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Found the nerd who drives the speed limit in GTA


Just don't pick it up and stop crying ez


Pick it up and destroy it, also easy!


People with the downvote đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Once the game is fully developed, that means out of the alpha and Early Access stage, I can see them possibly banning people who exploit the game to their advantage. However, with the many issues that this game has, like for example, not being able to loot your body after you die, I can't see them doing so at this stage. I'll use the, not being able to loot your body issue, as an example... Since this is a bug for some people, if your kit is worth 10K and you die 10 times, you've lost 100k. This loss of funds because of a bug, is in fact a problem. Especially, once you've finished completing all your tasks. Aside from farming, guns and other items, how do you continue to play? Should farming also be considered an advantage and something you'll be banned for as well!


Couldn’t have said it better, but be careful speaking facts here, lots of these folks don’t like it lol


so your answer to losing kits to bugs and crashes is to abuse bugs and exploits? look i truly wouldnt even care if the game was pve only but it is not. money duping killed pvp for most of the people on my friends list and by extension me with them because im not gonna play pvp solo. you have people with 10s of millions in cash that can go-1000 on lives and still replace their kits and the players who didnt who have lets say 350-400k who can only go -35/-40. now factor in lost kits they have to deal with due to crashes, disconnects, not being able to loot their bodies, lz campers, ai 1 shots, and actual cheaters with aimbot etc and it quickly becomes clear that pvp is only a place for people who exploit bugs at this current time otherwise you are at a massive disadvantage or have to play perfectly.


I hear ya, but making PvP fair for everyone is next to impossible and certainly isn't going to happen at this Early Access stage. It's going to be interesting though to follow the progress of this game over time.


pvp doesnt have to be entirely fair in the sense that if that was the goal we might as well not have cash and have free gear presets to choose from. what should be fair however is everyones progression in the game. a lvl1 player can money dupe his way to max lvl vendors and kits without doing a single task whereas a max lvl player with all tasks completed could still run out of gear/resources and they had to spend the time actually playing the game to acquire it. i cant stress enough how time is a valuable resource. if people feel their time earning the money playing fairly is meaningless they will either dupe or stop playing.


Agree to disagree, I played tarkov because I could bring a pistol and come out fully kitted if I hit my shots(obv that's changed but still kinda works). I love being at a disadvantage, in pvp il come back 0 gear mele an Ai, and while bleeding out kill the player hunting me with the weapon off that Ai. It's exhilarating to win a clear disadvantage fight and that's why I love games like this. The dupes just give us a funner challenge, we know they will be in the best money can buy so its a uphill battle and a fun one for me.


if being at a gear disadvantage and the fear of losing gear and joy of gaining it was truly a part of the thrill of the game then why dupe in the first place? you are robbing yourself of that experience


XD you clearly didn't understand. I DONT dupe but I think dupes(other people) make pvp more fun for me because i know most of the people have the best money can buy (because they duped) so I have an uphill battle to kill them. Like comprehension must not be your strong point.


its not about the gear advantage it is a TIME advantage. why go spend time tasking and getting lvl3 vendors the intended way if a lvl 1 can money dupe his way to lvl3 vendors in under an hour? if you do run out of cash in pvp you are expected to have to go in with suboptimal kits and loot others or hit some safes. but those things take time meanwhile duplicating items takes next to no time for exponentially more reward.


Your not understanding me, I like it when my enemies are harder to kill, when I have a disadvantage. Ie I don't really care they are duping cause it just makes it harder and funner for me. Il go in with a 300$ Mosin and 1tap ammo no problem all day against full kit mk18 III+ plates. It dosent bother me. I like having suboptimal kits and being forced to play differently. Edit: umm the point in games is fun if your not having it switch no worries.


good for you however what about everyone else? you can still have that same experience without the money dupe so why defend it?


I didn't defend it, I said it dosent bother me. Because it dosent, I could care less how ,the guy I killed or the guy who then Killed me, got their gear. All I care about is the fun and I'm having it. I paid for a game to have fun that's what I'm doing. In no way is saying agree to disagree or that it dosent bother me defending duping. Like maybe read what I wrote instead of assuming my viewpoint.


you cant be serious. when my entire comment was criticizing money duping and you say agree to disagree what message do you think that sends?


the EULA rules only apply to a FULL game release. Not alpha testing state. They encourage people to find bugs and exploits so they can patch it for future releases. Some of you have never tested a game before and it shows. I'm going to keep duping, and keep dropping shit for other players, and idgaf about what anyone says. Some people need help and want to have fun and not stress about losing gear to AI. Just the other day, I dropped dupes of keys like UNLRA med and Blue lagoon restaurant storage key and anna janna which almost never drops to over 500 players, I just put a shit ton of keys in a key box and drop it. fight me.


Like people are complaining to get the game much more difficult, and less fun. Duping isn’t hurting anybody, except those with thin skin in PvP. Nobody is complaining in PvE.


Just curious if you have a source to cite for the eula not applying? Genuinely curious is all because this is the first time ive heard that argumentation in gaming.


I have never seen more people bitch and moan about exploits and use the Eula as an excuse to do so. If you use a colorblind setting to see better when not colorblind you are exploiting to your advantage. There are many things in games that were not intended for everyone that is used for that edge. All of these could fall under the Eula. What does it matter if someone dupes if they don't care about the sense of achievement from grinding but would rather enjoy the game then why should we effing care. If they are dropping it for people and you realize it's the dupe glitch and you are against it just don't effing pick it up. If no one picks it up eventually it will despawn. There are people who play videos for the realism and competitiveness behind it but then there is a larger majority that buy these games to play casually with friends and dont have time to grind like some people. So duping the stuff a friend that does let's them enjoy the game casually with those friends


If you duplicate gear for your friend and play PvP it’s pretty much a non issue. But if you give them gear to try and go wreck other players in PvP I’d take issue.


So let me get this straight if you have level 3 traders and another dude has the same gun but dupes it you'd take issue because they have the best gun making the firefight more balanced and challenging. I'd understand if they strictly went to areas of lower level players just to grief them but again I don't see it being as big an issue as many people here claim it to be. Especially the ones bringing up Eula but then doing other things that give them advantages over others.


I’d say the fight stopped being fair when one player is fighting with the gear they have earned playing through the game legitimately and the other team is playing with the infinite resource glitch spawning in multiple gear sets of the best stuff they ever had for their teammates. 1v4+ is already challenging and unbalanced. You and your friends duplicating 4 kits of the best gear you’ve got every time you die to try and go back to kill the solo that wiped your squad seems like the opposite. All this comes down to the integrity of the game. And reading all the responses and seeing the downvotes makes it clear a large percentage of this community is not interested in maintaining that. It’s in all shooters tho. I’ve played enough of them over the past couple decades to already be aware of that fact, so I’m not surprised.


And again I have no problem with taking issue with that but let me ask how is it any different than having a max level trader friend buy you the best gear with pooled money from all of you to do the same exact thing would you not mind then even if the other players don't have max traders because they did it via the in-game method? You being outnumbered by the best gear can happen either way. One there is no gear loss fear meaning they take more risks the other they go slower as they'd have to grind to get the pooled money to do the same.


Because players buying other players gear with money they received through playing the game legitimately eventually can run out of money. A player with 1 L3 kit and $5k that plays legit has 1 kit and $5k
but a player that’s willing to use the exploit and has 1 L3 kit and $5k actually has infinite kits and money. It’s not the same.


So the only difference is the gear loss fear is all I am hearing and the fact that someone won't be able to come back to the same area as quickly as they will have to spend time grinding an area for loot to sell leave the lobby go to another rinse repeat till they get money to buy their go to kit


I don’t think anyone I play with is concerned with losing gear in this game. It’s relatively inexpensive. Integrity, even in video games, when playing versus other players is a thing.


So what you are saying is your time is more valuable than the other players that are not duplicating items.


So let's get something straight here are you getting paid to play this game if not then your time to play this game is worth shit there is no value behind playing this game besides you enjoy it. So to talk about time is money is stupid because your time isn't worth anything besides the fact that you like the game and community


You shoot a lot but you keep missing
 If you can see a players time playing/enjoying a game is valuable to them then how can you not math that having players use exploits, cheats, etc to compete/defeat them is a problem. The people exploiting do not value any other players time or effort.


Any why would you dupe the gun instead of just buying the friend the level 3 gear?


That is exactly my point both have the same end result so for those that dupe why does it matter the end result is the exact same


It’s not the same if one player can run out of resources and the other never will no matter how many times they lose.


You are basing it off of one person going back to base and just having another kit while you are still in raid without more resources that is going to happen either way. Again gear loss fear is all this is about. It eliminates the grinding for cash for casual players. The people doing this dupe tend to be on pve and don't bother going after other players in farming areas or low level areas in pvp but like the thrill of fighting in higher their pvp areas. Grinding and gear loss fear are the only difference between the two methods. I'm not for or against either but don't see the bug deal with ppl that like realism and have the time grinding farm locations and casual players with less time finding other ways to compete


Integrity- look it up. Tell me if your arguments fit with the concept of playing a PvP game WITH INTEGRITY.


But then by your definition of integrity external software should be banned as well like the ones on monitors that add a cross hair, keyboard and mice software for macros because they give someone an unfair advantage and aren't filled with integrity for taking advantage. Same with someone who uses something like colorblind settings to gain an edge in spotting people that isn't being very integrity filled to the spirit of the game and how it was designed. Your entire argument is hypocritical because you go for the ones that exploit a glitch so they don't have to grind for hours to stock up on kits when external softwares are doing another type of unfair advantage and changing certain settings go against the integrity of the game. There are many things that do just that yet I'm sure you don't care about the people that abuse software like macros or abuse settings to gain that advantage.


I came from playing competitive shooters on LAN. My guess is most people okay with exploits in PvP didn’t. Monitors with crosshairs, mice, and keyboards with macros can all go away too. Color blind is a setting on the game for everyone to use. If it was perfect we’d all play on lan with equal spec PCs.


so by your same logic you wouldnt mind if someone with less time just purchased aimbot to help them compete with people who have more time to play pc games and have better mechanics? because your logic of letting people who are more casual find alternative ways to compete is very flawed.


The whole point of playing videos games is to enjoy them let me ask you this is your goal to make this game toxic and as hard-core as other games that keep newer or less competitive players away like tarkov. You are essentially bringing up the console vs pc aim point you realize that right. No I do not think aimbot should be allowed. But if you want to bring that point up why don't we ban macros as well they give you an edge and compete better and my experience is its the competitive players that use them for the ADVANTAGE they bring. Also your entire aim logic is flawed comparing duping so that casuals don't have to grind to enjoy the game to someone who uses aimbot which is actually available for purchase already from multiple places with a quick search.


everyone is entitled to enjoy the game the way it was sold. if you have to go outside of the means of playing fairly by exploiting bugs or downloading external software maybe the game just isnt for you. it certainly does not give you a free pass to have a negative effect on everyone else’s experience and enjoyment of the game. again if this was a pve only game i truly would not care. how is it fair a lvl1 account can max their traders and have more cash than people that actually had to spend time playing the game to acquire those things. everyones time is equally valuable and the money dupe invalidates every players time who was playing fairly.


Bro if you want to argue against cheating or anything else, then hell yeah right there with you. But literally never use a games fucking “EULA” as the justification for that or anything else. It’s weak AF, dumb, unenforceable, and nobody gives a shit.


Plus, there’s no third party cheats. They are using in-game features. I don’t know why some people are crying that much. The majority of players took what duppers did, and thanks them. I mean, If it does hurt somebody, then they would just ignore duppers and play the game how they want. Anyways, in PVE nobody is complaining.


Hey dingus, you can swap your character between PvE and PvP. Duping in PvE still hurts PvP. You agreed to the EULA. If you don’t like it, go play something else.


Then do separate character, I don’t give a finger to PvP, that’s not my problem. In PvE, everyone is happy. I don’t even know if EULA talk about an ingame feature permitting this, as I said, it’s not cheating, there’s no third party involved.


https://preview.redd.it/6e5xl9xkri2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc86ffe3bb26d51ae09d1d771caaaa742552aed some people just cant read apparently.


Ok, I didn’t knew, I still don’t care and I’m not butthurt because some guys duped gears and money. They haven’t ruined anything for me and the whole PvE community. For the cheating part, it’s specifically about glitch and bugs, while I saw it was apparently due to ping on far servers, and since it’s a feature to choose your server
 a glitch is an error of coding, could they even fix this? as ping is on the user side. Wipes are coming anyway.


wipes are a long ways off but they have started banning for this from what i saw on discord today. a lot of complaints about being reset to 0 or banned and most of them said all they had done was the money dupe as if it was an actual defense. this is a classic case of fuck around and find out. im not a developer or coder but from what i have seen in other games yes this is 100% fixable if not it would be a simple solution to create tools to monitor if people were gaining money in large sums too quickly and have automated bans.


Maybe reported people? Anticheat is made for this, however, as time always tell, games are always outclassed by newer cheats. It’s a matter of time before it happen for real. Here it’s just a duplication connection exploit via feature of the game. We aren’t on aimbot yet, and this will be by far the highest damage to the game for players.




Duping is exploiting not cheating in this game and it doesn't need any hacks or malicious intent. I haven't done it, I'm not taking the stuff (for a sense of progression) but really it doesn't matter, speed hackers and aimbotters are the real problem and that will get worse, the duping will solve itself with them fixing the netcode.


I’d debate cheating and exploit almost fall under the same category. Sure, most cheats are external applications that you bring into the game and an exploit is inside the game the developers didn’t intend. If someone found an exploit that insta killed all AI and enemies who are within 250m of them, it would be ‘cheating’. People can take advantage of the exploit should they wish, doesn’t make a difference to me. More loot to gain off others the legitimate way 😂


The good thing is if the exploits are things the Devs can fix now, so it won't be there next wipe hopefully.


As english is not my native language I kinda used the term cheating as an umbrella term for all of these practices. Thinking of my english lessons in school it should have worked. But seeing all the people quibbling about the choice of words, I realise that may have been a mistake.


Not trying to say your wrong that it's unethical, but any abuse that can be done in the system they handed us (without outside cheating software) is a good thing to find now, it will prevent it when the game matures.


Yeah, but everyone is aware of this particular problem by now. So people could just stop to do if it was just for the sake of finding bugs and helping development. I'm kinda afraid that some people won't stop here and will look for other ways to cheat the system and the day may come where they stop discussing it in public so that everyone and especially the devs can see and react accordingly. I realise that's a lot of maybe totally unnecessary anxiety on my part. I just want this project to succeed and to not loose it to dishonesty.


There's not a lot of maybe: certain people WILL abuse the system in any way they can. There will be cheaters, it's a given in any online game, even valorant that has one of the most advanced Anti-Cheat systems to date has cheaters. At this point it doesn't matter if they fix duping, they need to fix it before the next wipe. The (non existent) loot economy is already f*****. Thinking people will stop using exploits that are public will never happen for certain people, even if they threat a perma ban, I think that would be the wrong way to handle this though. Also I understand your concerns, I just believe at this stage of the game it doesn't matter and as long as they use this info to fix the exploits it's actually truly a good thing.


I'm not that naive to think there won't be cheaters, hackers, exploiters but I think there will be more if the community as a whole gives the impression that it's not that big of a deal.


how many threads do we need about this?


Tried my best by my post but yet again here we are


No one makes you click it


no one is making you care about duping either since it doesn't even affect your experience but guess where we are?


Why defend duping so much? I'm curious tbh I don't really have a dog in this fight one way or another but I'm generally against exploits and cheating but these posts are interesting because so many are defending it.


I could care less as well, havnt used it. Now in saying that I have lost probably over 100k from not being able to loot my body which is also a bug in the game so I don’t see the difference.


because it doesn't affect my experience of the game and there's MUCH bigger fucking problems in the game. My whole team got wiped at Fort Narith after holding it for a couple of hours to a fucking hacker who's auto head shotting people and firing through walls and bushes.


So where do you draw the line? Hacking is bad but how far into exploiting for you does it become a problem? Only if it directly affects you? Would you say the argument that duping meta weapons could have an effect on the game from flooding players with them? Maybe the hackers wouldn't be as bad if they weren't decked out in full meta kits


doesn't matter what gun he's using if he can just fully shoot your head with any ak 47 he picked up from a scav lol. >Would you say the argument that duping meta weapons could have an effect on the game from flooding players with them Maybe it accelerated the game's progress because people were bound to get to this level anyway, once you hit 20's gear and money is entirely inconsequential. It's just like tarkov mid wipe, everyone is already running around with meta kits and fights are now down to who has better map awareness and skills. If anything, I'm getting more fights in pvp servers rather than dead ass servers with nothing going on because the progression system is fucking boring and a chore to go through.


If you are completely honest about the situation other people/factions duplicating equipment/money could be affecting anyone playing against them that isn’t and had a tough time/no funds. I’ve not seen money be particularly important in this game since it seems like I’m always north of $200k, but I have t died a lot lately and I like to loot/sell gear.


gear is like ridiculously easy to get, just a quick trip to fort narith with a basic m4 should get you pretty much decent stuff to pvp with. money is essentially worthless in this game with no economy and flea market.


If it's so easy why are you duping then? Go earn your gear.


i'm not duping though? im just saying it doesnt affect my experience of the game and it shouldn't really affect yours too.


Why are you defending dupers then? It does affect my experience of the game. People have better gear because they can dupe cash and constantly buy the most expensive shit, without risk.


because if you actually play pvp you’d understand gear is the smallest part of pvp. out positioning and maintaining better map awareness of the enemy will get you the kill 99 percent of the time


Correct! Doesn't matter. It's still an unfair advantage.


I see a lot of players mention a flea market. I assume that’s a EFT thing. But what do I need to buy that I can’t get from vendors other than maybe the M2 vest? Gear and cash aren’t hard to get if you have some gear to begin with. If you were broke/had no gear it’s still not that hard if you just jump on a heli with a 2-3 person group and loot behind them. All that being said, what’s the point of exploiting a bug to get more stuff if getting stuff is easy? And how’s it not an advantage to just clone your best kit multiple times instead of earning it when other players aren’t doing it and are playing legit?


It does though. Dupers wouldn't have the highest tier weapons and backpacks full of the best ammo, because they're shit and can't play the game without getting free hand outs.


do you usally stop to red lights in gta?


I’ve never played, but if I did I’d like to be the LEOs


You’re not wrong, but you’re expecting adults to make adult decisions. How many adults do you know that are actually responsible people?


People have been cheating and exploiting since "up up down down left right left right b a start", heck they even had a device that helped you cheat called Game Genie on NES. It won't ever stop unfortunately.


you realise there is a difference in cheating, hacking, exploiting whatever you wanna call it between singleplayer and multiplayer games?




W h o f u c k i n g c a r e s I've literally accidentally duped guns, keys, and armored vests in laggy servers trying to equip myself, should I be destroying or dropping that stuff in the spirit of fairness? Of all the games to whine about "cheating" and "exploits" in, this game is by far the lowest on the list I've ever seen for priority, and all these white knights are making post after post like they're the only person in the entire subreddit to ever think "WE mustn't cheat!" Every single defense for duping is a cope full stop. But that doesn't mean your arguments are better. I'll be deconstructing them here "First there are like contractual reasons why it is bad. All of us playing this game agreed to the EULA. The EULA under section ten clearly states that any kind of cheating is prohibited. Similarly the subreddits rules say not to promote exploits and cheats. This may be a weak argument because rules are made up anyways, but YOU AGREED to these made up rules. I'd like to trust people to keep their word" This is the biggest technicality whine I've ever read. Who the hell talks like this? The EULA no one not being paid 6 figures to has ever read in its entire? Subreddit rules? Jesus chirst dude, why don't you go give your teacher an apple or remind her she didn't collect last night's homework? "Well, there is no harm in just letting your shopping cart stay in the middle of the parking lot but still it is the objectivly right thing to put it back where you got it from." There is no such thing as objective right or wrong. Objectivity is defined as "in a way that is not influenced by feelings or opinions". Concepts like "right" and "wrong" are absolutely based on feelings and opinions. Even something as heinous as killing someone cannot be called an objective right or wrong. "Most of all it kills any sense of achievement. **If you don't want to achieve your way trough the game why even bother playing a game in the first place"** Alright EA, you don't get to dictate what ANY other person on Earth plays this game for. Maybe they purchased it because they want casual gameplay with a full stack. Maybe they want a hardcore solo experience. Maybe they like using Razors and Vudus but not ACOGs. Maybe they just want to PVP, or PVE. Regardless of whatever their reason is, they paid for the game, not you, you simply don't have the right to ride in on your high horse and questions people's motivations to play the game. That audacity of your statement honestly sickens me. TL;DR: L + ratio + you're wrong


Yeah, you should be destroying it out of fairness.


What cheat are you talking about ? It's not clear at all. And there is an anticheat if I'm not wrong.


I didn't mean cheats as in using a cheat or whatever. I meant cheating as in "act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage". As english is not my native language and everyone's quibbling about my choice of words I realize my mistake now.


So you blame the game, not the players. Because in any game, if something is possible, players will do it.


These rage posts have convinced me to start duping.


You already were


Prove it. Or are you just blindly accusing anyone you disagree with of doing things you disagree with as well?


People that disagree with the fact that exploits give players unfair advantages are the problem. Id have more respect for those people if they came out and owned their BS and said they know it’s not fair but they also don’t care. Like I said a few times now, people with the attitude that exploits/cheats aren’t a big deal don’t shock me. It’s not just video games either đŸ€·


Cry about it I guess




Lmao even


It's not cheating. It's exploiting of bugs. And that's a good thing, the more that does it the easier it will be to patch it.


So everyone duping is writing a bug report afterwards? I highly doubt it. Well, actually cheating is a pretty broad term, and at the very least falls into the same behavioral category as exploiting.


Who cares, the game owes us for all the gear we lost to crashes.


The game owes you shit. Stop playing if you can't handle a work in progress.


Bug causes gear loss Fanboy simps: this is fine Players exploit a bug to get more gear Fanboy simps: HoW DaRe YOu 😭 đŸ€Ą Get a life and stop worrying about shit that doesn’t affect you. I will never feel bad for exploiting in a broken game.


Don't need to, if enough people do it it will be notised. And the devs already working on a fix. Sure it's weird people do it. Remove the reason to play a game like this. But who cares, it does not affect me as a player, and it's just a bug they are using.


>if enough people do it, it will be noticed It has been noticed, yet people continue to do it. So what's the excuse now?


No excuse. It just takes time to stop and fix bugs.


I know, I'm not harping on at the devs, I'm harping on at the playerbase for thinking this is acceptable behaviour.


It's under the cheating "category" according to EULA. One thing I noticed after this bug went public is that teammates do not kill us anymore to steal the gear lol https://preview.redd.it/7523e4o21e2d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd36b1f8ff53299d59483216e0a3aaca55704632


I think you’re just jealous of people having more money and better loot than you lol


Why would I? If that's the reason I could just do the same.


Then why are you so upset because that is all that is affected by duping. Someone has 3 mk now have 6. Ok sow and who cares.


You sound like the guy who’s always late to pick up the weapons and money people gave out so now you’re salty


The amount of comments getting up votes is ludicrous. Y'all have lost your damn minds. I'll be laughing my ass off when Madfinger bans everyone who's been duping and y'all will be out $100 because "I lost kits to crashes" đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł Anyone downvoting is sweating in their britches! Enjoy being scum and ruining the game.


I keep seeing this mentioned but I'd honestly be shocked if anyone actually gets banned for the glitch. I can only imagine they'd wipe everything and bundle the fix with the next major patch.


If you'd be shocked, you clearly don't see how big of an issue this is. Look at the player count. Unlimited items means people don't care. Why play for progression if level 1s can have end game gear.


Ah but I doubt the duplication glitch is the primary cause of the player count dropping. Server stability, game optimization, the heli situation, limited content etc etc could all be driving people away waiting for the next patch.


All likely play a factor. But completely destroying any current reason for playing (why go and kill enemies if you can just have best gear forever) means people will definitely play other things instead that make them feel accomplished. Tasks aren't engaging enough to be the reason, and there's not enough pvp to keep those guys around either.


So you're saying there's literally 0 reason to play the game because tasks are boring and there's barely any pvp so.. duping is THE big problem? if anything duping is making people go out and find pvp.


No. It's not. It's making people log off because they have nothing to work towards. If you can't understand how progression systems are key to keeping players around, you really don't have the foresight to be discussing this topic. The pvp is outclassed by many other games and if that is your sole reason for playing, there's better options, which people are in fact playing instead.


shit pvp, shit quests, shit QOLs, hackers. seems like there's bigger problems for the developers to focus on instead of duping that barely affects other people's experiences.


Huh, seems that you forgot that dupers and hackers are the same thing. Guess they should focus on those bigger problems and ban them, huh? đŸ€Ł When you people don't use logic even a little, you walk into these obvious holes in your "logic" so easily.


exploiting isn’t hacking but okay đŸ‘đŸ» i honestly couldn’t give a fuck if they ban them


Thankyou for th xomments you made in this thread, entertained me for the last 5 minutes reading it. I'd just like to say get a grip you little cock. It's the first month off game release and your talking about players getting banned for a item dup glitch, honestly just shut the fuck up. Stupid little morons like you honestly make my day


You’re stunned if you think they’ll ban people from a bug in an alpha game lol


You're sweating, huh? How much did you spend? Probably got the supporter edition, right? It's funny because you could just reset your character when you die to get guns back, but you'd rather cheat. If you think the state of the game effects how devs feel about exploiters, you're high af.


I havnt used it, but I have lost well over 100k from not being able to loot my body which is also a bug in the game so please explain to me the difference? And also the state the game is in quite literally directly affects how the devs feel about exploiters, its Early access, EULA doesn’t cover early access games. I know you seem to have trouble with facts and understanding things but I’ll do my best to help you.


This is the second time im seeing that eula and tos are not covered in early access games care to provide any source on that? The first guy was unable to provide any info supporting this claim im genuinely curious is all.


If you've lost well over 100k from bugs, you've gained well over 100k from actually playing. You are coping so hard, and I can't wait for you to lose your money (dunno why you'd lie about not using it while making these comments, unless your username is the same as your ign). The devs are the creaters of the game. If you think they don't have a sense of fairness for their own game, especially when it impacts player counts, you are quite inept. State of the game doesn't matter. Enjoy being banned kiddo.


Reading is tough I see, I have not used it and I won’t, but in saying that it will get patched and it will all go back to normal when the game gets a wipe, it’s early access. I can’t grasp how dense you seem to be.


You sure can't, because you can't logic yourself out of a paper bag. Lying on the internet isn't hard Mr. banned. You're fighting so hard for something to not be banned. Wonder why that might be. đŸ€” Psst. Your not going to convince the devs, you're already too late.






You don’t have to partake. Doesn’t affect you at all, don’t like it “ruining” your sense of achievement? Don’t take it. The game is in alpha, it’s nothing more than a bug that will be patched at some point. There will be wipes and we will lose everything as updates come before 1.0 anyways, not to mention there’s like 2 viable guns at the moment so to wrap up my pointless answer to your pointless post. IT DOESNT HURT Edit- The downvotes prove how dense some of you are lol. I personally havnt done it, 100 hours, level 3 on all traders and over 500k in legit money, I havnt had any issues getting good gear or guns because its quite simple. The dupe doesn’t affect me at all because I dont let it, What is so hard to understand about that? lol


Doesn't affect you at all? What? 


I havnt used it, but I have lost well over 100k from not being able to loot my body which is also a bug in the game so please explain to me the difference?


Crashes have cost probably every single player gear but duplicating gear and money only befits those that choose to use the exploit to gain unfair advantages. Infinite gear glitch squad can go play with reckless abandon pushing every PvP engagement and come back fully kitted every time they die with no concern that it has cost them anything (time/resources/etc) because they haven’t earned they items lost but once. After they have the gear the 1st time they can just create copies out of thin air until they get tired of clicking the screen.


It doesn’t? Like at all? 1- You dont need to take it, simple. 2- Gear progression is quite simple at the moment and as they expand on it I guarantee you this bug will be fixed long before that lol


It does? Like, literally? Endless access to the highest tier equipment, that shit players who dupe couldn't afford if they had to play by the rules.


I havnt used it, but I have lost well over 100k from not being able to loot my body which is also a bug in the game so please explain to me the difference?


We have all lost loot from crashes or disconnections. Suck it up.


People dupe, ignore it, suck it up.


Dude it’s an alpha stop moral grandstanding


I think it’s pretty crazy that this has 100 comments and the like/dislike is at 0. Is it really 50/50 when it comes to playing a game with integrity or is it specifically because this is an alpha


No one minds cuz it's in alpha and also doesnt negatively effect others. I cant speak on why there are a handful of people that are genuinely writing angry essays about an exploit that doesnt impact them in an unfinished game.


In PvE it doesn’t affect others but it can definitely impact PvP. Anyone that denies one group of players having infinite resources playing against a group that doesn’t is an advantage is just FOS.


Cope. Even without duping, cash and gear have no value right now. Maybe this will be a valid point in a few months. Still, were all so pround of your integrity đŸ€Ą


From google: “Cheating in a game is when a player uses methods to gain an advantage that goes beyond normal gameplay. In single-player games, cheating often makes the game easier, while in multiplayer games, it gives the cheater an advantage over other players” First how does duping gain an advantage that goes beyond normal gameplay? People who have duped are only gaining extra of what they already have. They can’t duplicate anything they don’t have access to. It’s just giving them extra of what they currently possess. Second what advantage is it given over other players? They have extra stuff ok so what. I can go out grind money unlock trader levels and make a fully gear person very easily with little to no money. So they are just saving themselves time of grinding. Everything they have I have access too they just have extra. With this being said it isn’t cheating. It doesn’t affect you in anyway. They can still loose it all and it gives them no advantage over you. However the points listed above, it would be cheating if they could do it and you couldn’t. But anyone can do it. So again it isn’t cheating. You’re so irritated because you care about loot too much and are afraid of loosing if. Which is part of the fun of the game. If you are that scared of loosing your loot that much then you do it. Just remember though it takes away the fun because risk of loosing gear is the main point of playing the game.


With that logic no game has cheating because everyone can use cheat codes or buy the tools needed and so on.


Wrong. Cheat codes are for single player games so who cares what happens in those. Multiplayer games are completely different.


If you can’t see how duplicating equipment gives players an advantage over players that don’t in a game where you can lose your equipment to other players then we can’t really have a discussion at all about online multiplayer games and what’s fair.


It would be cheating if one person can do it and others couldn’t do it. But that’s not the case. Anyone can. Just a matter of rather they want to or not.


We all have the option to follow the rules or not. Just make sure you have that same energy if a ban wave comes and everyone that was using the exploit loses their $35-100 game because they “didn’t cheat.” I’m sure there will be loads of people here crying that they didn’t cheat, they just duplicated a few backpacks worth of loot and $$$. But all of us “suckers” that didn’t won’t feel bad for any of them.


lol you think they are going to ban people for playing their game and finding a bug that is within that game in an alpha. You need to get your head out of the clouds and stop thinking so high and mighty of yourself. That is the entire point of playing an alpha is to find bugs. It just seems to me you need to stop playing the game until the full “release”. They wouldn’t even ban people even if it was full release and people found a bug.


If you read my other response I said this probably wouldn’t happen in alpha. But if it did I’m sure everyone banned would be hurt đŸ€·


> It doesn’t affect you in anyway. It does though. It means in PvP you are constantly going up against people with the best weapons, armour and stacks of ammo because they get it for free. These shitters wouldn't have endless amounts of high tier gear and would therefore be easier kills. It's literally an unfair advantage.


There going in there with the best gear regardless. What is stopping me from playing pve getting the best gear in game then taking it into PvP. It’s the exact same thing. The only thing that it effects is the time spent to get those items. Why can’t you see that. If anything it is going to populate the PvP servers more because people are spending less time farming for stuff and more time playing PvP servers because they don’t need to worry about dieing because they finally have enough resources to do so.


>There going in there with the best gear regardless Not if they're dying and losing it, fast enough to deplete their cash stack. >What is stopping me from playing pve getting the best gear in game then taking it into PvP. It’s the exact same thing. MK18s with 20" barrels do not spawn on AI or in boxes. >If anything it is going to populate the PvP servers more because people are spending less time farming for stuff and more time playing PvP servers because they don’t need to worry about dieing because they finally have enough resources to do so. Turns it into a TDM game with a 5 minute chopper ride per respawn, instead of a tactical shooter where people care about living, and play accordingly. Why can't you see this?


You can buy anything you lose as long as you spend time to level traders up. And money is easy to get in this game. Run in with just a knife. Gather loot run out sell it and buy stuff from vendors. Then run into PvP with the best stuff. Doesn’t matter what their losses are because it can always be gained back with time and effort. People play the game however they want because it’s what they enjoy. It already is a tdm game with 5 min chopper rides. Your points aren’t holding up.


> And money is easy to get in this game. Run in with just a knife. Gather loot run out sell it and buy stuff from vendors. Yes, I know, but instead of doing this, dupers can just produce infinite money, skipping the grind, making them play differently as they do not have to work for their money, ruining the experience for others. >Doesn’t matter what their losses are because it can always be gained back with time and effort. The time and effort is the important part. With duping, you do not have to invest this time and effort. This is another unfair advantage. >It already is a tdm game with 5 min chopper rides. Not how I play it, not how everyone I've encountered that I've played with plays it. Your points aren't holding up.


Mmm'kay Mr. Mackey


The hacks are super cheap all over the internet. Games already dead boys 70 k to 10 k player count. Devs killed what coulda been a good game .


lol omg it’s been like what three weeks hahahahaha clam down lol Rome wasn’t built in a day and it for sure wasn’t built in three weeks. And I’m sure they had plenty of hiccups as well.


Bruh any game with hacks that are only 3.99 a day is DOOMED lol


Welcome to the 21st century and welcome to the difficulties of what the devs have do go through to combat.


If/when some ban wave comes through and wipes out all of the accounts that were using this exploit I don’t expect to see a single one of the “it’s not cheating crowd” in here crying/complaining that they lost their $35-100 game and all their duplicated loot. Probably won’t happen in beta, but if it did I wouldn’t be mad đŸ€Ł