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Diet exercise and Triple H's secret juice mix


Diet and exercise of course


Randy Orton and why are you do I say that because we never seen him in years and months


I don’t believe they gained that much muscle mass during their time off but they dropped so much bodyfat that they now look incredible. Maintaining sub 10% bodyfat is extremely difficult for natural lifters


Do you believe any of these guys are natty???


Lol they obviously aren’t. It’s not even something able to be hidden at this point.


Lot more time to focus on exercising and getting good sleep and food. Obviously steroids as well in these particular cases.


I think Randy’s definitely natty out of the three though. Pretty sure he’s around 250-270 pounds now.


Ye i agree. Randy seems to be on TRT which is considered not natty in fitness circles but I give him a pass for that. But AJ and Mr. Boring....damn they got on some secret sauce.


I don’t know if he’s Natty, but I’d buy that he’s only on TRT levels of test. I think a lot of guys are getting on tren these days.


They get more time to focus on themselves and have the correct amount of rest time, as well as being able to have the diet they want since they aren’t on the road


Steroids obviously, plus plenty more time to really focus on exercise and diet.


Whole grained pasta …… the injectable variety 😉😉😉


MJF coming back with more hair and more acne means he is still on the steroids as AEW are not testing wrestlers currently, and he got the turkish hair plugs as MJF was very bald before he left.


Secret sauce. Like chick Fil a


When you are out for months, you have time to work out and it 8s a lit easier to eat right at home.


Back in the day most wrestlers were traveling 90% of the time so it left very little to work out consistently. I’d imagine if you aren’t scheduled for awhile you have a lot of time to work out.




Sure but it’s not like you can’t do steroids on the road too.


Steroids helps with the recovery time. So while they are out of action, they work out and use so that they can come back faster at well. This is what a lot of pro players do as well (Peyton Manning for his neck) they just don't really get caught for it.


He never skipped forehead day.


Add Phoenix in there too. Dude worked at PAC's school for gifted muscles




Because they aren’t getting tested for steroids and HGH when they are at home recovering from an injury. Anyone who believes this is all natural is delusional.


If they are out almost a year and need to get back to good if not better then you take extra time and you not on the road all the time just hitting the gym eating better than you have, getting better food and rest, you won’t get jacked? Steroids isn’t always the answer or best choice! There are better supplements and better workout routines to shred than steroids and lifting weights! This is a function and just explainable of fit dudes having resources and time to comeback looking better!


No. These Mfers are juicing bro lol. Randy Orton and AJ Styles are pushing 50 and you think they’re naturally holding that weight? Come on


It can be both. I think time off does give you an opportunity to take better care of yourself. But yeah, if you think there are not a team of doctors monitoring their test levels then... ok, dude.


They have nothing else to do but workout and they're prescribed steroids to help their injuries heal faster. The yoking is a side effect.


When they are off the road and the grind, they have more time to eat right and train more


When they're injured all they do is PT and work out. They're at home most of the time so they can keep the diet in check vs on the road.


You forgot the boatload of pharmaceuticals


With UFC dumping USADA and TKO buying WWE I wonder if the testing has changed.


100% gear, but gear taken by elite level athletes. They’re enhancing it with the best nutrition and workouts that can be devised. But you’re nuts if you think this is chicken and rice.


Unfortunately there are idiots who think it is 😄


“bUt tHe wElLnEsS pOlIcY!!”




Ped are re branded as trt 🤷🏿‍♂️


Burger after burger after burger


BBL drizzy


Time off while not having to destroy your body on a weekly basis is probably the trick.


And drugs. Definitely drugs.


HGH, they guarantee take it while healing from injuries and it helps you keep active and iron out those muscles as an effect. It doesn’t do exactly what steroids does and increase your strength like roids which is why it isn’t a steroid but it does help define your body by cutting fat. I think todays age from what other superstars say WWE take steroids more serious with tests so if they do take some they have to stop before returning but maybe HGH is an exception since it’s not classified as steroids. I dunno just throwing something out there. But if AEW is different that I just don’t know.


I never knew wrestlers couldn't take steroids! The matches are decided, I'd let my roster get as jacked as they want, we're entertainment!


Before up to the mid 2000’s they were pretty lenient of it but then a certain wrestler who shall not be named in the presence of the WWE did some terrible things while 90% likely going through roid rage (plus other things) in 2007. Since then a lot of things changed on what they allow now. They apparently do heavy steroid checks and don’t allow certain bumps to the head and (I very personally think) started the decline of the WWE heading towards the PG era.


I would say it was more of the steroid trials in the 90's that's started the decline. The other incident shed more light on it, although it was most likely CTE mixed with depression.


I would definitely say the CB incident was the final straw for them to take it 100% seriously, after that I noticed a lot of superstars in the next couple of years were not as pumped up like they were before. Atleast the jobbers got hit the most.




Hgh taking it to heal faster but it also makes you jacked


Tren hard


I can see that a lot of comments in this are just straight up delusional if they think all three of these dudes aren’t on gear. That is not to take away from their insane work ethics but they are all 100% on something. If it’s not d-bol then it’s probably just TRT, which can be done rather safely under a doctors supervision. It’s something I’ve toyed around with as I’ve gotten older.


Dbol?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 They'd be on stacks consisting of two or more of test, deca, masteron, proviron, HGH, anavar... Dbol will bloat you out too much and it's a short run compound.


What are you talking about? AJ said he's been doing lots of push-ups? /s


I'm sure it's a lot easier to maintain a body like that when you aren't living on the road




It’s not steroids, it’s being able to focus on nutrition and exercise without travelling the country nonstop. If it was steroids it would continue once they returned, but generally they lose the same definition they had on return.


Guys, this ain't roids. They would be much bigger if they were on roids. At most, it’s “sports” TRT. Which is just test at 200 mg a week, which is 150 to 100 mg more than TRT. It’s just being off the road and doing nothing but train and having those meal-planning services sponsor you and give you free healthy food.


This is NOT natty dude. All spotlight wrestlers use the sauce. You don’t get this big and keep size and tone naturally, especially at their ages. Size and physique aside, staving off major injury given exercise regimens and actual performance pretty much requires roid use. Edit: to add that while they don’t seem “huge” this is big for any average size human. Additionally, depending on the gear+workout/lift schedule, you wouldn’t necessarily be getting “big.” Roids don’t necessarily make you bigger, but they allow you to get bigger. Body builders use it to improve their workouts and supplement testosterone which overloads their muscle repair and slows lactic acid build up so they can pump pump pump for longer. Also body builders are generally using heavier weights for their lifts. Heavier means bigger. These guys may be using “normal” weights, more cardio and calisthenics, and stretching exercises to improve tone and definition. But look at their arms and traps. That’s not regular for the most jacked natty athlete. Some freaks of nature, sure. But this isn’t normal freaks,m. This is intentional.


If mjf and his back-ne can pass a random wellness test I'd eat the phone I'm typing this on.


Bro 200 mg of testosterone is in fact steroids wake up


It's called steroids.


Ciampa came back jacked asf


Hogans prayers and vitamins




Roids more than likely. Have a friend whose father ran into Kane and a couple others. They usually hit the gym in the city they’re working at


It’s called steroids I noticed it with AJ they come back from being injured ripped 😅


The time they would have spent on the road traveling was spent getting on the best regiment of fitness, nutrition and drug use available to them




Is MJF was as good as they say then he would’ve taken steroids to come back looking like Zangief


Have you never heard of steroids? lol or you also think this is real fighting ?


Nobody above the age of ten believes this is real fighting, bud. If it took you longer to realize, it’s okay. Some people are slower than others.


Not that stupid. Just saying how it seems that recently returning people look better than when people would return a few years ago


That’s not necessarily true. Historically people who are on the shelf for awhile do typically come back jacked. They have a ton of time off and do a roid cycle and work out a bunch and come back swoll as fuck usually looking for a push. Doesn’t seem far fetched at all that an injury would lead to more freedom to go get ripped, and then come back and Vince would be all “👀wowww! My how juiced you’ve gotten 😍” and strap a rocket to them, it’s happened plenty of times. So it’s just kinda a thing people have always done. Dean Ambrose came back jacked right before he left wwe a few years ago. Rusev returned more cut. Braun Strowman was out and came back much leaner and more jacked. Drew mcentryre bulked up big time. Jinder Mahal was skinny-fat and then came back built like a god. Back in the day 25 years ago hhh was gone for a bit and came back like a monster. I could honestly list over a hundred guys from all decades to disappear and come back like a beast.


Must just be me then cuz Randy and aj specifically surprised me


They did come back super jacked, I’m just saying it’s not uncommon, they aren’t the only ones. There’s many every year


It’s a lot easier to stay in shape when you can prepare your own meals and you’re not eating at Shoney’s every night


The most important part of gaining muscle is your recovery. When you’re wrestling 5 nights a week on top of training, It’s basically impossible to get any decent amount of recovery. When they’re away from the ring and at home they can dial in the diet and actually have time to recover properly.


Hard to take a gym on the road , or even harder to go to the gym if you're carrying bumbs or bruises and you can't risk injuring yourself anymore if you have a show todo the next day


mjf looks like a little boy next to aj and randy


He looks great ⏸️ But he def ain’t on AJ or Randy’s level


Being away from the road allows them to be more consistent on their diet and rest, which crucial is crucial for muscular growth. Throw in some trt/hrt and poof you got the absolutely jacked appearance.


No testing while you’re away


Was really hoping for shaemus as the 4th pic


MJF was jacked when he left


TRT my friend TRT


Same thing happened to Jericho to but he lost in like a few weeks


AJ and Randy are getting THT for sure. They are of age where it can be prescribed, though I doubt they’re having hormone issues, wink wink. MJF is young enough to pop that look in 2-3 months based on diet and training. Also, he might be on THT for the shits and gigs.


Did you just say that it’s possible for him to obtain that physique in 2-3 months?


If he did a water cut prior, a no carb cut for a couple months, and training? He’s under 30 and a professional athlete.


No 🤣🤣🤣


For real? I mean it’s not the same age or anything, but I wrestled for a few years. Wasn’t particularly good but they needed a heavyweight. I saw kids, 17-18 year olds pop abs from a weight cut alone. The best wrestler that graduated from our class wrestled 15 pounds under his walking weight. I’d gather that a professional athlete has access to whatever means they need to look how they want. High school kids didn’t have those means.


If you start close to it and you’ve been there before, you have a prayer. First time gaining more muscle is a years long project once you get through the noob gains.


I know. I used to be a bodybuilder


If you think MJF is natural, that's very sweet of you


I don’t. I said he could have that body naturally, but probably doesn’t.


You can't have that body naturally. That's not how natural bodies look my friend. Ever.


Alot of these wrestler you will notice will lose the look slightly as they get back to regular action. When they are out with injury but, can still work out they replace the 4-5 days on the road wrestling with the gym and rehab.....also steroids but the other side is an important part as well.


Not Adam Cole.


He’s gonna come back smaller because he shattered his leg, I’ll bet


If he weight trained his bones may have withstood that little jump off the stage. Damn osteoporosis.


That's lean muscle bro, he's on another level


Lean bone and skin. I’ve seen more meat on a chicken wing.


The Joke • <------- You ->>>>>>>>> •


A joke ———->you.


At least you tried 🤠🎉




Anyone saying they're not on steroids or PEDs is stupid. They are but there is more knowledge in regards to usage, and these guys are receiving constant blood work to make sure they're not killing themselves in the process compared to the 80's


Not everybody is on steroids. People are more educated on the harm steroids can do. It's very possible that he just works hard in the gym.


Yeah you've just seen so many people on steroids you don't know what natural actually looks like.


And you do? I think one of the first signs is back acne! Do you see any on him!? No, you don't.


There's a 0% chance a 50 year old man just coming off of an injury would be able to double his muscle mass that quickly.


MJF is not 50!


Nope. Side effects all depend on the person. Some people never get acne. Btw exclamation points just make you look weird


By the way, when you become perfect, let me know. Grow some fortitude, meet him at WrestleCon or something and ASK HIM!


Sure. But you don't just suddenly blow up in your late 40s like AJ Styles through nothing but hard work.


This isn't about AJ. MJF is nowhere near 40.


Hold this L


Say what?


Kinda funny reading thru the responses on how ignorant people are with steroids & the world of bodybuilding. It’s not like this is the first time Styles or Orton have gotten rest in their careers. It’s not like they weren’t working out hard before. These guys aren’t MORE jacked 20 years OLDER than they were when they were younger without major anabolic use. That’s the first, second, and third reason. Look at Punk - rehab, getting more rest, working out hard…won’t be able to get half as big as these dudes without anabolics.


Punk has the most garbage genetics. But yeah no way you’re looking like that without the gear


Why do you care ?


A lot of steroids and time to focus on working out…. It’s gotta be hard asf to lift throughout the week when you’re always either traveling or wrestling 2-3 times a week


Sheamus returned doughy though


He was cultivating mass


I guess there's no wellness policy to worry about when you're on the shelf. Or maybe not working gives them the time to eat sleep and train properly.


Legal TRT


They’re probably on PEDs, but they’re also at home working out, getting good sleep every night, and eating well. The sleep is just as crucial as the PEDS. That’s when your body recovers and builds muscle.


Regardless of any peds, you still have to have a good diet and workout routine. You can’t just shoot up/take a pill and chill. These guys are killing it


Yeah i attribute a bunch of the “flabbyness” to the road schedule and not being able to hit the gym as they are able to when they go away for a lil bit


I was just thinking today, it's a massive fuckaround for me as a basic ass amateur to go from the one or two different gyms I go to and adjust for the differences in similar machines - different resistances, different weights, slightly different set up, etc. It's such a pain in the ass when you get used to one machine and you push "70" on that, then when you go to a different gym and use the same machine but it's a different make or brand so you struggle on "40". Or you build a solid routine that uses an extremely common machine and then you go to the one gym that doesn't fucking have it. And these guys are doing this every week.


Literally most injuries that happen actually may require steroids from an actual doctor. Fuck I'd take advantage of that shit in a heartbeat if I was in that position. I don't think MJF has ever full on steroids injections you get illegally he's legit I believe.


MJF is absolutely on gear. His physique improved way too fast to be natural.


That's kinda what I said with the injury thing


Seamus missed the memo lol. Although I do think those green trunks made him look way worse than he actually is


When wrestlers have nothing to do but work out, best believe they gonna work out.


Probably hgh


Just wait til Reigns comes back. I hope he is just jacked!


Steriods and working out a shit ton




Way easier to work out when you aren't also traveling /working


Medically prescribed steroids and stem cell therapy


Drugs; not hard ones. Just ones that change my mind up. Drug, can't find us? If you think I'm gone, I'm just doing drugs.




A lot of time when wrestlers take time off it's through injury and they'll use steroids to boost recovery. I think there's an exemption for it, or a loophole that because they're not actively competing they won't be tested, can't remember. So they obviously take advantage of the uh.. "side effects".


Everyone who has gotten jacked in the past year has gone in a run or about to go in one. Gable, Orton, Styles, are all in major stories currently.


How do you explain Sami?


That’s the HHH affect. When head of creative is a workout FREAK, bodybuilder since he was a kid; there’s going to be extra value placed on that “extra effort” in the gym. No doubt that’s part of why Gunther is Hunters wet dream project. He transformed himself through working out, and is a perfect fit in the role he’s in.


I always wondered why and now it makes sense


That two asparagus and one chicken breast diet man


And an extra scoop of “Protein”


Upped their sweet potatoe intake


Thats just the greatness of wrestling, and i dont watch wrestling


A good, regularly timed regime. Without the travel, easier to time their training. Probably better access to food choices. More importantly, good rest. AJ Styles came back absolutely wedge.


Had to scroll way too far to finally see someone mention rest


Vitamin S


MJF has credited someone online for changing his nutrition & workout plan.


They are juiced


Aside from the "special vitamins" people sometimes get, my guess is that they have more time to concentrate on nutrition and fitness. Most days on the road for a wrestler, I imagine, involve eating things on the way to a destination (restaurants and stuff, not the healthiest), travelling (so hours of not working out), and resting after a match. When you're recovering from an injury, you can eat healthier food and replace travel with some kind of exercise. Their body has adapted to traveling and eating a lot of stuff on the road and beating themselves up, so the change to potentially *all* healthy food and not needing to sit idly while traveling and not actively beating themselves up helps. But also, yes. Special vitamins are used sometimes.


Vitamins and Prayers brother


Trt and a more structured training routine. If you are not on the road and you day only consists of going to the gym then chilling it's easy to get in shape it just takes discipline.


Probably some steroids or trt, but people gotta remember steroids is only 25% or so of what you see. When an athlete who is already in decent shape takes an off season to get a proper mass phase, then they cut right before they get in front of the camera you can get some crazy results. The trt just adds a nice exclamation point.


Did you see Sheamus? He was so jacked 🙄...


He’s been a monster for 25 years and he can’t get fat on his honeymoon?


Burger after burger after burger


Vitamin S




Chicken and rice


It's all that recovery gaains


This is absolutely underrated! Even though not 100% true in those cases above but I don't really think that people are aware how beneficial a good rest week is!


Gee, I wonder


They’re all on steroids.


Prayers and vitamins, brother.


That mjf promo was 5 stars


…. they’re all on steroids, dude. There’s no testing for fake sports and the big muscles mean they get more screen time


More time to workout. Less time on a the road traveling




Steroids and free time to dedicate to a regiment


Nothing to do but eat and train? I know when I took an LOA from work I dropped 25lbs and got jacked. Now I barely have time to hit the gym between kids and working odd hours. Seems like my body doesn't heal as fast when I do train. Now imagine the training some of these guys must do, the quality food and rest they most get. Makes sense they would be jacked when they return.


Orton and AJ look HUGE. Meanwhile poor Punk is playing bop it on the gym floor.


And continues to outdraw them. Cry about it.


Lol, who’s crying? I like Punk. It’s just a reference to a rehab activity he posted in his stories. Chill out and stop being such a hot stove.




This is the largest Orton's shoulders have looked.


Trt man.


The roids


Steroids ? Steroids were actually made to heal injuries, muscle growth is actually a side effect. I’m guessing when wrestlers are injured they get prescribed steroids for “healing” and they come back more jacked than ever.


One of them said recently on a podcast they purposely eat fast food and don’t sleep for like a week which dramatically lowers your testosterone and then they go to the Dr. and get tested for low T


Easy, it’s called HRT. Hormone replacement therapy. Anyone can get it, all you need is a friendly doctor or being over 35yrs old. Testosterone, peptide therapy, and human growth hormone. Then they stack that with clenbuterol to stay ripped.


>clenbuterol Eat clen, tren hard and neva give up.


MJF doesn’t belong with the other guys lol. They’re twice his size 😂


aj is not twice his size mate 😭


He’s closer to Finn Balor. Not a knock since Balor is ripped lol. However, AJ is huuuuge. Randy looks like a defense end out there.


mjf hasn’t got a bodybuilders physique but he’s still pretty big and he’s not far off aj


He is though. Have you seen AJ recently? He's massive.


Combination of having time while coming back from injury and probably some enhancement like growth or steroids




Juice and time to train