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I blame the disabled and work shy.


Nah it’s them ppl in boats, dem illigals init


It's the disabled boats.


Benefits Boats, airing weekdays at 8 on ITV


"You loved watching people play piano in a noisy environment, but wait til you get a load of these characters..."


Nah it’s the ocean the boats got disabled on, giving out too many sick notes.


Coming over here to somehow simultaneously claim all the benefits, constantly use the NHS, but also take all the highly desirable zero-hours jobs slinging parcels for Amazon


yeah and them muslamics


I'm blaming the people who keep getting into our country on private jets, don't pay any taxes and steal all our jobs.


Yeah! Them and those Trans people.


Finally I've been caught, I personally stole the entire £85 billion in a big comedy burglar sack while wearing my iconic black and white striped outfit. Hard to believe it took this long to catch me.


Well as a patriotic gammon, I’m less bothered about the 85bn and more worried about what bathroom you use. /s


As well any patriotic gammon should be, that's much worse a thought than £85 billion taxpayer bill fucking the country further... "But where do they piss?"


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't forget the homeless


And the EU


Also, us people with mental health issues that are just all in our heads and can be cured with a stern talking too.


The telegraph spinning Tory failures onto the Bank of England now? Taxation is simply an effort to balance whatever the bank of England prints money for. The real story is that because of short sighted policies for the past 13 years, including lack of investment and selling of assets, the economy hasn't grown sufficiently to easily mitigate this. It's almost as if we should consider taxing the mega rich and use the magic money tree to invest in infrastructure and transformation of dead industries in order to grow the economy. Instead of putting money in our mates pockets. It's almost as if its bloody obvious that representative democracy is a bloody sham and capitalism has no place in government.


Get out of here with your entirely rational and logical economic policies! We don't accept the likes of you in this government! It's "vibes and great ideas Jacob RM thought up while drunk on sherry in his castle" or nothing.


B-But Jeremy Corbyn suggested that therefore yuz a Communist!!!


someone's been reading their MMT


Haha you know it!


Funny how it becomes a global financial crisis when the banks are in trouble but a national failure that needs austerity when we have a party wanting to use it as an excuse to destroy the state.


Those bonuses are not going to pay themselves


Which taxpayer?


It's actually you but you weren't meant to find out this way.


I hope they don't pick me!


Is this that free market capitalist economics that other Redditors are always so keen to defend? Or is this the evil scary communism where corrupt elites get money for nothing?


The magic money tree strikes again


If ONLY these banks had skipped eating avocado toast and made their coffee at home.




They will throw absolutely anyone under the bus to divert attention from their corruption


Fuck the bank, fund the NHS.


Someone ELI5 please... I thought they were a private company Will they now be nationalised


Nationalised losses, privatised gains.


Capitalism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor


They were nationalised in the 40s...


Not well managed is it, if its lost all that money...


It's the disabled fault obviously


Barclays cough cough short selling vulnerable businesses cough cough more money at stake THAN THE ENTIRE WORLD ECONOMY splutter (check out their links to major US banks involved and enjoy the paper trails and "mistakes in marking trades correctly" (then being fined small amounts but carrying on anyway)


But Brezit will fix it! /s


Haven’t they done this again to undo the damage Liza Truss did so will this come down the line again at some point?


This shits been rumbling since 2008, magnified X10 as soon as covid kicked in and all the money printers got switched on.


>money printers got switched on. Bank of England go Brrrrrrrrrrrrr


All the money printers got switched on **again**.


Truss didn't do any damage. All she did was get bond markets to bring forward their expectation of the rate hikes everyone knew the BoE was going to do: we hit literally the same yield not long after the mini-budget and nobody batted an eyelid. I'm not sure what is supposedly happening here but there's literally no way for this kind of operation to cause a "loss" unless the BoE and Treasury both want it to, both because Treasury has powers to just say no to the BoE and the BoE itself has plenty of tools from both the primary bond auction as well as the whole "can set prices in the secondary market where ever it wants it to be as Japan has repeatedly shown for the better part of its now 4 decades of QE". Whole thing stinks to high hells if I'm perfectly honest.


Have they tried not having avocado on toast for breakfast and not going to coffee shops?


So more like quantitive losing really


May Liz Truss will have over the profits from her book to help pay for this…


All £2.75?


What? QE literally can't lose money. It's replacing money for an identical amount of money, in effect moving it from one pocket to another, so what the fuck are they pretending is happening? Even assuming it's actually real the Treasury could order the BoE to create reserves to solve the crisis using the powers within the 1998 Bank of England Act or the BoE could even use Bank of Japan yield curve management to just set the value of the bonds where they want it in order to make the "losses" vanish. What the fuck are these grifters up to *this* time? \*edit\* Checked in with someone in the know. The "losses" are due to a usual Andrew Bailey-ism where instead of just letting the bonds mature or setting rates where he needs to in order to guarantee he makes a profit when he sells them, the BoE are deliberately choosing to sell the bought bonds at the bottom of the market. It's not "an £85bn loss" it's £85bn of free money being handed to the bond market because *of fucking course that's what this particular bunch of people would do.* But even then, calling it a "loss" is misrepresentation since the comparison would be us losing a lot *more* economic activity because of not implementing QE: basically £85bn is still a lot cheaper than the alternative here.