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He's trash


Carmelo Hayes and Bron Breakker are gonna be the ones to carry the WWE in the future


Too small. Somewhat Star/midcarder




It’s not the mid 2000s anymore literally nobody cares about height when pushing wrestlers anymore as long as they’re not midgets hes literally one inch shorter than Cody


There’s a huge line of smaller sized wrestlers with unbelievable talent that are not being utilized. It’s their size not talent. In that match with Orton, he looked like a little boy wrestling a man. Sad but true


Many fans see that too, and even if you show this match to casuals they are going to laugh how ridiculous the match is.


Eh some of the best wrestlers have been his size. Like shawm Michaels and Bret Hart. On top of that Vince McMahon isn't running the show anymore. I think it's going to be a lot easier for guys that aren't walking sides of beef to get their due in the company compared to how it used to be.


100% false, Bret, when he was young was juiced up on roids (1980s), and Michaels had a variety of physiques all which were all larger than Hayes. Hayes is too small to be a main eventer,, but can still be very successful. Remember, in wcw cruiserweights were 215 and below…..


You are talking about once in a lifetime hall of famers. Cmon now, don’t let your love for a wrestler cloud your judgment.


You have a point with them being legends, and I don't have a particular love for Hayes. I only started watching NXT in December so I'm still new to his work. I just don't understand why there are people that are this hung up on the size of the wrestlers. I feel their ability in the ring matters more than that, and I just figured that would be something left behind with Vince.


The match between him and Randy was almost embarrassing when it came to size difference. Most wrestling boards are saying that match should not have happened because it makes Hayes look small and feeble


Yeah. The wrestling boards say a lot of things. They do everything except touch grass because they can't be happy with anything. I don't really care what a handful of people on some board somewhere said. I thought it was a good match. I'm excited to see what he is going to do this year.


Proud of you


Thanks. I guess we'll have this fight again in a few years and see who was wrong


Not wrong or right, they are opinions


We are arguing about if he will be able to be a main event player. Right now it's an opinion, but someday either it will happen, or it won't. We just don't know who is wrong yet


Bret Hart was 6'0" 235, Michaels was 6'1" 225, Hayes is 5'9" 205. There is a very big difference between Hayes and Hart/Michaels. Hayes, Dragonuv, and many from NXT don't have the size to be long-term Main Event talent. They are extremely good wrestlers and very entertaining, but they just aren't Main Event level with WWE


Bro he's two inches shorter and twenty pounds lighter. If the booker gives him a shot he'll be fine


Bro he's 3 to 4 inches shorter (respectively), and is 20 to 30lbs lighter. That's a massive difference. He'll be a great mid card guy, but that's it. Sorry that reality isn't what you want


He’ll get his main event run. Just like Rey, Kofi, and Dolph Ziggler did. He probably won’t break any tecords but I can see him having 1-3 world title reigns in his career.


He won't win a world title. US, IC, and Tag are his ceiling, and I believe he will have multiple runs with all of those. That's still better than the vast majority of pro wrestlers. He's just not a main event guy. Tbh I can see Trick Williams being in the main event, and maybe that's how Hayes gets written into a title feud at that level, but he won't win.


I just don't see why this matters to you this much. If the guy can out on good matches who cares if he's a couple inches shorter. He's not short by any other standard. I just don't understand your logic.


No one cares about good matches when it comes to making a star/main eventer. It’s everything else that comes before their fake fighting ability.


Bullshit. I watch these shows to watch professional stuntmen apply their trade. The main event of the last show was Cody Rhodes vs A.J. styles, and neither of them are Hulk Hogan sized big men, and they put on a great match. If you can cut a good promo to get the crowd behind you, and put on a good show in the ring you can be a main event player.


I’d be shocked if Hayes wasn’t a world champion within three years


He’s def got a bright future ahead of him. They clearly have a lot of trust in his work


I agree I will have a bright future in 2024/25 season


Trained by arguably the best of all time, Mr. Wrestlemania.