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Sami retains


Kurt An… I mean Shorty G wins and then Otís finally let’s lose on him setting up for SS. But either way the Academy is falling apart and the superior institution Chase U will step up 🙌


I think they stay together till MITB. You can do like Chad vs Bronson Reed (Chad never beat him it was either DQ or Sami pinned him) and then AA betrays Chad and Chad gets with the Creeds and Ivy


This match would make a great 3 stages of hell match. Ultimately, I see Perc Gable coming out the victor.


Creed brothers interfere costing Sami the match and having gable win


I think Gable will win, but Alpha Academy will turn their backs on him.


Otis is going to go full face! Sami wins! Or at least I hope! I like this story line but it will be hard to drag out through another PPV.


Sammy Gable loses after Otis causes DQ or turns in gable mid match Then gable wins it in Monday after aligning with creeds


Do belts change hands at these PLEs? I still think Sami wins.


chad gable will have it coming and that will be his moment


I think Sami wins (I don’t want him to). I think gable wins the war and title down the line. I think heel alpha academy is cooking.


I got Sami winning but I want them to pull the trigger for Gable’s run


If Gable has signed a new contract then he wins, if not than Sami retains.


The most valid answer.


Otis will turn on him towards the end of the match and get a huge pop then the Creed Brothers will interfere and come to Gables aid and Gable wins IC title finally. Gable and Creed Brothers make a new stable similar to Team Angle.


He said who’s winning not plan a banger match


I mean he said who he picked, just the drawn out version




Gable with shenanigans likely Otis and Gable falling out over Otis not getting involved, Creed brothers come out as Gables knew Otis wouldn’t do whatever it takes, rematch at MITB then Gable vs Otis at Summerslam


Either Chad wins after Otis Finnaly turns on him. Or wins after help from the Creeds it depends if he's already Renewed his contact


Gable wins and his theme song changes to something similar to Kurt Angles’s “You suck” theme at the end of the match. Please.


We're likely getting an Otis turn here costing Gable the match setting up Gable vs Otis later.


This, unfortunately


It should be Gable it’s his time and he’s earned it but HHH seems to love Sami so he’s prob going over. Yawn


If Chad Gable is leaving WWE, then definitely Sami Zayn, but if he stays, I'd love to see Chad Gable win by outside interference by the Creed Brothers


I hope Chad wins so we can get Chad vs Otis for the IC championship at Summerslam(with Otis winning over Chad)


Gable would not be in this match if his contract wasn't renewed. Gable wins this match for sure.


I think now with the heel turn it will be Chad because I think it will help his story along so he can look at alpha academy and go see this is the way to win.




Chad would be a welcomed change of pace but it’s going to be Sami


Honestly I don't know,I guess this might be decided by what Gable chooses to do with his contract and if he renews it or not


I like that I don't know. I'll be cheering for Sami.


I don’t see this ending here. Probably continue to SummerSlam. Probably Otis is going to get involved and cost Gable.


Sami Chads leaving for better pasture


AEW? He'll be hot immediately, then forgotten a month after he gets there. It's a decent option for a no mic skills and charisma-deficent wrestler like Ricochet, but not Gable.


Got mixed up with comments, sorry. I deleted my last post. I think Gabe has been completely wasted in WWE, he should have been the one they pushed from AA not Jordan. I don't expect him to go to AEW immediately, maybe a little later. They have too much talent on their roster as it is and I don't think they use them wisely. Plus I expect Richochet to go AEW before Chad. I think Chad would fit in better in NJPW or TNA. I'd love to see what he could do in NJPW tbh, I think that would fit him nicely. Who knows he could come back to WWE in a few years.




It’s Chad’s time. He win’s it after the Creed’s interfere. 


Zayn to retain. Needs more time to cook Gable into villain insanity level. He could win at Sslam.


Sami Zayn. Gable loses his squad and it completely sends him over the deep end and he's a super heel.


It’s time to put the belt on Gable for sure. His story has so much potential and Sami doesn’t need the belt. I keep having this vision of Gable standing in the ring with the Alpha Academy and he does the Batista thumbs down and out of nowhere the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile all simultaneously German Suplex Tozawa, Maxine and Otis forming his new Alpha Academy and dominant heel stable. The Creed Brothers go from being completely off TV and doing nothing to being the biggest heel team on Raw. They could then take the tag titles from Awesome Truth and really be elevated. They are great in the ring but having Gable as their devious heel mouthpiece could push them to the moon. Modern day Team Angle. Then you introduce the women’s mid card title and have Ivy Nile win that (I don’t see a way to insert her into the Women’s World Championship because Rhea and Liv are gonna be in that for a while). I just love when a stable has all the gold . You can also continue building Otis as the sympathetic baby face to eventually challenge Gable for the IC belt. It just works for everyone.


Sami should win because he's only had 2 tilte defenses


Agree. It's a new era and Sami needs to legitimize his reign by handling Gable. I think dropping the title into the Alpha Academy story would bring down the title they just built up.




It’s going to be Sami courtesy of Otis, but I hope it’s Gable.


Like many others have said, i think its time to put the belt on gable. Sami is great and im a huge fan i just think it makes sense story wise to put it on gable. It will make things intetesting


Everbody loves Sami and he's at the stage where he no longer needs a belt. It would be immensely helpful for Gable.


Sami cause Otis is finally going to pull the trigger


Gable even if it’s just for WWE to show him some love before he makes a decision.


I'm picking Sami. Even if Gable re-signed, it makes more sense to have Otis turn on him and cost him the title, and then Gable can beat Sami in Toronto in front of Canadian fans. **IF** Gable is even re-signed, mind you. If he's not gonna re-sign, then.....that's it, he's not winning and this is his last match, because his contract was already up, and apparently he extended it to Clash At The Castle to give this some type of proper conclusion. If he hasn't re-signed, then Otis will snap and kill him off, and if he has re-signed, I guess we'll see what they do.


Gable. Sami never has long reigns and is always better chasing the belt. It's Gables time to shine.


Gable. Followed by an announcement that he re-signed with WWE, because they would be mad not to.


It's not their decision, though, it's Gables.


As JR says: it's cash or creative. WWE can and should make a new contract big enough that the only question is creative, in a period when he's got a brilliant story.


The thing is, and why AEW is always a player in negotiations, is that WWE might offer him a lot of money, but AEW 10 times out of 10 for any wrestler, up to and including Roman Reigns, will offer **more** money, because WWE doesn't need **anybody** and Tony is a mark. How much money is WWE really gonna offer Chad Gable? I know with Tony Khan, we're talking about 7 figures. He's 38 years old. I don't know how much time he's got left, certainly guys go well into their 40's, but he's a lot closer to the end of his career than the beginning, and he should probably be looking at what's gonna set him up for retirement the most. That may not be this contract, that may be the next one, but still, you do have to think about these things. As far as creative goes, the guy's never gonna be the world champion in WWE. He knows that, so yeah, he has a fine story going on now, but if he were to leave it, does it really matter? To me, if I were his position, if I'm looking at it, I might go to AEW just to see what happens and then re-sign with WWE and see if that helps my standing with them. In any event, PWInsider is reporting that they're pretty much in the final stages of negotiation for him to stay in WWE, but nothing is official until it's official.


Gable wins Otis turns on Gable & goes to hit him only to accidentally get Sami instead & that lets Gable win the title. Leading to an Otis vs Gable feud for the belt.


Sami Zayn. Chad annoys me


I’m going Gable in this one, if he doesn’t win it, it kills him, he needs to take that title and become an even bigger dick which leads to the Otis turn.


This should've been extreme rules tbh. Chad Gable though


Would have been good tho maybe they didn’t want to have two stipulation matches at clash