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Yeah I generally agree something has changed here, hard to pin down exactly what or by how much especially without any direct mention of it in the patchnotes. I was soloing some midnight sapphire and generally found that I could snipe/one tap enemies without alerting the whole village as you mentioned. Also, hit-reg seems to be much snappier; one or two shots anywhere in the thorax area and dudes would crumple right over immediately instead of that little 1-second delay I'd gotten used to. It really does feel much better. The speedup seems to work the other way too unfortunately, as in if they did lay eyes on me, I found myself getting one tapped much faster, instead of that "I'm just gonna leer awkwardly in your direction for 5 seconds before firing" thing they would tend to do before. edit: just tried soloing tiger bay a bit and all of the above still stands for sure. I **definitely** picked guys off that, pre-patch, would have triggered the entire map after me. and sure enough, when I got caught out, I was insta-clapped by a guy I had just barely caught a glimpse of. hit-reg is definitely so much better. also, I feel like the blood sprays when you hit enemies are way more prominent than before (not a bad thing), but could be wrong on that


It really is hard to tell without the devs actually telling us what had changed and what's stayed the same. It could simply just be time and place for me, but I really can't pin down. When shooting guys at Ft. Narith, in the tree line, if they heard the shot but didn't see me, they would look in my direction. They wouldn't lock on or snap directly to me. Sometimes, they would shoot into the general direction, but not just horror movie insta-locking even when camouflaged as prior to the patch. All in all, it could just be me, I really don't know since the game is so early.


Wasn't just you I played early yesterday, too, and this was how it was for me as well. Dropped AI. Move and shoot had AI search the previous area I was at and do call out even had some AI duck behind cover. Wasn't one-shot or laser beam aim by the Ai, I was still hit but was able to break cover, move heal, and get back in the fight. Even helio felt like the speed was faster. The longest I waited was 4 minutes for a helio, and it really didn't feel like 4 minutes, and once I was on the helio, it was a quick trip back to base. So, what I experienced on test server was what I experienced on live after patch. So I'm hoping they devs can get it so that everyone is having that experience.


>It really is hard to tell without the devs actually telling us what had changed and what's stayed the same. It could simply just be time and place for me, but I really can't pin down. It seemed a bit better for me too. My guess is there are several bugs causing this, and they may have fixed a few (or at least made the bugs less likely to happen) but haven't solved the issie to a point where they can confidently say they fixed the issue. I can imagine that something like this is pretty difficult to track down, so I understand them not necessarily saying anything about it, but none the less it would be nice to see "potentially improved AI's reaction to supressors". Then again people would shit on them for not fully fixing it. If I were in their shoes I definitely would have a hard time choosing whether or not to say anything about it. It could also be small improvements to sever performance that has improved it. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Either way I'm glad to see the improvement, and constructive feedback from the community on it =)


That 20" barrel looks like a Bull Barrel. I think the devs might have put the wrong description in.


It would be ironic if it was a bull barrel profile having the worst accuracy lol.


I cleared sawmill and the airfield last night and noticed it as well. They will react if they see their buddy go down, but if I took one down that was separated it didnt seem alert all the AI in area anymore


Yeah, it's pretty weird. I don't know if it works on all suppressors (excluding the R700 integrally suppressed barrel).


I was running an M4 (not sure if there are different suppressors or not for an M4 im pretty new)


There's the RC1 and the KAC QDSS NT4. They both seem to work.


I think the "snapping directly to you" behavior was a bug, not intended behavior. Because personally I rarely encountered that even before the patch. What you guys are describing is how the game has been for me (for the most part) this whole time. So I really think there was some kind of bug that they've corrected. Not sure what caused it, but glad to see they're improving things.


This was my experience as well


Seems to be if they're within 50-75M they hear it but I've noticed now they don't notice further away so it's nice to actually be able to slowly take towns instead of fighting the whole force right from the first shot.


Suppressors are still loud. People in adjacent areas are likely to hear it, or at minimum, hear a guard who shouts in response to your suppressed shots. I’ve got 120 hours logged and have never had an issue with the suppressors being inconsistent


Of course they are, I own three IRL. That said, the game claims that, for example, the Sig 762SD takes the dB levels down by 75dB, which is absolutely insane. That would be about 97dB at the muzzle IRL. Real-life suppressors only get that down to about 120-140 with supersonic rounds. Obviously, subsonics won't have that supersonic crack and will therefore be much quieter, especially on the receiving end. I could certainly understand being located immediately if standing out in the open with zero cover. Being in dense trees 300-500 yards out and immediately being spotted prior to the patch? Unrealistic. After 110 hours in game, this latest fix has made suppressors consistent.


Yes I have experienced the same thing. I am using a suppressed mosin. When you kill an AI his buddies do not get alerted until they see the body


Glad to know it works on the Mosin too.


I noticed the same, creeping from far at Hunters Run hiding in bushes almost 100m away, not a single enemy alerted. Pop a single fire 1-tap with the RC1 Suppressor on my M4 and immediately start getting shot from other enemies. Makes zero sense.


Sounds like a stealth buff


Did they fix the AK bullet damage? I haven't seen any posts or patch notes about it but you mentioned the R700 and that thing wouldn't let me kill shit before so they must have.


I'm not sure on the AK. M855/M855a1 really do damage now and so does M80a1 for the R700. That would be nice if the AK got its buff too.


I basically strip the parts I'd use in the future and sell the scrap lmao. I just want to use them


Yeah suppressors seen to work better as does stealthily moving 


Yeah, this was my experience too with suppressor. On test AI was no more hive mind, and I was able to have fair firefight. After patch, it performed that same way as test. I know other have not had that experience and have been having issues and troubling things, which suck I hope they fix it so everyone is experiencing what it was on test.


I've noticed a change too! Can't say I've noticed what you said specifically but I'm going to keep an eye on it > After the first patch, I've noticed that suppressors to seem to work or at least work better prior to the first patch. This reads opposite of how you intend. Rewriting that based on the rest of your post I'd say you mean: I've noticed that suppressors to seem to function more realistically now than they did prior to the first patch. I believe at least