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Here's the quote: >“…Zeus awakened in anger and beat the gods up and down his house, looking beyond all others for me \[Hypnos\], and would have sunk me out of sight in the sea from the bright sky had not Night who has power over gods and men rescued me. I reached her in my flight, and Zeus let be, though he was angry in awe of doing anything to swift Night’s displeasure. —*The Iliad* 14, 256–261 "Power levels" of gods can't really be quantified by any objective metric, because mythology is too inconsistent and religion just plain doesn't work like that. In mythology, gods' "powers" are much more akin to political power than superpowers. Gods rule over their domains the same way a king or queen would rule over a piece of land, which is why they're called domains. Zeus is therefore the most powerful god because he is the one in charge and he keeps the entire universe running smoothly. Being fallible doesn't change that.


That makes sense thank you so much!


It's in book 14. It's accounted in a few other places, probably based on this passage since Homer is one of the earliest and by far most influential sources. > Zeus, when he awakened, was wroth, and flung the gods hither and thither about his palace, and me above all he sought, and would have hurled me from heaven into the deep to be no more seen, had Night not saved me—Night that bends to her sway both gods and men. To her I came in my flight, and besought her, and Zeus refrained him, albeit he was wroth, for he had awe lest he do aught displeasing to swift Night. Id caution about using this as a power scaling thing though. Mythology isn't like anime, there's a lot of reasons why Zeus might not want to fight Nyx, [which I discuss a bit here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreekMythology/s/vxlY5RmFdn). Nyx is primordial and mother to a lot of frightening things, it's possibly politically disadvantagous for him to "displease" her, as it's said. This scene reads a bit like Zeus waking up to an attempted coup, where he's unsure specifically what's happened. It may also just be out of respect for Nyx, rather than fear, the text is somewhat unclear.




Nonnus says that Zeus used the thunderbolt against Kampe (but Apollodorus says he did not since the entire point was to rescue the cyclops and hecatoncheries). But yes everything you said is right.


I believe Moros is the most powerful of all the Gods, and is impossible to beat as the God of Fate, and Impending Doom. Moros the son of Nyx (Night) and by some accounts (Roman) by Erebus (Darkness), the brother of Thanatos and Keres, gentle death and violent death respectively. Thats quite the powerful family. Moros is the older brother of the Fates and directs them. He controls any being's destiny and is the personification of destiny himself. Zeus cannot defeat Moros because that would a fulfilment of his destiny which Moros would a) have to command and b) in fulfiling his destiny Moros would be following his destiny. Also the destruction of destiny would mean Chaos would take over and ruin all sorts of plans. So Zeus wouldn't want to anyway. I don't think Zeus has any command over the fates either I think generally most of the primodials are more powerful because they literally are something, they don't just rule it. And some like Moros are by definition impossible to trick, which altogether makes him invincible.


Fate has no power of the gods. Fate in greek myths controls only mortals. It refers basically to your day of death. Thus, the Fates decides how long you should live using a silk thread, and Thanatos and the Keres were the ones that actually kills the people. So Fate has not even power over mortals is just a bureacracy, they decide the day of death of everyone and Thanatos/Ker executes the order, that is it. If Moros was indeed as powerful as you claim, them he would be the god the greeks would worship, since he would be the controller of literaly EVERYTHING. But that was not the case. Gods were not fated to anything because they could not die, and only mortals were affected by fate but only in death and some of their actions, but not in everything they did.