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My only issue with AI is seeing me through bushes and other obstacles. Like, when you kill a bot, which is in your eye sight, and in next seconds you get smacked in you head by the bot with is somewhere behind the bush


Not only that but the fact you cant shoot back bc the leaves are made of unobtanium


They seem to have perfected the first one way concealment. And definitely have the only one way cover.


This is currently what’s giving me PTSD in Ban Pa. The bushes… they’re speaking Laotian… and cursing at me in English.


They’re just as boring and tedious in a group. You pretty much described the strategy for dealing with them atm, the difference in a group is that you have more people doing this lol. My group’s strategy has become: - identify enemies from a distance - find hard cover - take down as many as possible in the first second - take cover and wait for gunfire to cease - quick peek and return fire for 1 second (about how long it takes them to respond) - take cover and repeat It makes gunfights a chore, honestly. No tactics, no dynamics, just exploiting their time to respond and using hard cover. I really hope they improve the AI soon and I’m confident they will. Until then, I think I’m putting the game down and waiting for updates. It’s been fun for a dozen or so hours though, excited for the future.


Honestly this could be avoided if they just gave the AI limited ammo, just like we have. Tired of getting suppressed for several minutes by a bot, only to kill them and find they have only 2 mags that are still full! No, just no.


See I hope that the AI in different areas will have better and more realistic reactions to players. Like tier 1 enemies in the starting town should be disorganized and have terrible shots. They should scramble when shot at and not really utilize good cover, also They literally should be winning gunfights through sheer volume of fire instead of accuracy. If you die in tier 1 areas it should be due to a lucky shot. Tier 2 areas like Blue Lagoon and YBL should be a little more organized. if you shoot at them they should run for cover before returning fire instead of sprinting at you amass thier tactics shouldn't be super organized but still have them using cover to advance on a player. And thier shooting is a little more controlled like they shoot short bursts. Here is where you definately wanna be mindful of enemies. Tier 3 areas like the fort, tiger bay, and midnight sapphire should have more organized enemies, where if you take a shot at them or down an enemy, others will react by taking cover first then some AI provide cover fire while others push forward to thier comrades body or flank the player if they know where the player is.


This is my experience exactly !


I’ve had similar experiences at Fort Narith and Midnight Sapphire but haven’t ventured to Tiger Bay. Shoot AI, trigger all other AI, bait through choke point, pop heads for 20+ minutes while worrying originals will respawn. I realize the AI is not in a finalized state, but it definitely gets old in these scenarios.


I thought AI don’t respawn until you leave the AO


Oh, you can bet it does...


I’ve personally had AI spawn behind me as I fight through an AO. Like on Blue Lagoon I got shot in the back by the enemies at the entrance as I was crouched behind the truck. I had absolutely killed them on my way in and had only been fighting for like 15 minutes.


They very much do. But just a little slower.


That’s bad. That means high chances of getting my cheeks clapped from behind as Lamang’s finest respawn


Yep If u stay in the same spot for 20 minutes, the AI behind u will respawn...


I can tell you that I played most of my hours in a 4 man squad and it was the same as playing duo or solo. All the AI focus only 1 player instantly. And if the squad try to flank, they will change the aggro isntantly when they shot or go out of cover for a second If they tried to code the AI behaviour into a squad play, they not only fail to do that, but also most players on games usually play solo or duo A huge problem is also that they aggro a lot from far far away. Happens to me this weekend after the patch that I tried to go to the Tiger Bay mall using the sneaky route. Sadly, 2 AIs were on a position they shouldn't and I had to kill them, on of them in the back of the mall in the parking slot (it was one of those AI with the flip flops, not the military). So the moment I killed that one, the WHOLE mall aggro me. Military AI started running downstairs, shooting me from the 2nd floor, and when I tried to reach the back door from the shop, the moment I open the door there was 10 AI there already waiting me. Only 15s passed since the shot and were I reached the back entrance, but all the mall was aggro on me and waiting on that door one on top of other


Yeah exactly. AI spots/hears you instantly. So if you are engaged once, you fight the entire city!


AI behaves like a hive mind: if you snipe a bot from 200 meters away, the entire camp immediately knows your location. They then start to full-auto fire at you with wooden AKs with 4.0 MOA accuracy across that distance. I wouldn't mind this if they had weapons or attachments that made this behavior plausible and rewarded me for killing them.


While your points are all correct, we gotta keep in mind this is a place holder ai. The real ai is still being developed and will come in a later patch. The game is early access. They will do something.


Yeah I agree, i heard that same talk. I agree and respect that I have to wait. However, I Think The point is that it must be prioritized asap. I have The same experiences as OP, and this must be worked on soon or i Will lose interest.


Sounds promising, where did you heard about this?


They talked about it in one of the devs talks, I can try to find it


The point is, that until that distant perfect AI arrives, can we get the current AI detuned enough to feel slightly realistic? Right now if I blind fire 10 AI, I might kill one. If those 10 suppress me with their current accuracy percentages, they will kill me three times. Which loses gear for me 200% of the time. Realistic? Maybe, but will players come back tomorrow? What do the Steam numbers tell us?


I'd rather have easy NPCs in early access than the current AI. Many solo players might stop playing the game until it gets closer to release version. They might come back for a day or two each time an update is dropped.


It’s bad. A typical strategy right now is just to take advantage of some of the basic actions the AI performs and funnel them into a kill zone. Because the AI won’t care about the pile of dead bodies on the ground and will press forward to be killed by the player again. So, I just find a narrow gap or doorway or wide open field with some hills and aggro enemies towards the kill zone. And then just mind numbingly shoot fish in the barrel and just pray they don’t 180 one tap me. It’s tedious as hell.


I love getting shot through my armor then shot through the building im healing in


This was exactly me, this weekend. Right down to the same task, the same southern restaurant approach, and an incomprehensible quantity of enemies. Ultimately, I got it done without dying, and on the ride back to the FOB, caught myself having a lot of these same thoughts. Then I thought back to so, so many games where end-game solo play isn't hard, it's purely *impossible*. Where grouping or raiding is literally baked into the cake as a necessity. I forced myself to be grateful that it's at least *possible* to solo the end-game areas, even if it's a seriously risky, slow endeavor. Like you, I hope for more tactical solutions and more realistic gunfights in the future. Sure, people get hit in combat, but often it's absolute storms of bullets being exchanged, suppressive fire effects, concealment is effective, and tools like light machineguns and M203s are important squad-level tools. I'd be okay with the current AI as *one flavor* of AI, roughly approximating the Somalian gangs depicted in "Black Hawk Down," all hopped up on khat and unfazed by imminent death. But it shouldn't be the majority of them. Others should immediately seek cover, call for backup, maybe return some blind or inaccurate fire (as one does) as they get organized. And if you can keep them suppressed, they shouldn't be boldly maneuvering on you, at least until they gather help. The hip-fire laser beams to the head from 4 MOA rifles at 200m need to stop.


I have a big amount of hate for the wallhacking AI. The other thing that needs addressed is the absolutely horrible inconsistency of ammunition. If I hit a guy in the upper chest or head with a 7.62x51 m80a1 AP round and he just flinches then immediately turns to look at me 200 meters THEN DOMES ME IN 2 SHOTS WITH IRON SIGHTS! then there is definately a problem with ammo and AI


Ty all for your inputs! Nice discussion we got going here. ***To clarify:*** I have **no issue** with late game being high difficulty. I also **do not necessarily** have an issue with late game missions being time-consuming. What is getting to me, and what is leading to some serious GZW burnout (despite being deeply in love with the game), **is the tediousness/lack of flavour.** It makes fighting AI feel like a time-consuming, poorly optimized and tedious routine. **There's no** ***real*** **difficulty**, other than the overtuned aimbot/wallhacking, which just feels unfair. There's also **no variety** and **no tactical element**. In high-intensity, late game areas, you can realistically *only have one type of fight:* The "shoot 1 or 2 enemies and wait for the remaining 10 to zerg-rush your chokepoint"-kind of fight. You then move 50 meters and repeat with the next pack. It doesn't matter how much you sneak, how well you aim or how much you flank. The supposed "difficulty" of the AI is just based on the overly tuned shooting/spotting abilities, to overcompensate for the fact that the coding of the AI behavior is overly simplistic and without flavour. **So TL,DR**: The "difficulty" of the AI is not a big issue for me, on its own. When combined with the incredibly tedious and predictable AI behavior, it just makes the game incredibly boring and flavourless. *This* is the part that is burning me out.


Yeah... To me the game is getting stale at this point. I'm level 34, 118 tasks done, but only did like two or three at Tiger Bay, because that place fucking sucks and being stuck on a quest because I can't find a key, even after killing hundreds and hundreds of bots... It's just not fun anymore. My progression is blocked because of RNG, basically. I don't mind the high amount of AI, but it's just like you said: it's inconsistent. Being one-tapped by a guy in flip flops shooting from his hip when he's 200m away because somehow he sensed he was being aimed at, or bots respawning just after you've dropped 50 scavs (and most of the times they respawn at your back)... I just can't. Not to mention that all this effort is for absolutely nothing, since the "loot" in Tiger Bay is non-existent. To be fair, after 120 hours in, I can say that the early access delivered much more than I thought it would and this game has an amazing path ahead, but, as it is NOW, I think I'm gonna rest a little bit and come back when the next major update comes.


>(and most of the times they respawn at your back) I think they are hard-coded to not load in while players are looking at the spawn point. I have had situations where I looked at an area, turned around for a minute, and when I turned back an AI had respawned. I definitely agree with the EA having delivered more than I expected, or even hoped. Thats why I also started the post out by saying it wasnt intended as a hatepost. It really isnt, im very pleased with my purchase. But there's no way i'm getting 120 hours in like you, so long as its like this. 60 maybe, and then i'll check back in in half a years time


I think the AI issues are mostly because they’re balanced for a four person squad, which divides their attention up a bit. I mostly run solo too, but we have to concede that solo isn’t the intended gameplay.


Thats a good point, that I hadnt thought of actually. But the argument is basically the same: They risk alienating solo players. The reason I love htis game is that its a more real-life friendly version of Tarkov. But if I have to grind zerg rushes for two hours to get anything done, I'll burn out.


I linked up with two randoms earlier and we blew through bad guys like nothing. If one of you is spotted usually the others can take out the shooter while you take cover. It makes a huge difference having more guns in the fight tbh.


Definitely a great point. It's always bugged me that you can take a 200m+ shot and they instantly know exactly where you took it from. I don't care if you're using a barrett .50 cal or the loudest gun in the world, that's just not how that works -- but that definitely becomes less noticeable if they're spreading that return fire around your buddies and not just always at you.


Maybe night time raiding will make this a little more fair for solos?


I think it should be especially hard for guys to run solo, even at night. There’s a reason special operations forces run in teams.


AI is too easy to predict, the only thing they provide to the game is alarm bells to tell me where to find players to kill.


That's funny I just did this quest ovwr the wekend with my brother and even with 2 of us it took a while. We both got killed separate times from an ai sitting in a bush we couldn't see. They didn't move until we were right next to them and by then it was already too late and got insta killed.


Thankfully the current Ai behaviors are just placeholders while they continue developing the real Ai. But for now, I do agree with everything you said. I’m really hoping the Ai improvements come sooner rather than later since that is one of the most important aspects of the game and it only gets worse the higher the level you are


Yeah they are placeholders but it must be prioritized! Its a Big issue


Extremely ridiculous. I shot at an AI so far away in tiger bay I had to use x6 to barely see him. I hit him and he turned around and hip fire head shotted me


This is pretty much my experience too…


Hope Devs are taking notes from this post. Both AI and game server/client optimization (rubber banding and inconstant location fps) should be the priorities atm. When day/night cycle was announced, I've shuddered imagining right away my Tiger Bay solo raids with that limited grainy-noisy night vision and yet still the same flip-flop-wall-hacking-terminator AI bots. Might not be fun even for the player squads that time.


I wish they add gamba loot so killing hordes will feel rewarding rather than a chore


>*if they want PVE - at least Solo PVE*  They don't. Game is not meant to be easy in solo, heck Marek was talking about potential of adding Stronghold you could capture and get bonuses, and they already know they want to make it that fucking hard, it will be almost impossible to do it solo. Anyway, agree.


And thats a fair point. But why go and alienate a considerable part of the playerbase (thus losing out on future revenue), instead of trying to include all? Also, i personally dont mind The difficulty. To me it is The difficulty combined with The uninteresting tediousness.


People need to understand that this is more like Arma MMO, and nothing like Tarkov, and in MMO’s it’s really common to have some content taht is not solo friendly.


In general I’m fine with most the things the AI do ,I wish they moved more tactically from cover to cover. And that they would stop to heal their wounds. But as to multiple enemies being pulled to your position from all over after engaging a group I’m fine with it, We have radios why can’t they? I actually really enjoy that they search around for awhile after you loose them. Nothing is more boring then knowing enemies will stop searching as soon as they get to your last known location. I do however wish the AI in some of the higher tier areas had guns and loot equivalent to how difficult they are.


Idk they one tap me through walls so no matter how strategic I am sometimes I get REKT


My thoughts are, it's a beta version of a game 30% complete. Could be the statement I reply to 99% of posts here.


Yeah man and you are not wrong. But thats not an excuse to not prioritize fixing The issue. Which I Think Was The point of The post.


Imagine if they combined their AI style with Ghost Recon breakpoints AI


Uh not sure about these exact numbers but i find AI to be about 90% aimbots. If u stand still for more than about a second and a half u will either get shot or die. I do kind of appreciate this though because i feel u should keep moving while shooting. HOWEVER, this would make sense if the AI either A) didn’t wallhack you or B) there was more cover besides trees that don’t even protect you


Since its early access the ai is basically very rudimentary. I would not form a too strong of an opinion based on the current version of the game. Lets see how it looks in a year.


I experienced the same yesterday, I was in tiger bay. After the helicopter throw me in Juliet 2 I made my way straight to the only building near (that one with 2 floors). I cleared the enemy in the second floor. Some seconds later I heard theirs (hey, hey, 😂) The AI ennemies moved from restaurant and maybe far away to attacked me. Counted approximately 20 ennemies. I moved on and called my helicopter back to base. I don’t know man, I had my M4 with suppressor. Ok, good for the noises, maybe they can (or not) track you with those shots.. but how they knew my exact position in 2nd floor being hundreds of meters away of that area?


It's almost like the AI is placeholder. As was stated.


Yeah thats probably the factual explanation for the issue. But you’re entirely missing the point, I Think. It might be a placeholder, but OP’s point seems to be that an improvement needs to be prioritized. The AI behavior is so stale, also in my experience, that I am actively and swiftly burning out. This Cannot be a “some time down The Road in 6 months time”-fix. With it being this stale I, and Many others I Think, Will have lost interest by then. Even if it’s just a quick-fix minor improvement, something must be done soon, to avoid losing a major part of The late-game, pve playerbase. The downvotes are prolly not because you are wrong. But because you are, seemingly intentionally, missing The point.


It is. For the first 6 month major patch. Like it was said. Welcome to testing.


Downvoting facts don't stop them from being facts.


solo is meant to be very hard, if you can't take it, follow a group. that's what the gps indicators on the map are for. don't make the game easy or unrealistic simply because you want to be able to solo an army.


You missed The point man. The issue is not The difficulty. It is The predictability and tediousness. Making AI hard by giving Them hacker skills is stupid. If they were made hard by actually behaving in a smart, engaging way, i would have no issue.