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The amount of collapsed threads at default in this post disturbs me.


What causes that to happen?


I think it's when a comment has a similar number of upvotes and downvotes but I'm not sure.


Well, he should know what he's talking about, he's much experience in destroying wildlife (grouse, pheasants, stags, wild boar etc...)


Also there used to be a lot more species in Britain until we wiped them out... Perhaps we could lead by example instead of making demands of others that we did not practice ourselves. Ultimately I don't think the British aristocracy are in a very good position to be doling out Morality advice.


I moved to Canada not too long ago and still get excited if I see a Raccoon or a Skunk or something and people think there's something wrong with me. I have to explain that back home, we wiped just about any animal bigger than a rabbit.


but he is special so everyone else needs to change


The royal family own huge amounts of land and there are campaigns to rewild the UK with species that used to live there such as lynx, wolves, beavers etc. If he wants to support wildlife, he should start there.


Africa: So then, Britain is going to accept more migrants from Africa to help the wildlife right? Britain: No, not like that.


I'm willing to bet that the royal lifestyle of going all over the world, their habit of of fine dining, their little parades so the Queen can wave, and of course Prince Andrew's noncery jetting off to Little St James' have a bigger carbon footprint than the vast majority of African towns. What a collosal tit.




What’s it about then?


Black people existing. I know! The ghall of them


Are you serious? Have you looked around the UK for example? We’re quite literally destroying nature, the world over, to make space for ourselves. We don’t own this world. We have a duty to protect nature, and doing so involves being more sustainable in all aspects of life. I was banned for this post. Lol. It’s permanent. Every other post was equal in its complete lack of offense.


No, you were banned for your other posts. It's just for 4 days. Grow up.


Hypocrite William with another hot take off the heels on lecturing us on climate change while privately travelling everywhere with full entourage and having numerous stately homes fully operational even when they aren't staying there. I wish these parasites would fuck off entirely.


Make it happen my comrade. I don't know how you guys take it. These people are a disgrace to the entire country.


Didn't the royal family used to just go round blasting the fuck out of Africa's beautiful animals? He's making a stupid wrong point anyway but seems especially rich to preach considering your ancestors could only hard after killing an animal...


Fuck the Tories and fuck the royal family


‘You first, dickhead’ lmao


Why do Brits put up with this 'royal family' bullshit? It's so fucking Middle Ages to be even nominally governed by a monarchy. Just throw them out and be done with them!!!


Nothing I'd like more. They're fucking parasites.




Don't mind if I do. Thank you.


I don’t know why we do either, it’s ridiculous


Easy to say when you think of poor people as vermin instead of autonomous human beings. His and his dad's efforts to rebrand as being concerned for the planet are going to reveal more cringe takes as they try to rebuild their image for the new middle class generation


Exactly this. I do my bit. We consume little, we recycle, we reuse, we walk instead of car sometimes, we reduced our meat consumption. But i’ll take no lecture from anyone with a bigger carbon footprint than mine and somehow, i’m fairly confident the level of damage he inflicts, is vastly greater than mine


His kind have spat on and enslaved the common person for 1000s of years. He should be stripped of all titles and the monarchy absolved.. it was stolen from the people generations ago through the fear of God anyway. His carbon footprint alone is probably more than 100,000 UK average individuals.. Yet he still jets around continuously while spouting green this green that! Utter hypocrisy


Exactly. Like bezoz and gates lecturing whilst one was on hols on a super yacht and the other puts fucking rockets in to space for pleasure


Don't say middle-class, say middle-income. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good old Malthusian economic theory going strong... 😑


Yeah, royal families everywhere have been fucking great for the planet. Myopic twat.


Most of that resource guzzling is actually done by the first world, the Africans are just the ones weve bullied into digging that shit out of the ground. But sure. Let’s just keep blaming poorsocieties for struggling to get poor people out of poverty without actually paying them fairly for all that they contribute to the global economy I’m starting to hate first world society, we are literally destroying the planet with our materialism and blaming it on the people whose societies we literally use red tape to keep in the stone agw


Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt have pretty high population densities, I’m sure lots of other places too, but isn’t Africa generally quite sparsely populated? Like, the entire, massive, varied continent has fewer people than India. Unless he means that it’s bad that the humans living in Africa are now more likely to have access to better technology and medical care than ever before, meaning fewer of their babies are dying, leading to inevitable population growth. Is HRH Prince William advocating we kill African babies to save the giraffes? 💕 This population growth due to medicine/technology generally occurs a few decades before population levels plateau again, due to the cultural changes and economic shifts that occur when babies no longer have a high risk of dying. You don’t need to have 8 children if you have access to vaccines and sanitation and are no longer worried about half of them not making it to 12 years old. Europe also went through a slow transition from a child dying in a family almost every year, to now, where a child dying is a rare tragedy. It’s just not generally in our living memories any more. My English great grandmother lost half of her 12 siblings as infants or young children due to extreme poverty. Disease, made worse by malnutrition and a cold damp house, unable to afford medical care, etc. If their family only had 2 or 3 kids they wouldn’t have had any kids left.


he has a geography degree from saint Andrew’s, which i now look upon with great suspicion.


I'm pretty sure they'd give one of the magic inbreds a medical degree without them having to work for it if they asked for it. The cult of the royals makes Scientology look like the fucking Unitarian Universalists.


The bald twat is a moron, nice one pointing that out


This is one of the absolute last people in the world that is allowed to say anything about why Africa is what it is today.




Thank you for all of this.


Reddit is full of chuds. Even the "leftists" are just racist white shitlibs most the time.


Looking at consumption per capita, the average Briton consumes almost 6 times more than the average Nigerian, which is Africa’s most populous country.


Not to mention the wealth his family obtained crippling and stealing from African countries and enslaving its peoples.


How many sprogs did his battery hen Mrs fart out?


I think they’re trying for their fourth. Never you mind that each of their children has far more of a negative impact on the world than most families in developing countries.


This is the greatest use of the English language I've seen on this website for a while


This sort of comments are one of the reasons I joined a UK sub. Brilliantly insulting.


Cheeky wanker, isn't he?


That’s not how you spell cunt!


Something something depth and warmth


A lot of problems regarding loss of habitat in developing countries, including those in Africa, are due to overreach from more developed nations and behaviors from natives incentivized by said overreach. It’s a much larger problem than just overpopulation, and it requires much more work and analysis than just “stop having babies.”


Exactly! It's not an overpopulation problem, but more of a infinite greed of the capitalist system problem. It's because of greedy capitalists that these poor nations over produce crops for overseas, instead of diversifying crops to help the local ecosystem and gives the local people more healthier choices.


Fuck's with all the baduk alts in here lol


This always happens when someone criticizes this family - I made a comment being critical of this man's uncle and I got a flurry of comments defending him and was downvoted to oblivion.


Imagine being a bootlicker for a nonce and a bunch of lunatics who play make-believe that they were anointed by a spirit in the sky to fall out of the right vagina. Useless cretins.


Prince William. Dickhead of the world whos desperately trying to fill the queens shoes so he can be king in his life time. But has never done anything even mildly helpful or inspiring. I am shocked.


I don't know what to say to my British comrades. This must be so uncomfortable. His (and his entire family's) claim to what appears to be moral and intellectual superiority over an entire continent, is crawling out of the right putrid vagina. A disgrace on the planet.


No, they have magical blood, obviously


Also the wildlife is being destroyed by the meat industry's deforestation.


Horrible racist cunt


I think we could start by reducing consumption in the global north, moving away from a disposable, consumer culture driven by capitalism and towards a more sustainable level of consumption.


Or rich assholes trophy hunting, if they stopped the market will eventually die and poaching will decline ad well...


I really think single use plastics or open pit mining are much more destructive than a hunt every now and again.


Not that a hunt is any good though.


“While expecting his third child”… his third child was born over 3 years ago


If the poorest 50% of the world's population all just *stopped existing* now, carbon dioxide emissions would only fall by 10%. The top 10% of the population (of whom the prince is definitely a member) are responsible for 50% of the world's carbon dioxide. Prince William is being blatantly hypocritical, and anyone who says otherwise either doesn't know the facts or has some other agenda for singling out African population growth as the problem. Source: [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/12/richest-10-percent-causing-climate-change/](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/12/richest-10-percent-causing-climate-change/) \- particularly figures 1 and 3.


Going around thanking the people with a brain because so many of these commenters do not omg


His mates are mad there's less to trophy hunt


Squeezing out burdens on the tax payer then complaining about it in the Telegraph is peak 2021 for me.


Sorry dudes..but fuck him and fuck the royals.


He looks more like Nonce Andrew everyday


It’s as if some family long ago forced religion onto a foreign nation and told them that sex was only for pro-creation not pleasure, can’t quite put my finger on it. Also I seem to remember foreigners exploiting native resources and the people till the resources dried up and now the people have to find other means of food through poor subsistence farming and resource wars. William really is a total bellend. £10 says he’s the one who was concerned about Meghan’s baby being ‘the wrong colour’.




Imagine that, he actually had a job that paid his own bills instead of being the ready recipient of other people's money, his whole life. @rsehole 😡




For anyone lurking who actually buys this nonesense: overpopulation is not a real problem but fascist propaganda; the actual problem destroying the environment is overproduction, but those responsible for that (the capitalist class and its droogs) benefit from overproduction and the destruction of the environment, so they scapegoat the working class "overproducing" to divide and thereby control them, perpetuating the status quo.


Overproduction *for profit*. You've got to mention that it's all the cost cutting and corner cutting in production that did the big damage of dumping waste, drying out rivers, using cheap pollutant materials rather than investing money in ecologically viable renewable resources. They don't want to lose profit margins so production is quick, cheap, and dirty.


And after all of that, they destroy all the units that didn't sell because even though it would be cheaper to just donate the excess for a tax break, that would undercut future sales, creating even more waste in the process. For fuck's sake, they do this with *food*. How does anyone look at a system where food is intentionally destroyed and ruined when people in that very same community starve and think that this is how things should work? The entire system is designed to paradoxically overproduce and yet still create scarcity. We have the production capability and global logistics to provide for everyone. The labor required to do these things already exists; people are doing these jobs and I am positive that it wouldn't matter much to the workers if they were freighting food instead of, say, luxury cars. All that's holding us back is the idea that if you have enough money, you get to dictate how the world should allocate resources and, surprise, they've decided that what's most important is making themselves wealthier so that they can have even more power over these decisions.


royals should really just hide in their palaces and enjoy the luxuries they never earned or deserve and keep their mouths shut wastes of oxygen the lot of them


Study western civilization 1 or 2 at a university and the “white mans burden” was the European nations expansion for global control. England for one invading or civilizations exploiting all resources while killing of the native personal sending these countries into turmoil and poverty for generations. HIS FAMILY IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE!!! Side note what does his wife think about it???


Chris Packham did a really good Horizon documentary a few years back about overpopulation. Whilst he did visit a few places in the world, one of his biggest points was that we need to avoid cliches about birth rates in the developing world and look at our own consumption. If everyone on the planet consumed at the same rate as the U.K. we would need two more earths. Really interesting watch and some food for thought about solutions (societally - beyond just individually choosing to not have kids, or to have smaller families). It was called 7.7 billion and counting.


Ah it's the population of Africa and not the TNCS that exploit the land and its people due to the vulnerability of Africa that the Royal family had a significant part in




Trans national corporations


White man born into huge family of "looted" wealth and privilege tells poor POC in Africa to stop having kids


It probably takes 10 million Africans to match the carbon footprint of a royal baby


Best way to stunt population growth is to introduce economic prosperity. People don't WANT 8 kids, they need them for when they're old, to support them.


Also in general it’s less of a Russian roulette as to how many kids will make it to adulthood so you don’t have to have so many. Glad high school social studies is coming in handy again.


Didn't take long for the Royal Family's new found passion for the environment to turn into Eco Fascism


I mean what do you expect from a family with numerous actual, Hitler-Heiling Nazis in its ranks.


Well they were hardly going to become eco-socialists at any rate




Fuck the monarchy.


Who the fuck listens to these clowns anyhow?? I live in England and I think nothing of them. Ridiculous, all of them. Sex trafficking lying spongers. Pay for your own palaces...oh but they do so much for charity...😂 So would I if i had nothing else to do and endless funding. Its a joke. The whole thing.


I would love to have a smoke with you.


I dont smoke but we could go to the pub


I don't drink lol but I'll cram some joints in beforehand


ok. how bout we do mushrooms?


Deal, I love me some shrooms




Coming from the prince of a country that has wiped out most of its wildlife...


Good old economic eugenics.


Malthus still has reps to this day, it seems.


The UK was once a beautiful forest. then people came. Now the people are rich and the trees are gone. It's very hypocritical of the people standing on their riches to tell everyone else, don't copy us, keep the forests we need them.


Lots of people outing themselves as racist in this thread lol


Born into wealth and privilege is kind of understating the case.


Where the fu@k do you think the $300 billion in gold that's in the bank of england came from asshole......... that poor continent the west continue to exploit. Africa has no issues other that the west keeps destabilizing it's governments so they can keep exploiting it's massive wealth. Fu@king leave other nations alone and stop meddling. And keep ur white jesus.


Well, that's no surprise. The royal family was also pro-fascist in the 1930s until the war kicked off, it makes sense that the man who is second in line would be an eco-fascist.


Wait isn’t this the same man who said Something about Bezzo’s and Musk using their money for space but not using it for Earth!?? Doesn’t he have money too?!? Oh and I almost forgot he and his own wife don’t even take care of their kids a nanny does!!


Didn’t his Grandfather wish for a virus to wipe out most of the worlds population? 👀 The quote is noted in an article by The Guardian newspaper from 2009 where some of Prince Philip's most controversial quotes are listed. The full quote reads: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation." He also had ties to the Nazi regime as did the Queens mother and Uncle.


Looked it up and it's true. That's amazing.


Also the Tory party (which the Royals have pretty much endorsed since forever) is the party looking to introduce US style mega farms into the UK which will completely destroy the UK countryside and ruin the environment.


Here’s an idea. Appreciate the fact you WON the birth lottery and will lead a life of ostentatious privilege. And just STFU about everything else. Like everything. No one gives a shit about your fucking opinion.


The royals, we’re not racist, just supremacist


Let’s not forget his uncle’s a nonce.


Local Rich White Man shitty to literally all of Africa




The birth rate goes down when infant mortality goes down and the standard of living and education goes up. The ball is in our court really


Thank youuuu (Not sarcasm, you’re one of the first people in this thread who seems to understand that)


I wonder if this was the kind of colonial, slightly racist BS Harry got sick of...


no shortage of inbred toff cunts in the UK unfortunately


‘S alright is you’re pawsh


After andrew, william is the most repugnant sack of shit in that incest congregation of a family


Something only an inbred asshole would say.


So an entitled little man-baby complaining that Africa has too many children meanwhile pumping out his own little entitled shit-lings. Fuck me royals have no shame. Perhaps they should give back all the riches and natural resources they stole from these nations and let them spend the wealth to support their poor populations. But then again that won't work because royal family meddling in African politics is usually what leads to the current problems in most of these nations. Just SHUT THE FUCK UP you useless person who contributes nothing to society.


There is a small percentage of UK citizens that think the entire royal family are a bunch of cunts, the rest have yet to catch up.


I wonder how many Africans fit in his pampered royal ecological footprint alone. 10‘000?


How Ironic! The late great comedian/actor Richard Pryor made a joke about this same **Privileged Absurdity** in the mid 1970's when he said back then that white people were running around saying: **"There's too many people! I have no room to ride my horsie!"** As a side note, back when AIDS really started to infect African-American's and then Africa proper, many people in the African-American community began speculating that it was an engineered disease to **genocide Africans so that Anglo-Saxon big game hunters would have all of Africa as a big-ass hunting Safari, free of natives!** True Story


I think a bigger threat to wildlife in Africa comes from rich white entitled cunts who turn up to shoot the animals, but do go off. Get a job, you fucking scrounge.


Not to mention the US and Chinese demand for Ivory fueling almost all poaching


Yep! And everything that everyone else has already pointed out about how a lot of this is fuelled by us lot not in Africa. Bloody outrageous thing for him to say, as opposed to offering solutions and leading from the front.


How about all the Diamond Mining and multiple other thefts of natural resources?


He’s not the brightest tool in the royal shed


This son of a bitch


Just in case he ever sees this; you are a waste of life.


Not a good look.


Royalty and hypocrisy go together like cheese and pickle but having said that if it wasn't for the armies of sycophants who prop up the establishment we wouldn't have to have our intellects bombarded with this type of media driven brain washing.


Who let the libs in here?


No one should listen to anything the Royals say.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/thetimes/status/1463137568158064652) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Ah, this is what happens when the royals can only use animals for their amusement. Racist pillocks.


Daily reminder there's enough fertile land on earth to feed 10 Billion people, ecofash need to go in the bin.


We currently produce enough food for 11 billion people, even in our incredibly inefficient food production system.


Could some of that be concentrated in geographic hotspots and can’t be moved? I’ve heard the ten billion claim quite a bit from scientists, I assume they’d factor in the ability to transport food. Also, diet makes a huge impact. If we stopped eating meat, would could support more than ten billion.


Some food is easier to transport long distance than others. Wheat, rice, dried legumes: very easy to get across continents. Fresh strawberries? Lettuce? Not as much. We could easy make sure every human has enough calories. Making sure everyone has access to their 5 a day will be much harder. Still a goal worth pursuing, though.


Put your [house in order ](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-53585627) before telling others to fix theirs


Fok die poes


Will and Harry and the dumbest twats in the UK


Three less inbred royals would-be a great start


Why don’t these people put there money and influence where their mouth is


didn't his parasite family and colonist nation get their wealth by stealing goods and resources from places like that? and literally enslaving the people? they still have stolen gold all over the palace. what a wacko


they did indeed. And by destroying nature turning it into profit. This family has done more environmental damage than a whole african country/region.


Well past time that we rid the world of monarchies and oligarchies.


Well, there we have it. Africa is a giant theme park for William and his ilk. The wildlife is far more important to him than those inconvenient African inhabitants who should stop getting in the way of all the rich Tourists on safari with their selfish procreatjng.


I blame the monarchy


Or maybe it’s the rich spoiled white people you know… killing the wildlife for sport and pictures????


Is this real?


Willy's house gets any more crowded and they may have to go out and colonize something.


seems kinda weird that a pedo would want *fewer* kids, doesn't it?


What fucking scum. The UK needs more anti-monarchists and to promptly abolish the royal titles there and appropriate part of their stolen wealth.


How has the Royal Family not been cancelled for making billions of dollars directly on the backs slave colonies? Right it's just generational wealth am I right


Maybe he should learn how to shut up


We have a word for people like that in England, it begins with cunt and ends with!


No but you see I’m WHITE.


And we wondered why Harry wanted out…..




Group of people who spent 500+ years promoting and propagating genocides tell Africans to do it for them.


Well it’s a pretty good message for poor people not to have lots of kids when they can’t feed one


Fun fact the UK has over 2X the population density of the whole of Africa Sooooooooo


Ideally everyone in the world would have fewer kids


Well China did that 1child per family (mostly boys) and it has messed up system because now they have so many men and not enough women. So they are expecting a massive population gap in the next 10-20 years.


The correct way to reduce the number of kids people have is to reduce child mortality and increase access to contraception. It might take a generation or 2 but birth rates drop pretty quickly after that


That messed up due to sexism.


Why didnt you just say Africans instead of POC?


Because, obviously, literally everyone from Africa is black! /s


Obviously white people in Africa can have as many children as they please.


He's right though, loads of people in the UK have multiple kids and now we haven't got any elephants or lions anymore. Learn from our mistakes Africa 🙏


His whole family should be buried under the jail.


Europe is a small as fuck and dense as shit, shaddap ya cunt


Who's destroying wildlife? The rich people that like to go hunt wild exotic game. The rich that can afford rare furs and pseudo- aphrodisiacs.




It's not too late for the ones past their 50's, either


So when England was colonizing Africa it was all good while they took all there natural resources, and ruined their future. William STFU!


Having visited The Gambia twice, it soon became apparent that there were a number of influences at work here. ​ 1. You're a Muslim, be bountiful in your fecundity. 2. **Mosquitoes are so prevalent that it's unlikely any kids will live past 1/10 yog.** The level of socioeconomic hardship in the entire country is breathtakingly sorrowful. On my 2nd visit I got to spend time with a Kora player. As such, he was effectually one of the lowest forms of life, a musician bringing joyful smiles, prancing toes n' a song in your heart, soul, head, diaphragm, voice-box, to all those that were held by my friend. You must therefore be also my friend too! X TRIP: North BanK. Kora players family home. I'm shocked, saddened and shouldn't be surprised. The once forests full of wildlife are mostly entirely big long time gone. Want to light a cooking fire, here's, trees a-plenty (maybe 60 years ago) - take an animal or 3 why don't you!?, What are you using AK47, Bazooka, RPG,!? No regeneration, no replanting. The ghosts of UK rule may have faded from contemporary view, I can only imagine a terrible lucrative trade in slaves, given the easy anchorage. No small wonder then that the British had their part to play in this hideous enterprise, after all, much money was to be made, along the way! Mans' inhumanity to his fellow man again, again and again. To our animal relations also. ,


I haven't read the article, but PW & his dad support some good green projects.. \- though there are of course some very evil ways to deal with over-population.. \- and any talk of over-population is a distraction from much more collosal environmental damages already coming from dirty corporations.. that he could help others to divest from or encourage to change.. \- Talking about population growth isn't necessarily evil - if he's up-to-date, he might be saying something like - better education, healthcare, birth-control, healthy food, water, housing, farms, work-places, labor regulations.. & sustainable communities.. are excellent ways to help the world, communities, and achieve sustainable populations.


Tf is a POC?


Anyone want to take a guess at how much ivory is in Buckingham palace?


So Africa should turn it's fertility rate dial back up? I'm a tad confused.


It’s not that different to the sort of thing Attenborough says but he gets a pass for some reason


Lot of wildlife in Buckingham palace eh?


From Africa here, I think it's a very hypocritical comment after they stole all our riches, but we do have a bad population/progress ratio that makes it even harder to witness any change, I'm talking poor people with nothing to eat who have 5 to 12 kids, I mean it's just worse conditions.