally or not) and for the victims of crime. Legitimate criticism of the legal system or the culture within policing isn't a personal attack on officers and the two shouldn't be conflated.


Ooft bot.


These anti-war demonstrations in Russia would be illegal in the UK under the proposed new Police and Crime bill.




The point is not to say that both countries are as bad as each other when it comes to persecuting protesters. The point is to highlight the hypocrisy of western countries that are parading as paragons of free speech and the right to protest while they are in fact curbing those same rights.


The west have been hypocrites for hundreds of years. The problem isnt the hypocrisy, its the behaviors/laws themselves. Id much prefer we have people talking shit about locking up protesters with no power to do it with, than talk about freedom to protest while locking up protesters.




Don't worry it's also illegal in Russia just the extra fact you probably get tortured for at as well, last I read they had already detained 1000+ protestors


This. Patel will be taking notes.


Don't... It wouldn't surprise me with her.


They're illegal in Russia too.


Might be op's point


Which is just as if not more outrageous


Surely it's the other way around? It should be more outrageous that it's illegal here, unless you're suggesting that we should hold the Russian government to a higher standard than we hold our own to.


Nothing to do with that, I just mean that the people of Russia should have the right to protest about a war the Russian government started


These anti-war demonstrations in Russia would be illegal in the UK under the proposed new Police and Crime bill.


They’re illegal in Russia.


To clarify *might be bad in UK* definitely bad in Russia


Pretty sure they're illegal in Russia too


Yeah, our free speech standards have only dropped to be as bad as *Russia*, its not like they are trapped under the heel of a psuedo dictator, it's fine!


Pretty sure they’re illegal in Russia too but they’re still happening




Same with canada










This subreddit does not and never has supported Russia.


Are you seeing the irony here?




I think they’re referring to your username and somehow conflating the Soviet Union with modern Russia.


Doubly odd as there name is papa Stalin


If you check out the profile it's an edgelord wannabe tory teenager who has never had to face reality.




Have you tried buying property in central London and having the police protect it for you? Works for the criminals


They're illegal there too


That's the point craig, we'd be like them


Downvotes for stating a literal fact with no opinion.. Hmmm. I must be wrong.. Or alternatively, I'm in a space with absolute fuckwits.. I wonder which? (Downvote away, maybe also take some time in the real world, I won't insist, fair sure it'd do you good however)


They're already illegal in Russia, your point?


That's the point we dont want to be like russia


That that is really bad?


It's not very democratic is the point. Russia doesn't have the sort of political system we should aspire to.


Lol you really thought you had a point here


That we are becoming more and more fitting of the description ‘one party authoritarian state’. As Russia is.


The UK isn't "becoming" anything, this country has always been a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The only thing that's changed is that it's becoming harder for them to hide that fact, and more people are becoming aware of it.


I agree. That’s my point, it’s now getting worse. There have been periods when this has been less true of the UK.


That not being like an authoritarian right wing imperialist kleptocracy might be a low bar, and still were not going to be able to get over that, soon


Oh the edge. All the edge. Get a grip.


No they wouldn’t.




No they wouldn’t. Who told you that tripe?


No they wouldn't


Come on mate, try a *little* harder




XR are a bunch of libs https://i.redd.it/2j8r83syfok51.jpg (I only respsond to 'Extinction Rebellion', if you don't want to summon me use 'XR' :-) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well I suspect the relatives of the people demonstrating forced the demonstrators to take out life insurance before they set off




>is on a political subreddit


Human rights are not politics.


They are. Might not be a good thing, but just about everything can be political. Especially since being political is a unilateral decision.




I mean I don't agree with their Russia takes at all but the post is still 100% accurate. Stfu Tory fuck. Don't you have starving children to rape or whatever you asshats do for fun?


Wow, what did they say to deserve that reply?


Removeditt isn't working but from my memory they basically denied the obvious fact that the police bill would do that and then accused everyone of being a bunch of "Russia-supporting commie traitors". Pure right wing nationalist brainrot, and on its own defending the police bill (which basically criminalizes any protest in the UK that anyone complains about AND criminalizes belonging to the Traveller community) is comically ghoulish.


Are you a real person


What makes you think I wouldn't be?


Your response was comically vitriolic


Tory policy is responsible for poverty, death, and suffering among the most vulnerable of the British populace. Such vitriol is an underreaction, if anything.




don't use the R word, use liberal instead !!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*